
What! I got transmigrated as miss Kobayashi!

"Hello my name is Yuki Suzuki and I am your average everyday Japanese male, or at least I was. It turns out that God is in fact real and very compensating but he has a strange love for genderbening people!? I mean come on I can handle dieing and being thrown into another world but did you have to make me a girl!? And most importantly why does being submissive make me excited!? God, definitely did something to me i wasn't always submissive was I? Yo, new Author here never really written anything( although i always wanted to but could never get the motivation or it was just plain bad) but i decided it was worth a shot and if anythig it is something to do for fun when im bored. Forewarning it will probably be really bad so if you are a picky reader i would avoid it, welp that is all i have to say. All mentiond anime's rights go to their original owners.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 9

Tohru's PoV:

Just as Kobayashi left for work.

"Alright! Let's do our best to be the world's greatest maid today!" Tohru said excitedly with her hand on her bicep.

"And what better way is their by collecting information!" She said as she got ready to leave before remembering Kobayashi's warning. "Ah! Yuki asked me not to leave though. Hmmmm.....Oh! I got it!" Trying to think of a way to research maids while not leaving, Tohru remembered Kobayashi's lecture about modern society.

"What did Yuki call it? A com-pu-ter? Humans have such weird naming sense!" Tohru said as she sat down at Kobayashi's personal computer.

"Press the power button and then go to the search engine? Did it work? Ah it got bright!"Tohru celebrated at turning it on. "Then the search engine? Hmm oh there it is! Now then maids! Fumu....oh I see...oya....how interesting!" Getting absorbed into her research Tohru had no idea that she had spent more than an hour looking at maids and what they do.

"Fufu~ just you wait Yuki, I will be the best maid you have ever seen!" Tohru exclaimed. "Now lets start with the first part of being a maid! Cleaning!!" Getting right to it Tohru started casting magic and vaporized the whole room!

"I can feel Yuki praising me already! Look at how clean it is!" Tohru said to herself with a smile as she looked at the sparkling walls and floor. "Now then just a quick time reversal for the items while leaving out any filth, aaand done!" She said, as if it was just easy magic that anyone could do. Then Tohru went around and did the same thing for the reat of the apartment.

"Now onto part two of being a maid doing the laundry! Luckily for me my saliva has a cleaning affect *NOOM* *CHEW* *CHEW* *SPIT* all clean now!" Tohru said, as she brought the clothes outside to dry.

"Step three is grocerie shopping, but Yuki said I couldn't leave. So lets skip that one for now. And finally step 4 is making either supper but it is way to early so that can also wait for now!" Tohru said.

"Phew! Being a maid sure is a lot of work, without my magic it sure would take a lot more time." 'Speaking of time I wonder when Yuki will come home.' Tohru thought to herself.

Before she suddenly got a certain tingling feeling at the base of her spine. "Hyaaan!" Tohru moaned with a flustered face and watery eyes.

"S-She really ate it!" Tohru barely managed to squeak out. "MMmmmhaa..ha..ha Y-Yuki, mmm ha Yuuukiii." Face completely red and with her mouth open Tohru couldn't help but call out Kobayashi's name.

For dragons the tail was their most sensitive part and they could feel what was happening to it. Although Tohru gave Kobayashi her tail to eat to be closer, she didn't think Kobayashi would really eat it. The thought of kobayashi eating her tail was what was exciting her.

"W-When t-this settle's down I am coming for you Yuki!" Tohru said as she fell onto the couch with a slightly wetter pair of undergarments.

All the while Kobayashi had no idea she had accidentally turned on her 'dragon maid'.

Kobayashi's PoV:

"Mmmm..." Kobayashi as she ate her sandwich.

"Kobayashi?" Kou finally turned around. After hearing Kobayashi make strange noises ever since she started eating the sandwich she had enough. "Are you ok?"

"Kuhum! Y-Yeah I am fine. Just a really good sandwich."Kobayashi said as she took the last bite of her sandwich. At this point she had been snacking on it for hours, not being able to get over how good it is.

And this was not just an over exaggeration. Animals or Monsters filled with mana while have their taste and effects boosted to a ridiculous degree, and for a dragon? Well the flesh and blood of a dragon was well known for its taste, so even without them being filled with mana they would be sought after. So yeah Kobayashi just ate a sandwich that even gods would beg for a bite.

"Hmmm? Well alright then." Although a little suspicious Kou just decided to agree and get back to work. 'If it was so good you should at least have shared a bite' Kou thought to herself.

"Hehe. Oh yeah how was Aoba doing today." Kobayashi asked mostly just to change the topic but also a tad bit curious.

"Well she currently she dosen't know how to do any 3d modeling, but she is fairly talented so she might get there in a while." Kou answered.

"Let's hope she can get the hang of it fast we need all the help we can get." Kobayashi said.

"Haaaah. I know this is taking forever! I might just have to stay the night again." Kou said with a exasperated air around her.

Kobayashi's eye twitched at that comment " Hooh, you say that like it isn't your fault." Kobayashi said with a tick mark.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Kou said. "Divine Justice!" Kobayashi exclaimed while giving Kou a head chop.

"*CHOP* Ouch Ouch! Why did you do that!" Kou said whipe holding her head and with tears in her eyes.

