
Welcoming the Chaos

The Forbidden beings born of pure darkness, known only for chaos and destruction, coming from the Void Dimension. Eve Kinhana always held suspicion about Alexander Gear, CEO of W.W.P (World Wide Protection Services). Recently, her abilities, from her unique "Ornament" powers, have detected an surge of dark energy emerging from the W.W.P HQ. As the Void energy intensifies day by day, Eve decides to investigate the ominous surge emerging from the W.W.P HQ in the city of "Legis." She doesn't embark on this journey alone, and is accompanied by her ocelot beastkin step-sister, Eliza Kinhana, and her "Knight," Vulcan Georra. Together, they walk forth, prepared to confront the escalating darkness and unreveal the secrets hidden within the walls of the headquarters.

Nacho4U · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Forty Six: The Future

As Sun guided them into the White Trial sanctuary, Vaos made sure Eliza was settled in her room for some much needed rest. Then Sun led Vaos and the White Crusader to Heine's location. Vaos couldn't shake off the feeling of a hidden presence, as if something unseen wanted to strike. Despite his instincts, he pushed aside the sensation and continued onward.

"Vaos, surely your aware that your presence here isn't welcomed by all members of the White Trial, particularly Aemanil," The White Crusader remarked. "There's history between you, both of you even fought against each other during the void war. Your conflicts with him have left a lasting impression, and not a favorable one."

"I have no interest in speaking with the rest of the White Trial, who have unwarranted animosity towards me. My purpose here is solely to speak with Heine and make sure Eliza is safe. Thankfully, he's more open minded than the others, and I prefer to keep my interactions limited to him." Vaos said as he crossed his arms.

The White Crusader didn't say anything in return and maintained a stoic silence, his gaze forward.

After a few minutes of walking through the corridors, Sun finally brought them to Heine's door, Sun said, "Don't anticipate Master Heine granting you entry. You'll have to speak with him outside from here."

"Thank you for your assistance in guiding us here, Sun," Vaos acknowledged, nodding respectfully to Sun. He glanced at the door ahead, ready to speak with Heine

Before Vaos could even raise his hand to knock on the door, Heine's voice broke the silence.

"What interesting guests I have today," Heine's voice echoed from beyond the door, amusement in his tone, "two members of the Victorious Ten at my doorstep."

"Now, what could Vaos and The White Crusader possibly want with me?" Heine wondered aloud.

Just as Vaos was about to answer, Heine interrupted him, "don't bother answering, I already know. You're here because of Eliza, yes, she already told me beforehand. Otherwise, the moment you stepped inside, Aemanil would've attacked. Even now, he's barely managing to hold back," Heine said with a smirk.

"I see. Firstly, I would like to express my thanks to you, Heine, for the invaluable training you've provided to Eliza. She's much different from the last time I saw her. That alone is remarkable and speaks volumes of your guidance and mentorship."

"It's my pleasure," Heine responded, his eyes reflecting pride. "That girl possesses an abundance of untapped potential, you know?"

"Yes, and admittedly I held her back more than I should have," Vaos confessed. "I never wanted her to experience the harsh realities of combat hoping to preserve her innocence and protect her from harm. But it appears that destiny had other plans for her, and I was merely delaying the inevitable."

"That's merely parental instinct, isn't it? The urge to shield those we cherish from any form of harm. Yet, as much as we strive to protect them, life often presents its own challenges and trials." Heine said.

"Hurry this up, Vaos, time is hardly a luxury we have," The White Crusader interrupted.

"Just give me a second, White Crusader," Vaos said, redirecting his attention to Heine. "Secondly, I must ask, why did you let Eliza fight Forbidden Energy all alone? You do realize she was outmatched, right?" His frustration was noticable as he sought answers from Heine.

"Yes, and severely at that. Forbidden Energy is practically a counter for Eliza when he decides to fight seriously," Heine replied.

"Heine, I fail to understand your reasoning. Why would you allow Eliza to fight with Forbidden Energy without any assistance or intervention?" Vaos asked, frustration in his tone, and his voice growing slightly louder.

"Given the circumstances, I had to trust in Eliza's abilities to handle the situation on her own. It was a test, both of her strength and her resolve," Heine explained calmly. "She needed to confront such challenges to grow stronger, and while I monitored the situation closely, intervening would have undermined her progress."

"Surely there are limits to such tests. Eliza's safety should always come first, regardless of the lessons to be learned, and I won't tolerate putting her life on the line like that," Vaos asserted firmly.

