
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
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27 Chs

New Path

Alexa first wandered a bit into the forest, whistling a soft tune. She heard the familiar thudding of hooves on the ground as her loyal chestnut stallion came trotting around a cluster of trees, reins trailing behind him. She raised an eyebrow curiously at the brand new saddlebags adorning his flanks - someone must have taken care of her horse while she was trapped as a mindbroken whore at the "Brothel of Dibella."

Well, all the better for her. Alexa shrugged nonchalantly and reached up to affectionately stroke the smooth nose of her equine companion. She used her other hand to rummage through the newly-acquired saddlebags, finding only basic traveling supplies like hardtack, a waterskin, and a few torches. Nothing too exciting, but it would certainly come in handy.

She grinned as she imagined whoever had been caring for her horse waking up to find their trusty steed gone, likely leaving them stranded out in the wilderness. She giggled at the thought - a delightfully petty bit of payback. Who really cared about their plight, though? Not Alexa, that was for damn sure.

The blonde beauty set about transferring her newly pilfered treasures from the Falkreath forges over to the horse's inventory, carefully stowing away the valuable ingots, supple leather hides, and glittering jewels. Once she was satisfied her loot was secure, Alexa gave her stallion an affectionate pat on the rump.

"You can roam free for now, big guy," she said softly. "But stay close, yeah?"

Whether the horse actually understood her words or simply sensed her intent, Alexa didn't really know or care. The well-trained beast simply whinnied softly before turning to amble off through the trees, idly cropping at tufts of grass as it went.

Alexa watched him go for a moment before turning her gaze towards the horizon, where the thatched rooftops of Riverwood were just visible through the tree line. She started making her way in that direction, sticking to the bushes and underbrush to avoid being seen.

When she neared the main road leading into the village, Alexa's sharp eyes picked out the bored-looking guard stationed at the front gate. Quickly scooping up a loose pebble from the ground, she tossed it off to her left, drawing the man's attention. While he was distracted, peering off into the foliage, Alexa slipped past right behind him in a low crouch.

"Huh...must've been the wind," the guard muttered in confusion before shrugging it off and turning back to face the road once more.

Sneak increased to 26

Alexa bit back a triumphant laugh, continuing to slink from bush to bush until she was well within the boundaries of Riverwood proper. Her gaze settled on the Riverwood Trader, an idea sparking in her mind. The Golden Claw - the key to unlocking the inner sanctum of Bleak Falls Barrow where the ancient Dragonstone resided.

While not necessarily useful in its own right, the Dragonstone was an incredibly detailed map of ancient dragon burial sites across Skyrim. Alexa didn't have the power to absorb dragon souls just by visiting those sites, of course. Even if she was the fabled Last Dragonborn, or a Dragonborn at all, the souls could only be claimed by personally slaying the dragons in battle from what she understood.

Otherwise, those powerful souls would have been depleted centuries ago if any old Dragonborn could simply wander up and absorb them at will. No, the Dragonstone's true value lay in its potential aid for the "main quest" of stopping Alduin the World-Eater from unleashing his dragon horde upon Tamriel.

When Alduin came back, having the map to the dragon burial grounds ahead of time could prove incredibly useful if she wanted to work together with Delphine and form a connection with the remnants of the Blades. For now though, she simply needed to get her hands on the Golden Claw to ensure that option was still there for her in the future.

Her eyes constantly scanned for any sign of the guards as she approached the entrance to the Riverwood Trader. With bated breath, she knelt before the sturdy oak door and carefully pulled out her remaining lockpicks. Only ten delicate tools remained - she would have to make each one count.

Selecting a pick at random, Alexa set to work on the lock's mechanism. She gnawed her full lower lip in concentration, carefully manipulating the lockpick as she tried to catch the tumblers. The first pick snapped with a faint 'tink', causing her to freeze up. When no shouts or footsteps came, she let out the breath she'd been holding and tried again with a new tool.

