
Weltkrieg: a youjo senki fic

WARNING: This fic contain, abusive, unadulterated language, event, content, and may be frowned upon by certain societies, read at your own risks. I don't take any credits regarding my works. If you were easily offended by certain symbol or things that happen inside this disturbing fic, please I beg you to press that back button, it's easy. ============================= A reincarnated soul was a born prodigy. Pass their twentieth they were no more than ordinary, but a child with soul and mind from the depth of hell itself will prove them wrong as the world shall burn in the ashes of war. Richard was a boy born and raised through conflict plagued his Fatherland since its rising to Imperial hegemony. A devil and a saint on the different side of the coin. He who will bring salvation in the war-ridden world from the machination of the very being all people worship. Fighting fire with fire creating the chain to the path of reclamation or destruction. He who commands the ghost division, elites of the elites, armed with the best technology he developed. From the sunken ship and bodies of the Atlantica ocean, the falling clocktower of Londinium, the burning city of Parisii, the scorched snow of Rus Union, and the broken wings of the Unified States, He who will bring million dead souls, weeping widows and parents in his wake. I stay gazing down at death as they say WAR! I'll wages war, I hate war. Peace yet is a noble but a far-fetched cause. War didn't make a monster of us, it brings the monster within. ============================= DISCLAIMER: Everything inside this fic as well as the cover that's recognized as licensed and known works, are belong to their respective owners. I DON'T take any credits of this works. Feel free to take, implement, some of the content or element inside this fic, I don't care. ============================= Oh, if you like what I wrote, you can consider to leave a tip of jar for me. https://ko-fi.com/nyanmato

Abbeysensei · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

The Awakening and Concern

Unified Years, 1914, Allied Kingdom, Intelligence Department – a month after Rhine "Judgment" Tragedy

Smoke billowing the room, cast by the dark, tired eyes of a military officer of the Great Commonwealth. Matched only by their keen gaze that could penetrate any clouds, threatening on the security, and the entire foundation of the commonwealth especially the main island.

"Any news about the Empire war effort?" A man in his forties, with a well trim mustache, as his fiery hair match only like a sunset, asked.

The room was reserved for this informal meeting, between the intelligence department and the army.

"Our agents who have been hiding, gathering information on Berun and its surrounding -We've lost contact with most of them, Major General Herbergram." The man, with a face of solemn, said.

"Most? Are you sure the intel is correct?"

"Two months ago, our moles have started to disappear one by one, but only in a few numbers. We've checked up on them, nothing insignificant of their records, or we judge that they did poorly in the field. But everything changed until the…Rhine Judgement." The man hesitantly spoke, the incident a month ago that massacred almost 25.000 Francois soldiers in a single blink of light.

He continued, "Everything changes, our entire agents on the field disappear without a trace, and few lucky ones who got away, fleeing with civilian boats, have broken down into a clobbered mess of tears and screams once they took off to the Main Island."

Another man interjected, this time his hair was short accompanied with a dark, and sharp eyes, "Wait, do you mean they were reduced into that horrible state once they got to the main island."

"Yes, when we recovered them from a warehouse near the port in Harwich, three days later, that's what left of them."

The revelation hit hard, as they sharply drew their breath. This doesn't mean the Empire is capable of tracking their agents, but they were also lurking inside the mainland, doing whatever plot they have in mind, while the Intelligence department knows nothing about them.

The Major General broke the silence.

"Still, any chances to recover them?"

"As far as we have, no. The only thing we could extract of them was, a messy drawing and incoherent mumble." The man produced a single piece of paper and placed it on the table for everyone to see.

It was a sketch with helmet drawn, clad in black and a sort of gas mask, as it was illustrated a light of red shade, emanating from the eyes socket.

"A special unit, you mean they have a sort of special unit under their disposal? One that could capable of Espionage warfare."

"We could deduct so, but we never know."

"The most important point is, they're currently under our nose all this time, playing us like a cat and mouse. I want a full inspection and tighten the security of each department tomorrow, forward it to the Military council."

