
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Don't try novel's cliché in real life

Note: This is 2 chapters in 1, to compensate for yesterday's


It was past 3 in the morning when Lee returned. Then he changed his clothes and put the Gantz suit and x-gun in the safe.

He was feeling pretty mentally drained from tonight's experiments, so he headed straight to bed to crash.

After waking up at 7 AM, Lee felt surprisingly energized despite only getting a few hours of sleep. He decided to freshen up and take a shower. His room is connected to the shower on the second floor.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, Lee couldn't help but acknowledge that he had a pretty good body and appearance. He would have given himself a solid 95 out of 100.

The pathetic was a lucky bastard but he didn't appreciate his life.

But Lee wasn't satisfied. He wanted at least 99-100.

He used his power to increase his height to 190 cm. After the sacrifice of 9 guinea pigs, Lee has better control over his power. As a result, changing his body is easy for him. He had considered raising his height to 195 cm, but he knew it would look suspicious to anyone with a working brain.

Next, he used his power to shape his body to be more aesthetically pleasing, reducing his body fat to 6% and sculpting his muscles to give him a more defined look. He also removed the baby fat from his face and sharpened his jawline. Now, if he were to wear a suit, no one would believe he was only 17 years old.

Finally, Lee focused on the most critical part. He wasn't satisfied with just 8.5 inches. In his past life, his tool was 10 inches, so he increased his length to 12 inches. If he were to increase his size more he wouldn't be able to walk normally.


As Alice walked out of the villa's basement gym, beads of sweat trickled down her forehead. She had planned to take a shower on the first floor, but her mother was already using it. So, she decided to head to the second floor instead. Even though she knew that the bathroom on that floor was typically used by Lee, she was too lazy to trek up to the third floor.

Alice pushed the door open with a bang! And saw Lee taking a shower. Lee didn't have the habit of closing the bathroom door because he used to live alone. Even when someone came to his house she usually took a shower with him.

Stunned, Alice stared blankly at Lee's naked body, especially the big thing dangling between his legs, not knowing what to do.

'Sorry but I'm not Yuuki Rito,' Lee on the other hand was thinking about how to make use of this. In the end, he covered his body parts and yelled, "Pervert! Get out!"

His voice seemed to snap Alice out of her daze. She turned around mechanically and walked silently until she left the corridor, and then ran away.

Seeing her running stiffly like that, Lee burst into laughter, and couldn't help but think that it was quite comical. He shook his head, still chuckling to himself, and finished his shower before getting dressed and heading downstairs

"Good morning aunt Leonora, you look beautiful today." In the living room, Lee saw Leonora, wearing a lace pajama showing off her ample breasts and straight white legs. Her hair is still wet, so she probably just took a shower.

His eyes stayed on her for a while, feeling his throat dry. Leonora is the most attractive woman he's ever seen in this world. He liked mature women like her. However, it would be difficult for him. If he were to use normal means to get with her. This is because she has a husband and is also a blood relative.

Of course, the fact that she is his blood relative is just a bonus.

"Ara~ good morning, did you have a comfortable sleep?" Leonora smiled gently at Lee, unaware of the nefarious thought her innocent-looking nephew is having toward her. She thought that he looked different, but couldn't explain what was different. Maybe he lost some weight? Poor Lee-kun. His parent's deaths affected him too much. She affirmed her resolve to make him happy.

"Where is Alice?" Lee asked. He looked around and didn't find his busty cousin, he thought that she might be in the kitchen. Leonora told him that she was in her room.

Lee figured that Alice must be feeling a bit embarrassed after what happened. He nodded and told Leonora he would look for her. Alice's room was on the first floor. Since she moved to Japan from Denmark, she had spent a lot of time visiting his family and playing with him, so she had pretty much claimed a room as her own in the house.

"Alice, you there? If you don't open the door, I'm gonna come in," Lee knocked on the door, but there was no response, so he opened the door and walked inside.

"Bastard! this is my room get out!" As he entered the room he was met with a flying pillow.

"This is my house, I can go wherever I want." Lee leisurely caught the pillow and threw it back at her. After grabbing a chair, he sat beside her bed.

As Alice covered herself with the quilt, she said, "Get out! I don't want to talk to you." She may be bold usually, but she is still a little girl, so she was too embarrassed to talk to him after what happened.

"Hey, it should be me who is making this fuss. You saw my naked body. I won't be able to marry in the future," Lee acted like he had lost his most precious thing.

"If you don't get up from the bed, your mom will suspect something. Do you want her to know that you are a pervert who can't resist peeking at her incredibly handsome cousin?" He saw that she didn't react, so he decided to threaten her.

