
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
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28 Chs

Escort Mission

Alexa sighed softly and shook her head. "Well, I might as well continue for a bit and see if I can grab anything or sneak in some kills from the shadows. But if I'm about to be surrounded like that again, I'll bolt."

She waited a minute for her magicka to regenerate enough to fully heal herself. A pleasurable sigh escaped her lips as the large bruises on her breasts faded completely, the rest of her injuries quickly following suit.

Once her magicka reserves had replenished, Alexa ventured further into the tunnels. She came upon a larger cavern, one corner occupied by some sleeping bags and a table with what looked like dice scattered across it. The dead bandits must have been gambling to pass the time. Human skeletons were strewn haphazardly around the chamber, but nothing else of value caught her eye.

After a cursory search turned up no other points of interest, Alexa backtracked and decided to explore the other tunnels, just to be thorough. Twenty fruitless minutes later, she returned to her starting point, disappointed by the expansive but barren mining network.

Heading back the way she came, Alexa took the right-hand path this time, the "familiar" route from the game. Before long, she found herself in an open cavern with a couple wooden bridges arching over still water. The unmistakable sounds of grunts and moans echoed off the stone walls.

Carefully, Alexa snuck over and peeked around the corner. Three male bandits sat around a table, chatting idly about a recent Stormcloak raid on a nearby Imperial fort and voicing their hatred for elves.

"Would've joined up with Ulfric's boys," one of them said, "but being a bandit's where it's at." He jerked a thumb towards another bandit, this one vigorously slamming his hips into the helplessly pinned form of a young girl, maybe 15 or 16 years old.

The girl, destined to become a wench based on her blossoming body, let out a pitiful moan. "Please...more..." she whimpered, tears streaking her face.

The bandit fucking the girl grinned savagely. "See? Them Stormcloak bastards gotta share their comfort wenches with hundreds of horny lads. This is way better."

He emphasized his crude statement with a particularly hard thrust that made the girl cry out in pain. Two other scantily-clad wenches danced nearby, their massive breasts swaying enticingly as they showed off for the leering bandits.

"That's right, boys," one of the wenches purred in a sultry voice. "Uria and Lyla are here to keep you nice and relaxed."

The two women, Lyla and Uria, seemed utterly indifferent to the young girl being taken by the bandits. Their cum-bloated bellies jiggled obscenely with each sway of their hips, a clear sign of their well-used status among the bandits.

Alexa felt disgust roiling inside her at their casual depravity, but she knew better than to try taking them on directly. Outnumbered and outmatched, that would be suicide. Her only hope was to play along and try to exploit the situation somehow.

The bandit fucking the young girl reached his climax with a deep groan as his balls contracted, and Alexa took a deep breath before she unequipped her armor through her inventory, leaving herself nude. With her massive breasts and perfect body now on display, she strode out onto the bridge confidently, swinging her golden hair over one shoulder.

The bandits did a double-take as she approached, confused by the sudden appearance of this startlingly beautiful naked woman. Alexa didn't give them a chance to react.

"The men behind me captured me," she lied smoothly, "and after taking their pleasure, they sent me here. I really need more cock...who wants to fuck me?"

The ruse worked perfectly. The bandits' confusion melted into delighted grins at the prospect of having this gorgeous woman for themselves. One of them spoke up.

"Raina must be feeling generous to let a prime piece like you go after just one round!" He turned to his compatriots. "I'll give her some of our share from the next raid for this."

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The others readily agreed as Alexa sauntered down the bridge towards them, putting extra sway in her hips. One bandit barked an order.

"Give me a lap dance first, wench!"

Alexa didn't hesitate, straddling the man and gyrating her hips sensually. As she ground against his growing erection, another bandit walked over to the young girl sobbing on the bedroll nearby. He grabbed her and quickly shoved his cock into her ass, making her cry out in pain.

The bandits looked lustfully at their wenches, and one groped Alexa's massive breasts and bubble butt boldly as she gave a seductive lap dance.

"This is heaven," one sighed. "Wenches are truly gifts from the Divines themselves."

Alexa leaned in and kissed the bandit's lips deeply, letting his calloused hands roam over her soft tits. She trailed kisses down his neck as she guided his throbbing cock into her slit, then began bouncing enthusiastically.

"Fuck, this is the best pussy I've ever had!" the bandit groaned after a few strokes, hips smashing upwards to meet Alexa's movements.

It only took seven bounces before he was emptying his seed into her tight pussy while groaning into her ear. As soon as he started to go soft, he roughly dragged Alexa off and shoved her down next to the sobbing girl, positioning himself behind Alexa.