"Yes, sir."

"God helps us, this is a dark time for her majesty." He uttered a sigh, placing his cigarette on the ashtray.

"Any news from Francois and Norden?" The major general asked again, though his face was grim as he expected the answers.

"We've received a telegram from the republic, they're desperately still holding the line, and have requested us to aid them in their war."

"And the answers from the ministry?"

The man shook his head, "While currently we can't join in their war right now, and it was too risky, we've acquisition supply and logistics to be delivered in two weeks in a form of lend-lease."

"War at this rate will be inevitable, we've been recovering steadily from black Monday 4 years ago, but it will be impossible for us to defeat the Empire now." This time an old man, his beard was ashen as it was signified his wisdom.

The old man continued, "We need allies to help us, to stop the empire in the track of their conquest."

"The Rus union will be impossible for now. They've signed a non-aggression treaty with the empire." The young man held a map, spreading it on the table.

"We can leave out the kingdom of Ildoa and the Magna Rumeli as they've…very harmonic relationship with the empire. All that left in Europa are, the Norden, the Dacia, and Hispania."

"Although Hispania is…a bit of problematic."

"We can't spare help to the revolutionary army of Hispania republic in their civil war. our hand has already scratched as it is." The old man said with a tone of finality.


"How about the west? the Unified states should have more than enough manpower and industry to fuel the war effort."

The Major general nodded his head at the suggestion.

The young man scrunched up his face in deep thought, "It will be hard, but not impossible, provided we've enough evidence to show them that the Empire is a threat to their nation and ideology integrity. But the question is, how can we get those evidence and forward it to them?"

The old man spoke, "Simple, we could form a detached volunteer force with the Unified states and we could also forward the proposal for lend-lease equipment."

A volunteer force was very common practice in the Allied Kingdom since the rising threat of the Napoleonic era to the Great Britain island. They usually consist of an analysis team, tactician, and part of armies to study Napoleon warfare.

"Not only that, the unified states will wake up once they receive reports of the Empire war."

"Brilliant, forward the proposals to the ministry as soon as possible." The major general with renewed hope said to the young man.

"Yes, sir!"

---==++Deus Vult++==---

Unified Years, 1914, a region of Königsberg, Empire secret military and Research Facility.

I watched with fascination in the past half an hour, inside the room.

With rapid growth, blood was formed around the cube as it lengthened into million or perhaps billion of strands, making a humanoid form.

Unlike the stage where the fetus grows, no, it was growing by adding layer by layer.

First blood, then the vessel, bone, followed by inner organ, then the outer, skin, and lastly by nail and hair. It seems the cube was acting as the heart, I furiously took note and scribed into it.

In a detailed vision, I strengthened my eyes with a formula and saw another miracle. The blood vessel was carrying a sort of Ion that could be found in ship fuel. Their bone and skin were woven in a complex and micro-sized interlacing, creating a very strong armor.

Interlacing was a common method to strengthen a steel armor, although it's practically impossible to manufacture in this era, without a proper technology of course.

But the most amazing thing was, despite the interlacing their skin was elastic as humans, even it comes with the reproduction system and mammary gland. Although, something as a reproductive organ in a weapon is beyond me.

Is this what human wisdom wanted to achieve? A reproductive organ, seriously?

Though I can't call them as 'it' anymore can I? it was a she as her eyes formed, still sleeping, naked inside the tank.

Her hair was the color of bright corn silk, with a bob styled hair. With a perfectly sculpted face without any deformity and endowed with a pair…of a sizeable and comfortable…okay stop that.

In a blink, she opened her iridescent eyes, blinking again, and again, after bewildered where she currently is. With an effort to yelp in a panic, she was struggling with water coming down her throat.


With a horrified face, I immediately climbed the stairs and pulled her stretched out a hand as her weight started to affect me, then we were stumbled back to the floor below.

