

What if recarnation with a system that allows you to be more powerful by seducing women and satisfies the goddess's boredom? Well, let's find out if Kail will be able to meet the challenges from the goddess or will he die trying

Dawid_Pliszka · Fantasy
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60 Chs

A Little Party

Alice has knelt down in front of me and is looking at me with eyes full of joy as if she was looking at her god.

"Thanks to her, I hit the next level and I'm not missing much of the next one!" I thought pleased.

"Now what to do with her?" I looked at Alice and thought how to use her.

"Alice, do you have a good relationship with the rest of the girl in the group?" I asked and Alice thought for a moment.

"I have a good relationship with Lene, Sol, Kaie and they trust me, but Lilia stays away from us." She replied

"This will make it easier for me!" I thought then gave her the first order.

"Bring Lene here at night tomorrow!" I said and then I wondered whether to Fuck her a little more, but stopped myself.

"We've been here for a few hours, if we don't come back, they'll start looking for us." I thought and then we returned to the camp, it was almost morning and when Lilia asked what happened, I replied that Alice was lost and I was looking for her.

She believed me with no problem. She is naive at times, but at times sharp too.

I went back to my tent and went to sleep for a few hours.

When I woke up, it was light outside, so I went looking for Lene. If it weren't for the desserts training, I would have had enough time to take care of all the girls before returning to the City.

"Tomorrow we go back to Vale town, so I can only corupt today and tomorrow when we go back, so there will be Lilia left for training and one girl who I must corupt in town somehow!" I was wondering while I was going to the girls' tents.

After my walk I met Alice who came to me and greete me.

'I order her behave normally so there won't be any problems I hope. ' After a few minutes, I found Lene talking to another girl.

I greeted them and when I passed Lene I used Lust curse and her low level she is not able to feel it, let alone repel it.

"If it wasn't for that long cooldown on Curse that I was be able to have much easier life!" I thought a bit saddened.

I walked at the day and chatted with the recruits, on the beginning they were stressed out and scared to talk to me through that hellish training, but they quickly relaxed when I had order the beer taken out of the stocks that I had specifically asked for when I was sorting out supplies.

There was not much, but enough for 20 people to get litle drunk.

But a few people did not drink, specifically Lilia and Kai, when I asked why they were not drinking, they said that they cannot cope with alcohol, and they do not want to do something stupid.

I ignored them and when I met Sol who she drunk huge amount of beer then came up with a nice idea.

I found Alice and told her to get Sol to dead drunk.

I watched Alice and Sol from a distance as I spoke to the recruits who were already slightly drunk and talking nonsense.

After a few hours and nightfall, Alice waved her hand at me as Sol was leaning against her arm and probably asleep.

I walked away from the group unnoticed and went to see Alice.

"Sol has a strong head to drink." Alice said and I told her to lead her to the bushes where we were playing yesterday.

I said goodbye to the recruits and said that I was going to sleep, when I was in the tent, I waited a moment and then left the back of the tent and went to the meeting place.

On the way I summon Sara and had her patrol and kill the monsters near the camp.

"I don't want the monsters to attack them and kill them while they're drunk, I have a problem then." I thought then Sara nodded her head and disappeared under the cover of the night.

'Is Sara summon more intelligent or does it seem to me?

Before that I would have to use minor emotion to make more complicated orders like patrolling, where she makes her own decisions.' I thought, curious

After walking for a few minutes, I arrived at the meeting point and noticed Alice and Sol lying on the ground, sleeping.

'Well done Alice' I praised her and her facial expressions were full of fulfillment.

"Thank you for the praise! Master!" she said with a big smile at the faces.

'Bring Lene over here, she should be Full of Lust by Alcohol and Lust curse.' I said then Alice quickly went looking for Lene.

"Okay Today is going to be my little orgy which I'm excited about!"