It took six more broken lockpicks and over fifteen agonizing minutes of work before Alexa finally felt the lock's resistance give way. A wide smirk split her face as the door swung open a crack, the first time she'd ever successfully picked a lock. Moving quickly, she slipped inside and eased the door shut behind her.

Lockpicking increased to 8

Lockpicking increased to 9

The interior of the trading post was pitch black, the fire little more than glowing embers now. Alexa blinked a few times, allowing her eyes to adjust before starting to search the room. Her fingers trailed over shelves and countertops, swiping up anything that felt valuable or useful.

The Golden Claw definitely went into her inventory, followed by handfuls of stoppered bottles and vials she assumed contained potions or poisons. Any books or tomes she came across joined the collection as well, their contents a mystery for now.

Alexa was just reaching for what felt like a coin purse when a sound from the stairs made her freeze. Two feminine giggles echoed down, followed by the unmistakable wet sounds of sloppy kissing. She dropped into a crouch behind the counter, heart pounding as she peered through the gloom.

Warm light from the dying fire painted the room in shades of amber as two figures emerged from below. Alexa's eyes went wide when she recognized one of them - the gorgeous futanari shopkeeper Camilla Valerius. The other woman was a tiny, curvy brunette dressed in a sheer negligee that clung to her generous curves.

"You've been such a good girl for me," Camilla purred in a throaty alto, cupping the smaller woman's face. "Don't you think you deserve a reward?"

The petite brunette let out a breathy giggle, already tugging at the lacings of Camilla's dress. "Yes Mistress, please! I need you so bad..."

Alexa stared in rapt fascination as Camilla pulled the other woman into a deep, probing kiss. Their bodies writhed together sensually, hands roaming and caressing exposed skin until both were stripped bare.

When they finally broke apart, Camilla spun the brunette around and shoved her over the bearskin rug before the hearth. Alexa's mouth went dry at the sight of Camilla's enormous, rigid cock jutting out from her pelvis - even larger than Yvariel's gigantic shaft.

Camilla grasped her length with one hand, guiding the bulbous head to prod between the smaller woman's ass cheeks. She teased the puckered opening for a moment before shifting her aim lower, allowing the first few inches to spear into the brunette's dripping pussy.

"Oh fuck! Y-Your cock is so big, Mistress!" The petite woman cried out, back arching.

Camilla simply chuckled, steadily sheathing herself deeper with each measured thrust until she was fully hilted. The obscene squelching and the brunette's shrill moans filled the room as the pounding began in earnest.

Alexa's thighs clenched reflexively as she watched them from her hiding spot. She was painfully aroused, nipples pebbled and a slick heat building between her legs. But she knew better than to give in to the urge to touch herself - any sound could give away her position.

Instead, the blonde simply bit her lip and endured the exquisite torment of listening to Camilla roughly using the whimpering brunette. Every lewd grunt and moan made her ache with need, until she was silently mouthing pleas for release.

After twenty minutes of this, Camilla's rough jackhammering became erratic as she chased her peak. "Get ready!" She snarled out. "I'm going to fill your pussy full of my seed!"

The small wench wailed in mindless ecstasy, entire body jolting with each thrust to the womb. Alexa watched with rapt attention as Camilla hilted herself fully, pelvis smacking obscenely against the other woman's asscheeks. She threw her head back with a loud moan, thick ropes of cum erupting from her cock in pulsing bursts.

Alexa's breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight of Camilla's huge load flooding out around her girth to soak the brunette's thighs and the bearskin beneath them. It went on and on, until a veritable puddle had formed and the futanari was finally spent.

Knowing this was her chance, Alexa carefully rose into a crouch and made her way to the door on silent feet. She eased it open just enough to slip through, offering one last glance at the two spent women before closing it behind her.

Alexa shook her head, trying to clear the arousing images from her mind as she slipped back outside. She quickly ducked into some nearby bushes, avoiding the bored town guards on patrol. Once she was safely hidden, she took a moment to examine her newly acquired spoils.

First, she went through the Potions section in her inventory. "Let's see what we've got here," she muttered under her breath.