Without warning, he thrust his rapidly re-hardening cock into Alexa's ass, making her cry out in pleasure as he began sawing in and out. The other bandits wasted no time in joining in, dragging the two well-used wenches over. Lyla and Uria didn't even flinch as their assholes were invaded, clearly accustomed to this rough treatment. Guttural groans and the lewd sounds of flesh smacking together filled the cavern.

After thoroughly ass-fucking all four wenches multiple times, the male bandits finally tired, falling asleep with their cocks still buried in their latest conquests. But Alexa remained wide-awake.

She carefully pushed the bandit off, his cock slipping out as thick streams of cum sprayed from her asshole. Alexa swiftly re-equipped her armor and produced a steel dagger, slitting the throats of the sleeping bandits one by one.

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One-Handed increased to 32

Alexa gently shook the young girl awake first. The poor thing's eyes fluttered open, instantly filling with fear as she realized her nightmare wasn't over yet.

"Shhh, it's okay," Alexa whispered soothingly. "I'm going to get you out of here."

The girl nodded frantically, tears of relief streaking her face as Alexa moved to wake the other two wenches, Lyla and Uria. Their reactions were much more subdued - almost bored, really.

"What do you want?" Lyla asked flatly as she stretched her curvaceous body.

Alexa helped the young girl to her feet. "I killed the bandits. We're leaving this place."

Uria snorted derisively. "And go where? At least here we were kept nice and full of cock."

"You can't be serious?" Alexa gaped at the two jaded women. "They were raping and abusing you!"

"Oh pish posh," Lyla waved a dismissive hand. "That's just how life is for a wench. We're made to be fucked, simple as that."

The young girl shrank back, clutching Alexa's arm tightly. Uria noticed and sneered.

"Don't act so innocent, girlie. You were moaning like a bitch in heat when that bandit was pounding your little cunt."

"I...I couldn't help it," the girl whimpered, tears streaking her face. "It just felt so good..."

"Exactly!" Lyla crowed. "Having a thick cock stretching you out is the greatest pleasure a wench can experience. We're made to be fucked hard and filled with hot seed."

She sauntered over and cupped Alexa's jiggling breasts with a lecherous grin.

"I saw the way you were riding that bandit's dick earlier. You're no different than us, wench. Just admit you loved having your asshole stuffed full of hot seed."

Alexa felt a flush of shame color her cheeks. As much as she hated to admit it, the rough fucking had felt incredible. Her womanly body seemed hardwired to enjoy cock and cum at all times.

But she couldn't let herself be consumed by base desires like Lyla and Uria. Alexa straightened her shoulders defiantly.

"Maybe I did enjoy it on some level," she admitted. "But only because this body was made to enjoy it. Well, I refuse to be controlled by such base desires. I'm more than just a living cocksleeve!"

Alexa's declaration that she was more than just a "living cocksleeve" hung in the air. Lyla and Uria exchanged a look, their plump lips curling into matching smirks of amusement.

"Oh naïve girl," Lyla purred, sauntering over and trailing a finger along Alexa's jaw. "You really don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?" Alexa asked defensively, trying not to be distracted by Lyla's exaggerated sway of her curvaceous hips.

"That you're fighting against your very nature," Uria chimed in, sidling up behind the young girl and wrapping her arms around the trembling form. "We wenches are made for one purpose - to provide the ultimate pleasure to men through our bodies."

The girl whimpered as Uria ground her pelvis against her backside. Alexa opened her mouth to protest, but Lyla pressed a finger to her lips.

"Just listen for once, you stubborn wench." Lyla's tone took on an almost scholarly quality. "Let's look at this philosophically. We are all part of the grand design of the Divines, yes? Each race, each creature has its role to play in maintaining balance and harmony."

She traced patterns across Alexa's exposed cleavage, making the blonde's breath hitch. "Wolves hunt to cull the herds. Spriggans protect the forests. And we wenches..." Lyla leaned in until her pouty lips brushed Alexa's ear. "We exist to satiate men's endless lust through the gifts the Divines gave us."

"B-But that's..." Alexa faltered as Lyla's hand cupped and kneaded her breast boldly.

"It's what, sweetie?" Lyla murmured huskily. "Degrading? Unfair? Those are just social constructs imposed by a society that's forgotten its true roots."

Behind them, Uria had her hands all over the young girl, squeezing and groping as she whispered obscene encouragements. The girl's eyes were glazed over with reluctant arousal.