"Hmph, who would think that you are handsome? and If you tell mom anything, I will make you pay!" Alice removed the quilt after hearing him. She didn't want her mom to know what had happened. Showing her canines, she warned Lee.

She admits that he is indeed handsome but she would never satisfy his vanity.

"Ok, I'm not that bored to tell your mom, hurry up and get up, I'm hungry," Lee petted her head and decided to stop teasing her lest she would hide again.

Alice remained silent. His hand petting her head felt pretty comfortable.

"In fact, you don't have to be this embarrassed. We used to bathe together often a few years ago." Lee saw that she was silent. He thought that she was still embarrassed and decided to comfort her a bit.

"But it wasn't that big at that point." With her head down, Alice murmured in a low voice. She habitually up her head on his lap.

"Hmm, did you say something?" Lee asked, unable to make out what she said. Her hair felt pretty pleasant to touch, he thought.'Pathetic guy, you can rest in peace. I will 'take care' of your aunt and cousin'.

"No..nothing! hey, can I ask you something?" Alice hurriedly shook her head, enjoying his touch. It's been a while since she laid down like this.

"Sure, what do you want to ask?" Lee replied that he did not mind answering her questions.

"Are..are all men this big?" Alice was silent for a while, before asking him the question that had hunted her since she saw him naked.

"What do you mean?" Lee asked, not quite understanding what she meant.

"Are all men this big?" Alice got up from his lap and pointed at his crotch area.

"How can you ask something like this? Are you a pervert?" Lee was speechless and hit her with a head chop. The pleasant atmosphere was destroyed by her question.

"Outch! bastard why did you hit me?" Alice rubbed her head. She was just curious. The textbooks showed that men are smaller than what she saw.

"Hurry up let's go, your mom is waiting," Lee ignored her complaints, and told her to get up.

The ramen he ate last night made him understand that he really couldn't eat normal food again.

In order to satisfy his stomach, he must make Alice his girlfriend and exclusive chief.

When Alice was dragged by Lee to the living room. Leonora had already prepared breakfast. Although she is the Research Division Head of Nakiri International her cooking skills are still quite impressive.

[I don't know if she can cook in the anime/manga, so don't sweat the details.]

"Aunt, is it okay for you to stay here for a long time and ignore your work?" Lee asked while eating since her attitude was that of planning for a long stay. From what he knew, Leonora is usually a pretty busy person.

"I already handled all my work before coming to Japan, or you don't want auntie to accompany you?" Leonora replied with a smile as she put more food on his plate, saying that he had lost weight recently and should eat more.

"Of course not! Auntie is so pretty that if you weren't my aunt, I would have fallen in love with you." Lee replied smoothly. In fact, he indeed didn't want her to live with him, because this restricted his movements, and he didn't like sneaking around every night. "I was just worried that you might delay your work for me" he added.

"Ara~ you are such a smooth talker, I might fall for your tricks if I were younger" Leonora chuckled with her hand on her cheek, saying that Lee will be a man who will break many women's hearts.

[Am I the only one who feels this shit is so cringy?]

"Stop flirting with mom! It's disgusting." Watching them from the side, Alice felt like throwing up.

"Kids these days don't understand what table manners are." Seeing her like this, Lee with a smirk on his face shook his head and started lecturing her like an adult teaching a kid.

"Bastard!" Alice was so angry that she stretched out her foot and kicked Lee under the table.

A motherly smile spread across Leonora's face as she watched the two bicker. 'It would be nice if they ended up together,' she thought. 'That way I could be sure my sister's child would be well taken care of.'

After eating, Lee plopped down on the couch and started flipping through the channels. Not much on TV in this era that's worth watching.

"Why does it feel like you are different today?" Alice asked while sitting on the sofa with her long legs raised high on the coffee table, eating potato chips.

Lee grabbed Alice's potato chips and said, "How do I know? Maybe I become more handsome?"

Alice yelled, "Give me back my potato chips!". Lee really didn't want to give the potato chips to her and said, you are a well-known cook and you must keep in proper shape.

And Alice said that it was rare for her to rest at home for a few days. What are you farting, return the potato chips to me quickly.

So the two got entangled like this. After all, it was not the first time, during which Lee felt Alice's figure rubbing against him. Lee returned the potato chips to her in the end and they continued to watch boring news on TV. Honestly, there is nothing entertaining to do in this era, no video games or movies, and computers are largely obsolete. At most, they can play old games with terrible graphics.

