
What! I got transmigrated as miss Kobayashi!

"Hello my name is Yuki Suzuki and I am your average everyday Japanese male, or at least I was. It turns out that God is in fact real and very compensating but he has a strange love for genderbening people!? I mean come on I can handle dieing and being thrown into another world but did you have to make me a girl!? And most importantly why does being submissive make me excited!? God, definitely did something to me i wasn't always submissive was I? Yo, new Author here never really written anything( although i always wanted to but could never get the motivation or it was just plain bad) but i decided it was worth a shot and if anythig it is something to do for fun when im bored. Forewarning it will probably be really bad so if you are a picky reader i would avoid it, welp that is all i have to say. All mentiond anime's rights go to their original owners.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 11

Kobayashi PoV:

In the morning of the Kobayashi household you could find two beautiful woman cuddled up together asleep on a bed.

"Funyaaa~" I Yawned as I woke up. "What a great sleep. Mmm I haven't felt this good in ages!" I said as I stretched my arms over my head, getting a nice popping noise. "Ahhhn! My back dosen't even hurt!"

Until I realized "..my voice isn't this...nice." Reaching my hand up to my throat, a-and nor was my skin this smooth.

Quickly throwing the covers off of me and Tohru, so i could look down at myself. Saying I was shocked would be an understatement! The first thing I noticed was my bust!! I was no longer a cutting board! They had grown to at least A-cup borderline B-cup! "W-what the heck!!" 'This isnt something that can happen in a single night!'

Unwrapping Tohru's tail from my waist I hurried to the only full sized mirror in the house located in the bathroom, and I was floored once more. It wasn't just my breast. Everything! Absolutely Everything!! Had in some shape or form, improved to the point that it was crazy! I could confidently say that I was now beautiful. Not heaven sent beauties like Tohru or Kou, but better than your average model.

Looking over myself to get a better feel for my new body, i couldn't say I was displeased.

I had grown an inch or two taller putting me at the same height as Tohru( Not counting her horns). My thin body had filled itself out, with its new bust and very curvy hips to match. 'Hah if Tohru liked my ass before, then she will like it a whole lot more now!' I mused to myself. Like seriously she wasn't very well endowed before, but her new butt could put anyone to shame!

Coming to terms that her and Tohru were pretty much a Couple had helped Kobayashi get over her initial embarrassment at being played with. But still ' I-It is a little embarrassing thinking about last night.' I blushed.

Getting back to her changes she apparently now had muscles? Not bulging out where you could see them, but compact and hidden. Just waiting to burst out and show people what she was made of. 'It really highlights my stomach though.' Kobayashi thought happily.

However the most significant change was probably my face. While it hadn't really changed much other than being a little sharper(Cool beauty type). The change came in the form of her eyes and hair.

From it's original pale red her hair was now a shining crimson, that just demanded attention. And for the eyes they had changed from amber to a stunning gold, interestingly enough she also apparently doesn't need glasses anymore? 'Huh neat! That'll help save some money.' Not that she needs it, as she is the art director at a successful company. However what currently worried her was.

"How the heck am I gonna explain this? How and why is this happening in the first place?" I said frustrated, before I felt something soft press up against my back and somone grab my ass.

General PoV:

"Eeeeek!" Kobayashi yelped in surprise.

"Oya? *SQUISH* SQUISH* you sure grew a lot last night!" Tohru said with an amused smile.

"T-Tohru! What are you doing?" Kobayashi asked before she interrupted herself. "Wait, more importantly what is happening to me?"

"Hmm?*SQUISH* well *SQUISH* you see *SQUISH* when a human-." Tohru started explaining, while having a little too much fun.

"Stop Squeezing my butt!" Kobayashi said with a admonishing tone.

"Fufu~ very well, but in return may I hold you?" Tohru asked with puppy eyes.

"Tsk! whatever." Kobayashi said as she looked away.


"I am not a Tsundere!" Kobayashi snapped back. " Anyway finish what you were saying."

"Changing topics are we? Hihi~ but very well." Tohru said as she wrapped her arms around Kobayashi, and hugged her from behind making sure to sniff her neck. "Hmm to understand what is happening to you, you will have to understand Dragons more as a whole. You see dragons are special! Don't give me that kind of look! At least wait until I am finished!" Tohru said to Kobayashi's skeptical look.

