
{The Lost Legendary}

Leo arrived at the park for the ceremony thirty minutes early, which was just on time. The actual ceremony happened an hour after the kids put on their dodinium bands. Leo was handed his wristband after being verified by the cities representatives.

Leo examined his band. The strange qualities of it changed color depending on the holder, for Leo it was grey. After noticing that it was grey and that it just looked like a metal bracelet, Leo put it on, a bit disappointed. It didn't look special, like something that gave powers based on ancestry should've.

The band assimilated into his wrist, wobbling a bit. Information flooded Leo's mind. Info about his powers slammed into his head, making Leo feel dizzy. Vertigo aside, his skills were neat, looking like it had to do with space and it's mysteries. Leo understood that it was only half, so he wasn't overawed like many of the other kids, many of whom after merging with the band, knocked out on the ground. The vertigo was too intense for them.

Leo blinked, sucking in a cold breath. Letting it out only after sorting the information inside his head, by which then he was light headed. With a thought, Leo teleported a few feet to his left.

When an official who had taken a liking to Leo saw this, he immediately gasped, which drew the attention of his friends. He looked as Leo demonstrated more tricks, all the while his mouth was agape.

"Daniel, what's up? Why are you catching flies with your mouth?" One of his friends asked intrigued, "You keep looking like a ghost is haunting you!"

"Look at that kid there." He said pointing to Leo, "He has spatial powers..." When he said this, his friends looked at him like he had lost his marbles.

"Bro, that, is not funny. Not in the least!" One accused, "You know how much Don loved him! She went crazy when she found that out."

"I'm not joking Guy, look!" Daniel still pointing at Leo insisted, "In a few seconds he'll teleport!"

"Daniel, I'm sure you don't want to die!" Another friend said, "Please say it was a joke! Look! Here comes the Proctor!" As the friend said this, another staff member came over. He wondered what these guys were looking and pointing to.

The Proctor saw Daniel point at a kid, who was standing there with a determined look. There wasn't anything that stood out to him until he didn't see Leo. Proctor looked around, confused.

He finally spotted Leo a few feet away from his original position. Proctor's face paled, he understood why that staff member was scared, anyone who knew what had happened would be afraid.

Proctor sprinted over to Leo, causing the people around Daniel to question his sanity as well. It felt like everyone was going crazy. The Proctor reached Leo, yelling "Kid! Stop, stop, stop! What are you doing?? Do you want people to have a heart attack?!"

Leo, who, immersed in his newfound knowledge looked over at Proctor. He jumped in fright, teleporting behind Proctor accidentally. Proctor searched about, looking for Leo like a madman. When he spotted Leo behind him, he reached out to grab him.

Leo backed away from the crazy guy. Looking at that manic face, Leo started to run but got cut off before he could get anywhere.

"Kid, who are your parents?" Proctor asked red-faced, "Nevermind, don't joke with me about that, what's your name?"

"My name's Leo Proctor... Why do you ask?" Responded the still frightened Leo. When the staff heard this, they turned a different shade of pale.

Their faces pure white, they shook, their aghast expressions made Leo feel like he was a ghost. He checked his pulse, confused at the beating, he didn't pretend to know if he was alive or not.

"Proctor, am I alive? Why are you so alarmed?" He finally asked; the silence had been unbearable.

The staff didn't answer, each understood each other. Instead, Proctor and they rushed Leo to the stone, that would determine his rating.

"Boy, put your hand on the stone." The Proctor demanded, and when Leo didn't do as he asked, he begged, "Please! It pertains to our safety."

"Umm, okay." Leo finally consented, putting his hand upon the stone. The park was only now filling up with people. When the people saw that a kid was already awakening, many were outraged, "Why does he go first?" Yelled a noble, "My son was supposed to go first! We agreed to that right?"

As he finished, Leo put his hand upon the stone. A warm feeling spread throughout his body, many things happening that outsiders couldn't see.

"Hah! He isn't even awakening!" Screamed the noble, "You ***hats screwed u-" He suddenly stopped his rant, his face, along with many others, turned white.

Blacklight filled the bright sky, making the day become night. Leo seemed to disappear. A sonic boom crashed through the quiet park. Trees toppled over.

Leo, on the other hand, felt that he had fully awakened. He was in a dark space. A man appeared clad in a white-gold cloak. His face, obscured by his hood, a teardrop symbol on the crown of it.

The man spoke, his voice ringing through Leo's head.

"Leo, you're my last descendant, and your history is dark. When you see this, you will have awakened. Who I am, is what you should be asking. And I will say this. You already know who I am, You should feel that connection."

"Leo, you are now the sole protector of the human world. The way to get there is within my heritage, which I bestow upon you now." The man drifted away, fading away from the space.

His cloak stood aloft, floating towards Leo as if it had a mind of its own. Leo felt a connection, a familiarity similar to a pet. The cloak arrived in front of Leo, the last testament of that man.

The cloak had a name written on the inside, along with what seemed to be a motto. It read, "Jero The Lost Legendary, Legends never die." Leo looked at it, committing it to memory.

Touching the cloak, Leo felt a jolt. The wording changed. It read, "Leo The Last Legendary, Legends Never Die - They Live On Through The Ages."

Leo felt tears come to his eyes, not understanding why. He felt grief like no other. A family member had died, and with him, a legacy. Leo felt lost, looking at the void, causing it to embrace him.

Outside, everything had gone back to normal. Leo was nowhere around. The ceremony had ended, the day finished, everyone headed home. The Proctor and other staff waited patiently for nightfall.


Leo appeared before them, eyes red like he had been bawling.

"Leo, do you wish to see your grandmother and parents before you leave?" The Proctor gently asked, "We were scared of your grandma. She had gone crazy with grief because you and your sister disappeared."

"Fine." Huffed Leo, "I only do so because I have to. Let me say bye to Tig and Hana first." Saying this, he stalked off, heading home.

Wow, long chapter, took me an hour or so... Anyways, as always, vote, and comment! More chapters tomorrow!

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