Potion of Minor Healing x4

Potion of Minor Magicka x2

Potion of Minor Stamina x7

Potion of Resist Cold x4

Frostbite Venom x4

"Not bad, not bad at all," Alexa said with a satisfied nod. A well-stocked alchemical arsenal could really come in handy out in the wilds.

Next, she looked through the books and tomes, her eyes lighting up as she realized two of them contained spells she didn't already know. A grin tugged at her full lips as she examined the first one.

Spell Tome: Conjure Familiar

Weight: 1 | Value: 384 | Mastery: 0%

Summons a familiar for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing.

The thought of having a temporary ally to aid her in battle was thrilling enough, but the second tome made her heart race with excitement.

Spell Tome: Fury

Weight: 1 | Value: 472 | Mastery: 0%

Creatures and people up to level 6 will attack anything nearby for 30 seconds.

"Oh hell yes!" Alexa whispered. Imagining her enemies turning on each other while her summoned familiar fought by her side made her shudder with giddy delight.

Alexa took a deep breath, calming herself as she closed the hovering inventory panel. She tilted her head back, gazing at the alien night sky. Overhead, two moons hung - one small and pale gray, the other massive and red. A faint smile played across her full lips as she shook her head gently.

"I really am in another world, aren't I?" she whispered to herself.

She knew she couldn't risk renting a room at the Riverwood inn. The locals would surely recognize her as the one who had killed Ulfgar. She still intended to take her revenge on Hod, and even Gerdur, but she didn't know which of the thatched cottages was theirs. It was best to wait until morning when she could scout them out.

Alexa turned and headed deeper into the shadowy forest, breaking through the tree line until she found herself in a familiar small clearing. This was where she had made camp before, bound in those inescapable armbinders. She shuddered at the memory and pushed it from her mind.

With a wave of her hand, Alexa's inventory window reappeared. She selected the camp supplies and concentrated, visualizing where she wanted them to manifest. Transparent bluish outlines sprang into being, showing the layout of a small campsite nestled between the gnarled roots of an ancient oak. Another gesture solidified the ghostly forms into physical reality.

A simple canvas tent now stood erected, with furs and bedrolls laid out invitingly inside. A conveniently placed log served as a bench, with a neat pile of sticks ready to be turned into a crackling campfire. Alexa smiled in satisfaction, giving an approving nod. She sighed contentedly as she ducked through the tent's entrance flaps, and unequipped her pink dress to go to sleep.


The first rays of dawn were just peeking over the horizon when Alexa emerged from her tent, already clad in jet-black leather armor. The high-quality material was supple yet sturdy, allowing for both stealth and protection. She moved with a deadly grace, slinking through the trees west of Riverwood until she found the perfect vantage point overlooking the mill.

From her hidden position amid the foliage, Alexa had an unobstructed view of the water-powered sawmill. The massive blades were already spinning lazily, awaiting the day's lumber to be fed through. Hod was there bright and early, hard at work alongside several other burly laborers. His powerful arms strained as he lifted and positioned the heavy logs.

Alexa smirked as she nocked an arrow to her Nordic bow. This would be her moment of vengeance against the man who had so 'kindly' helped and educated her as he took his pleasure from her virgin pussy. She forced herself to be patient, knowing his wife Gerdur would arrive soon. The bitch would get what was coming to her as well for her indifference to Alexa's plight when Ulfgar was about to rape her.

It didn't take long before the unmistakable sound of cheerful humming reached her ears. Gerdur came strolling up the path, a young boy skipping alongside her. Alexa's brow furrowed slightly as the child laughed and chattered excitedly with his mother. When they reached Hod, the burly miller swept his son up in a tight embrace, ruffling his hair affectionately.

For just a moment, Alexa felt a flicker of hesitation. Leaving the boy parentless and traumatized seemed...excessive, even for her. But the instant passed as quickly as it came, replaced by a cold determination. Hod and Gerdur had made their choices when they violated her body and mocked her suffering. They would reap the consequences.

Her fingers caressed the fletching of the arrow as she drew it back, sights lining up perfectly on Hod's smiling face. With a sharp exhale, she loosed the projectile. It sliced through the air with a faint whistle before punching through Hod's eye socket in a spray of gore.

