
Welcoming the Chaos

The Forbidden beings born of pure darkness, known only for chaos and destruction, coming from the Void Dimension. Eve Kinhana always held suspicion about Alexander Gear, CEO of W.W.P (World Wide Protection Services). Recently, her abilities, from her unique "Ornament" powers, have detected an surge of dark energy emerging from the W.W.P HQ. As the Void energy intensifies day by day, Eve decides to investigate the ominous surge emerging from the W.W.P HQ in the city of "Legis." She doesn't embark on this journey alone, and is accompanied by her ocelot beastkin step-sister, Eliza Kinhana, and her "Knight," Vulcan Georra. Together, they walk forth, prepared to confront the escalating darkness and unreveal the secrets hidden within the walls of the headquarters.

Nacho4U · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter Fifty Three: Legis

As Vulcan and Eve entered Legis, their first priority was to make sure Bard and Simon received medical attention. Arriving at the hospital, they quickly arranged for the injured pair to be admitted, where they were promptly attended to by the medical staff. When questioned about their injuries, Eve gave a brief explanation, attributing their wounds to the events that unfolded in Hyacinth. With Eve's quick response, there was little room left for any further questions, allowing them to focus on their next steps.

With Bard and Simon safely admitted to the hospital, Eve and Vulcan stepped out into the brisk air of Legis. Aware of the urgency of their situation, Eve felt a sense of unease gnawing at her. The surge of void energy in the area only heightened her need to act swiftly.

Taking into account their circumstances, Eve suggested getting hotel rooms. By getting private rooms, they could speak in private without the risk of anyone listening. Additionally, the idea of taking a much needed break was in their minds, the thought of a brief respite from the recent events sounded luxurious and a chance to be well rested for the challenges that lay ahead.

With no objections from Vulcan, who found Eve's idea quite reasonable, they went out to search for a modest and unassuming hotel. The importance of discretion in their current situation was important, they looked for a place that would grant them the privacy they needed without drawing attention to themselves.

After looking around for half an hour, they finally found what appeared to be a quaint and inviting hotel. Despite its modest size, the building emitted an aura of warmth and hospitality, inviting them inside with the sense comfort and respite.

Vulcan drive the car into the hotel's parking lot, they unloaded the little belongings they had and made their way towards the entrance. They entered the lobby, after a brief exchange with the receptionist, they got their room key and made their way down the hallway to their temporary room. They wasted no time in settling into their room, ready to relax and talk in the privacy of their own room.

As Eve was about to speak her thoughts, a sudden disturbance rippled through the air, and before she could utter a word, Forbidden Lust teleported in their room.

"Hmm, it's a lot more empty now, is Bard doing okay?" Lust asked as she glanced around the room, noticing the absence of Bard and Simon.

"Aside from a nasty cut on his eye, he'll be okay," Eve replied.

"I would've helped, but Copy and the boss were both thefe. I couldn't risk blowing my cover, you know," Lust sighed as she explained her inability to intervene.

"I thought you weren't on our side?" Skepticism in Eve's tone as she gazed at Lust.

"I'm in no one's side; I'm doing this for my own self preservation," Lust replied.

"Let's entertain a hypothetical scenario for a moment. If, by some chance, the Forbidden were to win, would you start helping them once more?" Eve asked.

"Loyalty to anyone isn't exactly my strong suit," Lust admitted with a nonchalant shrug. "Survival is my top priority, and if siding with the winning team ensures my continued existence, well, that's just good sense, isn't it? Not to mention all the fights."

"You have no principles; that's why I despise you Forbidden," Eve said.

"I don't care about your human concepts," Lust retorted. "You speak about principals, but in the end, you'll accept my help nonetheless, won't you?"

Eve let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I don't have much choice now," she admitted. "So yes, I'll gladly take any help I can get."

"As I expected, well, to give you a little update. They're about to finish the portal. It's not as simple as it sounds, though. They still need to align the energy between here and the void dimension, and that's proving to be quite a challenge." Lust informed as she sat on the bed.

"We really don't have time to waste, Vulcan. Go call Vaos. Let him know what's happening. I think he'll have to come here sooner than we expected." Eve ordered.

