
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

The correct way to help your aunt

In an old, dirty apartment, Tanaka and Takashi were sitting on the couch drinking beer and eating pizza while watching TV.

[I wrote these two characters based on a French short series called bloqués. I want them to be comedic relief. However, if you guys don't like them, I'll kill them in the next mission. Leave a comment here.]

"You know, the last time my girlfriend broke up with me?" Tanaka suddenly said.

Takashi: "Yeah?"

Tanaka: "I was so disgusted that I set her fridge to the hottest before leaving."

"And you what is the worst thing you did to your ex?"

"Just before leaving her apartment, I emptied my perfume in the washing machine so that my smell would follow her everywhere," Takashi replied.

"To make her jealous I put the picture of my new girlfriend in my profile," Tanaka said.

"But you don't have a new girlfriend."

"This is the trick, I put the picture of another ex."

"And your other ex, what does she think of it?"

"She's angry, bim two birds with one stone."

Tanaka: "I changed her keyboard to AZERTY"

"In her laptop, I shifted the subtitles to 4 sec"

Takashi: "I put her apartment on Airbnb"

"And did this make her feel disguised?"

"I don't know, you need to ask the 3 homeless people that will visit her this afternoon" Takashi shrugged.

Takashi "She asked me to return the thing she left at my house. So I brought everything two sizes up and gave it back to her. This way she would think that she had become fat."

Tanaka: "I inverted all her phone numbers. I put her father's number instead of her EX and I put her annoying coworker instead of her best friend, and I put my number instead of her favorite pizza shop because she doesn't like anchovies. It means that every time she orders a pizza I'll reply with an Italian accent and take the order and then call the pizza shop and order the same pizza but with anchovies."

Takashi: "I think the most terrible thing I did to my ex was to introduce you to her."

"Heh, this way I profit too, two birds with one stone." Tanaka chuckled dumbly.

"I made up my mind to be the best guy I could be, to make her regret losing me," Takashi stated confidently.

"And then?" Tanaka prompted.

"Well, for now, she just has average regrets," Takashi replied.


Lee woke up feeling refreshed around 9 AM. As he stretched his limbs, he headed to the bathroom for a warm shower. After freshening up, he stood in front of the mirror and took a careful look at himself.

Yesterday, during his experimentation with his abilities, Lee discovered another aspect of his power. The power is divided into two categories: permanent and temporary modifications.

Permanent modifications are capable of transforming the body up to its limited potential, but if it goes beyond that, the changes become temporary. For instance, if an individual has a body strength of 5 and a potential of 20, Lee can use his power to enhance their body strength to 20 permanently. However, if he tries to enhance it to 21, the change will only be temporary.

For instance, if he were to enhance the strength and durability of his muscles and bones, as long as it stays within his body's potential limits, the transformation would be permanent. On the other hand, if he attempted to make radical changes such as growing wings, or multiple limbs, heads, and dicks, those alterations would only be temporary.

The information was obtained after sacrificing three guinea pigs, including a female, and Lee felt deeply grateful for their sacrifice. (of course not, lol)

Lee utilized his powers to manipulate his body odor, transforming it into a pleasant fragrance.

He made permanent modifications to his body using his power the previous night.

"Good morning, Aunt Leonora." Leaving the shower he headed to the first floor and saw Leonora. "You seem quite busy with paperwork." Upon reaching the living room, he noticed her surrounded by piles of documents, focusing intently on her task.

"Good morning Lee, you surprised me," Aunt Leonora replied, looking up from her paperwork. "How did you sleep?"

"I don't see Alice, where did she go?" Lee hummed in response and asked because he didn't see Alice around.

He didn't forget the naughty girl who kissed him when he was asleep before she quietly slipped away from his room.

"Alice went to visit her cousin Erina this morning," Leonora replied, rubbing her tired eyes. "But she made sure to leave breakfast for you," she added with a smile.

Leonora had been working on a project since yesterday and had thought that delegating some tasks to her assistant would give her a break. However, she didn't expect them to screw everything up in a few days.

Lee assumed that Alice was probably feeling embarrassed about her actions this morning and decided to avoid him. He figured she would come back once she had settled down and realized that he was 'asleep' when she kissed him.

"Would you like a massage, Aunt? You look like you could use some relaxation," Lee offered, looking like he was concerned about her tired appearance.

"Really? Then I will trouble you," Leonora said, hearing him. She felt happy that Lee cared about her, as expected of her sister's son. He was so considerate she thought.

"Of course not, Aunt," Lee responded with a smile. "It would be my pleasure to help you relieve your tiredness. You've been working hard and you deserve a break." He asked her to lie down on her stomach on the couch.

Leonora nodded and placed the papers she had been holding onto the nearby table before settling onto the couch as asked. As Lee approached, Leonora noticed that he smelled incredibly good. The soothing aroma immediately made her feel relaxed and put her at ease.

Did he really want to give her a massage because he really felt that she was tired? Of course not! This is a rare opportunity for him to be alone with Leonora. How could he waste it on a simple massage?

Lee began to massage her starting with her back. As he did that he quietly used his power to slowly augment her sexual desires, and enhanced her sexual sensitivity.

At the same time, Lee manipulated Leonora's hormones to make her feel happy.

When you experience happiness, various regions of your brain become activated. The release of feel-good chemicals like dopamine and endorphins triggers positive emotions in the brain, particularly in the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system. This leads to a sense of well-being and pleasure. Additionally, certain areas of the brain, like the amygdala, responsible for processing emotions, become less active, leading to a reduction in negative emotions like fear and anxiety.

Yesterday, he learned how to manipulate nerves and hormones. He can now use his power to control someone's emotions for a period of time by manipulating their hormones.

