

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs

A Visit Sena House

I woke up after a good night with Alice and went to eat breakfast while Alice was still asleep.

I go downstair and Peny greeted me and asked me.

"How's the night, because I heard that it was quite wild." she said and I was froze with shock.

"Don't worry I won't tell Sara, but for that you have to please me in the near future." she said with a charming smirk.

"If you want it that much, I have no choice." I said then walked over to her and grabbed her breast.

'Ah! not in front of people. ' she said in my ear

"You say, but you don't stop me." I said while I played with her breasts.

After a few seconds, I released her and sat down at the table.

"I'll be busy today and tomorrow so you'll have to wait." I said and I saw she was slightly sad.

"I have the feeling that if I put more pressure on her, we'd be doing it in her room in a moment." I thought

"Not fair, after that you say you'll be busy for two days?" she said, slightly angry.

"I didn't think you were so much a slut." I said, laughing slightly.

"It's all yours to blame, it's hard for me to focus from then on." she said ashamed.

"Don't worry in two days, it will satisfy you more than you think." I say.

After this talk, I ate breakfast and then went upstairs for Alice, who led me to Sena House.

And I have to say it was really on the edge of town, it took us an hour to get to this place.

The neighborhood was poor, it looked like a slum where people without money lived.

And the store was not so bad from the outside from the rest of the buildings in the area.

"I'm not surprised she didn't want to say where she lives, likely she was ashamed of it." I thought then I figured out how to meet incognito Sena and see how her Lust grew.

But Alice said she had prepared cloth in advance if I wanted to go incognito.

'I impressed.' I said and stroked her head.

"I'm glad I could be useful." she said, enjoying my praise and my hand.

We walked down the alley and changed into old hooded clothes.

After finishing, we went inside and the inside was not pleasant.

Most of the things were not put in order but thrown in one pile and I saw that selling everyday utensils here.

'Hello how can I help?' the man behind the counters spoke.

"Hello, I would like to buy a travel pot, do you have any?" I asked and saw that the man's eyes had a flashed to gold for moment or is my imagination.

"Of course there will be something, please follow me." he said and got up behind the counters and led to the back of the store.

I have to say I didn't think he was so tall, but when he got up he was two meters tall, now I know where Sena is so tall.

"Somewhere are pots, please wait a moment." then he started rummaging through the pile of items.

"Alice, keep him occupied for a while." I said to Alice and then go away from them to see if I could find Sene.

'Do you have anything interesting that like sleeping bags here for traveling tents?' Alice asked, taking the shopkeeper's attention.

"Alice said they live in the store, so there must be rooms in the back here." I thought then opened the door and walked down the corridor

After a few seconds I saw another door which I slowly opened and saw the beds inside.

'Bingo!' I thought then saw that someone was sleeping in one of the beds.

"I found you Sena, now let's see your Lust!" I thought then quickly used the Lust checker.

100/50 Lust points

"I figured it would not be a high number, but still, it hurts to look at it, I think it's time to help her a little!" I thought then sneaked quietly so as not to wake her up.

When I was close enough, I touched her leg which was sticking out of the blanket.

When I touched her legs, she suddenly moved, I thought she woke up, but only let out a light sigh in her sleep.

"She has 50 lust, so she is much touch sensitive now!" I thought then

I used touch Lust and saw that she only scored 5 out of the 20 that she should have gotten.

"Now I'm sure it has some resistance to Lust." I thought then quickly used Lust pheromone and left the room.

I quickly went back to the Store and saw that Alice was still occupying shopkeeper.

"Okay, I'll probably have to add another day to get her those 100 Lust points!" I thought and, without arousing any suspicions, we bought this pot for 2 silver and then left the store.

When we were a long distance from the store, Alice asked me.

"Did you do what you wanted to Master?"

"Yes, but I have to wait two more days for Sena to join as." I said then Alice nodded and followed me.