
Weltkrieg: a youjo senki fic

WARNING: This fic contain, abusive, unadulterated language, event, content, and may be frowned upon by certain societies, read at your own risks. I don't take any credits regarding my works. If you were easily offended by certain symbol or things that happen inside this disturbing fic, please I beg you to press that back button, it's easy. ============================= A reincarnated soul was a born prodigy. Pass their twentieth they were no more than ordinary, but a child with soul and mind from the depth of hell itself will prove them wrong as the world shall burn in the ashes of war. Richard was a boy born and raised through conflict plagued his Fatherland since its rising to Imperial hegemony. A devil and a saint on the different side of the coin. He who will bring salvation in the war-ridden world from the machination of the very being all people worship. Fighting fire with fire creating the chain to the path of reclamation or destruction. He who commands the ghost division, elites of the elites, armed with the best technology he developed. From the sunken ship and bodies of the Atlantica ocean, the falling clocktower of Londinium, the burning city of Parisii, the scorched snow of Rus Union, and the broken wings of the Unified States, He who will bring million dead souls, weeping widows and parents in his wake. I stay gazing down at death as they say WAR! I'll wages war, I hate war. Peace yet is a noble but a far-fetched cause. War didn't make a monster of us, it brings the monster within. ============================= DISCLAIMER: Everything inside this fic as well as the cover that's recognized as licensed and known works, are belong to their respective owners. I DON'T take any credits of this works. Feel free to take, implement, some of the content or element inside this fic, I don't care. ============================= Oh, if you like what I wrote, you can consider to leave a tip of jar for me. https://ko-fi.com/nyanmato

Abbeysensei · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Familiar Ceiling

"I'm sorry Richard, I couldn't see you on the day when you become the great man you are," Her face getting paler, those translucent skin covered by sweat.

My eyes and ear are only for her, yet I wanted to shut it so badly.

Please don't.


I don't want to see it no more.

Why, why and why!


I bawled, bawled, and cried.

I could only cry for the woman who I met for the past hours.

And yet, it was like millennia pass that I have known her.

The deep gone emotion was rising up to my heart.

An emotion I lost the compassion I threw. It was resurfaced and gone in a blink of an eye.

It was like the world reminded me of how useless and powerless I am.

With gentle eyes, she smiled weakly at me.

How unfair.

Then as she cradled me in her embrace, of her dissipating warmth, she sang a lullaby.


The moments past have not gone away forever

The hours we fight with our full strength will not let us down

For every little step that we took

We would lose something

At times it would be something small

At times it would be something precious


I noticed my crying was stopped, as I heard her beautiful hum.


There used to be regret in the past

But we can't even see it ahead of us

The road in front of us is long and vast


My eyes getting heavier, I couldn't fight back my instinct as I see her closing eyes.

What could I do was just to mutter on the back of my mind.

Thank you, mother.

I woke up for the dream, the sole dream I remember.

The room we were was shaking.

I grabbed Violet shoulder, bringing us together.

She rustled slightly seeking heat, as her face sleep in tranquility despite the roughness of the brown rag that covered us, keeping the cold away.

The storm was raining outside, as sailor barking order on their quarter.

We've been sneaked our way out of that wretched country that has abandoned us.

I've got an only single goal in my mind now, reach the Empire, the home of my father.

Taking the refuge from the upheaval of the black Monday, as market value around great countries crashed into oblivion.

The street turned into chaos, as nobility backstabbed their friend and foe alike in fear of further asset and monetary loss.

And it didn't help me when I Richard Leonhard was found at the age of 2 as the fruit of forbidden relationship of a commonwealth noblewoman and an Empire noble-born through nobility by warfare.

Though I was lucky, to be born in the lower cast of nobility. If I were a son of the duke of the Empire, I could only imagine their treatment to me and the demand they would make for holding me hostage to the Empire, so I ran away despite the risk crossing the north Atlantica Sea.

Rumor said, from what I gathered from these sailors and other passengers, they were in deep trouble if they were run into a group of U-boat or the commonwealth sub.

