

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Return To Vale City

'This is good.' I said as my head was an Alice give me lap and Lena and Sol were next to me, pressing their breasts against me.

"Master, it's time to go, or the others will be looking for us," Alice said as she stroked my hair.

"Unfortunately, all good things come to an end quickly." I said then got up and started getting dressed.

"Lena and Sol, when we return to the camp, you are to behave normally as if this incident never happened." I said, And Lena and Sol nodded.

We split up on the way to the camp so that someone would not notice us together.

When I got to the camp, most of them were sleeping, not even in tents, but near the extinguished fire on the ground.

"Good thing I had Sara patrol, if any monster had sneaked in, he would have killed many without a problem," I thought and went to wake them all up.

Everyone had a hangover and had a headache, and those who slept on the ground had even worse.

When I told them to be ready to leave in an hour, they broke down.

"I could probably be late one day and nothing bad would happen to me, but let it be a lesson not to drink lot during camp." I thought and watched as everyone packed.

While everyone was packing, I started looking for the last girl I hadn't tainted.

It didn't take me long, because she didn't drink yesterday, it was easy to see her who had no problem with packing compared to rest that can barely walk.

'Hi Sena. 'I walked over to Sena who was by the head higher from me and had long brown hair along with long legs and her height looks like a model.

"Hello Sir!" she replied and when she was close enough I used the Lust Curse and it worked for her without any problem.

'Are you finished packing?' I asked and wondering what her moans would be like.

"I've packed everything and I'm waiting to leave!" she said with a slight fear in her eyes.

No wonder, I would be surprised if someone was not afraid of me among the recruits after this training.

'Well done, if the rest were ready so quickly it would be nice.

Maybe I will give some reward for the last one? ' I said in louder tone and when the recruits near me heard it, they sped it up.

"They reaction is always funny." I thought satisfied and then I went to the carts and started to wait when everyone would be ready.

It took them almost two hours, but I'm not surprised, after that we set off for the city.

We barely make half distance to the Cities when the night fell, thanks to the fact that a lot of space was freed in the cars, those who slowed us the most entered.

The rest envied them, but as I said that they would get additional training as they returned for punishment, jealousy turned into compassion immediately.

As night fell, I assigned Alice, Lene, and Sol as the night patrol to make easier access to Sena tent.

When it was the middle of the night I looked into her tent and saw that she was sleeping, it surprised me a lot.

"Normally, after a day of Lust curse, there is no option for a person to sleep!" I thought then checked her Lust level

30/100 Lust points

'Only 30! After a whole day? normally it's around 70! She's level 10 like the rest of the girls! Maybe she has some skill that slows down her Lust, but my Scan is too weak to see people's skills, so far I can only see the level and statistics. ' I thought and wondered whether to use the Lust touch, but I did not want to risk waking her up, so I returned to my tent to sleep.

In the morning, everyone is well rested, in better condition than yesterday. we packed up and went on our way.

We got into town before the night so I was pleased with our pace.

When we got to town, I checked Sena Lust level and it was only 50.

"Her Lust is growing slower and slower, a normal person on her level would have been 100 points long ago." I was getting more and more interested in her.

"I will have to find where she lives, because they will now have a week off, so I will not find her in the barracks." I thought then talked to Alice and asked if she knew where Sena lived and told me she didn't know.

"Together with Lena and Sol, find out where she lives and when you find out, then go tothe Twin Montain Tavern and tell me." I told her and she left immediately.

"It's time to report back to Rin." I thought then started to go to her office