

At the gods holiday home

Announcer: Today we will be having our random drawing for our Virginity Paladin!

Vandy Cost hes a 30 year old American male skinny shut who was a loser his whole life. Well that will all change now please pick him up and bring him to the God of Verginity's office.

in Vandy's home

Vandy: achoo hmm

*knock knock*

Vandy: mom can you get it i need to finish a match!

*the mother gets the door*

mother: Hello.

Messenger: I have come to pick your son up for his new job.

Mother: Get you ass down here its for you!

Vandy: Alright one sec... *runs down stares* yes.

messenger: Ive come to pick you up for your new job.

Vandy:i don't need one.

mother: too bad your taking it or i'll shut off electricity.


messenger: He will be givin housing so don't worry.

The messenger and Vandy leave the messenger grabs Vandy and flys off..

Writer here: sorry for my poor writing i'm new but if you like it leave a like and comment i'm good for ideas on how to improve and you could watch it go from 0 do infinity as i do.