
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Alchemy Store

The alchemy shop was quieter than the busy general store, with a calmer atmosphere. Alexa browsed the shelves, immediately noticing the more potent and expensive selection compared to the general wares she'd purchased earlier. Her eyes roamed over rows of health, stamina, and cure disease potions - clearly the most popular remedies for daily ailments.

Into her basket went 3 Philters of Resist Magic, 2 Philters of Resist Fire, 1 Solution of Lasting Potency, 3 Philters of the Warrior, and 4 Potions of Vigorous Healing. As she gathered the stoppered bottles, Alexa couldn't help shuddering slightly at the shelves lining the walls - jars crammed with plant matter, insect husks, teeth, antlers, and other unappetizing components.

Her alchemy skill was currently non-existent, and the thought of grinding up those foul ingredients made her queasy. But she knew she'd have to overcome her aversion if she wanted to brew her own potions.

Basket in hand, Alexa joined the short queue at the counter, meeting the shopkeeper's gaze as her turn arrived. The blonde woman, Gerda, looked to be in her 40s, with a warm smile and an appraising look as she eyed Alexa's hourglass figure.

Alexa unloaded her purchases onto the worn wooden counter. "That'll be 1,619 septims," Gerda stated, her smile widening as she added, "And I expect at least half an hour of...personal attention."

Alexa nodded, unsurprised by the demand as she retrieved the coins. While the money changed hands, Gerda gestured for her to come around the counter. "Perfect timing, actually," the older woman said happily. "I've just brewed a new type of Philter of Enhanced Stamina, and I was hoping to test its...effects."

Speech increased to 38

Speech increased to 39

Gerda was clearly a chatterbox, grasping Alexa's shoulders as she rambled about the potion's recipe. With a firm push, she dropped the wench to her knees and retrieved a green bottle from a nearby drawer. Downing it in one gulp, Gerda groaned as the tonic took hold, her cock visibly tenting the fabric of her pants.

"Seems to be working," she grinned lecherously, freeing her thick, angry-purple shaft from its confines. "Increased stamina and libido, just as I'd hoped."

Before Alexa could react, Gerda grasped a fistful of her blonde hair and pulled her face-first onto the stiffening member. Alexa's red lips stretched wide, but Gerda simply groaned in pleasure, thrusting her hips to bury her cock in the wench's convulsing throat.

"Mmm, that's it, I love young wenches," Gerda sighed contentedly.

At that moment, the shop's door opened with a creak, admitting a middle-aged Nord man. He approached the counter, eyeing Alexa's bobbing head with mild surprise.

"Er, hello Gerda. I'll take two Potions of Minor Healing and three of Minor Stamina, please."

"Of course, Sverrir," Gerda replied casually, as if she wasn't actively face-fucking someone. She leaned back slightly, allowing Alexa some air while she gathered the requested potions.

To Gerda's surprise, Alexa didn't simply gasp for breath, but immediately lavished skilled attention on the thick cock. Her tongue swirled around the bulbous head, then traced the engorged underside from root to tip as her lips slid down the impressive length. One hand cupped and rolled Gerda's sack while the other stroked the exposed shaft in counterpoint to her bobbing head.

"Ah! By the Nine..." Gerda gasped, fingers tangling in Alexa's hair to hold her in place. "That'll be...83 septims, Sverrir."

The man placed the coins on the counter, eyes widening as Alexa moaned around Gerda's girth, sending delicious vibrations along the sensitive flesh.

Gerda scratched Alexa's ear affectionately. "You must be a prodigy wench? So young, I wouldn't be surprised if you only matured some months ago, and you're already this skilled..."

Over the next half hour, Alexa applied every oral trick she knew, determined to thoroughly test Gerda's potion. She alternated between taking the entire shaft into her convulsing throat, then pulling back to flick her pink tongue over the aching head. Her cheeks hollowed with each intense sucking motion, and she hummed continuously to keep the thick member buzzing with sensation.

By the time the 30 minutes elapsed, Gerda had climaxed a staggering 17 times, aided only by the powerful stamina potion coursing through her veins. Her cock remained upright and engorged, glistening with a sheen of mixed saliva and spend. Alexa's cheeks were flushed and her jaw deliciously ached from the prolonged oral workout.

