
Chapter 2 : The beginning of a strange life

When you wake up you see in the distance a wardrobe as well organized as when you had it in your old life. You feel like you were in your old life! But only one problem when you try to get up you notice that you have difficulty. In the distance you see two people who are big enough to have 10 times your new body

One of the two tall people is a tall woman who seems to be moving closer to you

Unknown woman - My darling look you are all wet! You're still drooling everywhere! You're not tired of it!

Unknown man - Honey stop shouting at him, he's still just a baby! You can't tell him things like this !

Unknown Woman- You are right!

Looking at you closer and pulling you closer to his shoulder.

Honey your mom is sorry for hurting you.

Unknown Man - Come darling, we're going to make food for our baby and for us! Put it on the bed.

Your Mother- Well here we go! See you soon my darling!

You look a little confused when you see your new mother and father leave the room. You walk over to the edge of the bed and head towards the bookcase that is in the corner of your room

Your thought- I have to go there to learn more about this world

You go at a speed that is still excessive in your opinion but still going fast and start reading a book that was at the bottom of the library.

The book was called "Power is the Foundation"

You read inside that the main power in this world is magic, a power divided into primary and secondary power.

The elemental powers are divided into 7: Fire, water, wind, thunder, earth, light, darkness

Then the secondary powers are divided into 8: electricity, metal, ice, magma, acid, life, death, nature.

All these powers are interconnected.

 You discover a page that intrigues you very quickly called "How to learn magic"

You can barely understand the content of the page then you see the system sheet that appears

Sheet- Secondary skill obtained: Literary interpretation/comprehension.

This will allow you to understand and deepen your knowledge in the works of the world

You see this skill and you are amazed but you notice a detail that when you see it. immediately annoys you "Level 1"

This means the skill is only level 1

You- This will make it easier for me to understand the books of this world.

You continue reading the page to learn magic and follow the instructions given on the page. You feel something within yourself... Some kind of power within you. A warmth invades you and you feel stronger.

You try to get up but can't yet. But in panic you hear footsteps coming towards your room you put the book away as much as you can and try to get on the bed but in vain.

She opens the door.

Mother- What are you doing on the floor my dear shouldn't you be on the bed how did you manage to fall?

She takes you in her arms and puts you back on the bed, she comes out of the room to get a pot to eat and a bottle.

You wait tenderly for the night. When it finally fell you heard your parents heading towards their room and going to bed.

You circulate your magical energy through your body and finally manage to get up and head towards the door of your room, also bringing the book you have in your library.

You tenderly open the door, trying not to make any noise. You manage to strut towards the front door you finally notice that this house is something, very luxurious and very large in size. You notice that the walls are decorated in marble with gold flakes.

You tenderly open the front door with your book still in hand, you then smell the fresh evening air and feel the grass beneath your feet, you walk tenderly on the grass softer than ever.

You apply the first principle written in the book "Increased Speed"

Sheet - Acquired secondary skill "Increased speed" Lv.2

This skill allows you to move at a speed that a human could never go but to reach it you must go to the maximum level.

You have level 2 since you have already learned to walk with magic

Acquired skill "Magical understanding" Lv.3

This skill gives you an increased understanding of magical reading and everything composed like wind or thunder.

This will allow you in the future to be able to read the magical composition of the elements.

You – That's good! I will finally be able to go faster and be able to learn better.

You then shout stats into the wind you then see a large digital sheet as large than yourself. You look at the sheet and summarize:

Name (of this world): Marc de vielle

Strength: 10 (average)

Speed: 10 (+4)

Defense: 2

Attack: 3

Magic: 11 (very high for a baby)

Competence acquired :

The Feet of Hell Lv.1

Literary interpretation/comprehension. Lv.2

"Increased speed" Lv.2

Magical Comprehension Lv.3

Mission [Obtain your memory fragments]

[Earn the respect of the human king]

System profile - Your stats are a little high since it's the first world but you will see that in certain worlds you are much weaker

In this world the "magic" category appears but will be replaced by something else if necessary. Good luck

The System Sheet disappears leaving you alone with your statistics. You consult them then remove it while shouting "stats close" you see it slowly closing in on itself.

You decide to go see the surrounding forest because you notice that now that the environment you have landed in is certainly a noble environment but with forest around.

You walk towards the gate and open it, you arrive at the entrance to the forest and enter, quietly entering the forest

A digital form appears out of nowhere

Sheet - Mission to beat 10 bears [Orange mission]

Reward: Your strength and defense will increase and you will have a magic dagger called "Sharp Dagger"

Failure: All your stats drop by 1 and you will not be able to move for the next three days.

Good luck.

You- another mission!*sigh*! Well I'm going to do it!

You head towards the middle of the forest coming across a cave filled with bears.