"Ugh, this is so boring," Alice groaned after a few minutes of news. "Let's go do something, Lee-nii." There are many other things she enjoys doing, like cooking but she wanted to spend more time with Lee.

Lee thought for a sec, then nodded. He'd only been in this world for a couple of days and hadn't really gotten out and explored yet. Plus, he needed some new clothes. The pathetic guy's clothes are too nerdy for his taste.

Hearing that they would go shopping, Alice excitedly rushed to her room to change her clothes.


Lee strolled into the garage, taking in all the fancy rides, Ferraris, McLarens, Porsches, Rolls Royces, and more. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing they were all his. As he made his way to the back of the garage, his eyes landed on a row of five sweet-looking superbikes, and without hesitation, he picked the baddest of them all, a shiny black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6. He considered taking one of the cars for a spin, but then remembered he didn't have a license yet. Oh well, the bike will have to do for now.

Girls take a long time to prepare. After waiting for about forty-five minutes, Alice finally appeared, wearing an off-the-shoulder knitted sweater and hotpants. Showing off her white long legs.

"Girl, it's taking you forever to get ready." Lee said with a roll of his eyes as Alice finally appeared, "And you're gonna freeze in that outfit."

"Are we riding this?" Alice asked, a hint of doubt in her voice as she eyed the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6. "You sure you can handle it, nerd?"

Lee just chuckled and replied, "Climb on or walk, your choice." He knew he was about to show her what he's made of. It is true that the pathetic can't even ride a three-wheeled bike, but he was different.

"Fine, fine, I'll ride with you," Alice reluctantly agreed, hopping on the back of the bike.

As Lee revved up the engine, they took off, leaving the garage and the house behind. Alice wrapped her arms around Lee's waist as they zoomed through the streets, the wind whipping through their hair.

As her soft breasts pressed against his back, he felt that choosing to ride a bike was the right choice. The cars flashed past Lee as he accelerated.

On Tokyo's crowded streets, sports cars are dull and uninteresting. On a motorcycle, however, riding in and out of traffic while feeling the wind rush through your hair is a thrilling experience.

Alice clung on tight, her skepticism quickly turning to exhilaration. "This is amazing!" she shouted over the roar of the engine.

Lee grinned, feeling the rush of adrenaline as they weaved through the streets, dodging cars and pedestrians.


The bike quickly drove to the entrance of the shopping mall. Alice let out a whoop of excitement and high-fived Lee. "This was amazing! Let's do it again sometime," she exclaimed excitedly. She liked the feeling of wind on her skin.

Lee parked the motorcycle, and then went in for a stroll with Alice. Although it wasn't the busiest time the shopping mall was crowded with people

As they strolled through the mall, Lee playfully suggested that if she cooked for him every day, he would consider taking her for a ride on his motorcycle more often. He didn't forget about securing his exclusive chef.

Alice blushed as she heard his request. He asked her to cook for him every day, could it be a confession? No, what should she do? Accept? However, if she accepts, would this mean...

Strolling on the Mall, Lee's tall frame and Alice's white skin were eyes catching they look like a couple on a date. Of course, anyone who noticed their matching eyes may think that they are siblings.

The first stop was the Louis Vuitton store.

"Welcome." The clerk immediately welcomed the two with a 90° bow upon seeing them enter the door.

Lee told the clerk his requirements, and the clerk quickly brought him to the right men's clothing. Men tend to choose clothes faster than women, so he picked out three sets and gave the store his address for them to be sent to his house before leaving the shop. He also visited other high-end shops like Gucci and Prada. A total of more than 50,000 dollars was spent on suits, casual wear, and other items.

Lee noticed that Alice didn't seem to be interested in shopping and was a bit distracted. He offered to buy something for Alice, but she absentmindedly declined.

Feeling pretty damn good about his shopping haul, it had been a while since he had splurged like that. As they walked out of the shop, he noticed Alice was absentminded. He asked. "Yo, you good there? What's on your mind?"

With a flushed face, Alice shook her head in response, "Just thinking about something back home."

"Try this, you will catch a cold if you ride the motorcycle with what you are wearing." Although Alice said she didn't want to buy anything, Lee still brought her a woolen coat. When riding a motorcycle at high speeds, it can get pretty damn chilly.

Lee noticed that Alice wasn't in the mood for shopping, so he suggested that they go somewhere else.

As they walked towards his motorcycle, Lee asked, "Alright, so what's next? Want to hit up an arcade or something?" But to his surprise, Alice said she wanted to see the beach.