She gave Gerda's cock one last hungry suck, taking the thick shaft all the way down her throat until her lips met the trimmed pubic hair. She swirled her tongue around the pulsing member, cleaning it of the cum that coated it. Releasing it with a wet pop, she lapped at Gerda's balls, sucking each one into her mouth to ensure not a drop was wasted.

When she was done worshipping the older woman's crotch, Alexa pressed herself against Gerda's side, sandwiching the mature woman's arm between her massive, heaving breasts. She looked up at Gerda with half-lidded eyes.

"You seemed to enjoy that potion," Alexa purred, her voice husky. "But I want more than just a taste..." She trailed off, letting her tongue flick out to lick a stray drop of cum from the corner of her mouth.

Gerda swallowed hard, enraptured by the seductive blonde's display. "W-What did you have in mind, sweetie?"

"Teach me the basics of alchemy," Alexa breathed, leaning in until her pouty lips brushed Gerda's ear. "In return, you can use this body however you want...all day and night."

A shudder ran through Gerda at the proposal. She hesitated for just a moment before nodding frantically. "Of course, of course! But, ah, I can only teach you after closing up shop for the night."

Alexa smiled, satisfied, and pressed her boobs more fully against the flustered older woman. "Then you can have me however you like until that time..."

Speech increased to 40

Gerda groaned loudly and pulled another green bottle from her pocket, uncorking it and downing the Philter of Enhanced Stamina in one go. She wrapped her arms around Alexa's hourglass waist, pulling the wench's plush rear against her rapidly-stiffening cock.

She quickly unfastened Alexa's tight leather pants and shoved them down, exposing the blonde's bare ass and glistening pussy. Gerda bent her over the counter, Alexa's massive tits squashing against the wooden surface as her ass jutted out invitingly.

The mature alchemist didn't hesitate before burying her throbbing cock in Alexa's soaked slit with a single thrust. Alexa moaned seductively as she was filled by Gerda's girthy member.

Gerda set a fast pace, her hips pistoning as she harshly pounded into Alexa's snug, velvet sheath. With each hard thrust, her heavy balls slapped against the blonde's engorged clit, sending jolts of electricity up her spine.

For the rest of the daylight hours, Gerda rutted into Alexa's heavenly body like an animal in heat, regularly chugging more stamina tonics to maintain her vigor. Her shop remained open as she fucked the cum-hungry wench hard, even servicing other customers while using Alexa's pussy and ass as her personal cock-sleeves.

At one point, Gerda pulled Alexa off the counter and dropped her to her hands and knees on the floor. The blonde obediently arched her back, presenting her puffy, well-used holes as Gerda stepped around behind her. With one hand fisted in Alexa's hair, the alchemist slammed back into the wench's gaping asshole, driving the air from her lungs with her forceful strokes.

Alexa was lost in a daze of pure carnal bliss, mindlessly pushing her thick ass back to meet Gerda's hips. She barely registered the shop's door opening and the sound of approaching footsteps. It wasn't until a familiar voice reached her ears that she froze up in horror.

"...haven't seen her in nearly two months," the voice said, tinged with sadness. "She's a gorgeous blonde with the most amazing body you've ever seen. If you've come across her recently..."

It was Yvariel, her old mistress, talking to Gerda. Alexa's eyes widened as she heard Eira and Lena's voices as well, realizing her former sister-wenches were here too, clearly searching for her.

Thinking quickly, Alexa craned her neck and caught Gerda's gaze, bringing a finger up to her full red lips in a pleading gesture for silence. The mature alchemist seemed to understand, giving an almost imperceptible nod before grunting out a reply to Yvariel.

"Can't say I've seen a girl like that," Gerda said breathlessly, her hips never stilling as she pounded Alexa's stretched asshole. "But a wench that gorgeous...nnghh...I'll be sure to let you know if she comes around."

There was a pregnant pause, and Alexa could feel Yvariel's eyes burning into her arched back and jiggling ass cheeks, which were reddened from the force of Gerda's thrusts. The blonde wench held her breath, trying not to make a sound as the thick cock speared her repeatedly.

"Is...everything alright back there?" Yvariel asked hesitantly. "It sounds like you're, ah, exerting yourself."

"Just...nnnhh...testing a new stamina potion!" Gerda grunted, her pace becoming erratic as she neared her peak. "Very...vigorous...effects!"

