
Werewolf King Of Ireland

Holly was an omega in the world of Werewolves and she heard the new king was opening the castle to requests. Her only hope of survival was to get away from her captor and beg for help.

Skiripper · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3: The Castle

I felt very out of place in this large castle and I had no time to enjoy the architecture because everytime I stopped the King did too. "Sorry You're Majesty." I said as I picked up the pace. "Please call me Gavin, Holly." He said and sighed as he walked up another set of stairs. "Why do you say my name in every question you ask, and sometimes in the answers?" I asked trying to keep up. "This one is the room your sister asked for." He nodded and I opened the door to peak inside. I lit the lamp and looked at the soft whites and pinks. "She would pick a princess room." He laughed and tucked her into bed. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Molly you okay to stay in here alone?" She shot up and looked around her. "Yes go see your room. Oh food!" She bounced off the bed and shoved a sandwich in her mouth. "Molly!" I scolded and she held up another piece. "You want some?"

The King let out a laugh and shook his head. "Your sister had her own food, she just didn't want you to be scared. There are two guards outside their names are Dennis and Phillip. They guard this wing till eleven. And you know where your sister is and where I will be right?" She nodded and hugged me then ran to the King who scooped her up. "Now sleep and in the morning we will find you some dresses and things." She smiled and kissed him again earning her another laugh.

I wanted to make him laugh like that. I watched as he tucked her in and kissed her forhead. "Good night Princess Molly." She giggled and he walked to the door. "Ready Holly?" I nodded and gave one last look to Molly who smiled. I walked out and he closed the door. "Phillip, Dennis." Two men turned and bowed to the King. "I know I ask a lot of you two, but would you mind keeping an ear out for Molly. You can mindlink me if she gets scared or needs help." They nodded and one man stepped foward. "It would be an honor sir." He said before he bowed and returned to his post. "Thank you Phillip."

He turned and put out his hand. I hesitated, but placed my hand in his as he led me past another room. "That's my Mother's room and this one." he pointed to the door next to Molly's. "This is yours. Molly said you would love it." He opened the door and I inhaled. The walls to the right where stacked with books and a fireplace crackled. The bed made with deep Greens and ivory sat to my left. "This is beautiful." I said as he let go of my hand. I walked to a door and opened it revealing a bathroom with a huge tub. A glass wall surrounded with trees outside. I ran my hands over the cold glass. "This is where I can stay?"

I came out to see him standing at the door being a proper gentleman. "Yes these are your rooms, but you can go anywhere you'd like in the castle. Phillip and Dennis can help you find your way, or bring anything you need. In the mornings food can be brought to you, but I'd rather you come and eat with me. My room is at the end of this hall and to the left. Or we can eat in the hall, or on the terrace when it's warmer. What would you like Holly?"

I took a deep breath and ran my fingers over the bedding. "I think I will be okay with eating with you." He nodded and I walked to the door. "Are you going to tuck me in to bed too?" I said as I glanced up. His eyes flashed and he tightened his grip on the door. "I figured you would sent to soak and eat, but if you want me to I will tuck you in everynight." I smiled and he grabbed me from the side of the bed. His lips where warm and soft as he moved them against mine.

I froze and jumped with shock, but then he pulled away. "Sorry Holly. Forgive me." He said as he blushed and went back to the door. "I'll see you in the morning." He quickly shut the door and left me alone with no noise except the crackle of the fire. I stood there for a minute before I could think. I stripped down and started a bath. As it filled I took a plate of food with me and ate until I was full.

I let the warm water soak into me and washed my hair. I found brushes and oils for my hair and body. it's been so long I don't even remember what they smell like anymore. I sniffed a few and chose lavender scent for my body and a jasmine mix for my hair with almond. After I crashed into the bed I passed out.

When I awoke the sun streamed through my window and it was quiet. I tossed on a robe and ran to my sisters room. I opened the door to find it empty and started to panic. "Molly!" I said as I rushed to see her room set up like mine, only filled with books for children and a few shelves of stuffed animals. I ran down the hall to the guards. "Sir have you seen a little girl run by here?" The men shook their heads no and I ran to the Kimgs room. I knocked but when no one answered I panicked again.

I ran down the hall barefoot and into a corridor. I was on the verge of tears when I ran into a maid. "I am so sorry." I said as I helped the woman up. "No problem dear." She said as she got up and took the laundry with her. I kept running not thinking of asking her where Molly was I heard the kings voice and ran into the room. Five peoples heads turned and the King's eyes flashed gold. "Excuse me." He said as he marched toward me.

"What the hell do you think you are doing running around in your nightgown?" I looked down and shrugged. "I was looking for Molly and she wasn't there. Then you weren't there." I took a deep breath and tears fell down my face. "I have to find Molly." I choked out and the King wrapped his arms around me. "Molly is with my mother in the garden. I thought you where mad at me when you didn't show up for breakfast, but Molly said you were fast asleep." I nodded and looked up at him. He was very handsome I thought as he walked me towards my room.

"I was and I'm sorry I haven't slept in a bed for a long while." The King froze and his eyes darkened. "Where did you sleep?" I looked around as he lead me back not really wanting to answer him. "Holly." He said as we came upon a familiar hallway and I ran to my room. I opened the wardrobe to find dresses and snatched the first one I saw that wasn't scratchy looking. I slid it on and found drawers filled with undergarments and shoes. I grabbed shoes and ran back put the door.

The King's back was to me and he was talking to the guards. "... Be sure." Was all I heard before I walked up and they all got quiet. He turned and the King looked down at me and smiled. "You look beautiful Holly." I let out a small thank you and he led me to a kitchen where he got me food. He sat with me while I ate and then tossed a cloakmover me before heading outside. I followed until we came to a greenhouse. "Molly amd my Mom are inside. Unfortunately I have to go back and finish my meeting, but I hope to see you tonight." I nodded and a whiff of Molly met my nose as he opened the door along with a bunch of flowers. "Thank you." I said before darting between two tables and looking for Molly.

I turned the corner and there she sat with Ms. Paisley. "Oh dear are you okay?" Paisley said as I dropped to my knees. Today she wore a gauze skirt and a tanktop tied with belts and coins. She wore ankle boots and a pandora hat as her dark hair waved down around her shoulders. "Fine just freaked out when I couldn't find Molly." Molly beamed next to her wearing a green velvet dress. "Well I'm fine." She said as she picked up a glass of tea and took a sip.

I let out a breath of irritation and Paisley smiled. "Guess we should have left that note after all Molly." Molly nodded and I stood up brushing off the lavender dress I chose today. "Come sit dear, you can join us." I shook my head. "I don't want to intrude and I really was just worried about Molly." Molly looked guilty as I turned to walk away.

"Holly!" She yelled before she ran towards me. "Just come sit, Paisley is teaching me table manners and you should probably learn too." She took my hand and led me to the table. I waited for her to sit and then I sat across from Paisley and next to Molly.

The afternoon was boring as I learned which utensils to use when and what was in each cup and so after the lesson I excused myself and walked the castle halls. I looked at walls and pictures until my feet hurt and even then I just removed my shoes and held them as I walked.

I came to a few doors and opened them up. One led to more doors, one led to a hallway filled with pictures, and the third one I entered. Books lined the shelves and I inhaled. It was beautiful, the best sight I had seen yet with bookshelves that reached the ceilings. I walked theoight letting my hands brush the bindings of the books until I found a small area with a red couch and matching reading chairs. In front of a large fireplace and large windows on either side.