
Welcoming the Chaos

The Forbidden beings born of pure darkness, known only for chaos and destruction, coming from the Void Dimension. Eve Kinhana always held suspicion about Alexander Gear, CEO of W.W.P (World Wide Protection Services). Recently, her abilities, from her unique "Ornament" powers, have detected an surge of dark energy emerging from the W.W.P HQ. As the Void energy intensifies day by day, Eve decides to investigate the ominous surge emerging from the W.W.P HQ in the city of "Legis." She doesn't embark on this journey alone, and is accompanied by her ocelot beastkin step-sister, Eliza Kinhana, and her "Knight," Vulcan Georra. Together, they walk forth, prepared to confront the escalating darkness and unreveal the secrets hidden within the walls of the headquarters.

Nacho4U · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Sixty: Serious Discussion

The evening descended upon Legis, the fading lights of the sun embracing the city in a soft, golden hue, causing long shadows across the streets and buildings. Despite the tranquil scene, Alexander couldn't stand the facade of tranquility that seemed to plague every single day. This false sense of peace got on his nerves.

Sitting atop the WWP headquarters, Alexander Gear looked out from his office window, watching as the city of Legis slowly getting darker with the setting sun. Alexander's patience wore thin as he waited for Edward. He couldn't shake off the feeling of frustration as he wondered why the portal was taking longer than expected. According to Edward, it was nearly complete, yet the delay persisted.

Alexander waited for Edward, which carried considerable risk. People were still around, and being caught in the company of a known terrorist like Edward could spell serious trouble for Alexander. Yet, he stayed steadfast in his resolve to see the portal through to completion.

With The White Crusader and Vaos of the Victorious Ten recently arriving in Legis, Alexander felt the situation growing more out of hand, and little time remaining in his eyes. He saw completing the portal as a matter of urgency, knowing that every moment counted. Despite his own power and his ornament, Alexander knew he was still no match for opponents as formidable as The White Crusader and Vaos.

Despite being a rare case born with two ornaments, Alexander considered his abilities rather useless.

His first ability was that of teleportation; he could instantly teleport to any location as long as he could see it within view. His second ability was that of gravity distortion, which only functioned with his teleportation. He could manipulate gravity in the direction of his last teleportation, altering the gravitational pull within a certain radius.

As Alexander thought about his situation, contemplating the risks and possibilities, he was abruptly pulled from his thoughts by the sound of approaching footsteps behind him.

"I apologize for the delay, Alexander. But, as you know, I'm busy," Edward said as he approached Alexander.

"I'm going to make this short, Edward. When will the portal be complete?" Alexander asked, his eyes fixed on Edward, waiting for a answer.

"If I'm being entirely honest with you, Alexander, the portal is much more complicated than I thought. It seems that some components are not aligning as they should. I might have to disassemble the portal and then reassemble it," Edward replied.

Hearing Edward say those words send a flow of anger within him. "Edward, you're well aware of the situation we're facing, especially with the White Crusader and Vaos here in Legis. And now you're telling me this?"

"As frustrating as it might be, there's no other way, I'm afraid. Of course, the process might be faster with the help of the Forbidden," Edward said.

Alexander's frustration was noticable as he sighed deeply. "Then what are you waiting for? Get to it and make sure there are no problems with the portal this time. We can't afford any mistakes, especially not now."

Edward teleported out of the room using his device, leaving Alexander alone with his thoughts.

The White Crusader made his way through the streets of Legis, he drew the attention of onlookers. With his reputation as a hero from the void war, all eyes seemed to look towards him as he passed. Despite their admiration, they kept their distance, a mix of respect and fear keeping them from approaching him directly.

Out of nowhere, Brian landed in front of The White Crusader, locking eyes with him and intense as she confronted him face to face.

"Aurora Brian, I applaud your dedication, but for your own well-being, I'd advise you to walk away. This is a fight you won't win," The White Crusader cautioned.