"Because you are to damn picky!" Kobayashi said with a huff. "Hiiii!"

"Fufu~ you say that now, but weren't you praising her a while ago Kobayashi-chan?" Hazuki said as she suddenly showed up.

"H-Hazuki-Buchou don't tell her that!"Kobayashi said with a sudden blush, while kou suddenly had stars in her eyes and a smug smile.

"Is that right Hazuki-san?" Kou said while giving Kobayashi a smug look. "I guess you really need me after all! Don't worry if you chant my name and say that 'Kou is the best artist in the world' I will, with my infinite gracefulness, forgive you" Kou raised one hand to her chest and the other to the sky and gave a passionate speech.

"I don't need it!" Kobayashi refused making kou deflate a little. "Sigh. Hazuki-buchou what do you need?"

"Oh nothing in particular. I just heard an interesting conversation and decided to swoop by" Hazuki exclaimed like there was nothing wrong with eavesdropping.

"As nosy as ever I see." Kobayashi said. "Well that is it I guess have a safe trip home!" Hazuki said before walking away.

"Home? Oh crap its already 6:00!? Ah see you tomorrow Kou I have to go" Kobayashi said as she rushed to get all of her stuff. ' I hope Tohru is okay' Even though she persuaded herself to not worry about Tohru, Kobayashi couldn't help it.

"W-Wait a second Kobayashi!" Kou suddenly shouted. "What is it Kou? I am in a little bit of a hurry," Kobayashi stated. "W-well at the very least we could walk to the exit together." Kou bashfully said.

"Eh? Well sure I guess." Kobayashi agreed while a little confused that Kou was actually going home without anyone telling her to. "Yes!" Kou said excitedly.

As Kobayashi and Kou were leaving they were soon joined by Aoba, Hifumi, Yun, and Hajime.

Making small talk they started to talk about embarrassing situations.

"A-And then Hajime-Chan was all lik---" Yun said laughing before Hajime interrupted her. "S-Shut up Yun dont tell Kobayashi and Kou that!" Hajime said all flustered.

It was all going so well up to the point where they left the building, until Kobayashi heard a certai sweet voice calling out her name from afar.

"Ohhh no!" Kobayashi said aloud drawing the attention of Kou.

"Kobayashi? What is--" Kou didn't even get to finish her sentence, as a beautiful girl in a maid outfit flung herself onto Kobayashi, while screaming her name.

"Yuuuuuukkiii!" Tohru yelled out as she jumped and wrapped her arms around Kobayashi's neck smiling all the way. "T-Tohru!" Kobayashi said as she tried to catch Tohru, but failed and fell on her back. Unknowingly wrapping her arms around Tohru's waist and pulling her closer.

Feeling what Kobayashi was doing Tohru smile brightened and she started nuzzling into Kobayashi while calling out her name. "Yuki Yuki Yuki!"

"What has got you so excited Tohru?"Kobayashi started smiling and asked completely forgetting her surroundings and her colleagues.

"Ah umm...y-you ate it." Tohru said as she started blushing and looked Kobayashi in the eye's. "T-the sandwich I mean."

"Eh? H-ow did you know?"Suddenly blushing as well Kobayashi asked puzzled.

"I can feel it. Ahh even r-right now as it is fusing and entwining our magic linking us together." Tohru smiled as she dropped as shocking revelation.

"L-linking us? L-like marriage?" Suddenly super flusterd and confused Kobayashi didn't know what to do. 'What am I going to tell my aunt? I suddenly have a fiance and we haven't even known each other three days! She will surely scold me!' Kobayashi herself didn't realize that she wasn't against being wed with Tohru.

"Mmmm. We are mates for life!" Tohru said with tears in her eyes. "....now just one more thing!" Tohru said excitingly, confusing Kobayashi until their lips met with a scorching passion. Warm lips and teasing tongues they continued as Tohru started to feel up Kobayashi as if trying to take off her clothes.

"W-Wait T-Tohru! Haaa Haa w-we have to stop we are in public." Kobayashi barely managed to squeeze out.

"....very well only if you promise we get to finish when we get home" Tohru said with a husky voice as she started kissing Kobayashi's now exposed collar bone.

"A-Alright j-just stop for a second." Doing what she was told Tohru stopped and got up while grabbing on to Kobayashi's hand.

Turning to her colleagues Kobayashi saw a wide arrangement of faces. Shocked, surprised, confused, and jealous(Just Kou) they all had one thing in common. A deep blush.

Not knowing what to say Kobayashi just blurted out. "Ah! I-I am going now see you guys tomorrow!" Holding Tohru's hand tighter and not waiting for a response, Kobayashi turned and fled to any alleyway for Tohru to teleport them home. Because she could feel Tohru was holding herself back as much as she can, and if they take to long Tohru might have her way with her on the side of the road.

Looking at their disappearing backs they were lost for words.

"....." Kou, Aoba, Hifumi, Yun, and Hajime.

"W-Who and what the heck was that." Hajime blurted out.

"Who knows Hajime-Chan, who knows." Yun said with a wise look.

"....(////////)...." Aoba and Hifumi.

"S-She called her Yuki? Kobayashi dosen't let anyone call her that." Kou said with a downfallen tone.

Poor Kou!! Next chapter is going to be golden can't wait!!lol.

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