
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Finally! this mission ended

Seeing the two men being chased by the rat, Lee quickly pulled Akane behind the buildings.

"Come on, let's use those two as a distraction and take down the rat," Lee whispered to Akane as they hid behind a building. A similar tactic had worked before, and he wanted to try it again.

Akane nodded, understanding the plan. The teenager followed them, still in shock over the loss of her family. Meanwhile, the mama boy was nowhere to be seen, likely hiding somewhere and using the two men as bait.

"I don't want to die, my harem dream!" Tanaka cried out in despair as the alien rat closed in, slashing at him with its claw.

Tanaka rolled on the ground and barely dodged the attack, Takashi was too scared he didn't care about his friend and ran as fast as he could.

Lee saw the rat focusing on the fat guy and was about to make his move. However, at that moment, the rat's back exploded, and it fell to the ground, struggling and screeching. More explosions followed, bombarding the rat until it stopped moving.

The invisible mother boy appeared, holding a rifle in his hand.

"You short piece of shit!" Tanaka shouted as he caught his breath, "You used us as bait!".

"Yeah, but I also saved your lives," the kid, Nishi, said with a smirk. He held the X-shotgun in his hand.

"You could have warned us!" Takashi exclaimed, still trying to catch his breath.

"Where's the fun in that?" Nishi shrugged, a hint of a smile still on his face. "Besides, you would have done the same thing if you were in my position."

The teenager, who had been hiding behind the buildings, emerged from her hiding spot, her eyes wide with shock and fear as she took in the scene.

Lee and Akane also came out of hiding, watching the scene with complicated emotions.

"You guys are the ones who killed the other aliens, right?" Nishi asked Lee and Akane. He didn't expect anyone to kill any of the aliens. It had been a long time since anyone had taken the initiative to hunt aliens. Most people didn't take this seriously and died as a result.

"Where were you? How did you suddenly appear?" Akane asked the mama boy. She remembered Lee warning her that this kid was dangerous. Fortunately, she listened to his advice at that time.

"Close by. This rat has a sharp sense, so I needed some distraction." said the mama boy, glancing at the two men. He didn't hide the fact that he used them as bait. "This device here can alter someone's frequency, making them invisible to those on different frequencies," he added, pointing to the controller in Lee's hand. He was in a pleasant mood and was willing to help them, feeling that this couple may help him in the future.

Lee examined the controller, realizing that he had forgotten about this function in the heat of the moment. It would have saved him a lot of trouble had he remembered it earlier. He wouldn't have had to fight so hard against the bulky rat alien.

"You seem to know something. Do you know what it's all about?" Takashi asked as he helped Tanaka stand up. From the way this kid tricked them, it doesn't seem to be the first time he did this.

"I don't know everything, but I know a lot more than you guys." Nishi glanced at everyone present and replied, it's been a long time since someone survived a hunt, he was a little lonely and didn't mind chatting with them.

"What's going to happen after this?" Akane asked the most critical question. She wanted to leave this place and spend time with her Lee-kun.

"We will be sent back to the room and then you will be free to go home," Nishi replied calmly.

"We can go home?!" Tanaka asked in disbelief.

"You mean we aren't dead and we can go home?" Akane asked in surprise, gripping Lee's hand tightly.

"You are alive, just wait for a little and you'll understand," Nishi said as he checked his controller.

"Lee-kun, we'll be able to go home!" Akane looked at Lee and said excitedly. Even though Lee assured her several times, she always believed he was comforting her.

"Yeah." Lee nodded calmly. He already knew that.

"What about the people who died?" The teen girl who was silent the whole time asked.

"They are already dead, only living people return to the room." Nishi shattered the little girl's naive illusion. As he spoke, he began to disappear as the teleportation process started. "Well, see you soon," he said, waving at them before he was teleported away.

"See you soon, Lee," Akane said with a smile as she too was teleported away. She waved at Lee as she disappeared.

Soon everyone was teleported.

"Argh, argh," In the street, Narumi Kanai was lying on the ground twisting in pain, suddenly his head exploded.

