
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Shit escalated quickly

This is yesterday's chapter. Todays's will be coming later.


No automobile, whether a sports car or a motorcycle, could compare to the freedom of moving through the city. For Lee, jumping from buildings added an entirely new level of excitement, far surpassing any other mode of transportation.

Lee arrived at the park and saw Saeko already there, waiting for him. "Busujima-san, sorry for keeping you waiting. Had a little thing come up at home," he said, offering an apology even though he didn't particularly mind making her wait.

"Hey, no worries, I just got here myself, and you can just call me by my name," Saeko replied with a smile. She felt Lee was more attractive than yesterday for some reason. She might be imagining things.

"Alright then Saeko-san, you can also call me Lee. I feel like we are on a date, haha," Lee joked. He wanted to see her reaction. What happened this morning reminded Lee of one thing. He has been doing things on the basis that he is still his old self, an average-looking man with a modest salary.

The current him, however, is an extremely charming young man especially after he enhanced his look this morning. Most women would kill to spend a night with him, so he didn't need to try hard when seducing women, he just had to act nicely.

Few smart asses would say, hey author you said that Lee was talented, then why did he end up working as a corporate slave trapped in the matrix?

Because of his older brother's care. Every time Lee attempted to start a business, some 'incident' happened preventing him from growing his business. And larger companies wouldn't even consider him for employment. After several failed attempts, Lee reluctantly decided to take a job at a small tech firm.

"You are right, the way we talk now feels like we are on a date," Saeko said trying to keep her smile. Hearing what he said for some reason made her imagination run wild.

"Since you have been doing this, it's up to you to guide us where we should begin with. " Lee said with a smile. Hiding his smirk, he thought that girls like her were cute.

"Looks like you have more experience with this, so why don't you take the lead and show us where we should start?" Lee said with a smile, trying to hide his amusement. He secretly found it cute how she becomes flustered from teasing her a bit.

Saeko agreed, nodding her head. This was her first time going on a 'hunt' with someone else and it was definitely a different experience compared to going solo.

With Saeko taking charge, the two of them set off toward the known hangout spots of the gangs. With her prior experience, Saeko was well-versed in where these groups typically gather.


Under a random bridge.

The green-haired mob was having the worst day of his life. This morning he and his friends got beaten by a kid, and upon seeking help from his boss, he found him fucking his girlfriend.

No wonder why his girlfriend told him that green suited him best.

He felt helpless, unable to take any action, and was forced to express gratitude to his boss for 'taking care of' his girlfriend.

As he waited for his chance to take out his frustration on their new 'victims', he noticed two individuals approaching him. Upon seeing the female among them, he believed that Lady Luck had pitied him and sent him a new toy to play with. His tiny brain filtered Lee.

As he saw the two people approaching, he grabbed a knife and charged toward them. But as soon as he got a clear look at Lee, his bird brain finally reacted and muttered to himself, "Oh, shit!"

"Ah, Green Mob, it's you again. You seem healthy. How about I help you relax your bones?" Lee was surprised to see this guy here. This morning he felt pity for letting go of such a fine guinea pig.

He looked down at the green-haired mobster. At 190cm tall, Lee towered over the less than 170cm green-haired thug, so he had to lower his head if he wanted to talk to him.

Asian people are generally short, just like their dicks.

[That was racist I know, but it's just a joke. Don't take it seriously. Even though it's a fact. lol]

[If you are not Asian and get offended then go fuck yourself.]

"Do you know him?" Saeko asked. From the conversation, it seems they are familiar with each other.

"Yes, this guy ruined my date this morning," Lee said while smiling at her. For some reason, he wanted to see her face change into different expressions. Maybe because she always kept her composure?

"A date? You are dating someone?" Saeko exclaimed in surprise and then disappointment. She didn't know why, but her heart hurt when she thought about him dating someone.

"Well, you can't expect someone like me to lack a partner right?" Lee replied narcissistically. What he is saying is the truth, it's just that the pathetic was a massive beta who couldn't grow balls.

"But... but, I never heard of you dating anyone at school," Saeko said, still reeling from shock. Nearly all the girls at school dreamed of dating him, however, they were all met with rejection.

"I don't like dating immature girls like them," Lee looked at her and said indifferently. He then added with a smile, "Of course, you are different".

"..." Saeko was momentarily stunned by what she heard and the smile on Lee's face. For a moment, her imagination ran wild, envisioning scenes from popular Shoujo manga stories.

"Aghh! Don't underestimate me!" The cuckold oops, I mean the green-haired mob felt humiliated, seeing the two flirt while ignoring him. His tiny brain forgot the fact that Lee sent him flying with a slap this morning. In a fit of rage, he lunged forward with his knife and stabbed Lee.

"Oh, I almost forgot you were still here," Lee dismissed the green-haired mob with a nonchalant attitude. With a swift movement, he sent him flying again with a slap.

"Saeko-san, the nuisance is gone, so let's move on?... Saeko-san! Are you there?" Lee said, giving her a gentle nudge. He was surprised to see Saeko still standing there, her face red as a tomato.

"Oh, right! Sorry about that." After hearing Lee's voice Saeko recovered from her reveries. "Let's go, I'm ready now." She tried to compose herself, but the embarrassing thoughts that had taken over her mind moments before still lingered.

As they made their way under the bridge, they were surprised to find that no one seemed to take notice of them, their attention fully absorbed in something else. It was dark and Lee couldn't see clearly what they were doing. He still couldn't enhance his sensory abilities yet.

"Ah!" When they got closer, Saeko let out a cry when she saw the scene in front of her.

There were 12 or 13 men surrounding two girls and taking turns raping them.

The green-haired mob's girlfriend lured the two girls to this location. This is her scheme. She gains the trust of young women and brings them to pre-arranged locations.

[It turned dark too quickly right? What do you expect gangs to do?]

"Haha, look what we have here, another toy, and of higher quality" Saeko's voice attracted the group of men's attention.

Mob B: "Haha, she's got big boobs!"

Mob C: "She got a nice ass too. I bet it would feel pretty sweet fucking her from behind"

Mob D: "The kid is also pretty cute. I bet he would feel great too"

Mob E: "..."

Mob F: "..."

Lee: "..."

Saeko: "..."


Saeko paid no heed to the insults and vulgarities hurled by the mob. Her eyes blazing with anger, she grabbed her wooden sword and charged toward the mobs.

Lee on the other hand didn't feel much when he saw the scene.

Did you expect him to act like a Shounen manga protagonist and charge angrily? This was within his expectations. The way they targeted him and Alice this morning obviously wasn't the first time they did this.

Saeko approached the group of men with a determined look in her eyes, her wooden sword held firmly in her grip. The men laughed at the sight of her.

She moved with lightning speed, her wooden sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. The men tried to surround her, but she was too quick for them. She danced around them, each strike of her sword sending them kissing the ground.

"Argh!" One of the men tried to grab her from behind, but she spun around and delivered a powerful kick that sent him flying backward.

"Bitch! Fuck her! Argh!" Another man came at her with a knife, but she dodged his attacks and countered with a swift strike of her sword on his head knocking him unconscious.

Finally, with a final flourish of her sword, she dispatched the last of the attackers. Although the ground was littered with their bodies, she didn't stop. Instead, "Please forgive me! Argh!" she walked toward the man who was raping one of the girls. The mob pleaded but Saeko didn't seem to be able to hear him. And with her wooden sword, she struck him on the head. The man twitched a few times and finally stopped moving.