
Welcome to The World Of Z

Death comes for all and luck comes to a few; with luck on my side, God has given me... **************** Disclaimer I don't own the cover I got it off google.

MelioPendragon · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Ch-9 Giving them The Finger.

The leader of the zombie before Melio is an A-rank zombie.

With the arrival of Leo and the gang, Melio will have a greater chance to gain XP.

Melio looks back at the zombie; slowly digs his katana into the group.

Then Melio throws dirt into the zombie's face.

Alma sends more ice spears towards the zombie.

Jessie uses a healing spell to help Melio recover.

Melio uses the ice spears as protection as he engages the zombie leader.

Seeing how Melio moves use the ice spears that Alma is tossing towards the zombie made the crew speechless.

They watched him fight the Orcs; Melio attacked as if his life depended on defeating this zombie.

Melio's attacks were brutal; every strike left behind an afterimage. Melio's eyes turned black with a gray-blue lotus flower in the center.

{**Hidden Mission Completed**}

{**Giving the Finger to the heavens: Mission Completed**}


{Title Unlocked...}

Eyes of a Monarch(S-rank) Upgradable- Because you already have spidey-sense that helps your brain process things faster, with the Monarch eyes, it will enhance it by 50x. The eye of a Monarch protects you from any manipulation, mental attacks, and soul attacks.

The Aura of a Monarch (S-rank) Upgradable- Unleash a powerful aura of a Monarch upon your enemies. This aura will boost your strength to 50% for 24 hours; the aura will stun your enemies if their rank is lower than this skill's rank. One minute cool down.

The Heart of a Monarch (?-Rank)- Unlimited Mana, Source Manipulation.

The Body of a Monarch Unlocked (?-Rank)- Monarch Strength, Monarch Speed & Agility, Monarch Durability, and Monarch Stamina.

The Soul of a Monarch (?-Rank) LOCKED- ???

Able to Spin the Wheel once, by the way.

You gained 500k XP; you gained 1.5 Million... You gain the wrath of the heavens; they sent out a squad to kill you... Be careful.}

Ark told Melio his rewards and give him a warning.

Melio stopped slashing at the zombie; he just stood there.

'What did it send.'

{They sent out Demi-gods; Half-human/Half-Gods. The Gods are real in this world. Your existence threatens many God-Kings.}

'Is that so... Even when my intention wasn't against them?'

{Just being born is being against them. Melio, work hard because Zeus sent out his champion, and she is not to be taken lightly. Odin, with a few others, isn't against you. However, because Shiva & The Jade Emperor is after you, neither of them is willing to help you.

However... I can help you with this once, Melio; after I help you, I will be in a deep slumber.}

{Companion Section Unlock.}


{Companion: Abu: The Monkey King}

{Companion: Demon: The Wolf King}

{Good Night, Melio... Take Care...}

Ark helped Melio one last time before fallen to sleep.

Ark was alerted by the heavens. He then helps Melio unlock his title and grant the monarch his old companions from his first lifetime.

'Ark... Thanks, bud.' Melio thought.

That's when a hand tugged his shirt; Melio turned his head, and it was Vivian standing there with a worried look on her face.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something... I'll have Mundo sent you guys out; I hope you all can keep Mundo a secret from the world." Melio turned around and spoke to everyone.

"We will. Thankfully Mundo is where; we were able to come and give a hand." Leo said to Melio.

"Yeah, I am glad as well. Take the core out of the zombie; I gain a skill. I want you guys to make money. My wife is rich, so we good." Melio said, hoping that if he asked his adorable wife for money, she'd be given him some.

Leo and the guys laughed. Vivian shook her head, and the girls were stunned by my shamelessness to ask my wife for money.

'She is my wife, so why not? What's mine is her, and what's hers is mine... Hopefully...' Melio thought.

Ignoring the girl's eyes.

They all went core hunting while Melio was lost in his own thoughts about the warning that Ark gives him.

What did he do even to anger the gods? Melio knows some gods are op compare to other gods, soo? What's different with him?

Jade emperor? That's new...

Shiva? The fook did I do to Shiva?

These questions were running in Melio's mind non-stop as he leans against the tree.

'Seriously though... Zeus? The fook did I do to Zeus? Why didn't he send Hercules or Ares after me? Is it Artmeis or Athena?' Melio was low key losing it. Why now? He thought; however, he isn't stupid; he knows why.

Would any enemy let their enemy grow powerful? No... Who the fook is stupid enough to do that?

Kill them now, fewer worries later.

Melio shakes his head looks up towards the sky with a smirk on his face.

'Use Tickets'

{One Spin...}











{Monarch's Rage}

Monarch's Rage (S-rank) Upgradable- When health is below 50%, you will triple the damage. Last for one hour. Cool Down one minute.

{Ark Note: Haha, I knew you'd use the last minute of double-double boosting your chance for a great spin... Heavens is against you... Let's give them a real reason too.}

{Conqueror: The Daughters of GodKing's.}

'Why is this a mission?' Melio shakes his head at Ark's antics.

Vivian then walks up to Melio.

"Melio, umm, do you need a healing pill?" Vivian asked Melio.

Melio looks down and stares into Vivian's eyes.

"Yes, please. " Melio says.

Vivian nods and takes out a white pill, then hands it to Melio.

"Thank you." Melio takes it all while keeping his eyes on Vivian.

"Say... Do you want to stay behind and help me hunt? You probably can keep up with me in the shadows." Melio asked Vivan.

Vivian was shocked; However, she still nodded her head, agreeing to help Melio.

Melio smiles at Vivian making her blush.

"Your eyes, why did they change?" Vivian asked.

Melio closed his eyes; then, he opened them.

"It's the skill I gain killing a zombie higher rank than me. Is this a common thing?" Melio asked Vivian.

Vivian stood silent then remembered everything Jill and Emma said about Melio and how he is slowly changing into a man they always knew he could be.

"No, but it means you had an adventure, and the gods blessed you with a skill. " Vivian told Melio.

Melio nods his head; however, he was a little surprised by this little piece of news.

This is another way to gain skills for Z Hunters. However, not for him because he is a monarch. The only way for Melio to gain skill is through the Monarchs wheel.

Melio looks behind Vivian and sees the grew returning one by one tired.

"Melio, how in the world did you kill that many zombies?" Leo asked.

"Dude, you killed two mini-bosses! That's insane, bro!" James said.

"You like a god of war!" Kevin said.

The guys were all hyped that their friends with an op hunter who is friendly and humble with their abilities, unlike some they know of.

"Okay, I need to help you guys return. However, when you guys return..." Melio started to plan something with the crew.

Vivian was surprised by everything Melio came up with in a fly.

Jessie and James are both in shock by what Melio is saying, but this is to protect their sister.

They are willing to help their sister.

When Melio handed Jessie looked at Melio.

" Protect my sister or else help me, god... I'll cut your dick off. " Jessie said to Melio before hugging him.

The crew said their goodbye and hopped inside a trunk waiting for them to send them away.

After they left, Vivian looks at Melio.

"Now what?" Vivian asked.

"Now... We Hunt..." Melio said.

The two walked into the shadows, looking for their XP.