The trade between countries has been turned into lockdown to prevent further chaos into their countries, as an unidentified merchant or transport will be shot insight.

Sigh, it can't be helped. I only have scrapped money this much.

I nuzzled on Violet hair as comfort. Her golden bang was somewhat dirty covered in dust and grimes though I could say the same to the rest of our bodies and attires.

Her warmth brings me closer to the realm of dreams, as I thought there was nothing better to do until the ship reached its destination, then I closed my eyes.

Sail safe O' brave sailor.


I slowly opened my eyes, accustoming the aching pain on my back.

I wonder how long I have slept.

And as much as I wanted it to say the cliché it was an unfamiliar ceiling, no, it just the usual dull grey of a hospital.

A soft breath breezed through my left arm, as I turned my sight on her sleeping form.

Violet, sorry for the troubles I silently apologized as she must be tired and stressed when I fall on the battlefield.

Sensing my presence she stirred to wake up, as she slowly lifted her eyes matching my own gaze.

With widened eyes and without a warning she leaped to me, embracing me into a tight hug.

"Ow! Ow, Violet you crushing me!" she must be unconsciously activated her strengthening formula, or my back still weak from the last formula I conducted.

AN: From now on, I will refer regular spell as formula since they stick to the canon.

Yeah, I would never regret casting big interference formula like that time. Turning a 220mm into a literal free-radiation and cheap nuke was satisfying on its way. If it cost me a broken bone and exhausted could be called cheap that is.

"I'm sorry…I just felt…relieved, uhm, relieved," She nodded though she was still kinda on top of me now.

An awkward position if I must say as I heard a big "EHEM" with capital words beside the door.

"Looks like I've come in bad fashion time, I apologized for my intrusion," With a hand covered cough, he grabbed the handle of the door.

"General Zettour, Sir! Please come in, you didn't bother someone, sir!" I stupefied with comical shock I stuttered my words on the face of my superior nonetheless.

What a disgrace, I can't be a soldier anymore.

"Violet, get off there now," With a mutter loud enough for her to hear I said.

"Fine…" I twitched my eyes as she with a hidden pout behind her words begrudgingly got off of her throne.

"I still apologized for sudden intrusion…of your time."

"Sir, please you offended no one!" I tried to raise my body to salute on him before he held his hand in front of me.

"It's fine, don't be so formal now. You still recovering, anyway," He turned to the door gesturing to the room, "Come in."

Three men in an Empire ceremonial outfit came in. One carried a box as the other in perfect salute with rifles on their shoulder.

And another one came in bringing an antique oversized camera –according to my past memories.

With a cough, breaking my stupor General Zettour proceed to open the box, "With your brave effort on holding the frontline, volunteering to aid of the 2nd division, and putting to stop of Francois Invasion, with this The Empire by the will of Emperor, hereby granted you the status of Von, and awarded you with promoted rank and a decorated record as the 1st holder of our most distinguished symbol, the Silver wing medal."

He put the Silver medal on the chest near my neck. I unconsciously weighed the medal, it was quite heavy.

"May your noble deed continued to serve the Fatherland, Major Richard von Leonhard. Long live the fatherland. Long live the Empire!"

We chanted together in reverie, even the photographer who took the picture of us.

"Long live the Fatherland. Long live the Empire."

After that, were just a session of celebration and handshake from general zettour, and the ceremonial officers.

"Now that's outta the way," The general sat beside me, "How's the medal?"

"It was quite heavy," I voiced my mind.

"Haha…between duty, responsibilities, and physical weight it will always be heavy." With a chuckle he said.

"Yes, sir." He held up his hand to my response.

"Don't call me that, I'm just an old man visiting how his grandson doing."

"Sigh, okay. If I answered honestly how I felt now, I'm torn up between facing the burnt barrage of a mage battalion, or carrying the responsibilities the weight on my chest entail."

"Sometimes I understand the sentiment," He draws a long breath, "But that what soldier do, you know the consequences when you drafted into the army, nothing different." He waved off.

"I was wondering different consequences I will face up after pulling the last stunt," I said to the general.

