
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
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28 Chs

Mental Instability

Alexa's entire body trembled, a mixture of satiation and desperate need coursing through her veins. A soft whimper escaped her full lips as she gazed up at her domineering mistress. "I'll be good..."

Yvariel's full red lips curled into a victorious smirk at Alexa's verbal submission. The futa's emerald eyes glinted with satisfaction as her dick swelled even larger inside Alexa's hungry pussy, the bulbous head forcing open the blonde's cervix.

A breathy moan tumbled from Alexa's parted lips as she felt Yvariel's potent sperm joining the older emissions already filling her womb to the brim. Her mistress's life-giving seed claimed every inch of her innermost depths in the most primal way imaginable.

Yvariel nuzzled against the crook of Alexa's slender neck, hugging her girl's smaller frame possessively. "We'll need to get you some proper attire, my sweet," she purred huskily, trailing her fingers along the tempting curve of Alexa's hip. "You'll accompany Eira and Lena on a little shopping trip while I handle that merchant."

It wasn't a request, and Alexa knew better than to openly defy her mistress - at least not initially. She nodded meekly, still riding the high of Yvariel's thorough claiming. But when the futa began extracting her still-rigid cock, something inside the blonde's fragile psyche snapped like a twig.

A desperate, keening whine tore from Alexa's throat as she clenched down frantically, determined to keep that wondrous fullness locked inside her at all costs. "No! No no no!" she pleaded, wrapping her legs around Yvariel's waist in a vice-grip. "Don't take it out! Need it...need your seed!"

"Alexa..." Yvariel's tone held an unmistakable warning as she tried to withdraw again, but was met with stubborn resistance from her defiant pet. "Release me at once. That's an order."

But Alexa shook her head violently, tears of rare defiance pricking the corners of her blue eyes. "No! I need it!" she outright wailed, clinging to Yvariel as if her life depended on it. "Need to be full of you, Mistress! Please!"

At first, Yvariel's expression remained one of exasperated amusement, as if a stern look would reign in her pet's brattiness. But when Alexa continued to boldly defy her, the futa's lips curled into a dark, predatory smirk. She realized this was the perfect opportunity to properly discipline her girl.

"One chance, Alexa," Yvariel stated coldly, all traces of playfulness vanishing like smoke. "You said you would obey, did you not? I won't tolerate this childish resistance anymore."

The rebuke hit Alexa like a physical blow, making her recoil with a pitiful whimper. Tears welled up instantly as she immediately loosened her grip, only to dissolve into panicked, blubbering sobs.

"I-I'm s-sorry! So sorry!" she cried, her massive breasts trembling with the force of her distress. "P-Please, I'll be good!"

But Yvariel's stern expression didn't waver. With shocking speed, she roughly grabbed a fistful of Alexa's golden hair and wrenched the blonde's head back harshly, exposing the tender flesh of her throat.

Alexa let out a pained yelp as Yvariel's sharp teeth sank viciously into her shoulder in a punishing bite. White-hot agony lanced through her as her mistress clamped down brutally, prompting the blonde to scream and thrash uncontrollably.

"Aaahh! It hurts!" Alexa begged incoherently between raw screams. Tears streamed down her flushed cheeks as she flailed helplessly. But the ruthless assault didn't let up until she finally understood what she had to do.

With a desperate, pitiful cry, Alexa relaxed her inner muscles and slowly lifted herself off Yvariel's gigantic cock. Only then did the futa release her mangled shoulder, allowing the blonde's head to slump forward as she let out quiet sobs of misery.

"Look at me," Yvariel commanded harshly, making Alexa flinch. She struggled to meet that piercing emerald gaze through her tears, realizing in that moment just how helpless she truly was against this powerful woman's wrath.

"Where is my apology?" Yvariel demanded firmly.

Alexa immediately burst into hysterical, gasping sobs, blindly seeking any scrap of comfort or affection as she tried in vain to bury her face against Yvariel's cock. But her cruel mistress held her firmly in place, forcing the blonde to remain upright as the tears streamed unchecked down her cheeks.

"Alexa!" Yvariel's shout made the blonde freeze like a startled animal. "Apologize. Now."

Alexa's slender frame trembled as quiet sobs wracked her body. "I...I'm so s-sorry, Mistress," she whispered in a tiny, sad voice. Tears streamed freely down her rosy cheeks as she gazed up at Yvariel with pleading, haunted eyes. "P-Please...don't be mean anymore! I'll be good, I p-promise!"