"A-Ahem! Like I said dragons are special, not just because of their inherent strength, but because of their very existence! Dragons exist outside the line of 'Normal', no one knows where they come from or why they can get as strong as God's by simply existing long enough! Most God's were former mortals that reached their race's limit then ascended to something stronger to hold their might, that is what a god essentially is." Tohru said dramatically before continuing.

"Now why can dragons get that powerful with no ascension or evolution of any kind? No one knows. It shouldn't even be possible, but they do it time and time again. And to add on top of that, dragons can ascend to if they gather up enough divinity. But what truly seals the deal is the many boon's one can get by beating a dragon. Boons come directly from the defeated dragons mana to reward the winner of said fight in way, kind of like a prize. The more noteworthy boons though are things like elongated lifespan, mana boost, strength boost, blessings, heck some even got immortality!" Tohru said exasperated.

"Wooooah! That is cool and all, but that dosen't explain what happened to me." Kobayashi said, while looking at Tohru confusedly "I couldnt beat you if I tried Tohru"

"Umu! I know that I was getting there." Tohru said, happily. "Essentially my mana deemed that you have 'defeated me' when you ingested my flesh, leading to your evolution. Typically it would take much more than that for it to work, but I allowed it to as I knew it was you."Tohru explained.

"Fumu Fumu! I am starting to understand just one more thing." Kobayashi said as she turned around and stared at Tohru in the eyes.

"Why exactly are we betrothed? That is what you said right 'We are mates for life!' right?" Kobayashi asked with a teasing smile.

"U-um w-well y-you see Y-Yuki-." Tohru stuttered at remebering such a scene. "Yes?" Kobayashi asked with a playful smile that made Tohru giddy.

"W-when my mana recognized that I wasn't hostile to you, and that you already ate a part of me and gained a boon, there was n-no greater boon than... than myself!!" Tohru said with a crimson face.

"Already gained a boon ohhooo so thats wh-. WAIT WHAT!? What do you mean 'No greater boon than yourself'!?"Kobayashi asked worriedly.

"I-I mean i-it linked us. If I die you will die and if you die I will also die! I-Im sorrrryyy! Wwaaaaahhh." Tohru tried tl explain before she feel to the floor and atarted to cry her eyes out.

(A/N: SPOILER SKIP: Worry not! For Kobayashi shall not have the problem of aging! I will eventually maks her imortal so Tohru X Kobayashi forever! Muwahah)

"Eh? N-no d-dont cry it will be ok." Kobayashi said trying to sooth Tohru as she kneeled down to hug her.

"B-but I-I could have stopped it if I wanted t-to! I was really excited and couldn't stop myself from letting it happen!"

"Sigh! Your really going to make me say it aren't you, you big dummy!" Kobayashi suddenly said with a smile threatening to come up on her face.

"W-What?" Tohru said with a confused look.

"I love you Tohru." Kobayashi said quietly. Kobayashi raised her hands to cup Tohru's face with tears of happiness coming out if her eyes. "I was already planning to spend the rest of my life with you. A normal life without you would be awful."


"Really really!"

"T-Then I-I demand a k-kiss!" Tohru said flusteredly.


"W-Why are you laughing at me!"

"I-Im sorry it's just pfffft your so cute right now." Kobayashi said while trying not to laugh.

"H-hey i hope you kno-" Tohru never got to finish her sentence as Kobayashi swooped in and took Tohru's lips herself, for the second time. "Mwaaahhh"

"Mmmm p-pffft" Kobayashi suddenly started to laugh, as they were kissing causing their teeth to clink together. Kobayashi then moved her head to the crick of Tohru's neck before laughing again.

"W-why are you laughing now? We were just kissing!" Tohru exclaimed.

And although Tohru complained she wasn't really annoyed. How could she be? When the one she loved just told her she loved her back! So yeah she had a smile on her face that would last for days.

"I-Its just pffft! T-the first time either of us confessed to the other, was butt naked on the bathroom floor haha~." Kobayashi said with a grin.

Thinking about it Tohru found it amusing as well.

"Heee- pffft haha y-your right how weird haha." Tohru agreed with a grin of her own. As they locked eyes and then started to laugh together at their situation.

""Hahahahaha~"" Both promising themselves to never forget this moment for the rest of their lives, as they clung together and laughed their heart out on the bathroom floor.

Kinda felt rushed but it'll be okay! lol have a good day!

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