"We wenches embody the divine feminine," Lyla continued, her free hand sliding down to stroke Alexa's rapidly dampening slit through her leather pants. "An endless well of carnal pleasure from which men can slake their thirst. Why fight against what gives you true purpose?"

Alexa couldn't stop the moan that spilled from her lips as Lyla's skilled fingers worked her folds. The wench's philosophical words seemed to bypass her rational mind, speaking to something primal within her new feminine form.

Lyla sealed their lips together in a deep, probing kiss, her tongue dominating Alexa's mouth as she continued stroking her dripping pussy. When they finally broke apart, Alexa was flushed and panting.

"That's it, embrace your true role," Lyla breathed, skillfully unlacing Alexa's pants and plunging two fingers knuckle-deep into her soaked depths.

Alexa's back arched with a guttural groan as Lyla set a punishing pace, finger-fucking her roughly. Next to them, Uria had the young girl on her knees, forcing her face into her dripping snatch.

"Don't you see?" Uria groaned, grinding her pelvis against the girl's lips and nose. "This is what we're meant for. To make men feel like kings while providing them the ultimate ecstasy through our obedient flesh."

The girl could only whimper as her face was used, Uria's tangy juices smearing across her features. Alexa was in a similar state, lost in the haze of pleasure as Lyla's digits pistoned in and out of her sopping cunt.

For a few blissful moments, the doubts and misgivings fell away. Alexa surrendered herself to the simple truth that her new feminine form was designed to bring and receive pleasure. She was a wench, made to serve...

Alexa's back arched as waves of intense pleasure washed over her, Lyla's skilled fingers coaxing a powerful orgasm from her dripping pussy. At the same time, Uria let out a guttural moan, grinding her soaked slit against the young girl's face as she too reached her peak.

For a blissful moment, Alexa surrendered herself fully to the carnal ecstasy, all doubts and hesitations melting away. She really was made for this - to bring pleasure through her obedient feminine form.

But then something clicked in her brain, a nagging sense that this total submission went against what she now stood for. Alexa blinked rapidly, the fog of mindless lust beginning to lift from her mind.

Lyla noticed the shift immediately, her full lips curling into an amused smirk. "Trying to fight it again, are we?" she purred condescendingly.

Her eyes seemed to glow seductively for just a moment. Alexa felt an insidious force invade her mind, pushing aside her newfound resistance and replacing it with blissful, wanton need.

"That's better," Lyla crooned, roughly grabbing a fistful of Alexa's blonde hair and pulling her down. "Now put that skilled tongue to work worshipping my pussy like a good young wench."

Alexa moaned mindlessly in affirmation, helpless against the enthralling magic. She nuzzled her face against Lyla's slit, planting sloppy kisses and laps along her sodden lips. Next to them, Uria was forcing the weeping young girl into a similar position, riding her face.

"You see?" Uria groaned, grinding her pelvis against the girl's features. "This is what we're made for. To satiate men's endless appetites with our obedient flesh, and pleasure each other when they're not around."

Alexa couldn't even process Uria's words, so lost was she in servicing Lyla's heavenly sex. She lapped and sucked with wanton abandon, driven by the overwhelming need to bring her fellow wench to climax.

Her eyes slowly regained their light as she lapped obediently at Lyla's dripping slit, the wench's enthralling magic beginning to falter. Lyla was too lost in ecstasy to notice, throwing her head back with a guttural moan.

"That's it," she panted, grinding her pelvis against Alexa's face. "Just like that...you'll both learn your true natures soon enough."

Lyla's words washed over Alexa, but their effect was diminished. Her mind was her own once more, the unnatural lust fading to be replaced by a burning fury. These evil wenches had tried to strip away her sense of self, to reduce her to a mindless cock-sleeve.

Alexa continued licking with feigned enthusiasm, her hands sliding up to grasp Lyla's thighs. The wench moaned loudly in approval, never suspecting what was to come.

A razor-sharp green blade appeared in her right hand and she drove it straight into Lyla's heart. The wench's eyes went wide with shock as Alexa twisted the blade viciously.

"You first," Alexa hissed, wrenching the blade free as Lyla slumped lifeless to the ground.

Uria looked up in surprise from where she was grinding against the young girl's tongue. Her eyes narrowed as she took in Alexa's defiant stance, the green blade clutched in her hands.

"You stupid bitch!" Uria snarled, dismounting the girl. "Did you really think you could resist your--"

Whatever she was about to say was cut off as Alexa charged forward, blade leading. Uria's eyes glowed hot pink, but Alexa was ready this time.

