
WEREWOLF BLOODLINE: Vengeful Rise Of The Immortal Hunter

I hunted beasts that were deemed immortal, ripping off their immortal status. I loathed them for they destroyed my home. My anger for them, in one word, immeasurable. Yet look at me, what have I become… I did not need a mirror to realize that I had turned into a werewolf, with the curse of immortality. I tried, again and again, to kill myself, yet it was futile. But hey, wait, I am a beast now. Can’t I crawl in and kill other beasts in this disguise? Haha, foolish Vampire God, this curse is a curse to your entire race, for now, I will obliterate everyone! ..... This is a Book about Gray Waterfell. After living as a human and climbing through pain to Hunt down the Vampire God, he was forced into reincarnation by their earth shattering battle. Naturally, he swore to get his revenge by killing every supernatural creature in the world. But Fate was wicked to him, his new family he was born into was a supernatural family, a Werewolf family. A family that loved him more than the human race he fought for ever did. After Human invasion and massacre took treasure he never had in his previous life, his blade now stare in the confusion of his Vengeance. Supernaturals must be killed, but the pain of losing one's love, must be AVENGED... Author's Note: I noticed that no one really captures the true state of confusion and a sense of loss that comes with getting reborn. For most, the protagonist is just flushed into battle. But this Mc is different, the first 80 chapters allows you to understand why he was forced unto his predicament and the reason for the goals and ambitions he develops. I'll be fair, it's a painful read, but bear through it. Rise to the top is incredible, and once its starts, only blood flows till the end....

Dere_Isaac · Fantasy
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147 Chs

Don't Disappoint me Boy

 A low hum reverberated through the fighting grounds as a staff hit the earth.


This was not an ordinary staff and this was not an ordinary hit on the ground.

This was a spell in motion that instantly separated every opponent from each other, whether it was supernatural creature or not. 

This meant that chief Tobi, aiming to give the finishing blow was suddenly given a hit by the very air itself. This also included Gray and Vomade.

At this moment, all eyes looked at the person that had just appeared, and he at them. 

It was Chief Gaga, and beside him, was surprisingly a dwarf, a supernatural creature. 

Chief Gaga chuckled and the Dwarf close to him, Dr Festus also had a smile on his face. 

"Hmmm! so this is the farm you have been rearing for the third prince. It is quite bountiful, good job!" Chief Gaga complimented and Dr Festus nodded, "Thank you chief Gaga."