Alexa bit her plump lip hard to stifle her moans as Gerda's cock swelled inside her asshole. With a loud moan, the alchemist slammed her dick to the root and flooded Alexa's bowels with a scalding torrent of thick seed.

"Ah...I see," Yvariel said slowly. "Well, let us know if you happen to see or hear anything about our missing wench."

"Of course," Gerda panted, giving Alexa's ass a firm smack, making her jiggle obscenely. "Now if you'll...excuse me..."

Thankfully, Yvariel seemed to take the hint and depart with Eira and Lena. As soon as the door closed behind them, Gerda collapsed forward onto Alexa's sweat-slicked back, the two of them panting hard.

Alexa let out a shuddering breath as Gerda's softening cock finally slipped from her abused asshole. Thick ropes of the older woman's seed slowly leaked out, trickling down the blonde's thighs.

"You should thank me for covering for you back there," Gerda panted, giving Alexa's jiggling asscheeks a firm smack. "That was your old mistress, wasn't it?"

Alexa nodded weakly, still catching her breath from the intense pounding. "Y-Yes...Mistress Yvariel. I was abducted by bandits some time ago and became a free wench. I have a token now." She reached up to toy with the metal disc hanging between her massive breasts.

Gerda smirked lecherously. "I see. And were you planning on reuniting with your former owner?" Her tone made it clear she hoped the answer was no.

"I...I'm not sure," Alexa admitted. "Part of me misses their kindness. But I've tasted true freedom now..."

"Good girl," Gerda purred, groping Alexa's massive tits. "Because I expect some thanks for keeping you hidden. One more day of being my personal cocksleeve ought to do it. While tutoring you in the basics of alchemy, of course."

Alexa's bright blue eyes widened at the prospect, but she quickly nodded her agreement. "Yes, of course. Thank you for your generosity."

Chuckling, Gerda gave the blonde's ass another stinging slap. "About time to close up shop then. Let's get started on those alchemy lessons..."

She rose to her feet, tucking her spent cock back into her trousers. Alexa followed suit, pulling her leather pants back up over her shapely thighs with some difficulty. The tight material clung to her soaked folds and Gerda's leaking seed made them cling even more closely.

Once they were decent again, Gerda led the way through a door behind the counter and into the back rooms of her shop. The main area was a large workroom with long alchemy tables, cabinets lining the walls stuffed with containers of ingredients. The pungent aromas of a hundred different plants, roots, and minerals filled the air.

Alexa wrinkled her nose slightly at the harsh smells, but didn't protest as Gerda immediately put her to work.

"Right, let's get started with the basics," Gerda said briskly, handing Alexa a mortar and pestle. "This is an alchemist's most essential tool. Without it, you can't properly prepare ingredients for potions."

She gestured to a basket of red flowers on the workbench. "Go on, grind up some of those redwort blooms into a fine powder."

Alexa nodded and began grinding the petals with the pestle, quickly developing a rhythm. As she worked, Gerda launched into a long lecture.

"Too many mages overlook the value of alchemy these days. It's an ancient discipline that can truly change lives, if mastered. But it's difficult and often dangerous to advance your knowledge of the materials and their properties."

She shook her head in disdain. "Don't even get me started on that amateur 'wortcraft' rubbish - just chewing on ingredients like a cow, hoping for fleeting effects. No, true alchemy requires proper tools and techniques."

Alexa focused intently as Gerda expounded on the principles behind her craft. "Many natural items, mostly plants and such, contain fundamental magical essences. The more skilled the alchemist, the more of those properties you can extract and harness."

"By combining those essences in just the right way, you create potions with all sorts of effects - both positive and negative. It's up to us alchemists to determine the ideal recipes for the desired outcome."

Gerda's eyes gleamed with passion as she delved deeper into the particulars. "Once you've ground your ingredients to powder, that's just the first step. Mixing them properly is crucial..."

She rattled off detailed instructions on measuring, stirring techniques, applying heat, and a dozen other nuances that Alexa should've struggled to absorb. But to her surprise, the knowledge seemed to stick in her mind with remarkable clarity.

"...and that's where tools like retorts, alembics, and calcinators come in," Gerda concluded some time later. "To purify, distill, and increase potency. But you're just a beginner, so we'll start with the basics. Like curing poisons - one of the first and most useful recipes an alchemist learns."