Yvariel regarded her submissive pet coolly, an unreadable expression on her beautiful features. After a tense moment, she slowly shook her head. "No, little one. I don't believe you're truly sorry."

Those words shattered what little remained of Alexa's fragile composure. If her own mistress didn't believe her, then what was the point of being in Skyrim? She was worthless...better off not existing at all if this was how she would be treated.

Without thinking, Alexa's hand shot out and snatched up a dagger from the nightstand. She clutched the wicked blade tightly, the razor-sharp point aimed directly at her own heart as a wild, desperate look filled her eyes.

But before she could follow through on her crazed impulse, Yvariel moved with blinding speed. She wrenched the dagger from Alexa's grasp and hurled it across the room, where it thunked deeply into the stone wall.

Alexa stared at Yvariel with wide, terrified eyes as her mistress's beautiful face contorted with unbridled rage. A pitiful whimper slipped past her lips as she immediately crumpled into a trembling fetal position, clutching herself tightly.

For several long, tense moments, the room was deathly silent as Yvariel visibly wrestled with her fury. Alexa flinched as her mistress's smoldering emerald gaze bored into her, clearly torn between comforting or further disciplining her disobedient pet.

With a low, feral growl, Yvariel tangled her fingers into Alexa's golden hair and wrenched her forward in one harsh motion, pulling the trembling blonde over her lap.

Alexa didn't even have time to process what was happening before the first harsh slap landed squarely on her upturned backside. She cried out in shock and pain as Yvariel rained down punishing swat after swat.

"You're never, EVER going to try to kill yourself again, you hear me?!" Yvariel roared, emphasizing each word with a stinging slap across Alexa's upturned ass. "You will apologize to me every single day for this! And you WILL obey me without any more tantrums, understand?!"

But Alexa could barely process her mistress's furious tirade through the haze of pain and anguish clouding her fragile mind. She just went limp over Yvariel's lap, staring ahead blankly with dull, lifeless eyes as the brutal blows continued raining down.

When the vicious spanking finally ended, Alexa felt herself being roughly manhandled again. Yvariel fisted a hand in her hair and mercilessly face-fucked her, ramming that gargantuan cock to the hilt down the blonde's convulsing throat without warning.

Alexa didn't fight or struggle, simply allowing it all to happen as she lay there in an unresponsive daze. It was only when Yvariel gripped her chin painfully tight and forced her to meet that piercing emerald glare that a flicker of awareness returned to those vacant blue eyes.

"You will apologize to me one final time," Yvariel stated in a low, dangerous tone. "Blink twice if you understand me, Alexa."

Alexa felt like a lifeless rag doll, barely able to sluggishly blink her assent. She winced as Yvariel's fingers raked through her hair, not quite gentle but not punishing either.

"Good girl," her mistress purred in clear contrast to her earlier rage. "Now drink down my seed as your apology. You understand?"

Two more slow blinks, and then Alexa felt the cock in her throat start to pulse and throb. She instinctively swallowed around the thick shaft as the first hot spurts of Yvariel's thick cum flooded her belly.

When the futa's massive balls were finally drained, she slowly pulled back until just the swollen head remained trapped between Alexa's full, drooling lips. The blonde looked up at Yvariel with a dazed, questioning gaze.

"Your true apology starts now, sweet girl," Yvariel murmured, her free hand cupping Alexa's cheek with surprising tenderness that sent a shiver down the blonde's spine. "Open up and drink it all down like a good little girl."

Alexa's brow furrowed in confusion, but she obediently parted her lips wider as Yvariel's cock throbbed once more. This time, however, it wasn't virile seed that flooded her mouth, but a hot stream of sour urine.

The blonde's eyes flew wide in shock and dismay, but she didn't dare pull away. She knew better than to risk incurring Yvariel's wrath again in her fragile state. So with great effort, Alexa swallowed down the humiliating offering, feeling it pool heavily in her belly alongside the futa's cum.

As the pungent, bitter liquid continued filling her mouth, Alexa felt an odd sense of calm gradually wash over her fractured psyche. She gazed up at Yvariel through a dazed haze, realizing in that moment that enduring this utter degradation was simply the price for her mistress's acceptance of her apology.

Alexa's throat worked tirelessly as she gulped and swallowed every last bitter drop of Yvariel's stinging piss until the futa's bladder was finally empty. When she had thoroughly cleaned Yvariel's cock, the mistress finally pulled away, leaving Alexa a kneeling, drooling mess on the floor.

