
What's With This World?

Reincarnation? Transgression? Regression? Time Travelers? Time Paradox? World ending plot? Why is the plot so messy?

BrighterThanBlue · Urban
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3 Chs

Rewards From The System (Part I)

"Excuse me, is this the place where I could sign up for a training instructor?" Getting a good look at this town, I found a poster on vortex exploration training.

Rookies or newcomers would get a brief taste of an in-person experience inside a vortex with a pro protecting us.

This interested me as I planned on going into it before the school year started, and having a taste of it before going in solo would be a great help.

"Are you looking to sign up? It's the perfect time to do so." In a pitch-perfect, enthusiastic tone, she asked if I wanted to sign up for their program.

"Could I get details about it? I want to know more before I sign up for this program." Before I did, I wanted more information. If I didn't like their schedule, then there would be no point.

When I asked, the employee put a brochure on the table and explained it while giving me the visuals.

On the first day, everyone would get acquainted with someone, and everyone would go to the training facility so they could get an idea of how we fight.

The second day would be more training. This time, the instructor would give us tips and help us improve our basics.

On the third and final day, we would go into the lowest rank vortex and get a real, hands-on experience.

Sheesh, looking at the brochure's final page, the cost would be $50,000. This pained me more, but the weapon I had bought cost a decade of my allowance. In The Iron Cage, I heard making money there was allowed and highly recommended.

"Sign me up." Hearing that I would sign up, the employee smiled brightly and thanked me for my patronage.

The first class starts tomorrow, and now, with almost everything prepared, I have made my way out.

Living in a modern world, it is easy to make time pass. However, what I wanted to do was explore my system. Finding the secret of why the world would be destroyed now is impossible.

I wanted to see what secrets I could find that would allow me to power up and see how much reward I would get for finding them. It would also let me gauge what secrets counted and how much they were worth.

That being said, I had to find someone with a huge secret. I couldn't help but sigh, knowing that I was unlikely to find one unless I was stalking someone.

I wasn't delusional enough to think that my system would protect me and that this world revolved around me. Sure, I might be the one to save the world, but I don't have plot armor. And if I did, I wasn't brave enough to test it out.

The world of Vestia is similar to Earth, where technology and culture are almost the same, with the exception of artifacts. With powers and flaws added to this world, a more chaotic element was added.



After three hours of searching, nothing was found. I don't know if I was just unlucky or if I wasn't in the right place to find these secrets.

The only place I could think of that was slightly less dangerous was the bar during the night. Some drunk people would spill their secrets, and that was the best way I could test how my system works.

"It's already late..." The sun no longer shone and was replaced by the moon, and watching the town gave it a different atmosphere.

Compared to a busy day, it made the town feel like a ghost town. Considering how dangerous it could be during this time of day, it wasn't surprising for this to happen.

This made me reconsider whether I should enter a bar during this time of day; I wouldn't be surprised if I got in trouble during the first day.

Should I risk it? I may be overthinking it, but since it's my first time in this world, it's only right for me to be cautious.

But my system... I wanted to know the rewards. This would decide how I would act during my time in the Iron Cage.

"Let's do it!" Making up my mind, I entered a bar that I found opened up.

At the age of eighteen, when someone awakens their power and flaws, that is the sign of becoming an adult.

Of course, you wouldn't know unless one showed it, but that's just the common sense of this world.

"ID." Before I could enter, I was greeted with a single word.

It was a guard wearing a suit with a scar on his cheeks. Opening my wallet, I showed him my citizenship ID. Taking a glance, he left the entrance without saying a word, letting me in through the door.

Since that was the case, I felt obliged and entered, feeling a little safer knowing there were guards protecting this bar.

As I entered the bar for the first time, I was surprised by the atmosphere. I thought it would be similar to a party here, but most people here seemed pretty chill.

"Your first time here?" Observing my surroundings, an extremely manly voice called out to me.

"Yes." It was embarrassing that I was called out for it, but knowing that I was looking around hastily, I stopped and looked at the man who called me out.

"The name's Mike. Do us a favor, and don't mess with those people. The last time it had happened, a dead body appeared and ruined the mood." He pointed at the people on the second floor.

I nodded, taking his advice to heart. I never intended to cause trouble, so this problem shouldn't be related to me in any way.

But what I did was join a woman who seemed depressed and was drinking away with all her heart. Women with a broken heart or a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts in this situation will most likely spill some information about themselves. Taking my chances, I proceeded with this path.