
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Buxom Awakening

Alex blinked his eyes open, staring up at the canopy of tall pines swaying in the breeze. "Huh?" He pushed himself up off the forest floor, leaves crackling underneath him. "Where the hell am I?"

A chilly gust of wind made him shiver, raising goosebumps along his exposed skin as he rubbed his arms. That's when he froze, fingers brushing against something soft and heavy on his chest. Alex frowned and glanced down.

He let out a startled yelp, the sound coming out in a jarring feminine pitch. Glancing down, two large breasts pressed against the tattered shirt, straining the fabric. A tentative squeeze confirmed they were undeniably real, the soft flesh warm to the touch.

His hands shakily trailed down the curves of his body - the narrow waist, the wide flare of his hips. Between his legs, his dick was just...gone, replaced by a smooth mound. Alex tugged at the long blonde strands spilling over his shoulders in disbelief.

"No fucking way..." He twisted a silky lock around his finger, eyes wide. Just a little while ago, he was an average guy relaxing at home. Now he had the stacked body of a blonde bombshell. "How is this even possible?"

The trickling sound of water reached Alex's ears, and he turned to see a small pond nestled between the trees. Maybe looking at his reflection could offer some answers to this crazy situation. He crept over to the water's edge and peered down.

"Holy shit!" Alex gasped out loud. The reflection showed a strikingly attractive woman with full red lips, blue eyes and long blonde hair framing a slim neck. Below, a very generous bust strained against the flimsy top, the fabric clinging tightly. She had a tiny waist that flared out to thick, curvy hips and an ass that made the tattered skirt cling obscenely.

Alex stumbled back a step, clutching at his top in a vain attempt to cover up those ridiculous porn star tits. "God damn..." he muttered under his breath, still gawking shamelessly at his feminine reflection. Those things had to be at least G-cups, probably bigger. His hands flew to cover his mouth as the insane reality hit him - he was a woman now. A ridiculously hot, stacked woman.

How in the fuck was any of this even possible? Some weird-ass dream? Alex pinched his arm hard, wincing at the sharp prick of pain. Okay, clearly not dreaming then.

His - no, her - stomach rumbled loudly, the hungry pang reminding her that she was also really thirsty. Alex wrapped her arms around that tiny waist, looking around. Up ahead, a worn path of stone bricks curved through the trees - maybe it led to some town or something where she could get help figured out...or at the very least, find some new clothes that actually fit.

The tattered skirt rode up high on her thighs as Alex cautiously made her way down the path, the fabric brushing against her legs with each step. It was awkward as hell trying to walk normally with these new hips swaying and those ridiculous tits jiggling and bouncing with every movement, straining against her ruined top.

Alex froze as a twig snapped underfoot. Faint howls carried through the trees, getting louder and creepier by the second. "Shit..."

She quickly ducked off the path and crouched low in some thick bushes. Her heart pounded as she peered through the leaves, trying to spot whatever was making those eerie noises.

Another snap made her jump. Alex spun around, her blonde hair whipping across her face. A massive grey wolf was prowling along the path, nostrils flaring as it caught her scent. Crap, it had picked up her trail!

She shrank back further, wincing as thorny branches snagged in her hair. The wolf raised its head, amber eyes glinting as it scented the air. For a few breathless moments, the forest was dead silent.

Then the wolf's gaze locked onto the bushes. Its lips curled back in a snarl, fangs glistening with drool as it started creeping closer, ready to pounce.

There was no way Alex could outrun it, not with these ridiculous tits and hips weighing her down. Her eyes darted around until they landed on a thick branch. She snatched it up, the rough bark biting into her soft palms.

The wolf sprang out with a ferocious bark. Alex burst from the bushes swinging the branch wildly. It glanced off the beast's shoulder with a thud, doing nothing to slow its charge. She backpedaled awkwardly, one hand clutching her heaving breasts as the wolf whipped around with another snarl.