"I have accepted your apology," Yvariel stated flatly, her expression unreadable. She regarded Alexa for a long moment before her features seemed to soften somewhat.

Reaching down, she gently grasped the trembling blonde's arms and pulled her up into a loose embrace. Alexa went willingly, melting against Yvariel's body with a quiet whimper as she sought comfort. Their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss that left Alexa dizzy and clinging to Yvariel like a lost child.

When they finally broke apart, Alexa gazed up at her mistress with a look of adoration and naked need in her eyes. But Yvariel's expression remained stern as she cupped Alexa's chin firmly, forcing the blonde to meet her piercing stare.

"Look at me, pet," she commanded coldly. Alexa's hazy blue eyes immediately focused solely on Yvariel as she waited with bated breath. "I'm going to give you one warning. If you ever try something like that again, I will abandon you without a second thought. No one else in this world will treat you as well as I do. The only people who want you will abuse and mistreat you endlessly. Do you understand me?"

Alexa's eyes went wide with panic and tears welled up instantly as she nodded frantically, trying in vain to press herself even closer to Yvariel's body as if she could disappear inside it.

"Yes! Y-Yes, I understand! Please don't abandon me!" she babbled, the words tumbling out in a frantic rush as her unstable mind teetered on the edge again. "I'll be good, I promise! I won't try it again, ever! Please, please don't leave me alone! I'll do anything, Mistress! Anything!"

The blonde quickly descended into hysterics, her pleas devolving into desperate, breathless sobs as she clung to Yvariel like a lifeline. Her mistress watched impassively for several moments before sighing and pulling Alexa into a tight embrace, trapping the distraught girl against her body.

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay baby girl," Yvariel cooed, guiding Alexa's messy blonde head to rest against her ample breasts. "I believe you. Just close those pretty eyes and let Mistress take care of you."

Alexa whimpered pathetically but immediately latched her lips around one of Yvariel's stiff nipples, nursing like a hungry infant as she was gently rocked. Yvariel's strong fingers carded soothingly through her hair as the steady thump of the futa's heartbeat slowly lulled the unstable blonde into a fragile sense of security.

"That merchant Vitus can wait until morning," Yvariel murmured, gazing down at the trembling blonde in her arms. "You've been through so much today, my poor fragile Alexa. Just let your mistress take care of you tonight, hmm?"

Alexa sniffled pitifully, clinging to Yvariel as if her life depended on the futa's embrace. After nursing at her mistress's breast for a few blissful moments, she pulled back just enough to look up with reddened, pleading eyes.

"M-Mistress?" The shaky whisper held a naked vulnerability. "W-Would you...fill me up again? I need to feel you inside..."

Yvariel's full lips curved in the faintest of smiles at Alexa's desperate need. She brushed away a few stray golden strands with uncharacteristic tenderness. "Of course, sweet girl. Anything to soothe that troubled mind of yours."

A soft whimper of relief escaped Alexa's lips as she felt Yvariel's thick cock nudging against her sore, abused pussy once more. The blonde's battered folds eagerly clutched at the bulbous head, greedily pulling it inside where her velvety inner walls immediately began fluttering and massaging the thick shaft.

Alexa let out a quiet, contented sigh as she was deliciously stretched and filled so completely by her mistress's impressive length. She pillowed her head against Yvariel's ample bosom, eyelids growing heavy as she felt truly secure once more.

Yvariel's strong arms enveloped Alexa's smaller frame, holding her close as the futa gently kissed her girl's temple. Her fingers trailed soothingly along Alexa's back in a gentle caress. The steady throbs and pulses of Yvariel's cock deep within her womb acted like a lullaby, gently lulling the unstable girl into a peaceful slumber cradled in her mistress's embrace.


Alexa nuzzled her face into the crook of Yvariel's neck, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her mistress's skin. She felt utterly at peace cocooned in those strong arms, the steamy heat of the sauna bath enveloping them both. Little butterflies fluttered in Alexa's stomach from being held so intimately.

Since arriving in Skyrim, she hadn't known such tranquillity. The closest was a hurried, freezing dip in a forest creek. But here, safely embraced against Yvariel's chest, Alexa basked in serenity for the first time.

She owed everything to her magnificent mistress. Yvariel was Alexa's protector, her provider, her world. Yvariel was striking - tall, powerfully built, with an air of uncompromising dominance. Yet she could also be gentle, even kind when Alexa pleased her. Alexa's gaze drifted lower, admiring the swell of Yvariel's big breasts and the thick, mouthwatering bulge hinted at beneath the bathwater. A shiver of desire rippled through her body.