Embracing the impact, I instinctively hold her in my arms.


"Owh, my back…my stomach, ugh…" I groaned as the girl keep coughing, and spitting water out her lungs.

She wasn't heavy as I expected, but very light like I was holding the body of a child.

"Ugh…I'm sorry, I didn't expect that…"

"Cough…cough…no, it was also my fault…cough…cough…panicking like that…"

With another groan, she took off my stomach, as I gained my bearing and standing up.

"Are you fine? Nothing injured right?" I examined her, in worry if there's something damaged within her.

"No, it was you who should not fine!" She honestly said that with a face marred in red, because of blood pressure after being drowned, I guess.

"Look I'm alright, I made with stronger stuff than you thought."

"Okay, no, not that, where am I?" She said in a slight panic, looking at me.

Of course, that would be the probable questions after awoken inside a dark room only illuminated by the fluorescent light coming off from the fish tank…or rather, is it now officially known as her birth tank?

"Ah, don't worry. You're in a safe place, rather than that…who are you?" I questioned back.

"I-I-no, what I remember is a dream." She clutched her head, I guessed something traumatic, nevertheless, I pressed on.

"What dreams?"

"I…I don't know, it was a horrible dream…I was in a war and everyone died…my…my" Suddenly her figures slumped down, as tears began to pour off her eyes.

And to my surprise, a sort of ship rigging formed behind her back, a torpedo launcher to her left, and some sort of a keel-shaped dog head and jaw to her right with from what I recognized as 15cm mounting deck gun inside the dog mouth.

It was growling at me as it was mimicking a dog protecting its owner.

The girl was oblivious to this change, "Why? why am I crying, please tell me, it was like something lost…I don't know…please…tell me." She was begging, her tears trickled off to the concrete floor.

In a pathetic display, I just stand there, in a confusion. I don't know what to do, I began to look, searching around the room as hoping as something will come out of existence and help. Of course not, what a fool, what do you do if she was violet, think, think.

Before I realized, I tightly embraced her cold body ignoring the weird dog.


"It's fine, it's fine." I muttered to her ears, in a consolation, "It's just a dream, a long, very long bad dream."

She returned my embrace as she began to sobbed on my shoulder, not that I mind.

An hour of eternity passed until she could calm down, still slouching on the floor.

"Then to start fresh again, I'm Richard Leonhardt, what's your name." I smiled softly at her.

"I don't know, all I could remember was type 1936A, 'Narvik' Destroyer – Z23"

"I see, what a beautiful yet weird name," I smirked as her face returned into a shade of red.

Though, what should I do now? She was anything but a weapon.

And I'm sorry, to drag you inside another nightmare. I'm sorry. Deep inside all, I could do was to beg and regret the selfishness I have paid dearly.

First Violet, then Her, how many people I have to drag to this wretched war.

I fear at this rate, I will lose my reasons.

I don't need the kinds of empty love and guidance that rely closely on words, and prayers that are nothing more than decoration will always keep the path to tomorrow out of reach.

All I need is to make sure everyone will smile beside me, that they will know tomorrow is within our reach even this body of mine has to be burned into a soulless husk if it was the price I'll gladly to do so with a smile.

Of course, it has to be the starter ship, duh. Z23 is the equivalent of the Pikachu starter in a pokemon RPG game. I was being posed by the choice of whether it should be Akashi, Shiranui, Iron Blood ship, or my favorites Z23 or Black Prince. Well, I made my choice based on the most 'logical' sense.

Black prince...she was too similar to violet in terms of personality, so I thought it won't be interesting. And the only Iron Blood ship I've raised inside the game was Z23, Z1, Prinz Eugen, and U-556. I played Azur lane since June after the scherzo event, yeah I was a fool.

So, what should I refer to Z23, being called NIMI is very odd inside the german culture. I could use Frederica as it was her first historic captain name in 1940 or Henriette as it was her second captain's name after being retrofitted in 1944 or back to NIMI...It's up to you.

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