The wolf tensed its muscles, getting ready to pounce again. Alex let out a whimpered "Oh god..." as she feebly held up the branch. At the last second, she squeezed her eyes shut and shoved the stick forward blindly.

Thwack! There was a heavy impact and a yelp of pain. Alex's eyes flew open to see the wolf had clamped its powerful jaws down on the branch. The beast thrashed and snapped, slowly tearing through the wood inch by inch as she tried desperately to shove it away. But the wolf was just too big and strong.

"Shit!" Alex cried out as the splintered branch was about to break apart completely. She scrambled backwards, just managing to yank the remains free as the wolf lunged with its jaws snapping at empty air.

She didn't wait around. Alex turned and took off running blindly through the trees, her massive boobs bouncing and clapping together obscenely with each panicked stride. Branches whipped across her face as the wolf's enraged barks echoed closer and closer behind her.

Alex risked a terrified glance over her shoulder to see the beast bursting from the foliage, fangs bared and snapping just a few feet back. She tried to run faster, but it was almost impossible to keep her balance with this crazy new body. Her ankle rolled over a twisted root and she crashed to the ground with a grunt.

The wolf was on her in an instant. Alex could feel its hot, rancid breath on the back of her neck as she scrambled helplessly in the dirt and leaves. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the wolf to tear into her with its fangs.

But instead there was a heavy thud and a yelp of pain. Alex's eyes cracked open to see the beast lying motionless on the forest floor, an arrow shaft protruding from its skull.

"Thank god!" Alex gasped, shoving the wolf's limp body off her. Blood oozed from the arrow sticking out of its eye socket. She flinched as a figure emerged from the trees - a rugged-looking hunter in well-worn leathers, a hunting bow in his calloused hands.

"Are you hurt?" the stranger asked in a gruff voice as he slung the bow across his back. Up close, Alexa could make out his chiseled features - tanned skin lined with scars, a few days' worth of scruff shadowing his jawline. Strands of dark, windswept hair framed piercing blue eyes that raked over her feminine form in an appraising once-over.

Alex shook her head, getting to her feet on shaky legs. "N-No, I'm alright...thanks to you," she said breathlessly. Her voice came out high and breathy, so different from the deep baritone she was used to.

The hunter's lips quirked into a faint smile. "Just got lucky with that shot is all," he said with a modest shrug. "Name's Vanher. You out here in the woods alone, girl?"

"Oh! Um..." Alex hesitated, feeling flustered under his striking gaze. She knew she should introduce herself, but saying her old male name just felt...wrong with this new feminine body. "A-Alexa," she stammered instead, the new name rolling smoothly off her tongue. "I'm Alexa."

Vanher arched an eyebrow. "Alexa, eh?" He gave a nod. "You some kinda wandering wench then?" His tone was blunt but not unkind, though the question still made Alexa's cheeks burn.

She bit back a snippy retort. Sure, the guy seemed a bit crass, but he had just saved her life…

"No, actually," Alexa replied, struggling to keep her voice even. "Truthfully, I'm not really sure how I ended up out here. I'm completely lost. Could you tell me where the nearest town or city is?"

Vanher scratched at his scruffy jawline, considering her words. "Closest place would be Riverwood," he said after a moment. "Whiterun's the big city 'round these parts, but that's at least a full week's travel from here." He squinted at her, frowning slightly. "You sure you're doin' alright there? You seem a bit...outta sorts, if you don't mind me sayin'."

Alexa felt her stomach drop at the mention of Riverwood and Whiterun. Those were places straight out of Skyrim - the fantasy game world. But how in hell could that be possible? Unless...had she somehow gotten transported into the actual game itself?

If she really was in the world of Skyrim, then maybe her arrival here and the whole gender-swap thing were tied to whatever magic or phenomenon brought her to this place. And if that was the case...did it mean she was the Last Dragonborn now? There was really only one way to find out for sure. Though she wasn't sure she'd ever get the chance, what with having to take down an actual dragon and all - especially in this crazy buxom body of hers.

