
Chapter 1: meeting the friend


Hi I'm Lauren I'm a werewolf I know it sounds weird but hey that's were I am let's get in to the story


Lauren's mom : good morning my sweet . How are you?

Lauren: I'm good mom thanks.

Lauren's mom: why do you look down in the dumps.

Lauren:why do I look down in the dumps oh! You want to know because WE LIVE IN THE WOODS IN GOD KNOWS WHERE ugh 😡😡💢 I just want to go to school and be normal .

Lauren mom and dad: should we tell her .

Lauren dad: I think we should .

Lauren: mom, dad what's going on.

Lauren's mom and dad:where moving to the city 🎉🎉🎉.

Lauren: what the heck!!! I'm so excited.

Lauren'sMom: I know you are that's why were leaving tomorrow morning.

Lauren: what the.

Lauren'sDad : yeah go start packing.

Lauren: uhh uh okay

The next day.

Lauren: uh I'm gonna miss this old place. Lauren's Mom : Lauren come on let's go

Lauren : coming mom

Driving to the city (5hrs later )

Lauren: ah were finally here.

Lauren's mom: all right sweetheart go to your room is ready 9:00 p.m. so you want to get ready for school tomorrow.

At school

Lauren: I don't know where to go maybe can ask someone here.

Alex: are you new here my name is Alex what's yours.

Lauren: hi my name is Lauren

Alex: hi Lauren

Lauren: do you know where chemistry class is ?

Alex: yeah I do follow me that's my next class.

Lauren: thanks your cute

Alex:🥴🥴😳😳 uh uh uhhh uh tha thanks?


Wait did I just his cute oh no oh no I've made the biggest mistake of my life oh no

Let's get back to the story


Alex: let's go in

Lauren: sure

Alex: you go in first

Lauren: um yeah sure


The end of chapter 1

Creation is hard it is not easy please, cheer me up! by VOTING for me! pls I need all the help I can get.i just started on 10/4/2024 but I'm trying my best.thank you ♥️♥️♥️

Laura_5164creators' thoughts