She nodded in satisfaction at the fine redwort powder Alexa had created. "Excellent work. Now, mix in a portion of this ginseng root and a few drops of alcohol..."

Under Gerda's watchful guidance, Alexa carefully measured and combined the other ingredients into the mortar. She followed each step with intense focus, determined to prove herself a capable student.

To her amazement, the resulting mixture perfectly matched the description in Gerda's teachings - a rich crimson liquid with a slightly gooey consistency.

"Well I'll be..." Gerda murmured, peering into the mortar with approval. "A textbook cure poison formula, on your first attempt. You're a natural, girl!"

Alchemy increased to 1

Alchemy increased to 2

Alchemy increased to 3

Alchemy increased to 4

Alchemy increased to 5

Alchemy increased to 6

Alchemy increased to 7

While Gerda praised her textbook cure poison potion, Alexa realized the System must have recognized the older woman as an Alchemy Skill Trainer - explaining her rapid progression through the first five skill levels. The extra bumps to levels 6 and 7 were likely from completing her first actual potion, combined with her low Alchemy skill.

Gerda had her practice the cure poison recipe three more times, boosting Alchemy to 9 before they stopped for the night. The alchemist ground her stiff cock against Alexa's ass, groping her heavy breasts as she whispered it was time for bed. Grabbing a fistful of blonde hair, Gerda guided the wench down on all fours, leading her to the bedroom.

Once there, Gerda fetched a cup and smirked. "This will be your water for the night." She pried Alexa's plump lips apart and poured the contents in, watching intently as the blonde obediently swallowed.

Alexa was then pushed onto the bed. Gerda climbed in after her, throwing the sheets over them both and spooning up behind the gorgeous wench. Raising one of Alexa's legs high, she aimed her thick cock and pushed it into Alexa's slit with a satisfied groan.

As Gerda began rutting into her in long, slow strokes, she panted hotly in Alexa's ear. "You're so gorgeous...I understand why your old mistress searched so hard for you."

She gave Alexa's earlobe a flick of her tongue before continuing. "I'm lucky you came to me when I had that special brew ready. You must be feeling dazed, sleepy..." One hand kneaded Alexa's tit roughly. "That's because it will ensure you wake an obedient little wench for me tomorrow. I'll visit the Dibellan priestess and make it official - you won't need some token when you're my property."

Gerda moaned loudly, her cock twitching as she flooded Alexa's well-fucked pussy with her seed. She shifted positions, rolling Alexa onto her back with the blonde's head on the pillows. Gerda hovered over her, sliding her cock back into the sloppy, cum-filled sheath.

In the darkness, Alexa smirked widely, barely stifling a mocking chuckle. As a vampire, she was immune to any poisons the alchemist tried to ply her with. Alexa should have expected something like this to happen – she was simply too irresistible for anyone to resist claiming even though she already had her Wench Token.

She felt Gerda's cock pulse again, painting her insides white with another thick load. Alexa simply relaxed and enjoyed the thorough fucking. Tomorrow, she would take what alchemy lessons she could from the older woman. After that...Gerda's blood would be hers.


Alexa awoke to the warm weight of Gerda's body draped over her own, the sheets tangled around their intertwined limbs. The older woman's soft breasts pressed against Alexa's side, and she could feel the alchemist's spent cock nestled snugly in the well-used folds of her pussy, still slightly stiff despite the many loads it had pumped into her the night before.

As Alexa blinked the bleariness from her eyes, a dull ache throbbed in the back of her throat - the unmistakable pang of vampiric thirst. It wasn't overwhelming yet, but she knew she'd need to sate her hunger soon before it became uncontrollable.

Her light-violet eyes drifted to the gentle rise and fall of Gerda's chest, the older woman's neck exposed mere inches from Alexa's face. She could see the pulsing vein beneath the flushed skin, could practically taste the rich blood flowing through it.

Alexa's fangs ached in her mouth as her thirst spiked. She had potions of blood in her inventory, of course, but there was something so much more satisfying about drinking straight from the source. Glancing down to ensure Gerda remained dead to the world, Alexa shifted closer until her lips brushed the tempting flesh of the alchemist's throat.