But Alexa was still a little bit afraid. What if Yvariel grew bored of her? Abandoned her to face the harsh realities of Skyrim alone? The thought made Alexa's breath catch in her throat. Yvariel couldn't leave her, not when that meant the only person that would treat her this nicely would be gone from her life... Alexa was useful, wasn't she? She would be good, so very good, if only Yvariel would keep her.

Pushing those worries aside for now, Alexa snuggled even deeper into the protective circle of Yvariel's arms. She closed her eyes, letting the gentle lapping of the bathwater lull her into blissful relaxation. Curiosity prompted Alexa to open her system panel and check her status - something she hadn't done in a while due to certain...distractions.

Her skills remained unchanged under Yvariel's attentive care, as expected. But as Alexa's gaze trailed down to the effects list, her breath hitched. There, clear as day, was a new entry:


You've been inseminated by Yvariel. If steps are not taken, this status will progress to Pregnant within 6 days.

Alexa shivered as she nestled deeper into Yvariel's powerful embrace, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her mistress. An overwhelming wave of femininity washed over her, more intense than when Yvariel had first claimed her body.

Her eyes drifted to the system notification about being inseminated. Conflicting emotions swirled within Alexa. Carrying Yvariel's child could solidify their bond, ensuring her mistress would never abandon her. But the thought of an actual baby growing inside her belly stirred primal fears she didn't fully grasp. She felt the last remnants of her former masculine identity fading, replaced by a deep sense of womanhood.

"M-Mistress?" Alexa's voice was soft and girlish as she tilted her head back to meet Yvariel's piercing gaze. "Am I...going to get pregnant?"

Yvariel smirked, nodding. "You must have been too busy creaming all over my cock yesterday to hear me." Her strong hand drifted down to possessively caress Alexa's flat tummy. "The moment I saw your gorgeous form at the auction preview, I had my seed blessed. I knew that body was made to birth my children."

Alexa's heart fluttered even as her core clenched with need at Yvariel's words. The futa leaned closer, warm breath caressing Alexa's flushed cheek. "Don't worry about our adventures, sweet girl. Enchanted rings will allow our children to grow safely in your womb, no matter what we face. You'll make such a wonderful mother...and bear me many beautiful daughters."

Dizzy, Alexa was overwhelmed with visions - her belly swollen with new life, cradling a baby at her breast, blonde children with Yvariel's bright emerald eyes. She gazed up at her mistress with vulnerable wonder.

"If...if I give birth to your children..." Alexa swallowed hard. "You won't ever abandon me, right?"

Yvariel's full lips curved into a gentle, reassuring smile. "Never, my dearest Alexa. As long as you remain my good, obedient girl, I will never abandon you." She pulled the trembling blonde flush against her body. "Eira and Lena will help care for our children too. In time, they'll bear my offspring once they're ready."

Alexa pouted. "What if...I'm not ready yet?"

Yvariel chuckled lowly, nuzzling Alexa's neck and making her shiver. "You have no control over your fertility, sweet girl. It's a rare gift - a wench unable to resist being bred properly." Her hand stroked Alexa's sides possessively. "Whether you're ready is irrelevant. If needed, I'll simply prepare you myself."

A whimper slipped past Alexa's parted lips at the dominant edge in Yvariel's tone, her folds growing slick. She lifted her head to tremble a soft kiss against her mistress's lips before burying her face in Yvariel's neck.

"O-Okay..." Alexa whispered, clinging tightly. "If you promise to take care of me...I'll give birth to your children, Mistress."

Some time later, Yvariel strolled into the living area with her arm looped possessively around Alexa's slim waist. The blonde leaned into her mistress's side, a serene smile gracing her delicate features.

Eira and Lena looked up from the plush couch where they had been locked in a heated kiss. The two wenches broke apart with amused giggles upon seeing Alexa's tranquil expression.

"My, my," Eira purred teasingly. "Mistress has tamed you well already, little sister."

A rosy blush colored Alexa's cheeks, but she offered Eira a playful glare that held no real heat. The two wenches turned their attention to Yvariel, congratulating their mistress on successfully claiming her newest addition.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Yvariel smirked, radiating supreme confidence.

Eira and Lena both shook their heads wordlessly. Lena seized the opportunity to slip off the couch and kneel before Yvariel. With deft motions, she undid the futa's pants and freed the thick, heavy cock within. Lena immediately began lavishing the impressive length with broad strokes of her talented tongue.

