
Chapter 3

44 woke up with a gasp

She was lying in a waste pile looking and feeling even worse than before but at least the pain had faded but it was ever present a small fire running through her veins she got up and took a look around the waste pile was in an alleyway there were a few other bodies to this was probably where the poisoners dumped them she decided to look around for a bit

After some walk she encountered a man she went over to ask him where she was

"Hey girly" he said

"Why dont you have some fun with me"

She only tilted her head not understanding what he meant and the he grabbed her arm

She yankee back her arm but he wouldn't let go so she decided to do what she had seen some of the other slaves try to do to the guards it had never worked but she figured they must have a reason for it so she spit on his face and punched him it didn't seem to do much

"Ha feisty one aren't you ill have fun with this"

He was find then he started to shake and collapsed almost as if he had been poisoned

Before she had time to comprehend what had just happened someone walking by saw the body and yelled for the guards

44 turned and ran the other way off into the slums