
WH40k - Tyranid Project

Tags: Warhammer 40k, Tyranids, Genestealer Cult, Chaos & Corruption, Weak to strong MC, NSFW, Evolution, Grimdark Universe, War, Sci-fi, Apocalypse, RPG elements In the grimdark universe of the 41st Millenium, there is only war. That's all that has been for over ten thousand years. -------- I became a Tyranid, a predator. And I will do what Tyranids do best, kill all my enemies, eat them, and grow. Faster, Stronger, Deadlier. If I have to give up on my humanity, so be it. I will have my answers even if I have to burn half the universe! Maybe then I will be able to save the other half. -------- As this is my first writing experience, I hope you can enjoy reading it!! This work of fiction draws inspiration upon the source material of Warhammer 40k. I do not own the rights of this IP nor of the WH40k characters presented on it. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. ------------ Reduced to 2-3 updates per week for quality assurance. Sick new cover from the great artist Helge C. Balzer!!

BrokenOath · Book&Literature
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42 Chs

Chapter 4 - Level up

Such Okayod sleep! I like this feeling, let's keep eating!

I go to the branches blocking the air vent and start to bite them. I can break them easily now.

* OmNomNom…

It still tastes kind of bitter or sour… I don't really know if I can feel like I did as a human anymore. I keep eating and perfecting my new set of facial muscle movements.

It seems like I can really bite hard now. It would have been useful to know and avoid that stupid climbing failure.

Oh well, let's see what do we have here… Wow. Okay, it's quite beautiful, I can say that.

I can see a verdant and vibrant garden, full of several dozens kind of plants and trees in the area close to me. I really want to explore it and eat it. Mostly eat it.

I decide to jump down after a few seconds of doubt. I need to keep eating, and it doesn't seem to be any animals here. Sneaky prey… I can smell pheromones in the forest, that means food!

Just as I fall, I try to run into hiding. I wait for 5, 10, 20 minutes. After reassuring that nothing is trying to eat me, I keep doing some exploration and tasting samples here and there.

"I wish I had some help with all this Tyranid stuff."

"Grow! I help!"

"Yes, but I don't know-how. I said we need help, and you don't seem capable of providing it."

Suddenly, I notice a weird disturbance on my vision, like more colors and patterns appearing.

"Wait, what is this! Little one, what did you do?!"

I can now see a ton of information being structured in my mind. Everything makes so much sense!

"I can see my stats! Did you activate easy mode?!"

Primal Larvae - Ripper


Level - 1 (20 biomass to level up)

Health - 10/12

Energy - 50/50

Biomass Reserves - 32 biomass

Str - 12

Res - 9

Vit - 8

Agi - 6

Int - 2

Biomorph list:

Support level 1

Maw level 2

Chitin level 1

"Okay, so I am a Ripper, whatever that is. And well, I can see that I'm strong for a bug.

And I lost some life? Was it the fall? Nope, I don't think so… Wait, are these plants poisonous?! That's why everything tastes so bitter?!

Huh… who would have thought it?"


Oh, really? Let me see… how does it work, wait. Let me do the math… Aaaaand, yeah, it looks like I have enough biomass to evolve.

"Hmmm, what do you say, shall we do it?"


"Heh, so cheerful. Okay, I just hope I don't start glowing."

I look for a quiet place under a tree big enough to cover me without a problem and activate the evolution. And I fall asleep like that.


Ahhh! Morning! Or night, whatever time it is.

Why is it so dark? My sight is quite bad, but at least I could see there I was stepping.

I try to move, and I feel trapped. Wait, not again, I don't want to go back to a cryo-chamber!

C'mon, open up!

I scratch and bite with my maw until the shell surrounding my body cracks, and I can finally see the ventilation system I fell asleep before.

But what is this? It seems like an egg of some weird kind of chitin. "Little one, any idea?"


Wait, you mean we 'evolved' while sleeping? That was anticlimactic, to say the least!

I don't feel very different, maybe, slightly bigger? Yeah, I have gained a few centimeters, and perhaps some weight! This doesn't even make any sense… Bah, fuck it.

Let's keep eating to evolve again! And there must be a way to upgrade those stats of abilities.

I start to explore this mixture of a forest with oversized garden plants and keep walking for 10 minutes before finding a few birds in a tree. They are quite big, from what I see. And they seem to be blocking the path to the next area.

I keep strolling towards the area that seems to have the door to the next biome as stealthily as I can. But I had to stop after advancing a few meters. They are looking in my direction.

They seem to have detected me, and one of the two starts to fly and tweets at me angrily. It even tried to attack me!

"Hey, hey, I was just looking! Ouch! What the hell, man! Leave me alone already!"

I run for my life, despite the attacks, they could not harm me thanks to my durable shell.

"You damn nuggets, just wait till I grow a little more, and you're gonna be in my … whatever organ I have that serves as a belly!" Despite shouting them some insults, I still keep running.

I get out of there, and I decided not to go back until I can better grasp my fighting skills. After all, they have the higher ground. Or the sky.

This forest is surprisingly silent and seems devoid of life. There are little to no insects, just plants and those strange-looking birds. But there are mushrooms, and my instincts tell me to eat as much of those as I can. I dunno why, I was never a mushroom fan in my past…

-Spores! EAT!

"Hey, hey! Calm down, Okey? I will try to find more if you want me too. Just don't snap like that."

After spending a few hours eating all I could get, I go back to my resting place to check how much biomass I have gathered. Hmm 27 points, not bad. But this is gonna take me forever.

Right now, there is a 7-meter radius devoid of all live near me. I ate every little bush, plant, and vine. I only left the most significant trees as it was going to be too slow to consume them.

After a couple more days, I will have eaten a significant part of the biome, and those birds will surely keep opposing me as they did before. I feel that I have to take them down…

-They prey! We eat.

Without me noticing, my eyes start to give a faint purplish color. It just lasts for a mere second before subduing.

After a few more seconds, I get out of the trance. This was strange, I feel weird. Anyway, the little one is right, we need more food…

I try to check my status with the support biomorph. After all, it's sole function seems to be able to help me with all the evolution stuff that I have not mastered yet. Its help was so well received!

And after a couple of hours of trying to understand Tyranid physiology, what I found is, well…

It's disturbing, to say the least. Nightmarish? Sure.

Let me explain. This body is made of several biomorphs, smaller organisms that work symbiotically with the primary host to help it mode, defend, and gather food or resources of any sort.

And the best thing is I can develop my very own biomorph right now! Right Norn?

-Yes! We army!

I have called the little one Norn, after all, she seems to be a very high ranking organism in the Tyranid ecosystem, if that even exists. And it appears that at the heart of every Tyranid, there is one or several figures known as Norn Queens.

Okay, then I need to focus on developing better senses, and a way to attack that does not compromise my head, it's a weak spot after all.

Hmmm, I don't have a list, but I feel that maybe better senses and some sting in the tail would help me pretty much in this situation.

Biomorphs Available:

Enhanced Senses - 20 biomass

Venomous Sting - 10 biomass

Yes! Let's do it! We will have my revenge against those birds and advance to the next module.

Begin the updates!