
Werewolf Monarch

[WSA 2024 Entry] In the depths of a war torn city, Luna has no choice but to do everything she can to survive. However, she would always be a prisoner if she couldn't find a way to escape. One day, after waiting for death to take her, she wakes up to find that she's been saved by a werewolf. Also, Luna's new teacher shows her the world of magic. Luna never suspected such a thing could exist in a world where technology dominated everything. **** Chapters will be realased every two days so I can catch up and have chapters ready to publish in advanced.

LupusDeus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


One week later...

'It felt like an eternity to get to this point, but I'm finally starting to see some improvement. My time for each lap went from over two hours down to less than two.'

Luna can feel herself getting closer to the goal she set for herself. She has to free everyone from this place, and she's willing to put herself through hell to achieve it. On the other hand, she really had no choice. Raven was going to do this to her anyway.

'I've never tried to insult her unless it was in my mind, but this is going too far.'

Luna has to hold onto a raw piece of meat because it attracts rabid dogs to chace her around to make sure she don't slow down. It's the good kind too. Not like that rat meat. So if she want to eat it, she'll have to make sure she brings it back home in one piece.

After almost completing half of the third lap of the day, her legs start to get tired. As she slows down, the dogs start to catch up.

It doesn't help her that when they get tired new ones run out of the city and start chasing her. She wouldn't be surprised if they are the same ones from the previous lap. They're just waiting for her to run past them again.

She looks behind her to see five of them closing in on the heels of her feet. They bark and pant heavily, one of them even managing to take a shot at biting her leg.

'I can't keep this up, I won't make it to the finish line at this rate.'

As her foot touches the ground, she leaps into the air while turning to face them head on. The first dog lunges at her, but she manages to wrap her arms around its neck and throw it into the firing range of the turrets. A bullet pierces through its skull almost immediately.

She tries to do the same with the rest, but they rush her all at once. She cuts and slash them with her claws, hitting one in the neck, the other in the stomach.

After Luna delt with the rest, she decided to take a short rest to regain her stamina. She knew she couldn't stay here for long, more feral dogs could take their chances with her at anytime.

After completing her final lap, she notices Raven smiling at her. She knows that smile, Raven's not smiling because she's safe. She's doing it because she hates those rabid animals. All they do is cause problems for people. They eat the edible animals and attack those who get too close. Killing them is a benefit for everyone.

"Alright, hand over my dinner."

Her words fill Luna with anger. She almost snap at Raven, but she knows her place. She has to do everything she says.

"I thought we were sharing."

"We are." Raven looks confused. "The one you're holding is mine." She pulls out another cut of meat from seemingly out of nowhere. "This one is yours, but you have to earn it. One more lap should do."

Luna curse her under her breath. She takes the cut of meat and insult Raven until her final lap is completed.

After Luna finishes her dinner, it was time for meditation. She can tell Raven isn't fond of her. Being forced to train Luna and remain here might have something to do with it. Then again, she does sense something inside her. Most of the time Raven seem to piss her off, but then she can have genuine moments of happiness in her eyes as they talk.

This is all very confusing to Luna. It could be because she's spent so long by myself. At least her attitude helped Luna to stop fawning over Raven.

Luna's concentration is broken after Raven kicks her in the back. "It's time to learn your first magic spell."

"Really!? I'm ready for something like that?"

"Of course you are. You have been, but you haven't expanded your magic reserves enough to cast one until now."

"What kind of spell is it?"

Raven's demeanor changes instantly. Her blue eyes slowly open to meet Luna's. Luna can suddenly feel an immense pressure building up around them. It brings her to her knees as she struggles to breath.

"That was a third question." The pressure dissipates. "However, I'm going to let it slide this time."

Luna remembers Raven mentioning that she can use dark, and gravity magic.

'Was that what that pressure was?'

"Gravity magic." Luna states.

Raven smiles before shaking her head. "No. That was just me releasing my spiritual energy. Think of it as warming up before a fight."

"I see. It's like stretching your muscles before a workout."

"Sort of." Raven sighs and claps her hands together. "First, I want to ask you a few questions."

'So she can ask me questions but gets annoyed when I do?'

"I need to determine what kind of person you are." Raven says. I know you can handle yourself, I saw the four men you killed. However, I need to know you are as a person before I can continue to train you."

'Then why have me go through all that training in the first place? Was it to judge my determination?' Luna asked herself.

"What are you going to do after you gain the ability to use magic?" Raven asked.

"I'm going to free everyone here."

Raven shakes her head. "I could understand if you had friends here. The way I see it, most people here are unredeamable."

"That's because this city is all they know." Luna raises her voice. "This city has corrupted them. They have to do anything they can to survive. Some of them are evil, but real leaders know how to put them in their place."

Raven's expressions turns cold. "And if you can't control them?"

"I'll leave them here, or kill them."

She smiles at Luna and she feels a sense of relief. "How will you treat those who follow you?"

"As their leader, it's my duty to put my life on the line for them. Because a leader is nothing without their followers." Luna continues.

"Good answer. But I wonder if that will change?"

Luna consider her words carefully as Raven walks around her and puts her hands on Luna's back. People can change overtime, their true intentions and courage tested in times of peril.

'I'll make them pay for making us live like this. I know almost nothing of our enemy, but I do know their name. Zendarians.'

'They defeated our country before I was born. And from what I've heard, there are more cities like this. My long term plan is coming together. With the help of Raven, I shall take defeat them and take back what is rightfully ours.'

'Those who stand in m....'

Luna's body tenses up when a sharp pain pierces her back.

"Sorry." Raven says. "I forgot to tell this might hurt a bit. I have to open your spiritual nodes a little more for you to properly replenish your spiritual aura."

"Magic, aura, spiritual. Just pick one word for it."

It's a shame about the dogs, but donating all your power stones to me will help me build a shelter for the rest of them.

LupusDeuscreators' thoughts