
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

When your ex-girlfriend helps you pick a new girl

After slapping her, Lee looked at his hand and thought that he had slapped many people tonight.

The girl covered her face and stopped attacking all of a sudden. It was obvious that only her left cheek was hit, but her entire face was flushed red, and her breathing was very fast. She unnaturally brought her legs together and turned her head. Looking at Lee, her eyes had a strange light on them.

"Can we talk now?" Lee asked, the night was dark and he didn't notice her change of expression. Looking at her from this angle, he could see her black panties.

The girl stood up, rubbing her cheek, still reminiscing about the feeling just now. She couldn't help but wonder if she had some weird masochistic tendencies because, for some reason, the slap had actually felt kind of...good.

"Sorry about that," Lee said nonchalantly, "but you kind of left me no choice when you came at me with that pipe." He shrugged, He didn't feel guilty about slapping her. Who asked her to attack him suddenly?

"Sure, let's talk," the girl said, trying to keep her cool, despite her cheek still stinging and her heart racing. "But can you please not slap me again? I think one time was enough for tonight." She couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, trying to ease the tension. "And by the way, with the way you're dressed, it's hard not to mistake you for some kind of creep."

Lee couldn't help but laugh, "Fair enough. And to clear things up, I'm not a creep. Just a guy trying to do some good." With that, he removed his mask, revealing his true identity to her. He didn't mind showing her who he was, as long as his Gantz suit and powers remained hidden.

"You are Hiroshi-kun!" The girl exclaimed in surprise upon seeing Lee's face. She never would have thought she'd run into her schoolmate, especially since Lee was quite the popular guy at school with many girls swooning over him. She had heard about his parents' recent death and figured he would be taking some time off from school.

"That's me, and you are?" Lee was surprised that this beauty knew him because in the memory of the pathetic he didn't have any information on her, but she did look familiar. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her before.

"I'm Saeko Busujima. We went to the same school," Saeko replied, a hint of disappointment in her voice. She couldn't believe he didn't recognize her, as she was quite a well-known beauty and also the captain of the Kendo Club at their school.

"Oh, Busujima..-san! Of course, I remember now," Lee exclaimed, pretending to remember her. "How could I forget such a beautiful face? It's just that you look beautiful right now that I didn't recognize right away." Lee still couldn't get used to Japanese honorifics.

After hearing her name, Lee figured out why she looked familiar. In the past when he dated his thicc ex-girlfriend, she recommended him a manga and this girl was one of the characters in that manga. Inwardly, he thanked his ex-girlfriend for helping him pick up girls in this world.

Saeko is a beautiful girl with a striking appearance. Her shiny purple hair falls to her thighs, perfectly framing her face and complementing her blue eyes. She is tall for a Japanese girl, standing out in a crowd with her height. She has a voluptuous figure, with full breasts and wide hips that give her a feminine and alluring silhouette.

"Can you tell me what you were doing hiding?" Saeko asked Lee, her tone curious but also with a hint of suspicion. After all, she had made sure to clear the area before engaging the gang members, so she was surprised to see someone else there. She always tried to hide her bloody hobby from others.

"I was just passing by and saw you surrounded by those seven thugs," Lee explained with a nonchalant shrug. "At first, I was planning to step in and help, but after seeing your smile and how you were enjoying your time, I decided to watch the show," he said giving her a smirk.

Upon hearing him, Saeko felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked at Lee's smirk. It was as if he had uncovered a hidden part of her.

Lee strolled past her and approached the seven men lying on the ground. They were his precious guinea pigs. He couldn't waste them.

"Hey trash, if you want to keep your life, you better tell me where your trash friends hang out," Lee barked as he gave one of them a slap to wake him up. He wanted to get some information from him before using his powers on him. If he knew where they usually gather, it would save him the trouble of searching for them.

"Bastard! I will kill you!" The thug with his negative IQ, who didn't seem to understand the situation he was in, shouted at Lee and threatened him.