Shrugging off the insidious mental influence, she closed the distance in two strides and buried her blade in Uria's gut. She gasped in pain as Alexa jerked the weapon upwards in a vicious disemboweling strike.

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Steaming intestines spilled out as Uria opened her mouth in a silent scream. She collapsed in a twitching, dying heap, thick blood pooling around her.

Alexa then turned to gently help the young girl to her feet, grimacing at the streaks of pussy juices coating her face and hair. The poor thing was trembling like a leaf, eyes wide with residual fear.

"It's okay, you're safe now," Alexa murmured soothingly, wrapping a protective arm around the girl's shoulders. "What's your name, sweetie?"

The girl swallowed hard before replying in a small voice. "M-Meera."

"Well Meera, I'm Alexa. I promise I'll get you away from this horrible place."

Meera nodded jerkily, leaning into Alexa's comforting embrace as they made their way out of the cavern, stepping over the cooling bodies of the dead wenches and bandits. The bright sunlight filtering through the trees was almost blinding after the dimness of Embershard Mine.

They had only gone a few paces down the worn path when Meera tugged at Alexa's arm, bringing them to a halt. The young girl wouldn't meet her eyes, chewing her lip nervously.

"What is it?" Alexa asked gently.

"I...I need..." Meera's cheeks flushed bright red as she squirmed. "My...my pussy feels all hot and achy after what those bandits and wenches did. Can you...can you help me with it? Please?"

Alexa felt her stomach twist into knots at the innocent but obscene request. Of course this poor girl's sexuality had been utterly warped by her trauma at the hands of those bandits.

"Oh sweetie, you've been through so much," Alexa sighed, crouching down to look Meera in the eyes. "What those men did...it wasn't right at all. Your body's just...confused right now."

Meera bit her lip, eyes shining with unshed tears of frustration. "But it hurts," she whimpered plaintively. "It feels like this throbbing, aching need between my legs. You're a woman too...can't you just make it go away? Please Alexa?"

The naked pleading in the girl's voice tugged at Alexa's heart. She knew the sensible thing was to be firm, to deny Meera's request outright and get her somewhere safe as soon as possible. But the poor thing was clearly in distress, and Alexa's own body was intimately familiar with those urgent carnal needs.

"Alright," she found herself saying in a soft tone. "I'll...help take care of that for you. But just this once, okay? What you're feeling isn't natural or healthy."

Relief washed over Meera's expression as she nodded eagerly. "Thank you, Alexa. You're so kind..."

Alexa felt a pang of guilt as she reached out to gently unlace the tattered remains of Meera's dress. The girl shivered, but didn't protest as Alexa slid the ruined garment down to expose her naked body to the forest air.

For all her youth, Meera's body had already blossomed into distinctly womanly curves - a side effect of her imminent transformation into a wench. Her big breasts topped a flat stomach that flared out into wide, shapely hips and a tantalizing swell of pubic hair.

Alexa swallowed hard as she took in the girl's nubile form, trying not to let her own deeply ingrained desires take over. This was about providing comfort, not indulging her own lusts.

"Just...try to relax," Alexa murmured, gently running her hands over Meera's trembling thighs.

The girl whimpered softly as Alexa's fingers brushed over her pubic mound, feeling the intense heat radiating from her sex. Alexa bit her lip as she carefully spread Meera's folds, exposing her puffy, engorged inner lips and the glistening bead of her clit.

"You poor thing, you're so swollen," Alexa breathed, feeling a fresh pang of anger towards the bandits who had violated this innocent girl.

Not wasting any more time, she leaned in and ran her tongue along Meera's slit in one long, slow lick. The girl jerked with a startled cry that quickly melted into a moan of relief as Alexa went to work.

Alexa's tongue worked diligently between Meera's legs, lapping up the thick streams of bandit seed that leaked from the girl's abused slit. The young girl whimpered and squirmed, her small hands fisting in Alexa's blonde hair to hold her in place.

"Oh Divines...yes..." Meera breathed, her back arching involuntarily as Alexa's skilled oral attentions brought some small measure of relief to her aching pussy.

Alexa felt a twist of guilt and disgust at having to clean up the vile leavings of those bandits, but she pushed those feelings aside. Right now, Meera needed comfort and release from the unnatural needs those monsters had awakened within her young body.

Slurping up the last traces of cum, Alexa turned her focus fully to Meera's engorged clit and inner lips. She swirled her tongue firmly around the sensitive bud before sucking it between her lips, eliciting a sharp cry from Meera.