"I'm not here to fight, White Crusader," Brian replied as she maintained eye contact with him.

"Then why are you here, Aurora Brian?" The White Crusader asked.

"I've thought about what you said" Brian reflected. "Considering my father's respect for you, and your confidence in this matter speaks volumes."

"Get to the point, Aurora Brian," The White Crusader said as if he understood her hesitation but also needed her to cut to the chase.

"Can we speak somewhere more private first?" Brian requested.

"Very well, let's make this quick." The White Crusader said as he began to follow Brian.

Brian slowed her steps, adjusting her pace to match The White Crusader's, and found herself walking side by side with him. Despite the situation, her heart raced something complex, her feelings for The White Crusader that she couldn't quite ignore. As she thought about it, a slight blush crept onto her cheeks. After a few more minutes of walking, they arrived in front of an apartment complex.

"Aurora Brian, I'm assuming this is where you live?" The White Crusader asked as he looked at the apartment complex.

"Just Brian is fine, you know," Brian sighed. "Anyway, yes, this is where I live. I'll admit, it's not exactly pretty, but at least we can speak here in private." She gestured towards the apartment building with a slight shrug.

Brian led The White Crusader into the apartment complex, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the hallway. "As I mentioned earlier, I thought about what you said earlier, and I'd like to help, but we can't take such a direct approach."

"Then what do you propose, Aurora?" the White Crusader asked.

"As Police Chief, I can continue through certain situations that might seem unreasonable, especially given the current situation. However, for what you're suggesting, I'll need some form of evidence, no matter how small," Brian explained.

"Aurora, that sounds like a waste of time, especially when time is a luxury that we no longer have," the White Crusader retorted.

"Doesn't Vaos' students have some form of evidence?" Brian asked.

"More importantly, tell me something, Aurora. If I'm correct, what will you do?" The White Crusader asked, his tone serious.

"If your assumptions are correct, then you might just catch a glimpse of the side of me you want to see," Brian said.

"The same side that brought great outcomes for your father during the void war," The White Crusader remarked as he moved towards the door to leave.

"While I might have a similar aggression as he did, it doesn't mean I take his approach, especially considering we're not in the void war," Brian explained.

"Things can change quite unexpectedly, Aurora," The White Crusader remarked.

Brian briefly thought about those words, considering the implications of a potential second void war, something she wished to avoid after experiencing the first. "White Crusader, are you heading to Vaos now?" She asked.

"That's correct, you need evidence, don't you? I'd prefer to secure it as soon as possible," The White Crusader replied as he was leaving.

Brian sighed, realizing that keeping up a conversation with him was more difficult than she had expected. "I'll go with you. The sooner I can get the evidence, the sooner I can take it to the station and start the investigation," she said, standing up and following him.

The history between them went far back to the days of the void war when Brian was just a child at the time, was saved by the White Crusader. However, the story was reserved for another moment, another conversation.

Brian wondered if her Ornament would be effective, she called it, 'power pocket'. This ability gave Brian her very own pocket dimension, inaccessible even to her. Nevertheless, she could channel her strength into it without limit, stashing away reserves for future use. It also served as a defensive mechanism, capable of absorbing incoming attacks and redirecting them to the pocket dimension. However, this defensive tactic came at a cost of the depletion of her stored energy reserves.

Despite years of storing energy, Brian couldn't shake the doubt about the effectiveness of her Ornament against the Forbidden. They were strong undoubtedly and she couldn't help but wonder if her reserves would be enough to face them.

Ignoring the uncertainties and challenges ahead, Brian knew one thing: above all else, she had to protect the people of Legis from harm, by any means necessary, regardless of the obstacles in her path.

Brian looked at the White Crusader, feeling a sense of reassurance if his assumptions turned out to be right. It was comforting to know that she had an ally like him by her side.

Brian looked at WWP headquarters in the distance, thinking about the White Crusader's words. The more she thought about it, the more convinced she became about one thing.

It was evident that Alexander Gear was up to no good...