Eira sidled up to Yvariel's other side, mirroring Alexa's cuddled position as the three women basked in their mistress's domineering presence. Yvariel's strong arms draped around Eira and Alexa's shoulders, holding them close as Lena worshipped between her legs.

"Eira, Lena," Yvariel addressed her pets in a tone that brooked no argument. "You two will take your new sister out to purchase more appropriate attire for her. Alexa requires an ample wardrobe befitting one of my treasured wenches."

Lena's cheeks hollowed obscenely as she doubled her efforts, clearly eager to please. Alexa watched in rapt fascination at the way Lena's slender throat stretched to accommodate Yvariel's girth.

"As for that merchant who sold Alexa..." Yvariel continued, breaking her words with groans of pleasure. "She wants him killed. I'll put a bounty out through my Dark Brotherhood connections."

The mention of Vitus sparked a cold flicker of rage in Alexa's eyes. She leaned in closer, and her pouty lips brushed against Yvariel's ear. "Must we wait to deal with him, Mistress?" she whispered. "Why can't we handle that pig ourselves?"

Yvariel arched an eyebrow, though her expression remained one of intense pleasure as Lena's talented mouth worked her thick cock. "It's...possible, but far riskier. None of us are trained assassins."

"I killed a man some days ago," Alexa stated flatly, a distant look glazing over her azure eyes. "Back in Riverwood. It was easy...I just waited until he fell asleep, then slit his throat." A dreamy smile played across her beautiful lips. "Made such a mess of what was left."

Yvariel and Eira exchanged a loaded glance before her mistress turned her piercing emerald gaze upon Alexa. "Tell me everything," she commanded sternly.

Alexa nodded, recounting in vivid detail how a cursed object had subjected her to relentless torment before a cruel man named Ulfgar had discovered and ruthlessly violated her. How she eventually snapped and brutally slaughtered him after he fell asleep, only to be captured soon after by the merchant Vitus on the road to Whiterun.

When she finished speaking, Yvariel regarded her with undisguised interest. "Would anyone in Riverwood recognize you as Ulfgar's killer?"

"Yes..." Alexa admitted quietly. "People knew he had taken me as his...personal wench."

A thoughtful frown creased Yvariel's brow as she mulled this over, shallowly thrusting her thick length deeper into Lena's quivering throat. At last, she came to a decision.

"We'll avoid Riverwood for now, at least until that trail goes cold." Yvariel cupped Alexa's cheek, holding her in an intense stare. "But if we happen across this Vitus outside of Whiterun, we can take matters into our own hands. Otherwise, leave him to the Dark Brotherhood. Understood?"

Alexa wanted to protest, to demand they enact vengeance upon the repulsive merchant immediately. But the memory of yesterday's harsh discipline made her reconsider. Defiance would only earn more suffering.

"I understand, Mistress," she replied in a subdued murmur. "I'll listen."

Yvariel's lips curved in a pleased smile as she patted Alexa's cheek approvingly. "Good girl."

With a grunt of effort, Yvariel pulled her still-rigid shaft from Lena's abused throat, leaving the wench a gasping, drooling mess. Thick ropes of pearly seed clung to her flushed features.

"Eira, Alexa - join your sister in cleaning me," Yvariel commanded.

Alexa's eyes lit up with eagerness as she hurried to kneel beside Lena. Eira took up position on Yvariel's other side, and soon all three wenches were diligently lapping and sucking every inch of their mistress's impressive endowment.

Alexa trailed her tongue along the thick underside, savoring the musky tang of Yvariel's spend. She kissed and nuzzled against her mistress' heavy balls, understanding on an instinctual level the power and virility contained within. These were the divine fonts from which new life would blossom in her womb.

Eventually, Yvariel instructed them to pull away with a wave of her hand. The three wenches obediently knelt in a row, heads bowed, as their mistress began fiercely pumping her thick cock. Alexa braced herself, eyes slipping shut in blissful acceptance as Yvariel's thick load erupted in heavy ropes across their upturned faces.

When the torrent finally abated, all three women were glazed in Yvariel's potent essence. Alexa's tongue slipped out to lap at the clinging ropes, moaning softly at the rich, thick flavor.

"Clean yourselves up, my wenches," Yvariel purred in a tone that made Alexa's thighs clench needfully. "Then Eira and Lena will take Alexa out to acquire a more suitable wardrobe. We can't have her going about improperly dressed, now can we?"

"Yes, Mistress," the three women intoned obediently.