
What! I got transmigrated as miss Kobayashi!

"Hello my name is Yuki Suzuki and I am your average everyday Japanese male, or at least I was. It turns out that God is in fact real and very compensating but he has a strange love for genderbening people!? I mean come on I can handle dieing and being thrown into another world but did you have to make me a girl!? And most importantly why does being submissive make me excited!? God, definitely did something to me i wasn't always submissive was I? Yo, new Author here never really written anything( although i always wanted to but could never get the motivation or it was just plain bad) but i decided it was worth a shot and if anythig it is something to do for fun when im bored. Forewarning it will probably be really bad so if you are a picky reader i would avoid it, welp that is all i have to say. All mentiond anime's rights go to their original owners.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 13

Still hand in hand Kobayashi and Tohru made their way through the mall, drawing the eyes of many as they passed.

" ...Psst hey do you think they have a boyfriend?" One guy said to another.

"Oi, how would I know? And besides do you think with your face you could get either of them?" He replied back.

"Hey! Your one to talk!" Taking offense he shot back.

"Heh! Once i dated this model-"

Ignoring the obviously lying males Kobayashi couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Ugh! Men!" She complained. 'Although kinda ironic as I used to be one.' Kobayashi mused.

"Hmm? Do you have a problem with them Yuki?" Tohru asked with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Sigh! No, it's just. How do you put up with being ogled at all the time."

Usally men ignore Kobayashi as she looked rather average, but now that she is a top tier beauty? They are practically druling at the sight of her.

"It is rather annoying" She added.

Giving herself a second to think about it, Tohru tilted her head quizzically before answering.

"While it does irritate me, with the obvious lust that they show, I know for a fact that they have no chance on acting upon it." Tohru gave her opinion.

"Really? That is a rather logical way to see it." Kobayashi said supprised.

"What do you see me as? A barbarian?" Tohru asked Kobayashi with a deadpan look.

"A-ahaha....l-ets move on. We have a lot of shopping to do today yeah?" Giving a nervous laugh Kobayashi tried to change the subject.

"Hmm? While that was a rather obvious subject change, I will humor you. Or rather now that we are back on track I can finally get started!" Tohru jumped happily.

"I-I!? Don't you mean we?" Kobayashi stammered.

"Fufu~ Looking at your closet I can assume that you do not have a great fashion sense." Tohru giggled as she dealt fatal damage.

*PUCHI* An imaginary arrow pierced Kobayashi's heart, as she fell down dramatically. ' W-why does that even hurt? I am not the one with a bad fashion sense! It was the original Kobayashi!'Kobayashi thought to herself. Sadly her fashion sense was truly just as bad as the original. She would just never admit it though.

"Haha~ Don't be so dramatic Yuki. And stop messing around we have a lot to do today!" Tohru admonished. Although she had a lovely smile on the whole time.

"...Yes." Kobayashi agreed as she allowed Tohru to take her hand and lead them to the first store of the day.


Unknowingly to them it wasn't just the males that were ensnared in their charm, but also a select few females. However females had a more intact love radar and could see that Kobayashi and Tohru were totally head over heels for another, so they controlled their gazes to just appreciate the scene. What? Girls need their eye candy to though, don't they?

' ' ' Sigh. I want a beautiful girlfriend to.' ' ' They all thought.


Back to Kobayashi and Tohru, they were standing in front of a certain store.

"Underwear? Seriously?" Kobayashi asked suspiciously.

"Umu! If we are getting you a new wardrobe we have to start from the bottom!" Tohru cheered.

"Haaa! Fine! Let's get this over with." Kobayashi stated as she marched in.

"Aaah, wait for me Yuki!" Tohru chased after her.

Entering the store Kobayashi immediately headed to the bargain section, where all the plain underwear was. "Ohh! Only $30.00 for 5 sets! Hmm only problem is size now. Jeez!" Kobayashi said frustrated, before she just grabbed a handful of different sizes. "I will just try them on and see which size fit's."

Over on Tohru's side. She headed to were all the more 'Fun' selections of clothing is located. 'G-string, thong's, lingerie!' She chanted inwardly, excited at the thought of making Kobayashi try them on. 'Hmm.. I can probably talk Yuki into the thong and lingerie, G-string is a complete no go.' Tohru mused to herself picking out the ones she believed she could trick Kobayashi into. Completely ignoring the price of what she was picking out.

