
Well, Why Not? (GL)

Christa is just a typical 18 year old drop out. She just got her first job at a popular coffee shop called, ‘I Don’t Give a Frappe’, and is looking to find a good roommate in a nearby apartment. She doesn’t expect any replies anytime soon when she posts a notice on an overlooked bulletin board, but when she gets one within a day, she just can’t believe who it is, or what they seem to want from her. Author: I’ll be posting at least once a week. Oh, and any sort of criticism is accepted, it'll really help improve my writing style! I'm also posting on Wattpad, if you find it anywhere else, please contact me. Thx :p

KewlBeanz · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Bella had brought the sobbing mess known as Christa over to her old bedroom. Still holding her close, Bella had managed to sit Christa down on her bed, "Do you want to talk about it?" Asked Bella gently.

"W-well, I-I just wanted," she sniffed and Bella handed her a box of tissues that had been sitting on the nightstand, "Thanks..." Christa wiped some of her tears and continued, "It all started when I got a job at that coffee place you saw my flyer at. Shay was working there too." She paused to wipe her face and blow her nose, "I thought she was alright at f-first, but she started acting... off." She shivered.

"You don't have to talk about it if it's too much." Bella brushed away a stray hair that was covering Christa's face. She tried to look at her eyes, but she looked away. Christa always tried to avoid eye contact, but not like this. Usually she blushed and scowled at Bella, but this time her eyes were sunken and looked like those of a wounded animal.

"No, it's fine. I think you should know, it'll help us understand each other better." She continued, "It was on only the second day of work. We were both working alone on a half day, and I went to the employee room after my shift to get my things. Shay came in and locked the door behind her..." Christa's voice trailed off, "I think you know what happened next." She said timidly.

Bella nodded solemnly, "Please continue."

"Well, that was the day before we met, so I was still a bit shaken up when we went to your place, and when you gave me that offer... I just wanted to get away from her, so I took it immediately." She sighed, "Under any other circumstances, I wouldn't have been so, um, what's the word?"

"Naive?" Said Bella, remembering how easily Christa had been convinced.

"Yes, that. I'm also a bit of a pushover, don't know if you've noticed." Bella raised an eyebrow, wondering if this was a joke. Christa had almost gone with that crazy b1tch, just because she had been convinced that she had done something wrong, "It's really obvious, I know." Said Christa, picking up on Bella's confusion, "If you would have said that you'd been looking forever, and I was your last chance, I probably would've signed too." She chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, "Knowing you, that's probably something you would say."

"It may have been my backup plan..." Said Bella mischievously.

Soon after, Christa's mother returned with groceries, "Where's Shay?" She asked in a curious tone.

"She had somewhere to be." Said Bella quickly.

"Oh, well that's a shame." She looked outside at the sun creeping downwards towards the horizon, "Would you two like to stay the night? I know it won't be quite as nice as where you're liv-"

Bella quickly cut her off, "We'd love to, right Christa?" She looked down at Christa, her hazel eyes sparkling.

"Okay," began Christa, "but only for tonight." Bella grinned triumphantly.

"Well then, I'll prepare something for dinner!" Christa's mother walked over to the kitchen to cook something up.

Soon, they were all laughing and telling stories at the dinner table, and not long after that, Bella and Christa rolled into bed.

"You have some really hilarious tales from your past!" Said Christa smiling in the darkness of her room.

"I know, right!" Bella paused, "But on a serious note," She embraced Christa in her arms, "I'm really glad you're okay."

Christa leaned into her embrace and smiled, a tear slid down her face, "Thank you." She said, happiest she'd been in a long time.