Her small fangs sank into Gerda's neck with ease, piercing the vein and allowing that first mouthful of hot, coppery blood to flood over Alexa's tongue. She moaned softly at the exquisite flavor, the thirst momentarily forgotten as she drank deeply.

After taking just enough to sate her for the time being, Alexa reluctantly pulled back and released Gerda's neck. She licked the tiny punctures, her tongue lapping up any stray droplets of blood. Settling back against the pillows, she sighed contentedly and let her eyes drift closed once more.

Vampirism increased to 4

Some fifteen minutes later, Gerda began to stir. The older woman shifted atop Alexa with a sleepy groan, inadvertently grinding her softening cock deeper into the blonde's soaked slit. Her eyes fluttered open, immediately locking onto Alexa's perfectly-sculpted features.

"Ah, you're awake, my pretty little wench," Gerda murmured groggily. There was a possessive glint in her eye as she reached up to caress Alexa's cheek almost tenderly. "Did you sleep well?"

Alexa simply nodded, her expression one of vapid obedience - exactly as Gerda expected after dosing her with that obedience potion the previous night. The older woman chuckled deep in her throat, clearly pleased.

"Good girl," she praised, giving Alexa's cheek a light pat. "Because you're going to be a very, very good girl for me today while I continue your alchemy lessons, understand?"

Again, Alexa nodded mutely. On the inside, however, she could barely contain her dark amusement. If only Gerda knew that her obedience concoction had been utterly useless against Alexa's vampiric constitution. The wench was playing along for now, of course - she would take whatever knowledge she could from the perverted alchemist.

Gerda's demeanor shifted, a wicked glint entering her eye as she sat up slightly. "Open wide, pet," she ordered with a cruel smirk.

Alexa obliged, parting her full red lips as Gerda scooted up until her bare ass hovered over the blonde's open mouth.

"I've always wanted to do this," Gerda panted, clenching her cheeks. Alexa's eyes widened as something dark and foul began emerging from the older woman's puckered anus.

But before Gerda could follow through, Alexa instantly rolled out of the way. Her sky-blue irises flashed crimson as she used her Vampire's Seduction ability, enrapturing Gerda in its thrall for a brief window.

"You will never try anything like that with me again," Alexa stated in a cold, commanding tone. "Now quickly go handle this vile urge yourself, properly."

Under the spell's influence, Gerda could only nod dumbly and scramble off the bed, scurrying towards the washroom with her cheeks clenched. The thrall would lift soon, but Alexa had hopefully made her point clear.

She exhaled slowly, grimacing at how swiftly Gerda's deviant desires had surfaced once she thought Alexa an obedient slave. Alexa would have to be more cautious around the unhinged alchemist from now on.

Gerda returned to the bedroom, still seeming a bit dazed from Alexa's vampiric thrall, though she didn't seem to recall the unpleasant incident moments ago. The blonde wench pouted up at the older alchemist, batting her long eyelashes.

"I thought we were going to start my alchemy lessons before you opened the shop?" Alexa said in a sugary tone. "And after teaching me, you promised to use this body however you wanted all day..."

She ran her hands over her generous curves enticingly. Gerda swallowed hard, licking her lips as she drank in Alexa's flawless figure.

"Y-Yes, of course pet," the alchemist replied huskily. "On your hands and knees then, like a good girl."

Obediently, Alexa rolled over and pushed her thick ass into the air, presenting her dripping slit to Gerda. The older woman groaned in appreciation and clambered onto the bed behind her. Gerda grasped Alexa's hips firmly and guided her throbbing cock into the wench's wet pussy with one smooth thrust.

"Such a perfect little cocksleeve," Gerda panted, her heavy breasts swaying with each powerful thrust. "I'm going to enjoy training you as my personal alchemy slut..."

With one hand fisted in Alexa's blonde hair, Gerda used the other to grope and knead the wench's massive tits. She tugged Alexa upright, holding her firmly against Gerda's sweat-slicked body as she continued rutting up into her snug, convulsing sheath.

"Ah! Y-Yes, use me..." Alexa mewled, letting her head loll back against Gerda's shoulder. "I'll be a good girl, I swear!"

Grunting with effort, Gerda somehow managed to get her feet under her while keeping Alexa impaled on her thick shaft. She stood up from the bed, easily supporting Alexa's weight as the blonde's legs wrapped around her waist.