In the end Tohru had a plethora of thongs, her favorite being the black ones, and a couple of garter belts with matching thigh high socks.

'Guheheh. Just you wait Yuki!' Tohru thought with a perverted grin, as she started walking in the direction where her instincts told her Kobayashi was. 'Ohh , how I can't wait.'

Arriving at the dressing rooms Tohru stopped at the one she believed that Kobayashi was in. *KNOCK* KNOCK*

"Is that you Tohru?" Tohru could hear Kobayashi's voice ask her through the door.

"Yes Yuki it is me." She answered.

"Great! Come in and tell me how this looks." Kobayashi said enthusiastically.

"Okay! Coming through." Tohru said as she opened the door and walked inside.

And what she saw nearly blinded her. There Kobayashi was in all her glory in nothing but a stunningly white pair of panties, making her almost seem holy.

Hearing Tohru announce her presence, Kobayashi happily proceeded to inform her of the steal of a deal she had found.

"Aren't they great? A whole five pairs for only $30.00! Plus the fact that they are comfortable." Kobayashi explained.

Tohru continued to stare at Kobayashi's enticing booty, before she did a double take. She realized that they were just your average bland pair of panties! And that the only reason they looked so good was because Kobayashi was wearing them! In matter of fact they were down right bland! But even so she just couldn't help but ask.

"Why aren't you wearing a bra?"Tohru asked as she leered at Kobayashi's boobs. And as nice as it was to gaze at Kobayashi's ass clad in white panties, her smooth breast's won out.

"Hmm? Well they weren't comfortable so I took them off" Kobayashi answered honestly.

"I.....see." Tohru drawled on, being completely distracted.

"Hmm?" Noticing the strange behavior Kobayashi looked at Tohru to see what was wrong. However when she saw what had Tohru so distracted she couldn't help but smirk.

"Ohoho~ Am I so charming that you cannot take your eyes off of me? Worry not, for as gracious as I am, I shall allow you to look to your hearts desire! Ohoho~" Kobayashi said with a fake haughty laugh, and one of her hands on her waist .

Tohru hearing and seeing this gained a tick mark on her head. So she walked over and thumped Kobayashi right on the nipple.

*THUMP* "Ack! My nipple! Why in the heck did you go for my nipple!?" Kobayashi screamed as she fell down and cupped her boob in her hands.

"Hmm? I was just trying to help you get used to your new bust size." Tohru said with a calm smile.

"That's a complete lie! Not even the most gullible person would fall for that!" Kobayashi asked exasperated.

"Fufu~ By whatever do you mean?"

Continuing on into a stare battle, Kobayashi was the first to break down and try to move the conversation forward.

"Haaah! We will never get anywhere like this" Kobayashi stated as she stood up. "So anyway what do you think?" She asked as she turned around and stuck out her butt for an opinion.

"On you? They look great." Tohru said matter of factly. But watching Kobayashi perk up she quickly finished the other half of her sentence. "However by themselves they look like a cheap $3 pair that you bought out of necessity." Tohru complained.

".....Technically there were 5 in a pack of $30 so they would be worth $6 a piece not $3." Kobayashi muttered.

"It was a metaphor Yuki. Sigh! I should have known better to believe in your fashion sense." She said dramatically. "Luckily I have brought some for you to try on." Tohru said with a evil smile. 'On second thought, I will only give her the garter belt and thigh highs if she wears a thong for the rest of the day!'

"Okay then! If you think you can do better let me see what you got." Kobayashi said challengingly.

That was when Tohru whipped them out. A black enticing thong with only enough cloth to hide her privates, and leave everything else exposed to the chilly air.

"T-There is no way that I am wearing that!" Kobayashi cried out.

"Hoh? Not even if a gave you a prize?"Tohru asked with a calm smile.

"No prize is worth my dignity!"

"How sad. And here I was planning to teach you magic tommorow. Such a pity...Oh well." Tohru said with a sly grin.

"M-magic!? You wouldn't blackmail me! Would you?" Kobayashi asked only to receive an even more sly smile. "V-Very well I shall try it on." Kobayashi said defeatedly.

"Tsk-Tsk! Not try on. WEAR! For the rest of the day." Tohru happily informed.