Alexa opened her mouth to respond, but the words caught in her throat as her gaze drifted lower. There, tenting out the front of Vanher's worn trousers, was an unmistakable bulge - thick, heavy, and disturbingly large. Her cheeks burned hotter as she quickly averted her eyes, telling herself it was only natural for a man to react that way around a body like hers.

"I'll be alright," she managed in a slightly higher pitch than intended. Alexa willed herself not to look below his waistline again as she went on. "I'm just...a little turned around is all. If it's not too much trouble, could you maybe point me towards Riverwood? Or let me tag along with you for a bit?" She gave him what she hoped was a sweet, innocent smile, purposefully not looking at the obscene bulge tenting out his crotch.

Vanher grinned back at her, seemingly oblivious to her flustered state. "Can't very well leave a poor girl to fend for herself out here, now can I?" He jerked his chin over his shoulder. "Got myself a little camp set up through them trees over yonder. Why don't you come join me for a spell? Get yourself sorted out, maybe get a bite to eat while you're at it." His grin widened as his eyes roamed shamelessly over her body. "That is...if you don't mind keepin' a lonely hunter like me some company."

Alexa immediately felt relieved. She would've surely died if he said no, considering a wolf attacked her just now. At least with Vanher's help, she stood a chance at getting her bearings...and maybe learning more about this crazy situation she now found herself in. Even if she had to endure his wandering eyes and that obscene bulge...

"I would be most grateful," she replied, nodding and trying not to look flustered.

Vanher gave her a wolfish grin, then reached out to drape his arm around her shoulders in a too-familiar gesture. Alexa tensed, grimacing slightly as she felt the hard length of his cock pressing against her side through his trousers. She swallowed thickly, reminding herself to just go with it for now as the hunter started leading her through the forest.


Alexa trudged behind Vanher, trying her best to keep up as they made their way through the dense forest. Her new body felt so cumbersome and unfamiliar - the heavy sway of her hips, the way her massive breasts jiggled and bounced with each step. She was already winded just from the short hike.

Finally, they emerged into a small clearing. "Here's my camp," Vanher announced gruffly, gesturing around the little grove with a calloused hand.

Alexa took a moment to look around, catching her breath. It was a quaint little spot, ringed by tall pines that let in dappled sunlight. Her gaze landed on a thick, moss-covered stump in the center and she started towards it gratefully. At least she'd be able to get off her aching feet for a while.

She didn't get more than a few steps before Vanher was suddenly behind her, his body pressing flush against her back. Alexa tensed, a startled gasp catching in her throat as she felt the unmistakable shape of his cock grind against the cleft of her ass through their clothes.

"Just have a seat right here for now, sweet thing," the hunter rumbled, reaching an arm past her to point at the stump. His chest was plastered to her back, the coarse fabric of his jerkin scratching against her bare shoulders. Alexa could feel the heat of his body, smell the earthy musk of sweat and forest clinging to his skin.

She squeezed her eyes shut, fists clenching at her sides as outrage rose within her. How dare this bastard just paw at her like some kind of...of whore! Alexa's jaw clenched, anger burning in her cheeks. She opened her mouth, ready to give Vanher a piece of her mind and her fists.

But then she hesitated. A small, pragmatic voice in the back of her head reminded her that without this crass, lecherous hunter, she would surely have been torn apart by that wolf - or died cold, alone and lost in these unforgiving woods. Vanher was still her best chance at survival, as distasteful as his behavior was.

Alexa forced herself to take a slow, steadying breath, willing her anger back down. "Thank you," she bit out through gritted teeth, pulling away from Vanher's body to seat herself stiffly on the stump. She refused to meet his gaze, instead glaring daggers at the moss between her feet.

The hunter seemed utterly unbothered by her icy demeanor. He simply shrugged, giving her a self-satisfied smirk before turning to rummage through his pack. "Make yourself comfortable," he called over his shoulder. "Got a bit of travellin' ahead of us still before we make it to Riverwood."