"The beach, huh? Well, it's gonna take us at least 3 hours to get to one worth seeing. But, if you're dead set on getting sand in your shoes, we can hit up Tokyo Bay. It's closer and it'll give you a taste of the ocean, I guess." In the end, he decided to take her to Tokyo Bay which is not far from Chiba, to appease her beach craving.


Tokyo Bay is a bay that encompasses the shores of Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Chiba Prefecture and is situated in the southern Kant region of Japan.

About half an hour later, they arrived at the Bay. There weren't as many people as Lee had expected.

Lee and Alice strolled listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the seagulls overhead creating a peaceful ambiance. Alice silently intertwined her arm with Lee's, resting her head on his shoulder. Recalling what happened today, she never viewed Lee as a man of the opposite gender until she saw him naked this morning. Though she couldn't say that she suddenly fell in love with him, she couldn't deny the growing fondness she felt for him.

Watching her lean on him, Lee honestly didn't understand what was going on in her head. He planned to take her on a date and then create events to make her fall. Girls of her age are easy to fall for cheap tricks. However, he didn't have the chance to try before she was already like this. He could only blame this on his charm.

[Many people may not like how scumbag the MC is. However, I can't just change his character in 2 or 3 chapters since he still needs to develop to become less of a scumbag. In reality, all the harem MCs are scumbags, it's just the author's choice of words that influence the perception of the readers.]

'Sometimes being good-looking is a sin.' Lee thought narcissistically.

They walked through the sand silently, when three men with dyed hair approached them. "Yo, beauty, you look beautiful, do you want to go out with big brother to play? It's guaranteed to make you feel happy!" A man with green hair was the first to speak. Ignoring Lee, he looked at Alice.

The other two men followed as they grinned at them.

Lee was speechless for a while, these clichés are overused. He should speak to the author when he gets a chance.

The approaching men scared Alice, and she quickly hid behind Lee in fear.

Lee glanced at the three mobs and then at Alice who was clinging to him and thought maybe this cliché isn't bad. Although he didn't have the basic suit with him, he could use this opportunity to test his strength.

At this time the green haired guy reached for Alice, not taking Lee seriously at all despite being shorter than him. If the kid dares to move, then his two brothers will break his limbs and rape his girlfriend in front of him.

"Who do you think you are talking to trash?" Lee grabbed the green haired arm with one hand and looked at him, starting his pretense, wanting to show his 'cool side'. He had never done this kind of act in his life.

"Kid let go! you better get lost before we make you regret it." The green haired mob felt pain in his wrist. He tried to break free from Lee's grip.

"Kid, get lost. We will take care of your women." The two other mobs echoed in unison with a wretched expressions on their faces.


Lee felt Alice trembling behind him. He decided that it was enough and stopped pretending. And with one slap he sent the green haired scum flying.

He wanted to drop a line like 'courting death!' But it felt kind of silly, so he just slapped the trash.

"Argh!" The green haired guy was sent flying and crashed into the sand.

"Aniki! kid how dare you!" The two mobs saw their brother sent flying and despite being scared they still attacked Lee. Gangs in this era still believe in loyalty and brotherhood.

*Pa! Pa!*

Lee didn't talk nonsense with them and sent them flying with a slap each. He discovered that he liked the feeling of slapping people. It felt much better than punching, he especially liked the sound of the slap.

"Alice, are you alright?" After dealing with the trash, Lee turned to Alice and asked with a concerned look.

Alice couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Lee had just taken down three thugs with just a few slaps. She stared at him in amazement before finally exclaiming, "Wow, Lee-nii! That was crazy! I had no idea you were so strong." She couldn't help but giggle as she said this.

Lee had a 'what the fuck' look on his face. Shouldn't this be the moment when she threw herself into his embrace and after he comforted her, she kissed him? 'I know it! All the manga and novels are lies!

"They are just small fish, no big deal," Lee said calmly.

"Argh," The green haired mob groaned as he regained consciousness.

"Woah they are still alive!" Alice exclaimed after seeing the green haired mob trying to move.

"Of course they are alive! Damn, do you want me to go to jail?" Lee was speechless. Can a normal girl say something like this in this kind of situation?

"Argh... You bastards! Aniki will make you regret what you did to us!" the green-haired mob roared. It was hard for him to move yet he continued brainlessly to threaten Lee.

"Why didn't your dad throw you against the wall in the past? Even if your dad didn't throw you, your mom would have pinched you to death. It truly is embarrassing to give birth to a group of trash like you!" Alice, hiding behind Lee, saw the thugs still immobile and ran and kicked one of them.

Incest? No, it's keeping the royal blood pure.

ImmortalCockroachcreators' thoughts