Vulcan took his phone from his pocket and began to call Vaos.

"I've been wondering, who exactly is Copy?" Eve asked.

"I was surprised to hear he was sent here, especially considering his sole purpose was to infuse that dagger with Forbidden Dream's core. Copy essentially serves as a mere echo of the boss, hence his name. He's essentially just a copy, lacking the full strength and power of the original. However, his presence still poses a threat," Lust explained.

"So the powers he used, are they the same as the boss?"

"No, the boss and Copy's powers and abilities are completely different. Although you managed to do quite the number on him , dealing significant damage to him. It's rather unexpected, considering his strength. Had he chosen to, he could've ended the battle much sooner. Copy may have underestimated you," Lust elaborated.

"There's something else I wanted to ask, if you could guide us directly to the portal. It would save us a lot of time."

"Absolutely not," Lust replied firmly, shaking her head. "If I were to guide you, everyone would see me and I'll blow my cover. However, I can provide you with a rough layout of the area. But I suggest to familiarize yourselves with the surroundings during the day, they wouldn't attack in broad daylight."

"I see. Well, thank you, Lust," Eve said, reluctant of gratitude in her voice. Though hesitant to acknowledge it, she couldn't deny that Lust's help was proving to be useful.

"Well, I'll be here in about two hours. I'm going to make a map of the place for you," Lust said as she stood up, preparing to depart.

"Although I have to say, despite your princess appearance, you're quite bold," Lust smirked.

"Hmm, what exactly do you mean?" Eve asked, confused by Lust's comment.

"Getting a single room for just you and that boy seems quite deliberate, I wonder what you're planning," Lust's smirk widened.

Eve's cheeks began to blush a bright crimson, caught off guard by Lust's comment. "W-wait, what exactly are you implying!"

"Just make sure you're not getting up to anything too scandalous when I get here in two hours," Lust teased, punctuating her words with a wink.

Blushing furiously, Eve scrambled to her feet, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She was on the verge of shooting a lightning when Lust, sensing Eve's energy rising, flashed a wink before using her spatial retreat to teleport from the room. Left feeling flustered, Eve sank back into the bed, hoping to shake off the embarrassment.

"I'm done talking to Vaos, Eve," Vulcan said, his voice trailing off as he noticed Eve's blushing cheeks. "Hmm, what's up with you?"

Eve quickly brushed off her embarrassment, her cheeks still tinged with a hint of red, and asked, "I-it's nothing, anyway, what did Vaos say?" Her attempt to divert attention from her blushed face was noticeable.

"Right... Anyway, Vaos said that our best course of action is pretty much what we were going to do. Get information on the WWP headquarters and wait for Vaos and the others to come," Vulcan explained. "He also said that under no circumstance should we take any action, as we're most likely outnumbered. So, patience and discretion are key for now, he advised."

"It's not so simple," Eve sighed. "We'll just have to see how that portal is going when Lust comes back. If they're close to completing it, we might have to act fast and on our own."

"Well, why don't we sleep for a little bit now," Vulcan suggested. "Unless you want to go and check out the WWP headquarters now?"

"N-no, I think it's best if we take a short nap," Eve replied with a sigh. "We haven't had any proper rest since Hyacinth."

"As you say, Eve. I was fine with either option, to be honest," Vulcan said, sinking into the cushions of the couch that occupied one corner of the room.

"Hmm, are you planning to sleep there?" Eve asked as she watched Vulcan settle on the couch.

"Obviously, you're going to sleep on the bed, aren't you? Besides I can manage just fine here," Vulcan said, making himself comfortable on the couch.

Eve thought about considering the idea of inviting Vulcan to share the bed with her, but her cheeks blushed crimson once more at the thought. "That damn Forbidden!" she muttered quietly to herself.

Eve and Vulcan drifted off to sleep, preparing themselves for the last challenge that awaited them. The outcome of their journey, whether it would end in triumph or tragedy, was based entirely on their own strength and determination to shape their own finally.

Time was of the essence and that alone will soon tell the outcome of things to come..