"Looks like you're still a little confused," Lee's face sank and the smile on his face disappeared. His expression turned cold as he stood up and applied pressure to the thug's face with his foot. "Let me help you wake up." In the face of the thug's agonizing cries, Lee continued kicking him with a smile. He felt like he was some second-generation villain from a cheap Chinese novel.

Saeko watched from the side, observing Lee. From the way he smiled as he stepped and kicked the gang members, she felt that he seemed to enjoy torturing this group. He must have done this sort of thing many times.

At this time, for the first time, Saeko felt that she was not the only one in the world with twisted sadistic hobbies. She felt that Lee was the same as her, someone with sadistic tendencies who enjoyed causing pain and having control over somebody's life. "You seem to be enjoying yourself" she softly said.

"Aren't you the same? Otherwise, you wouldn't be wandering around at night and provoking those trash," Lee smiled and said indifferently, "And don't even try to act like you don't get a kick out of it too. I saw the way you were smiling when you were hitting those guys," he added.

While reading the manga in the past, Lee felt that the way she always blamed herself was naive. Sure, she was a tad twisted in the head. But compared to some of the truly sick and twisted people out there, Saeko was pretty tame. Plus, she only went after criminals. Of course, the main point is that she is a beautiful woman and she can be forgiven.

"Have you ever thought that what you are doing is wrong and morally unacceptable in this society?" Listening to what he said, Saeko walked to him and asked him. She wasn't just asking him, but herself as well. These thoughts have been hunting her for a long time. This was the first time she wanted to talk about this with someone else.

Saeko always saw herself as a disgusting person unworthy of love. She also feared that if someone discovered her secret her social life would end. Japanese are famous for their sense of collective belonging. Someone like her would be rejected anywhere in the world, let alone in a conservative country like Japan.

***The sense of collective belonging means that everyone must be the same. Those who show differences will be rejected.***

"I'm different from you. I don't give a damn about what others think of me or my actions." Lee halted his actions, turning to Saeko with a stern expression. "I don't seek validation or approval from anyone! As long as I don't hurt innocent people, why should I care about what others think of me?" Obviously, he didn't actually like doing this, but he pretends to be someone who enjoys breaking people.

Lee didn't forget that his duty was to take care of beautiful ladies like her and prevent her from harming virgin boys.

For the first time, Saeko doubted her beliefs. For a long time, she thought that her actions were absolutely disgusting and intolerable. But hearing him say that, somewhere in her heart she felt a sense of relief. She always thought that she was the only one with this twisted hobby. However, seeing someone else with the same bizarre hobby made her feel less alone and more accepting of herself, and she began to accept herself without even realizing it.

Lee said he had to deal with these people, and asked her to wait if she wanted. And then dragged the seven thugs to a nearby public restroom. Using his powers, he made sure they wouldn't wake up for some time. His control was far from perfect, but it wouldn't kill them.

When he returned Saeko was still there. "I'm hungry. Do you want to grab something?" Lee asked. He went out before eating dinner.

Saeko nodded and offered to take him to a nearby ramen restaurant. Along the way, she kept asking questions like why he began doing this. What are his values, or how does he hold them?

Lee, of course, kept bullshiting her. He said that as long as he did not harm society. Then what he is doing isn't a sin. He also said it was indeed not acceptable to most people, but he did not care about the opinions of people who do not matter to him.

On the way, they kept talking and he also praised her skills saying her never seen someone who can beat so many people on their own.

She explained to him that she came from a samurai family, and followed her familial samurai lineage.

As they chatted, Saeko for the first time felt that she had found a confidant with whom she could share her most secret.

After eating, she asked Lee if they could meet again. Lee exchanged numbers with her and told her that he would come to this park every night, and they could meet if she is free.

After sending her away, Lee returned to the Public toilet to check on his cute guinea pigs. After confirming that no one was near, Lee with a grin began his experiments.

When someone asks:

Why do you torrent movies when you have Netflix and Prime

" " : You won't get it

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