Carrying her new cocksleeve, Gerda staggered from the bedroom and down the hall to her alchemy workshop.

Gerda set Alexa down on one of the long wooden worktables, forcing her to bend over it with her ass in the air. The older woman immediately hilted herself in Alexa's cunt once more and resumed her rough rhythm, using the wench's body with reckless abandon.

"Let's...nnnghh...start with the basics," Gerda grunted between thrusts, sweat beading on her brow.

With one hand, she dragged over a burlap sack filled with purple and blue flowers, dumping them onto the table in front of Alexa. The blonde's massive tits shook and jiggled with each punishing slam of Gerda's hips.

"To brew a Potion of M-Minor Healing," Gerda explained breathlessly. "You need wheat and...ah!...blue mountain flowers."

She grabbed a fistful of the vibrant blooms, crushing the delicate petals in her palm. Alexa watched in a daze as Gerda sprinkled the floral powder into a waiting mortar, along with some wheat grains.

"Nnnngh, grind them together," Gerda ordered, releasing Alexa's hair to concentrate on pistoning her hips. "Into a fine...ungh...powder!"

Obediently, Alexa leaned forward and began grinding the pestle into the mortar, following Gerda's instructions with clumsy motions. It was difficult to focus on the task at hand while being speared by the alchemist's cock, but she managed.

"Good girl," Gerda panted, sweat dripping from her brow. "Now add a splash of alcohol...nnnnghh...and heat it over a flame!"

Alexa fumbled for a nearby bottle of clear liquid, nearly dropping it before splashing some into the mortar. Gerda's thrusts became erratic, her climax clearly approaching as she guided Alexa through the next steps in a heated rush.

Gerda finally stiffened and slammed her cock as deep as it could go. Alexa whimpered as she felt the first hot spurts of seed flooding her womb, Gerda's cum quickly overflowing and trickling down her thighs.

The older woman took a moment to catch her breath, her softening cock still lodged in Alexa's spattered slit. When she'd recovered, Gerda pulled out with a wet pop and grabbed the mortar.

"Not bad for your first try," she murmured, examining the gooey crimson potion they'd brewed together. "But watch me craft one properly."

Alexa nodded obediently, and leaned back against the table with her legs splayed wide. She watched with hooded eyes as Gerda skillfully prepared another Potion of Minor Healing from start to finish.

When the alchemist had finished, she held up the two vials - one an amateurish sludge, the other a glistening ruby liquid.

"See the difference?" Gerda smirked, taking a swig from the properly-brewed potion. "Perfection takes time and practice. But don't worry, pet..." She set the empty bottle down and grasped her rapidly-stiffening cock. "You'll have plenty of opportunities to keep practicing. Starting with a Potion of Minor Stamina..."

The alchemy lesson continued in a heated frenzy, with Gerda's hips smashing into Alexa's dripping slit as she barked out instructions. Despite her body jostling with each forceful thrust, she managed to grind the ingredients and follow along, her mind surprisingly focused. Probably because of my levels in Prostitution.

A bead of sweat trickled down the valley between Alexa's heaving breasts as she carefully added a splash of alcohol to the mortar's contents. Gerda grunted in approval, her hips becoming erratic.

"Good girl...now heat it!" she panted, her cock swelling against Alexa's cervix.

The blonde hurriedly grabbed a long stick and used it to hold the mortar over a nearby brazier's flickering flames. As the potion mixture warmed, Gerda threw her head back with a low moan, her release crashing over her. Alexa cried out as she was filled with the older woman's seed, thick ropes of it splattering up her thighs.

Gerda took a moment to catch her breath, slowly pulling her softening cock from Alexa's thoroughly-used pussy with a lewd squelch. She grabbed the mortar, examining the freshly-brewed potion with a critical eye before nodding in satisfaction.

"Nicely done, pet," she praised, giving Alexa's exposed ass a firm smack. "Let's move on to the next recipe."

Over the next couple of hours, Gerda guided Alexa through brewing Potions of Minor Magicka and Minor Stamina, taking occasional breaks to use Alexa as a fuckdoll. Despite the vigorous 'lessons', she easily absorbed the alchemy knowledge.

Finally, with a sheen of sweat coating both of their bodies, Gerda declared the training complete for the time being. She drained the last few drops of a Potion of Minor Stamina, her cock immediately springing to full mast once more.