"I apologize if my methods seemed too hasty. However, you must understand the urgency of the situation. With only a week of training, any opportunity for real combat training is crucial. Therefore, I won't hesitate to expose her to such challenges if it means preparing her adequately." Heine said.

Vaos sighed, "Well, I'm here now, ready to make sure of her safety and well being every step of the way."

"Well, once she wakes up, I intend to continue her training. I only ask that you refrain from interfering," Heine stated firmly.

"Very well," Vaos replied with a nod. "I understand the importance of her training and won't interfere unless it's a matter of her safety, especially if she's facing a threat like Forbidden Energy again."

"Anyway, feel free to make yourselves at home. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask Sun." Heine said.

"Thank you, Heine, for your hospitality. We appreciate it and assure you that we will respect your sanctuary. But more importantly, I better check on Eliza and make sure she's resting comfortably and recovering properly." With a respectful bow, Vaos turned and made his way towards Eliza's room.

The White Crusader stood still for a moment before finally stepping towards the door.

"Soul Harvester, I have to ask: Why did the Forbidden come here? Surely they weren't after Vaos's student." The White Crusader's tone was serious.

"You know, White Crusader, you're no different from Aemanil; both of you are so serious. But I'm as clueless as you are. If I were to guess, it was to take our powers as chosen ones of the original ones," Heine replied.

"The True One, Miracle, Order, and Ulú... There's another thing I must ask. Do any of you intend to let the world witness the next generation of the White Trial?" The White Crusader asked.

"When our time comes to an end, the world may then witness the next generation of the White Trial," Heine explained.

The White Crusader asked his final question. "Hmph, and lastly, you don't have the ability to see in the future. How did you come to see Eliza's fate?"

"To simply answer your question, it's because I had to use most of the souls I collected throughout my lifetime to allow me to peek into the future. Even then, I wasn't allowed to choose when or who. I was shown Eliza meeting her end during a battle with a Forbidden, surrounded by her friends. The vision revealed the devastating toll it would have."

"The death of one person can't have such a impact, except on those closest to her," the White Crusader remarked.

"You'd be surprised, White Crusader," Heine replied. "Eliza's a rare Ornament sets her apart in ways you can't yet comprehend. With her abilities and untapped potential, she can achieve extraordinary feats in the future."

"Don't waste your breath on further explanations. Time will reveal whether your plan to alter the course of fate bears fruit," The White Crusader remarked dismissively as he began to walk away.

"For the sake of the future, I certainly hope so..." Heine whispered quietly to himself.

Vaos sat quietly beside Eliza, who was still resting, her breathing steady, exhausted from the battle with Forbidden Energy. He watched over her, relieved that she was recovering steadily and properly.

As Vaos sat beside Eliza, memories flooded back of her childhood struggles. He recalled the time when she slowly healed from the emotional wounds of her mother's passing. Eliza practiced her healing magic tirelessly, her resolve was clear: she refused to allow anyone she cared about to get hurt. Despite Vaos's attempts to prevent her from overextending herself, Eliza persisted and was determined to master her healing powers. Despite the risk of depleting her mana reserves, she practiced tirelessly honing her skills in secrecy until every last drop of energy was expended.

Vaos came to the profound realization that Eliza had outgrown the need for his protection. She had blossomed into a formidable force, capable of protecting herself and others. Filled with a pride, admiration, and nostalgia. Vaos found himself unable to do anything but smile at the remarkable woman she had become.

But nonetheless, Vaos sighed softly. "However, while I'm still here, you and Eve will always be those same little girls to me," he whispered as he smiled.

Vaos stood from his seat, giving one last glance at Eliza before quietly exiting the room, leaving her to rest undisturbed.

As Vaos exited Eliza's room, he was met by the White Crusader's asked. "Vaos, I'm assuming you're not going to call that rabbit just yet, correct?"

"That's correct, I think it's best to let Eliza focus on her training for the time being," Vaos explained. "Once the others arrive at Legis and we have a clearer picture of the situation, then I'll call her so she can teleport us."

"I'm in no mood to argue, despite that stupid idea. However, I suppose I have little choice but to stay. Being teleported over there is undeniably quicker than walking." The White Crusader sighed.

"I have an idea, White Crusader," Vaos said.

"What is it?" The White Crusader asked.

"We should contact Aoki Kana..."