
Keep calm...

Dear dairy, hi don't know what to say or talk about so let me explain my life I'm an only child so that means lots of pressure my family is ok if you look at it from the outside my dad's an asshole who sleeps around and my moms to much of a junkie to care I was a teenage mistake when my mom was fourteen she was very pretty with brown kinda red-ish hair beautiful brown skin that glowed when sun light hit it ,With the loveliest blue eyes, And my dad on the other side he's always been a handsome guy ,super curly hair,pale skinny, drove a motorcycle, typical bad boy type of guy. They were so in love until he got my mom pregnant, so my grandma and grandpa forced them into a loveless marriage. Six months later I'm born a beautiful baby girl literally an exact replica of my mom but green eyes like my dad. Even tho my dad cheated on my mom a lot he's still a great guy he should have been left my mom all she does is drink get high and spend his money but I guess I understand why he stayed for so long , because once he divorced her he had have to come to terms with the reason why he never loved her in that way.But it's great to remember some things have to end,for better things to begin . See next time