He tried this trick yesterday on the only female guinea pig and she died from excessive orgasm. Her heart stopped after she orgasmed hundreds of times nonstop. She died blissfully. (He didn't have sex with her, but made her orgasm by just touching her skin.)

[Alright, we all know where this going to. Kids under 18 please leave, this is not for you. Or just fake your age.]

Feeling his touch Leonora became relaxed and at the same time she felt a little bit aroused.

Leonora was taken aback by the intense reaction she felt to Lee's touch. She couldn't believe that these desires she thought were long buried were resurfacing with such intensity. She thought that perhaps her pent-up desires might have been the cause of her strong response. However, instead of feeling ashamed of her reaction, she was inexplicably happy.

She hadn't had sex with her husband since she gave birth to Alice.

[47.2% of married couples in Japan are living a sexless life after giving birth to children. Hmm, so all the NTR plots make sense right now. lol]

Lee took a moment to appreciate her appearance. She was dressed in a delicate chiffon blouse and a form-fitting pencil skirt that showed off her stunning curves.

As he massaged her back Leonora let out a moan and closed her eyes, fully embracing the sensation of his touch.

Lee smirked and continued to increase the sensation. To be honest, he wasn't skilled at giving massages.

She moaned softly as the sensation grew stronger, her pussy twitching and her body involuntarily tensing with each touch from Lee. Leonora had never felt this way before and it was a strange but exciting feeling. She knew it was wrong, but it felt so right at the moment.

"Is the pressure okay?" Lee asked, feigning seriousness as he reached for her slender waist.

"Ahn! Yes, it feels great!" Leonora replied, trying to suppress her moans. Though she thought she should feel ashamed, at this moment, she only felt happiness and lust.

Lee became more daring and moved his hand down to her large ass. As an ass man, he has been thinking about ravaging her ass since he laid his eyes on them.

Even though his hands were getting lower and lower, she didn't care because she was in a state where she didn't want to lose this feeling.

Her pussy was flooding as she was nearing her orgasm. However, the moment she was about to orgasm, the sensation stopped.

'No! Don't stop!' She cried inwardly. As she was getting desperate, the sensation returned, this time stronger. Yet every time she approached her orgasm, the sensation would fade rapidly.

Her cunt was flopping yet she couldn't get her orgasm. Filled with frustration Leonora turned around and pushed Lee onto the couch. Her breasts were heaving, her eyes full of lust.

"Aunt, what are you doing?" Lee who is now under Leonora asked in confusion.

She whispered, "Lee-kun auntie needs your help." Leanora answered with a heavy breath and eyes that wished to devour him. At this moment she didn't view Lee as her sister's son but as a man.

With lust clouding her mind she kissed him passionately, and at that moment she forgot all sense of reason, shame, and fear. All she could feel was the moment, the heat, and desire. The only thing on her mind was to orgasm and the only one who could help her with that was Lee.

Lee tried to push her. "Aunt! This is wrong. We can't do this," he said, acting scared. If he accepted her advance directly, then after she recovered her sanity he would have to share the responsibility with her. However, if he acted as the 'victim' she would be guilty since she 'forced herself' on him.

"That's right I'm your aunt, that's why you need to help aunty relieve herself, right?" Leonora felt that it was completely reasonable for Lee to help her get her orgasm. They are family and they should help each other right?


Lee: "Ahhh Yamete Kudasai"

Leonora: "What the fuck was that?"

Lee: "Making my act more realistic?"

Leonora: "..."

Author: "..."


She grabbed his chin and kissed him again, her breasts pressed against his chest, her eyes full of lust and obsession. Her tongue invaded his mouth and her other hand moved to his now erected tool. She was surprised by his size. Her husband looked like a child in comparison.

'All according to Keikaku' At this moment Lee stopped pretending. It was her who made the first move and he tried to 'resist'. She's also an adult, he's just an underage kid.

He stood up making them switch positions so that she was beneath him and lifted her skirt with his hand revealing her wet black lace panties.

Leonora let out a soft cry when Lee moved, but she quickly recovered and opened her legs to make it easier for him.

With how wet her pussy is, foreplay isn't necessary, and Lee can't risk Alice blueballing him.

He grabbed his dick and slammed himself to the base inside her flooding pussy, "Ahn! so deep!" Her body jerked and twitched from pleasure as she orgasmed as soon as he was inside her. Earlier she nearly cum from a simple massage.

Lee didn't give her the chance to recover and kept thrusting harder. He would stir her womb every time his tool got inside her.

"Ahn! what ij thich Ahn! so good! I'm gonna die!!" Because of the continuous orgasm, she lost the ability to speak. The couch scraped against her fingers, and she let out an undisguised cry of pleasure.

The feeling of her inside being rammed again and again drove her crazy. The sex she had with her husband felt like a child's play compared to this.

"Argh! I'm coming!" She had a vice-like grip on him with her cunt and her legs snapped tightly around his hips. Feeling the pleasure building up, Lee didn't restrain himself and shot all his cum inside her.

"It's hot! Hot cum inside my womb!" Leonora orgasmed once again as she felt the hot liquid inside her reaching directly to her womb. 'Im sorry dear, I'm sorry for being such a bad wife'

After coming his dick remained erected and he continued to thrust his hips.

They didn't stop until Leonora passed out.

[I hate writing sex scenes.]


Lee gently carried Leonora to the bathroom and assisted her with cleaning up. Afterward, he took her to her bedroom and placed water by her bedside for her to drink if she woke up feeling thirsty.

After taking care of Leonora, he headed to the gym. Normally, when someone has a sexual experience, their testosterone drops for a while. But that doesn't apply to him. He can always raise his testosterone level.