The man's body collapsed to the ground as screams erupted all around. Gerdur stared in abject horror, her mouth agape in a silent wail as she cradled her husband's ruined head. Their young son could only gape at the loose eyeball rolling towards his tiny feet, too stunned to react.

Not wasting a moment, Alexa's next arrow took flight, burying itself in Gerdur's chest with a meaty thunk. The woman collapsed atop Hod, gasping wetly as blood blossomed across her clothes. A third and final shot struck her in the back, punching through her heart to end her suffering.

Archery increased to 18

Chaos reigned in the mill as the laborers scattered in blind panic, the guards finally racing towards the commotion. But Alexa was already vanishing back into the forest, whistling sharply for her horse. The chestnut stallion came thundering through the underbrush, reins trailing behind him.

Alexa swung herself up into the saddle and sent the beast charging southward at a gallop, leaving Riverwood's screams far behind. The pounding of the horse's hooves and the rush of the wind in her hair filled her with an exhilarating sense of freedom.

After riding for about fifteen minutes, Alexa crossed back over the White River by way of a small stone bridge that hadn't existed in the game world. Alexa pulled back on the reins, slowing them to a trot once on the other side. She took a moment to scan her new surroundings.

The thick canopy of pines gave way to a small sunlit clearing just ahead. There, amidst a circle of crumbling stone pillars, stood three towering monoliths - each capped with a distinct carved emblem. The Guardian Stones.

Alexa swung down from the saddle, her leather armor creaking softly. She stroked the horse's velvety nose before allowing it to wander off and graze nearby. With measured strides, she approached the first of the three massive standing stones.

The Mage Stone's emblem depicted a wizened face wreathed in mystical runes. As Alexa laid her palm against the warm, age-worn surface, text flickered into existence before her eyes.

Path of Wisdom: Your Magicka is increased by 50, and your spells and enchantments cost 10% less.

She hummed thoughtfully, giving a slight nod of acknowledgment before moving on to the next towering pillar. This one bore the stylized imprint of a shadowy figure, crouched in a stalker's stance.

The Thief Stone's panel appeared as she traced its carved relief.

Cheater's Luck: Your Stamina is increased by 50, you move 10% faster, and you take 50% less damage from falling.

"Now that could definitely come in handy," Alexa mused aloud. Increased speed and survivability were always useful assets.

Finally, she came to the last of the three monoliths. A fearsome, snarling visage had been chiseled into the stone - a warrior's mask. Her fingers brushed over the feral countenance, and fresh text bloomed into view.

Warborn: Your Health is increased by 50, and blocking and bashing are 25% more effective.

Alexa gnawed her plump lower lip in contemplation, torn between the three enticing options laid before her. All of their benefits were incredibly useful, especially compared to the simple 20% skill gain bonuses she had expected. She found herself a touch annoyed that such substantial boons demanded an exclusive choice.

"I suppose I'll have to make the most of whatever I pick for now," she sighed.

Her gaze drifted back towards the Thief Stone's description of improved mobility and fall resistance. Those were certainly appealing qualities, allowing her to be swift and slippery while evading danger. But in the end, Alexa's desire for sheer survivability won out over agility.

Nodding decisively, she stepped up to the Warrior Stone and placed her palm flat against its craggy surface. Immediately, she could feel the magical energies drumming through the ancient rock, seeping into her very being. Her body seemed to swell with renewed vigor, each breath coming easier than the last.

"Warborn it is," Alexa murmured, already sensing the fortifying effects taking hold.

While the Path of Wisdom would surely beckon in the future once she felt more secure in her survivability, she knew her current self needed every advantage in sheer toughness that she could muster. Brute force would be her ally as she navigated the harsh realities of Skyrim.

With a slight smirk playing across her full lips, Alexa gave the Warrior Stone an appreciative pat before turning on her heel. She had one last thing to do before she was ready to leave this area, and that was to find and deal with that guard that humiliated her with that armbinder.