I thought they would put a martial court for me, for exposing Empire secret and soldiers on the battlefield alike with my artillery formula.

"No, we can't, we were trying to bail you off your martial court," He paused, "Well it was futile as it turns out it was blessing in disguise." He put off the monocle, pulling a handkerchief off his pocket he proceeds to clean it.

I tilted my head of his words.

"The media saw your action, as people wanted to get piece information of the man who leveled the entire field of battle and causing tremor across the country. In turns, our war support from the populace rising up as people adored and supported you, some turn fanatical to an extent."

I winced at the last part. Hope they didn't do anything stupid.

"I see."

"Well, that's it and it's not like the formula you use was Empire secret or anything, you just use your improved version of regular artillery formula.

Then, we've gained some reprieve to coordinate our troops in Rhineland, drafting new plans, and prototype, as well as training the conscript. A reprieve we will use well until the Francois raised their white flag." He said calmly, putting the monocle on his eye back on.

Thank god, I felt relieved on the news.

As you know, mages use their specialized issues of a weapon intended for a mage to use. Our rifle was designed so it could contain the ballistic force and momentum of the enchanted bullet inside it, kind like a staff but with barrel instead.

Regular field artillery was out of the question, as even the standard-issue rifle enchanted bullets put a strain on mages mana reserves. Though as my success action was only because I have superior mana reserves and the necessary abilities and will to turn a 220mm shell into a nuclear bomb.

"I see, how about the Francois are they retreating?"

"Yes, but with this, I fear the apprehension eyes of our neighboring nation as well, though we won't pursue them until we coordinated our army and reserves. Any aggression at this point will trigger wake up call to our neighbor."

"You mean the commonwealth, hmph, I couldn't care less about them, they've been secretly supplying the Francois with Intel and resources, I saw their hacking attempt on my operation orb even. No doubt they got a trace of my mana signatures."

"That's troubling, so they have spying on us inside the city and battlefield as well, huh, still nothing new."

"General, I have a favor to own," He glanced briefly to me,


"I have a proposition to my latest design, and inventions for the Army, Navy, and Airforce. I'm sure it will worth the time, and I request you to provide it, general."

Bringing his hand to his chin, gazing on my eyes, "I see, Navy, and Airforce huh, I hope it will be big. Consider it done. I will notify you in two weeks."

"Thank you, general," I said with a slight bow.

"That's fine. I hope you won't disappoint me."

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Well I guess that's it," He stands up, and went to the door before turned to me, "And Richard, the offer to my granddaughter still stand, with you as noble it didn't matter if you take a wife or two."

"Why you keep forcing her to me, we didn't love each other or anything! And I'm still ten for god sake" I said with a forced tone.

He shrugged to my answers, "Well, think about it well, I'll expect you to become her fiancée when you reached thirteen, Oh, almost forgot, there's a second recipient of the Silver wing medal, hope you get along with her. I implore you to get well soon Richard." He turned the door, grabbing the handle and went outside.

I thought briefly about his last lines, until a painful sensation came from beside me.

"Ouch, Violet…ow! Would you kindly to not pinch me, it hurts!" to my horror, I almost forgot about her.

"You won't go anywhere…" Her blue eyes, pure as crystals dipped inside the vast ocean was looking at me. Yeah, that ultimate blow, Puppy eyes.

"Okay, I won't abandon your or something, to begin with."

"Promise?" She held her pinky to me.

"Promise." In return, we intertwined it in a vow.

Damn, why you have to be this cute.

---==++TO BE CONTINUED++==---

Author Note:

Thank you for your warm reception, TBH this is just test fanfic, to begin with, and this just my 2nd dummy account in this site.

Fun fact (not so fun): I've always written Violet name as Soviet instead, wonder why (maybe the fact I was listening to Sabaton - panzerkampf and bismarck song while writing this perhaps). All credits to Grammarly for fixing it.

So in other words in shameless advertisements, would you kindly take a look at my other novel that being was;

(Oh love me mistress': A kaguya crossover fic) the title was deceiving enough, no it didn't contain any smut or shit, and it quite to dark to be honest with integration in the world of Fate or type-moon.

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