Alexa said nothing, her jaw still clenched as she fought to control the roiling storm of emotions warring within her. She kept her head down, refusing to look at Vanher as he began preparing a small meal. The rhythmic thwack of his knife against the cutting board filled the clearing, punctuated by the occasional grunt or muttered curse.

It wasn't until the savory scent of roasting meat reached her nostrils that Alexa finally allowed herself to look up. Vanher had skewered several chunks of deer haunch and was turning them slowly over the crackling fire. Despite herself, Alexa felt her mouth beginning to water - she hadn't realized just how ravenous she was until now.

As if sensing her hunger, Vanher glanced up and gave her a knowing grin. "Venison'll be ready soon," he said. "Why don't you come on over here and keep me some company while we wait?"

Alexa's eyes narrowed at the subtle innuendo, but the gurgling of her empty stomach drowned out her indignation...for now. Wordlessly, she rose from the stump and crossed to kneel beside the small fire pit, careful to keep a respectable distance from the lecherous hunter.

Vanher seemed content to let the silence linger for a while as they waited for the meat to cook. He simply tended the spit, occasionally reaching out to give Alexa's thigh an uncomfortably intimate stroke or pat. She flinched away from his calloused touch each time, shooting him a withering glare that did nothing to deter his wandering hands.

Finally, when she could no longer stand the tension, Alexa cleared her throat. "So..." she began, struggling to keep her tone neutral and polite. "How far is it until we reach Riverwood?"

The hunter grinned, clearly pleased that she had chosen to engage him. "We'll be there 'fore midday tomorrow if we get an early start," he replied easily. His pale eyes roamed over her body in an appraising look. "Don't worry none, Alexa...I'll make sure to get you there safe and satisfied. You can count on that."

Alexa simply gave a curt nod, refusing to rise to the bait of his suggestive leer. She lapsed back into stony silence as Vanher turned the spit, the mouthwatering aroma of sizzling meat filling the air.

It wasn't much longer before he deemed the venison cooked through. Vanher sliced off a haunch with his hunting knife, the juices sizzling as they dripped onto the coals. He held it out to Alexa with a roguish grin. "Here, have at it while it's hot."

For a moment, she eyed the offered meat warily, wondering if it might be laced with some kind of drug or toxin. But the rumbling of her stomach quickly overrode such paranoid thoughts - she was far too hungry to be picky right now.

"Thank you," Alexa muttered, accepting the haunch and taking a tentative bite. Her eyes fluttered closed in bliss at the rich, smoky flavor that flooded her mouth. She hadn't realized just how ravenous she was until that first bite of perfectly-cooked venison hit her tongue.

Within moments, she had devoured the entire haunch, licking the grease from her fingers and lips with unabashed relish. Vanher smirked in amusement as he carved off another portion of meat for himself. "Can't have you going hungry before our long trek, wench," he remarked.

Alexa paused mid-lick to shoot him a reproachful glare. "It's Alexa," she said flatly.

The hunter just chuckled around a mouthful of venison. "Alexa it is then," he rumbled in that infuriatingly smug tone. "Pretty name for a pretty girl."

Alexa watched in silence as Vanher made his way over to the deer carcass on the other side of their little camp. He crouched down next to it, pulling out a wicked-looking hunting knife from the sheath on his belt. Without any preamble, he got to work butchering the fresh kill, his calloused hands moving with practiced efficiency as he separated the different cuts of meat.

The wet sounds of blade meeting flesh made Alexa's stomach turn a little. She quickly looked away, not wanting to dwell on the gruesome sight. Instead, her eyes roamed over their surroundings, taking in the little grove they had set up camp in. Towering pines stretched up all around them, letting in dappled sunlight that filtered through the canopy above. Underfoot was a thick carpet of dead needles, ferns, and wildflowers in shades of blue, purple, and white.