"Lee-kun" As soon as Lee appeared in the room, Akane threw herself at him, her embrace tighter than usual. The kiss they shared earlier had made her more bold and clingy.

"I didn't go anywhere, don't make a fuss," Lee smiled and patted her head gently. He felt her soft breasts pressed against his arm and couldn't help but think that she was being overly dramatic.

While the mission was dangerous, Lee knew that it wasn't a fatal threat to him.

If the plot before the Buddhist temple alien mission remained the same, he was confident he could handle future missions with ease. This realization brought a sense of relief to him.

He can take his time to train his control over his power.

'Is it possible that he didn't make it?' Lee scanned the room silently, looking for the missing cuckold. Everyone else was present, but there was no sign of him. Lee felt pity not being able to see him. He wanted to squeeze out his value before getting rid of him.

Tanaka and Takashi looked at Gantz this time more seriously, while the teen girl stood silently behind Akane.

"What going to happen now?" Akane asked, looking at Nishi.

"Hey, we're back, start the points tallying." The mama boy asked Gantz to start counting the points.

«Timɘ to ƨharɘ thɘ pointƨ». A row of words was shown in response to Nishi.

"Gantz is going to start handing out points," Nishi explained to everyone.

"Gantz?" Tanaka asked

"Yeah Gantz, that's the name of this lazy thing" Nishi looked at Gantz.

"Is that the ball's name? Did you name it?" Takashi looked at the ball and asked Nishi. Although this kid is hateful, he still needs information from him.

"No, it's always been called that." The mama boy answered him.

"What is it supposed to be scoring us for?" Akane asked.

"To leave this place, you need to score 100 points," Nishi explained, noticing the confusion on their faces.

In the manga, because Kato was angry at him, Nishi didn't want to explain anything to Kurono and Kato.

"You're telling us that we're really alive? And why couldn't people outside see us?" Takashi asked, still struggling to process the reality of the situation.

"You were not dead, you were saved before death and brought here," Nishi explained, giving them the truth.

At that moment, Tanaka's picture appeared on the screen with the caption "Meatball"


0 points

-Too much thinking about isekai harem. You're too slow, you need to lose weight.

"Too much thinking about isekai harem?" Lee couldn't help but chuckle at the nickname, but he tried to maintain a straight face.

"Meatball, huh? Ahaha, that's the same nickname you had in junior high, isn't it?" Takashi exclaimed as he playfully patted Tanaka on the shoulder.

"I'm not fat, these are muscles!" Tanaka exclaimed, slapping Takashi's hand away in frustration. "I got 0 points? I ran more than I ever have in my life and didn't get any points for it?"

The picture on Gantz changed to Takashi's picture.

Mr. virgin:

O points

-Grow some balls damn!

"Mr. virgin? You are actually a virgin! Ahaha!" It was Tanaka's turn to pat Takashi on the shoulder,"Keep up the hard work bro, in two years you can become a wizard"

"That's a lie! I'm not a virgin!" Takashi explained quickly. He didn't expect his secret to be exposed.

The others looked at him with a strange expression.

The image on the Gantz screen shifted to display Akane.

Immoral teacher:

0 points

-You spend too much time staring at your student Lee. Do you want to fuck him that much?

"Immoral teacher?" Akane exclaimed after seeing her nickname.

Lee looked at Akane. He knew that she had got this nickname not because she wanted to fuck him, but because of what she did in the past.

Akane felt her cheeks flush under the gaze of everyone present and she instinctively hid behind Lee.

The image on the screen shifted again to display Lee.

Mr. Lee

25 points

Total 25 points

75 more till you are done

"Wow, 25 points, Lee-kun! You truly are incredible," Akane exclaimed in admiration as she looked at Lee's score. Everyone else had scored 0, but her Lee-kun managed to get 25 points.

"I don't understand, why did you get 25 points while we got 0?" Takashi asked Lee, a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Lee replied with a shrug. "I killed two aliens while you were busy running around. That's probably why I got the extra points."

"If you want to get points you need to kill the targets" Nishi added from the side,

This time Nishi's image was displayed.


15 points

Total points 87

13 more till you are done.