

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Private Recruiting Training

I tied they hands together with pieces of cloth from their clothes and waited for them to wake up, it took a few hours, but I didn't want to go out at night so I waited until morning.

In the morning we set off towards the camp, it looked like I was leading the prisonersbut I ignored it.

After a few hours we reached the camp it was noon and Alvin greeted me and reported that no one else was trying to escape.

"Well done, take groups to hunting at the edge of the forest, I'll be busy with a bunch of people who need a private training." I said and saw on alvin's face that he felt sorry for what was coming for them.

After the half day of the march, the group was tired, but I was uninterested in it and I took them to the forest to hunt.

When we met a group of goblins where it was 4. I was wondering where they come from, we killed a good few hundred goblins during our stay, but they were always back the next day.

"It doesn't matter now, 'I thought and focused on the things before me.

I had two against four goblins, they normally fight 2vs1 so normaly the goblin didn't stand a chance, but now the goblins have the advantage in numbers.

From their expressions, they mused that I wanted to kill them and thought about running away from their expressions, but they gave up seeing that I was keeping an eye on them.

The fight was fierce for the recruits, acquired a few wounds, but managed to defeat them, they wanted to take a break immediately, but I had a different plan.

I took big amount medicine for wounds, almost everything that was left to healed their wound.

Even with a backpack full of magical medicine for wounds, I didn't fully heal them all the time

"We go on, there should be two kobolds a few hundred meters from here!" I said and started to rush them.

I told them to fight non-stop, sometimes they even tried to escape, but they got an arrow from Sara, and since then they refused to run away as they thought that someone else was watching them except me.

This cycle went on for the ceiling of the week, and they almost died a few times, but a swift arrow from among the trees saved them.

After that they had 14 level four more level shouldn't have had after this training, but that's not a problem.

Now their fear of me is sufficient that they will never run away again, they know they would meet them lot of pain.

After five days , thay look like they had fought for years in the woods, their lether armor was damaged in various places, some with scars on their hands or faces, and thay were ready to fight at any moment.

They looked totally different from the a week ago.

'An example of an ideal soldier! Maybe I should make my own training book? I said my mind aloud and the recruits who heard it felt fear, thinking that they will train like this all the time.

As I was thinking, a Lilia came up to me.

"Trener, will you take me deep into the woods?" he said impatiently.

"I totally forgot about it!" I thought

"I'll pick you up after this training, when we get back, the two of us will go." I said, thinking where I might take her to gotten her some levels.

"Okay, I'll wait," he said, slightly saddened

When I was thinking where would be a reasonably safe place for hunting, Alvin approached me.

Sir! they all reached level 10 while you were busy training! ' he said saluting me.

"One problem out from my head" I thought

"Well done, I will said a good word for you when we get back," I said, and Alvin was full of joy by the expression on his face.

'Thanks Sir!' he said then walked away, probably tell the rest.

I had them rest the rest of the week, they thought it was a trap for them in the beginning.

'Seriously who do they think I am? devil? 'I thought as I went to my tent.

'I lay down and waited until the evening, waiting for most of them to go to sleep.

'The rest of the girls have reached level 10, so it's time to harvest. in the morning I used a lust curse on one, so it should start working now, 'I thought as I leave out of the tent and walked joyfully in the direction of a certain tent.