
Chapter Eighteen

“Hello stranger,” she paused in her weeding and smiled.

“Is it not a bit too early to be sneaking up on people?” she replied, rising so she could face him.

“It should be well into noon, I’m sure.”

“And that doesn’t seem like too early for you?”

He shrugged, “would you rather I sneaked up on you at night? I can assure that is a lot more distressing.”

She smiled, “and who said anything about being distressed?”

“You’re obviously distress.”

“I barely jolted.”

“Yiu have the reaction rate of a witch then,”

Her smile came slowly, “I see. More red head relations.”

“Something of that sorts.” She smiled and shook her head.

If only he knew…

And if he knew, really knew, would he still be making jokes? Would she still be smiling?

She didn’t know. She didn’t know and did not want to hurt herself at that moment looking for answers.