Alexa's gaze lingered on those splashes of color amidst the greenery. She instantly recognized the blue mountain flowers and purple mountain flowers - alchemy ingredients straight out of Skyrim. A thought occurred to her then. If she really was in the world of the game somehow, would consuming those have the same kind of effects here? It seemed crazy, but then again, so did the whole situation of waking up as a stacked blonde bombshell in a fantasy realm.

While Vanher continued his grisly work behind her, Alexa reached down and plucked one of the blue mountain flowers. She rolled the delicate stem between her fingers, giving the small bloom an experimental sniff. It had a sweet, earthy scent that reminded her of hiking trails back home. Well, only one way to find out if it worked the same way...

Pinching her nose, Alexa popped the entire flower into her mouth and started chewing. She grimaced at the bitter, grassy taste, forcing herself to swallow the mushy wad. For a few moments, nothing happened. Then a strange warmth seemed to bloom in her core before spreading outwards in gentle waves. At the same time, a faint blue glow flickered in her eyes.

"Whoa..." she breathed, blinking rapidly as the glow faded. Somehow, she just knew that the Blue Mountain Flower had granted her a very small boost to her health, just like it would in the game. But how was that even possible?

If she truly did have access to Skyrim's unique game systems, that would explain the crazy situation she now found herself in. Maybe this world operated on similar logic and mechanics? She had to know for sure.

Closing her eyes, Alexa focused her thoughts inwards, trying to visualize some kind of menu or interface like the ones from the game. At first, nothing happened. Then something almost invisible seemed to appear, settling into a translucent pane hovering before her even though her eyes were closed.

Magic. The word was stark and simple, a single option in a larger menu she instinctively knew how to navigate. Alexa's heart raced as she focused, causing a whole new window to appear.

But this one was blank. Empty lists for spell categories like Destruction, Conjuration, and Restoration stared back at her, showing no actual spells unlocked. It seemed she would need to learn them properly before they would appear here.

Alexa huffed out a disappointed sigh. Typical - even when getting literally transported into a video game world, she didn't get any bonus spells out of the deal. Grumbling under her breath, she swiped through to the next sub-menu, one simply titled 'Effects'.

Here she found a short list of status conditions currently affecting her, including Hungry, Thirsty, and one called Nordic Heritage.

In the background, she could faintly make out some strange noises - a rhythmic wet slapping sound, along with the occasional grunt from Vanher. She frowned slightly but didn't open her eyes, too focused on exploring the system panels to pay it much mind. Whatever nasty butchering task he was doing, she didn't really want to see.

The slick sounds continued for a few moments more before ending in a guttural groan and a muted splash. Alexa's brow furrowed briefly at the noise but she simply shrugged it off, her attention wholly consumed by the description that had materialized under the Nordic Heritage effect:

Your Frost Resistance is increased by 50%, and you take 25% less damage while power attacking, drawing a bow, or casting a spell.

She nodded slowly, taking in the details. So she was essentially playing as one of the hardy Nords - that would certainly explain her blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Alexa?" Vanher's gruff voice suddenly broke through her thoughts. "You looked a bit outta sorts there for a moment."

Alexa's eyes snapped open as Vanher's gruff voice pulled her from her trance. The hunter stood before her, casually holding out a waterskin while his other hand adjusted the laces of his trousers.

"Here ya go, girly," he said with a wink. "Got some fresh water straight from the tap. Should help a thirsty little thing like you."

Alexa eyed him curiously for a moment before accepting the offered skin. She wasn't sure if her odd behavior while accessing the interface had been visible to him or not. Clearing her throat, she raised the skin to her lips and took a tentative sip.

"Ugh!" She recoiled immediately, making a disgusted face at the thick, salty taste filling her mouth. "What is this? It tastes awful!"

Vanher let out a hearty chuckle at her reaction. "What'd you expect out here in the wilds?" he grinned, giving her a roguish wink. "Ain't no fancy Black-Briar Mead. That's straight from the source, the way a real Skyrim wench drinks it."