"Alexa! I...I can't..." The girl's words dissolved into a low, keening moan as Alexa increased the pressure and suction, mercilessly working her over.

Alexa could taste Meera's tangy arousal building, her own mouth watering at the intimate fluids coating her lips and chin. She plunged her tongue as deep as it would go into Meera's convulsing channel, greedily lapping up every drop of the girl's release.

Meera came with a hoarse shout, her thighs clamping down hard on the older girl's head as her whole body arched taut as a bowstring. Alexa didn't let up, steadily licking and sucking to draw out every last spasm of the girl's powerful orgasm.

Only once Meera slumped back, boneless and panting harshly, did Alexa finally pull back. She wiped her messy face with the back of one hand, licking her lips to capture any stray drop of Meera's arousal.

Meera's eyes were half-lidded with satiety, her lips parted in shuddering breaths. For a few moments, the only sounds were the soft forest ambience and their mingled breathing.

"Thank you..." Meera finally whispered, looking up at Alexa gratefully. "I...I feel so much better now."

Alexa managed a small smile, gently brushing a sweaty lock of hair from the girl's forehead. "I'm glad I could help. Just...try not to let yourself be consumed by those desires, okay? What those bandits did was unnatural."

Meera nodded, seemingly too drained to fully process Alexa's words. The blonde carefully helped redress the girl, tying off the tattered remnants of her dress to preserve some modicum of modesty.

Alexa sighed heavily as she looked at Meera. "Listen, sweetie, I'll guide you to Riverwood, but I can't enter the town myself because of...past issues. You understand?"

Meera's eyes went wide with fear and she shook her head rapidly, tears already spilling down her cheeks. "No, no please! Don't leave me alone!" She wrapped her arms around Alexa in a desperate hug. "Can't I come with you? Please, I'll do anything!"

Alexa felt her heartstrings being tugged painfully. As damaged as Meera was, she had grown attached to the first person to show her true kindness. But the rational part of her knew bringing the girl along would only lead to more trauma.

"I'm sorry, but it's just too dangerous out there for someone like you," Alexa said gently, prying Meera's arms off. "What I can do is give you some supplies to get you to Riverwood safely."

Reaching into her small satchel, Alexa seemed to 'pull out' a simple but pretty blue silk dress, as well as a pouch jingling with septims. She pressed them into Meera's hands. "Here, this should help you get by for a little while at least."

Meera looked down at the unexpected gifts with wide eyes. When she lifted her gaze back to Alexa, her expression had shifted to one of desperate, pleading need.

"You've been so good to me, Alexa. Please, let me thank you properly," she breathed, dropping to her knees. Her small hands shakily unlaced Alexa's leather pants, pulling them down to expose her womanhood.

"Meera, what are you--oh!" Alexa gasped as the girl dove forward, pressing her face shamelessly against Alexa's damp slit. Her pink tongue lapped greedily at the older girl's folds as she spoke in a muffled voice.

"I can do this for you whenever you want, Alexa! You'll never have to worry about pleasure again if you just take me with you. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Alexa shuddered as Meera's red lips found her engorged clit, sucking firmly on the sensitive bud. The girl's innocent words and enthusiasm made the act even more deliciously wrong. Alexa's hips rolled in small circles, grinding her pussy against Meera's hungry lips and tongue.

For a few long moments, Alexa allowed herself to be consumed by the exquisite sensations sparked by Meera's pussy licking. Her head lolled back as she felt her climax rapidly building.

With a trembling sigh, Alexa's knees buckled as her orgasm crested. She squeezed her thighs around Meera's head, holding the girl's face tight against her convulsing pussy as she rode out the waves of pleasure.

When the last shivers faded, Alexa gripped Meera by the shoulders and firmly pulled her up to her feet. She held the girl at arm's length, trying not to be swayed by her pleading, tear-streaked expression.

"That was...very kind of you," Alexa said, struggling to keep her voice steady. "But it doesn't change anything. You'll be safer going to Riverwood, I promise."

Meera opened her mouth to protest, but Alexa cut her off by draping the silk dress over the girl's head and shoulders. She laced up the front, hiding Meera's near-nudity beneath the fine fabric.

Alexa guided the now-dressed girl with a hand on her lower back down the worn forest path towards Riverwood. Meera walked with slumped shoulders and a crestfallen expression, the pouch of coins clutched tightly in one hand.

Alexa knew she had made the right choice in parting ways with Meera here. Their paths would only lead to more pain and exploitation for the poor girl. It was better this way, no matter how heavy her heart felt.

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