
Weltkrieg: a youjo senki fic

WARNING: This fic contain, abusive, unadulterated language, event, content, and may be frowned upon by certain societies, read at your own risks. I don't take any credits regarding my works. If you were easily offended by certain symbol or things that happen inside this disturbing fic, please I beg you to press that back button, it's easy. ============================= A reincarnated soul was a born prodigy. Pass their twentieth they were no more than ordinary, but a child with soul and mind from the depth of hell itself will prove them wrong as the world shall burn in the ashes of war. Richard was a boy born and raised through conflict plagued his Fatherland since its rising to Imperial hegemony. A devil and a saint on the different side of the coin. He who will bring salvation in the war-ridden world from the machination of the very being all people worship. Fighting fire with fire creating the chain to the path of reclamation or destruction. He who commands the ghost division, elites of the elites, armed with the best technology he developed. From the sunken ship and bodies of the Atlantica ocean, the falling clocktower of Londinium, the burning city of Parisii, the scorched snow of Rus Union, and the broken wings of the Unified States, He who will bring million dead souls, weeping widows and parents in his wake. I stay gazing down at death as they say WAR! I'll wages war, I hate war. Peace yet is a noble but a far-fetched cause. War didn't make a monster of us, it brings the monster within. ============================= DISCLAIMER: Everything inside this fic as well as the cover that's recognized as licensed and known works, are belong to their respective owners. I DON'T take any credits of this works. Feel free to take, implement, some of the content or element inside this fic, I don't care. ============================= Oh, if you like what I wrote, you can consider to leave a tip of jar for me. https://ko-fi.com/nyanmato

Abbeysensei · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

In The Norden Coast II

When the sea will turn into a paradise blue I wonder, exotic fish swam beneath in warm embrace of the crystal water. No, this is the North Sea. Everything that came from the north is downright awful most of the time, cold weather, cloudy sky, dark and murky waters.

There's absolutely nothing nice to see.

No, that beauty mark on the left of Eugen's breast is certainly a sight to see. A pity, even the ship needs a coat to warm themselves.

Boring, so, boring.

Rain of shells was passing through the deck, glancing it with scorched mark yet failed to hit. The storm joined the thunder roaring from each naval gun trying to score mark and destroy their aggressor.

Prinz Eugen directed her improved SK C/34 up toward the angle. With the assistance of the newest fire-control system, each shell landed a score, barraging the armor of the destroyer until it blasted and split into two.

With a magnificent conflagration, the dark seas lit into brightness.

Two shells from the Entente battlecruiser were catapulted towards the flagship, Prinz Eugen. But soon, exploded midway as it has interfered with something.

"Deploying shield!"

Prinz expressed a sheer magnitude of skills in her arsenal to protect the fleet while dealing with a heavy accurate barrage to the enemies. Blue sheen could occasionally be seen between a row of the 1st Iron Blood Fleet shielding them with a protective layer.

This is her unique skill, perhaps the manifestation of her personality, her legend or something. She can use the Mind Cube energy inside her to manifest a shield that could stand the might of artillery barrage. But it was her impeccable use of the skills that deserved to be praised. Efficient yet devastating, she can adjust the strength of the shield so no energy can be wasted by blocking smaller bullets.

The 2nd battlecruiser encircled the Prinz, yet, if fell into a surprise attack from Z23 and Z24 as torpedo jumped from their tubes towards the Battlecruiser.

Useless, there's only a close gap between the destroyer and the 2nd battlecruiser even if they could the Torpedo will only follow their trail. Like a hound tracing the prey, the torpedo's followed suit according to the pointed target. They tried to launch a desperate attack by shelling the destroyer, but again, shield enveloped them.

Soon, the torpedos hit the mark with a few missed but exploded afterward near the stern of the ships ensuring at least a damage. Another shelling from Prinz, flames combusted throughout the control tower and another explosion rung out in the deck. Possibly a lucky hit to the ammunition storage as it exploded into two large pieces.

They outnumbered us 2 to 1 at least in the term of quantity. A fleet consisted of 6 destroyers, 5 Submarine chasers, 3 cruiser, and 2 battlecruisers.

"How many ships we've destroyed?"

"4 Destroyers was confirmed destroyed, 1 battlecruiser down, and all of their chasers sunk by the submarine surprise attack."

I smirked, "What took them so long, we have already destroyed half the fleet, and they still take their sweet time."

The 2nd Imperial battlecruiser was sent from the Imperial North Fleet 2 hours ago, yet they just arrived this late but the unexpected 203rd and 1st detachment flying above the seas. Seems they made a wise decision by sending the mages to attack first.

The battle was not only fought in the water but also the skies. A mighty boom could be heard from the heaven, a showdown between the remnants of the Entente Mages Battalion and the Empire mightiest.

It was thanks to them that we can fully immerse ourselves in a naval battle without the intervention of the mages.

There's a constant itching from Eleonore 1st round table mages battalion in U-47 submarine vessels, there's an intel of the fleeing Entente government to the commonwealth based on the decryption made inside the U-47. I have no choice but sent the 1st round table to secure the VIP. The government in exile could pose as troubles, they will be a prove and easy casus belli to be exploited against the Empire.

The Entente Alliance will soon crumble not only in body but spirit once they have the news of their government trying to escape from the war. Once the Entente capitulated to the Empires any resistance will be consequently weakened with the news of their country betrayal. If we can capture the VIP though.

I should soon send the intel to the Round Tables Intelligence department and the Wolf Brigade to be dispatched for any resistance elements.

No casualties on our side, thankfully. The Prinz Eugen shield was proven effective in defending the fleet thanks to the assistance of the 203rd in diverting the attention of the mages. The 2nd Battlecruiser Fleet soon joined the feast and preyed the remaining ship.

Eleonore has succeeded in capturing the VIP but met with resistance from the expected… Disguised commonwealth soldiers and sailors. And she also, captured a high-ranking commonwealth officer aboard that tried to kill the VIP.

A body was fallen through the skies and the ocean beneath with blood trailing as signaling the end of The Entente Alliance and their possible hope to reclaim the land from the Empire grip.

Tanya's fight with Anson still happened. The chapter alone could be stretched far up to 10 chapters from different perspectives. I kinda messed up the Norden Arc with mistaking the Norden coast and Norden sky happening at the same time while they not. I really wanted to rewrite everything after messing up so much but decided to hold it until we can go as far as the singularity.

Oh, I know this is a bit awkward... but I made a Ko-fi account yesterday on the suggestion of someone who sent me an email (Wherever he get the address) No worries nothing will be locked behind a paywall, this is just a tip of a jar for me.


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