Alexa shot him a withering glare, but forced herself to choke down a few more mouthfuls of the foul liquid. It was better than dying of thirst, she supposed, even if it was way too salty.

As she drank, Vanher watched her with an amused smirk. "Don't worry none, sweet thing," he said after a moment. "Come tomorrow morn, you'll get to drink directly from the tap. That water'll taste a damn sight better, I reckon."

Alexa perked up a bit at Vanher's offer of proper water once they reached Riverwood. She nodded gratefully, pulling the waterskin away from her lips with a relieved sigh. Only now did she realize just how parched her throat had become until taking those first few sips.

"Thanks," she said simply, using the back of her hand to wipe a few stray droplets from her full lips. The salty taste still lingered, making her grimace. "I'll be looking forward to some clean water in the morning, that's for sure."

She eyed the remaining liquid in the skin dubiously. Part of her rebelled at the thought of forcing down any more of that foul, gritty stuff. But her body's thirst won out. Alexa hesitantly raised the skin to her plump lips once more, tilting her head back to take a deep pull.

The thick, slimy water coated her mouth in an unpleasant film. She had to swallow repeatedly, grimacing as it slid down her throat, leaving behind a lingering grime that no amount of lip-smacking could get rid of.

Still, she drained the rest in several deep gulps until the semi-transparent menu flickered into view again. The Thirsty condition now read Slightly Thirsty. A few more mouthfuls and the status finally cleared.

Alexa pulled the empty skin away with a relieved gasp, wiping her lips on her tattered sleeve.

One problem solved, at least. Her gurgling stomach made an insistent rumble then, as if reminding her of the Mild Hunger effect still remaining. "Um, Vanher?" she ventured, lowering the empty skin. "Don't suppose you have anything to eat as well? I'm absolutely famished."

Vanher paused, wiping his brow, and gestured to his pack. "Got a couple apples in there if you're still hungry."

Alexa thanked Vanher and went over to his pack, rummaging through the jumbled mess inside. She found a small bundle with five red apples and plucked one free before settling back on the stump.

As she took a bite of the tart fruit, she tried to focus and bring up the Skills interface like she had with the Magic menu earlier. But no matter how hard she concentrated, nothing seemed to happen. Frowning, Alexa polished off the rest of the apple, but still couldn't access that particular screen.

The sweet, crisp juices helped wash away the lingering salty aftertaste from the gross water, which was a relief. But she was puzzled as to why she could view her Magic capabilities yet not her overall skills and stats.

Then it hit her - she remembered in a lot of the Skyrim mods she used to play, you could only access the full perk menus while resting or sleeping. If this bizarre world really did operate under some kind of modified Skyrim logic and mechanics, that would explain her inability to pull up the Skills screen right now.

Alexa let out a frustrated huff. Looked like she'd have to wait until they set up camp for the night before getting a proper look at her skills and stats. For now, she finished off the apple, tossing the core aside as she watched Vanher break down his campsite with efficient motions.

"Alright, time to get movin'," the hunter announced once his pack was ready, slinging it over his broad shoulders. "We can make it to Riverwood 'fore mornin' if we start now. But we'll need to camp out overnight in the forest."

His lips curved into a sly grin. "Course, once we get to town, you could enjoy a nice soft bed at the inn." Vanher's eyes raked over her body in an appraising look. "Though fair warnin' - the innkeep there's an ornery bastard who don't much care for havin' wenches like you 'round."

Alexa's grip tightened on the apple core at his crass remark, jaw clenching as she fought back a biting retort. As tempting as it was to put the lecherous hunter in his place, picking a fight would only make her seem petulant. She needed his help right now, brutish manners and all.

"Camping will be fine," she forced out through gritted teeth, rising from the stump to brush off her tattered skirt. "I'm in no hurry to deal with any...unpleasant sorts at the moment."

Vanher simply shrugged, seemingly unbothered by her curt tone. "Suit yourself, girly. Let's get goin' then."