
well wishers

Scarlett_Franklin · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Put me down, right, now!" Dawn yelled. She was literally pissed by the asshole's cool and calm attitude right now while her night was ruined. Even though she had hated the idea of being here she hated the idea of not leaving on her own accord even more.

"Pipe down Dawn." Tay chuckled "I won't bite."

He put her in his maybach and secured the seatbelt for her before walking around to the drivers seat.

She watched his every move curiously. He exuded a charming yet powerful aura for someone his age. Which attracted both men and women alike.

She whipped her head around when she caught herself starring. 'Thank the heavens he didn't notice that.' She thought to herself only to be met with a pair of Alec's green eyes staring intently on her.

She blushed and turned to look away but she didn't miss the small almost invisible smile on his full kissable lips.

She blushed profusely as both men got inside the car. Alec in the backseat and Jay in the drivers seat.

"Where are you taking me?" Dawn asked in a small voice that was barely audible.

"Home." They said simultaneously.

"I don't want to go home." She protested.

Alec and Jay exchanged glances through the rearview mirror of the car. To Dawn it looked like they had some secret code for communicating with each other.

"Where do you wanna go then?" Alec asked his voice smooth and sensual.

"Back at the party." She replied softly while thinking 'damn what the hell is it with these two?'

"No." Alec's voice which was light became cold when she mentioned about going back to the party, to that punk.

He didn't have any romantic attraction towards her but he felt a very strong urge to protect her. He also knew that's how Jay felt too so when they saw that punk grinding his body on Dawn their fury blinded their reasoning and they lost it almost ripped the punk apart.

"Stop the car Jay." Alec said. He was still annoyed but maintained a neutral expression so it was hard for Dawn to discern his thoughts.

Jay stopped the car at the side of the road before they both got off the car and commanded her to do the same.

When she got off the car she felt their hot gazes on her. She shuffled her feet feeling uncomfortable under their gazes. It felt like they wanted to bare her soul open and she didn't like it.

"I want to go home." She voiced out after a long uncomfortable silence.

Alec pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and looked at her. This time his eyes soft.

"Who are you?" He asked curiously.

Dawn felt her anger bubble inside her. How can these two assholes beat someone because he chose to dance with her, kidnap her in the middle of a party and not know who she is? But then she remembered Jay calling her by name when he placed her inside his car, so now she couldn't help but be confused.

"Ask Jay." She snapped.

Jay on the other hand smiled mischievously at her making her heart skip. 'Damn what is it with these two assholes perfect smile that always seemed to get to her Dawn thought inwardly.'

' I really need to get out of here she thought.'

She was ultimately jerked out of her thoughts when she heard a hearty laugh coming from the boys. Her cheeks flushed pink when Alec shamelessly pointed out her staring.

"Am I that good looking that you can't take your eyes off me?" He playfully jested at Dawn's expense making her cheeks turn a dark color.

Dawn threw Alec a killer look that he ignored with a shrug. Suddenly his playful look changed to a more serious one.

Dawn felt a chill run down her spine as he scrutinized her the same way a predator scrutinized it's prey. She threw a pleading look at Jay hoping that he'd tell his dear friend off but to her dismay Jay didn't seem to mind about Alec's actions.

When Alec took a step towards her she couldn't help but take a step back. Her body wanted to get as far away from him as possible while her mind fought to stand her ground against him.

The closer he got the more she stepped back untill her back hit the hood of the car. Alec stood close to her, too close for her comfort. Lavender and a scent of earth wafted to her nostrils.

Alec looked at her one more time before turning to look at Jay who was standing at a considerable distance away from them. Looking at the interaction between him and Dawn.

Dawn raised her head to look at Alec and she saw the distinct jaw line that adorned him, he had thin lips that he see set in a playful smirk when he felt her gaze on him.

"Like what you see?" He taunted.

"Let's go." Jay intervened. Perhaps it's because he saw how uncomfortable she had become Dawn thought but immediately dismissed the thought. These two were cut from the same cloth ain't no way he'd felt sorry for her.

Along the way Dawn gazed out the window seeming dazed by today's events.

First they kidnapped her at a party full of onlookers. Took her to God knows where ask her a freaking unrelated question and on top of that provided no explanation whatsoever.

It's official today was the worst day of her entire life.

Dawn then noticed that the car was on the way to her house. She pondered if she had told them where she lives.

"How do you guys know where I live?" She asked.

Jay who was driving gave a careless shrug. She rolled her eyes at him and was met with a deathly glare. She visibly shivered but nonetheless turned her gaze to Alec who smiled at her but said nothing in return.