"B-But I have a skirt and leggings on!" Kobayashi called out worriedly. 'People would totally be able to tell what I was wearing if my skirt flipped up!'

"Hmm...Good point. You have to take off the leggings." Tohru said with a grin.

"N-No way!" Kobayashi said alarmed.

"Yes way." Tohru said in a sing song voice.

Inwardly debating with herself, Kobayashi determined that it was worth the humiliation to learn magic.

"F-fine! Just get out so I can change!" Kobayashi said irritatedly.

"Fufu~ See you in a little while Yuki." Tohru called out as she left the dressing room, closing the door behind her.

*CLICK* "Whew. Here goes nothing!"


After Tohru and Kobayashi had picked out their undergarments.

(Everything Tohru had picked out earlier plus a little extra. As well as the cheap clothing Kobayashi tried on as 'No way we could throw away something that you decided to grace with your delightful booty'or so Tohru said. So now Kobayashi had a whole selection of thongs she thought she would never wear, however unknowingly to her after today they would be her favorite type of underwear.)

They continued on with their day as if nothing had happened, however a certain change of clothing would say otherwise.


With the way her skirt fluttering about Kobayashi couldn't stop herself from smiling and letting out a blush. The feeling of her naked butt touching the fabric of her skirt, and the fact that a single strong gust of wind would lay her exposed to the world, left her with a strange feeling.

"Don't worry Yuki, using a little magic I made it so no one can truly see under your skirt." Tohru said comfortably. However Kobayashi wasn't paying attention.

Personally Kobayashi thought that she would be worried or scared, but she was strangely excited, exhilarated almost!

'I-I am not turning into an exhibitionist am I?' Kobayashi thought to herself.

At the start the feeling of nakedness was to much for her. So much that she could barely leave the changing room, but after they had payed and left the store she had quickly gotten used to it and the certain freedom a thong gave.

Everyone eyes were glued to the back of her as she swayed her hips, almost as if daring them to take a peek. And the euphoric feeling bubbling up with in made her accept the truth. 'I-I might just have a smidge of exhibitionism me.'

Kobayashi, however did not actually want anyone to see though. As she has sworn her heart to Tohru. Only the thrill of it excited her.

"Hmm? Oh my!" Looking back, as Kobayashi didn't respond to her, Tohru couldn't help but react. "Fufu~ I see someone is starting to have fun." Tohru said amusedly.

And it was quite the sight. Now with Kobayashi's long legs and creamy thighs on display, her swaying hips was just the cherry on top.

"...T-Thongs aren't as bad as I thought." Kobayashi whispered, as she held Tohru's arm in between her breast's.

"Fufu~ I see. And as much as I would like to continue on like this we still have some shopping to do." Tohru said with a beautiful smile.

"Mmm." Kobayashi agreed.

Like that the day went on in a similar manner with Tohru giving Kobayashi clothes to model for her, and Kobayashi trying her best after the initial shyness. They had went to at least every clothes shop in that mall and tried on hundreds of clothing, and had a great time all the way.

Heck they even found a copy of the clothes Tohru made for Kobayashi with magic. So when the spell runs out she would still have it.

Afterwards they went home and put up all the new clothing and decided to start magic training tommorow.

So here, cuddled up on the couch they were. With Kobayashi laying on top of Tohru with her hands around her neck and their lips kissing.

"Mmm...thanks for taking me on a date Tohru." Kobayashi said between kisses.

"Haaahhh...mmm no need to thank me Yuki I had a great time. I also learned a little more about you. Hihi~" Tohru giggled as she squeezed Kobayashi's ass.

"H-Hey! T-That is something you can forget!" Kobayashi called out.

"Hahah" Where as Tohru broke down into a fit of laughter.

"D-Dont laugh at me!" Kobayashi said with a cute face.

Causing Tohru to laugh even more. 'I really, really love you Yuki' Tohru thought as she laughed.

"Oh yeah! What even was the prize for wearing a thong in the first place?" Kobayashi asked curiously.

"Hmm? Garter belt and thigh high socks." Tohru said with a smile.



"I am going to bed." Kobayashi said as she suddenly got up, leaving Tohru all alone.

"Wait Wait! Don't leave me!" Tohru called out as she chased after Kobayashi...