Alchemy increased to 10

Alchemy increased to 11

Alchemy increased to 12

Alchemy increased to 13

Alchemy increased to 14

Alchemy increased to 15

"Very well done, my talented little slut," Gerda purred, grabbing Alexa by the hair and pulling her into a rough kiss. "I think you've earned a reward..."

Alexa whimpered against the alchemist's lips. When they finally broke apart, she gazed up at Gerda with half-lidded eyes.

"Please, Mistress..." she mewled breathily. "Take me back to the bedroom? I want you to fuck me properly, hard and deep..."

Chuckling darkly, Gerda scooped Alexa up into her arms with ease, the blonde's legs instantly wrapping around her waist. She carried her prize back to the bedroom, tossing her onto the rumpled sheets with a predatory grin.

Alexa bounced slightly on the mattress, her legs splaying open in a blatant invitation. She pouted up at Gerda, giving her tits a squeeze.

"Fuck me like you own me, Mistress," she whined petulantly. "I've been such a good girl..."

Growling in approval, Gerda swiftly divested herself of her clothing before pouncing onto the bed. She grasped Alexa's thighs and yanked them apart, burying her stiff cock into the wench's soaked slit in one rough thrust. Alexa cried out in pleasure, her back arching wantonly.

Gerda's hips shook as she railed Alexa into the mattress. The bed vibrated and creaked from the force of her thrusts, the lewd sound of flesh smacking flesh filling the air. Alexa's massive breasts bounced wildly, her nipples stiff and aching for attention.

Just as Gerda felt her climax rapidly approaching, a steel dagger seemed to appear in Alexa's hand out of thin air. She smirked as she suddenly surged upwards, burying the blade deep into Gerda's liver. At the same time, her fangs sank into the alchemist's exposed throat, piercing the vein.

Gerda barely had time to react, a strangled gurgle escaping her lips as Alexa began greedily draining her blood. The older woman's hips jerked erratically, her cock twitching as she experienced a forced, explosive climax from the overwhelming stimulation. But the searing pain of the stab wound combined with Alexa's draining quickly sapped her strength.

Within seconds, Gerda went limp atop the wench. Her eyes lost their light as the last vestiges of her life force were drained away by Alexa's vampiric thirst. The blonde didn't stop drinking until the last drop had been taken, leaving Gerda's body an empty, desiccated husk and triggering Kiss of Death.

Health, Magicka and Stamina permanently increased by 0.1

Vampirism increased to 5

Level increased to 12

Alexa pushed the corpse off of her with ease, rolling over to stretch out on the bed like a satisfied cat. She licked her lips slowly, enjoying the lingering taste of Gerda's rich blood on her tongue.

"You really should have just accepted me as a free wench," she sneered at the husk. "Then you could have had this body willingly for two long days. But no, you had to get possessive and try enslaving me."

Alexa suddenly frowned slightly as an odd sensation filled her. It felt like something deep within was being constrained, and she instinctively felt it was related to her vampiric abilities. After a few moments, she wondered if she had somehow...ranked up her vampirism.

She knew the type of vampirism she contracted wasn't standard for Skyrim - at least not the version she was familiar with from her past life. It seemed to be some modded variant, which explained overpowered abilities like Kiss of Death and Fortitude that vanilla vampires didn't possess. This strange feeling was probably an indication that she'd either aged as a vampire or consumed enough blood to evolve her powers further.

Not entirely sure what was happening, but trusting her instincts, Alexa decided she likely needed to sleep before anything more could occur. That was often the case with mods like this, so she would investigate later.

Alexa redressed in her form-fitting crimson leather armor, then began rummaging around Gerda's bedroom. Her eyes fell upon a locked chest she had noticed earlier. Retrieving her lockpicks, Alexa approached and inspected the complex lock with a frown. This would be trickier than anything she'd picked before.

"Damn..." she muttered under her breath. Still, with 52 lockpicks at her disposal, she persisted.

Thirty-one broken picks later, the stubborn lock finally yielded with a satisfying click. Alexa grinned eagerly as she threw open the chest's lid, her eyes widening at the hoard of glittering septims inside. With a thought, she willed the entire pile into her inventory.

