
Is This A Dream?

There was a grip on my wrist and it pulled me right up onto his chest. I held onto his arm immediately due to the sudden movement. I breathe nervously, then looked directly at him as he hugged me tightly to save me from slipping. His face seemed to brighten as everything in the background has instantly blurred white. His face was relaxed with a smirk. His lips were shining pink and his eyes were warm and gentle for a second and then turned icy cold when he glanced at me. He was in front of me and it made me forget how close we were. Admiring his looks, I seemed to daydream for a second. Suddenly the sound of the waves roared and hit the shore loudly, waking me up from his attractive appearance. Looking right down, I see the strong waves crashing onto the shore back and forth as if they were ready to come up and pull us down any second. Slightly frighten, I held onto his arm tighter.

"You fool, why are you so clumsy?" he asked and then knocked my head.

I pouted my face and answered "I'm not! If you stop messing around with me, I wouldn't have become careless."

Then he looked at my hands and said "I think you can let go now."

In embarrassment, I let go of his arm and walked ahead of him to prevent myself from blushing any longer. We had walked for nearly four hours. Where are we?


"Yan Qian, I'm running out of ingredients. Can you go out and get your mother some?" Said Yan Qian's mother.

That caused the beautiful young lady with eyes like pearl and bright glimmers to wake up from her nap. Yan Qian ran out of the straw house to see what her mother needed. She wore a plain blue outfit but it was able to show her figure and make her look as gentle as the sky. Her hair were dark but not black. There was a shine of brown in her hair when she stood in the sun. Yan Qian's hair style was in a simple bun with a few braids surrounding the bun and the rest of her hair fell down smoothly on her shoulder and back. Her face was not pale white but had a refreshing glow. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled and answered her mother.

"Mother, what do you need? I was also thinking about going to a nearby village to get some medicine for grandma."

"I need some vegetables and herbs. If you're able to find any, get some more firewoods too," Her mother replied.

"Okay mother, I'll be back." Yan Qian replied and walked into the forest.

As she was walking, she questioned the scene earlier in her dream. "That dream felt familiar as if it's not the first time I've dreamed of it." Suddenly she remembered that she forgot to bring her money bag. Therefore she turned around to go back home. However, as she turned around, she saw a flash of light which caused her to lose conscious.


When Yan Qian woke up, she was in a location she was clueless of. It was dark and the floor was slightly damp which seemed like a cave. She reached around to try to feel her way out and she touched something laying on the floor which seemed like a body. Thoughtlessly she continued touching the body until she accidently reached to an unusual part of the body.

"You just got here and you're already so eager to surrender your body. What an unusual one," said the man laying on the ground.

Yan Qian shrieked and tried to get up but the man pulled her down and hugged her onto his chest.

"Be quiet if you want to live."

Many people were approaching them as the footsteps can be heard from miles away. Yan Qian began getting nervous laying on the man's chest and she can feel herself blushing. This is the first time she has been so closed to a man. She thought to herself, "This man has a nicely built body but could he be a pervert? I must leave here before anything else happens."

As a result, Yan Qian struggled and screamed, "Help! Help me!" That triggered the man to grab her face and quiet her with a kiss on her lip.

Yan Qian could not believe it. Her first embrace and kiss was with this mysterious man! A pervert!

"Who is it?!" Asked a man who seems to be in his early 20s. He led a group of men with about ten people. Slowly, the men came closer and closer to Yan Qian and the mysterious man.

To distract them, the mysterious man jumped out and spread some sleeping powder. He then grabbed Yan Qian and they both flew out of the cave.

Yan Qian and the mysterious man fled from the scene and ran through a forest until they came across an abandon temple. By this time, the sun was beginning to set. Upon looking around their surroundings, they decided to hide inside the temple. As they got inside, the mysterious man threw Yan Qian onto a straw mattress and laid on top of her with a knife in his hand near her neck.

"You almost killed us back there. Are you also an assassin sent here to kill me too?" Said the mysterious man.

"I am not! I'm just looking for things to bring back home. Also if you knew qinggong then why didn't you use it earlier? If you did, we wouldn't be in this situation now." Replied Yan Qian timidly.

The mysterious man did not reply but gave her a murderous glare. Slowly, there was an awkward silence. Flustered, she looked away and continued softly,

"Thank you for saving my life back there..." 

The mysterious man did not answer yet fell unconscious and laid his head on her chest.

"Is he trying to sleep right now?" Yan Qian thought.

Yan Qian looked at the mysterious man. He looked pale and out of breath. Yan Qian glanced around her surrounds until she noticed that there were traces of blood. She followed the traces of blood until she realized it was coming from the mysterious man. He was bleeding heavily and the wound was on his stomach.

"How could he be wounded this bad?" Said Yan Qian.

Yan Qian tried to get him off of her. After awhile of struggling, she finally succeed. Bandaging his injury with her torn clothes, she noticed multiple scars on his chest and shoulders. They were not light injuries.


By the time the mysterious man woke up, he was laying next to a fireplace with his injuries all bandaged up. Then he looked around for Yan Qian and saw her leaning next to a pillar and resting her head with her eyes closed. He stared at her for a long time and realized that she was a beauty when she is resting. Although Yan Qian was not the typical Chinese beauty standard, she was still a beauty in her own ways. His lips curved up a little then he decided to help Yan Qian sleep in a better position.

He walked over and carried her to the straw mattress he was sleeping earlier. Slowly putting her down, Yan Qian's eyes gradually opened and she panicked when she saw him carrying her.

"Ah! What are you doing?!" Yelled Yan Qian.

"You looked uncomfortable earlier so I was trying to help you sleep better." Replied the mysterious man. Then he smirked and said, "But if you want me to do something else then it is also possible."

Feeling annoyed and irritated by his teasing, Yan Qian looked away and changed the topic.

"Put me down. How are your wounds now and how did you get so many injuries?"

The mysterious man hesitated to answer. Then he replied ironically, "Just some minor injuries from the bandits on the road."

Although Yan Qian may have stayed in a small village, she was aware of where those injuries came from. But since he didn't want to answer truthfully then she won't force him to.

"Since we have been through a life and death situation, why not exchange our names?" asked Yan Qian.

"Hmm, okay. You can call me husband in the future," teased the mysterious man.

"If you don't tell me your name then I'll call you pervert from now on," threatened Yan Qian.