Lockpicking increased to 11

Lockpicking increased to 12

Lockpicking increased to 13

Lockpicking increased to 14

Lockpicking increased to 15

Lockpicking increased to 16

Lockpicking increased to 17

Lockpicking increased to 18

Lockpicking increased to 19

Her coin purse, previously holding 76,792 septims, now bulged with 84,228 – pretty much replenishing her recent expenditures in the blink of an eye. Alexa chuckled darkly to herself. That greedy bitch Gerda had just helped fund her future adventures, not that the desiccated husk would ever know.

Straightening up, Alexa turned her attention to mastering a new spell. Browsing her inventory, she used the Spell Tome: Fury. The book appeared in her hands and its pages began fluttering as if stirred by an unseen breeze. Red motes of light swirled around her, merging into her very being as she instinctively absorbed the knowledge contained within.

The last few pages turned of their own accord, and Alexa felt she had fully mastered the spell. The tome vanished back into her inventory. A wicked smile played across her full lips as she imagined the chaos she could unleash by sending the weak-minded into an uncontrollable frenzy.

While not particularly useful against capable opponents, she could envision scenarios where whipping a crowd into a murderous rage would provide the perfect distraction to slip away unnoticed. And once she invested in some Illusion perks, she could make the magic stronger and able to effect higher-level targets.

Spell Tome: Fury

Weight: 1 | Value: 472 | Mastery: 100%

Creatures and people up to level 6 will attack anything nearby for 30 seconds.

For now, however, the Fury spell remained a blunt instrument only effective against the most feeble-willed targets. Alexa decided to explore expanding her capabilities further. Her gaze drifted to the next spell tome in her inventory - Clairvoyance.

After the usual show, the book vanished, and she was actually very excited for tomorrow. Her vampiric abilities possibly being enhanced, spending a new perk point, and learning Clairvoyance which could guide her to her goals? All were immensely important, especially Clairvoyance.

Spell Tome: Clairvoyance

Weight: 1 | Value: 724 | Mastery: 33%

Shows the path to the current goal.

Alexa turned her gaze back towards Gerda's lifeless husk, the alchemist's eyes still wide and glassy even in death.

She stepped towards the bed, not caring that her bare feet squelched in the sticky puddle of Gerda's congealing seed. Grabbing the corpse's arm, Alexa hauled it from the bedroom with surprising ease, leaving a smeared trail of blood and other fluids in her wake.

Downstairs in the alchemy workshop, she unceremoniously dumped Gerda's rapidly-cooling body in the center of the room. Alexa's sharp eyes scanned the space, quickly locating a metal brazier used for heating ingredients. She wrenched it free from its moorings with a grunt of effort, the hot coals spilling out across the floor.

Using her foot, Alexa raked the smoldering embers into a pile beneath Gerda's splayed form. She rifled through the shelves lining the walls, gathering armfuls of dried plants, wooden implements, and any other flammable materials she could find. These were piled atop the corpse, until only Gerda's sightless face remained visible amidst the tinder.

Alexa smirked darkly as she extended one hand towards the improvised pyre. She could feel the familiar burn of magicka coursing through her veins, heat blossoming in her upturned palm. With a subtle twitch of her fingers, a torrent of scorching flames erupted forth.

The greedy blaze immediately took hold, hungrily consuming the dry fuel. Within moments, the pyre was roaring with intense heat and light, quickly reducing Gerda's body to ashes. Alexa watched with a sadistic glint in her eyes as the inferno devoured the alchemist's remains.

Once Gerda was well and truly gone, the roaring flames slowly shrank away to mere tongues of fire licking at the charred detritus, then faded completely. Only a faint haze of smoke remained in the air, tinged with the acrid stench of burnt flesh.

Wrinkling her nose in distaste, Alexa turned her attention to the shelves and cabinets crammed with Gerda's alchemical materials and brews. Her eyes roamed over stoppered bottles and jars stuffed with every manner of plant, mineral, and even insect husks. The sheer volume was dizzying - a veritable treasure trove of alchemical materials ripe for the taking.

While her inventory definitely had limits, she knew one thing was certain: this girl wasn't leaving until she'd plundered every last valuable scrap from Gerda's stash. Licking her lips slowly, Alexa began sorting through the cluttered shelves, carefully selecting the richest and rarest ingredients to take for herself.