
Welcome to The World Of Z

Death comes for all and luck comes to a few; with luck on my side, God has given me... **************** Disclaimer I don't own the cover I got it off google.

MelioPendragon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Let's start first by explaining the world's ranking system and the four sectors.

There are monsters in this world of Z; the zombie is one monster breed. The rankings are Brown-eye zombies/D-rank, Yellow-eye Zombies/C-rank, Green-eye Zombies/B-rank, Blue-eye Zombies/A-rank, Red-eye Ghouls/S-rank, Purple-eye Ghouls/SS-rank, Black-eye Zombies/SSS-rank.

The Orc/D-rank, Orc Fighters/C-rank, Orc Shamans/B-rank, Orc Riders/A-rank, Orc Champion/S-rank, Orc Berserker/SS-rank, Ocr Monarch/SSS-rank.

The Hunter ID is color base ID Cards following the Zombie/Ghoul ranks. In comparison, the Missions are letter base rank SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, and D-rank Missions.

The Sector's names are Northern Sector, Western Sector, Eastern Sector, and The Southern Sector. The Rulers of each sector are called Monarchs, and they also happen to be royalty.

Below the royal families are the five noble families and five Elite Guilds.

An old man owns the Hunter Association Guild, and his wife is the dean of All Elite University.

*Now, I'll explain a bit of the ability in this world.

All humans are born with a System that gives the host titles; these titles are unique yet aren't.

There are few or many with the same title.


The Information above will be repeated for a few chapters Just in case I forget about something.


At night during a rainy day, a dude was hit by a lightning strike.

That dude, when he opened his eyes, a beautiful woman is sitting on the edge of the bed on his left side looking at him with a tender look in her eyes.

This woman is about 25 years old; she is wearing a black nightgown and a black bra underneath her gown. She has a voluptuous body figure; she is also well-fit. Her gentle gray eyes look at the guy with worry, sadness, and guilt.

That's when all the memories of this lifetime flashed before the dude's eyes.

His name is Melio Pendragon; he is only 20 years old and is married to a powerful woman who happens to be the first princess of the Western Sector.

Esme Star became the Western sector's Empress after her father's... An assassination attempted to happen yesterday. The original Melio threw his body in front of his beloved wife and died protecting her.

However, their relationship wasn't that of a real husband and wife. She picked Melio because he had a disability. The original Melio was without a system; he was the only one in the entire world without one.

Melio also happens to be the most handsome man in the world.

This was a vote in every Academy.

Esme's father, Edward Star, wanted her to marry a prince from the Eastern Sector; However, Esme fought her father. Along with her twin sister and her other two younger sisters, they left the royal palace to rebel against their father.

The emperor cut them off from his resources, money, cores, missions, servents, and protection.

However, he keeps his eyes on them for no matter what, he is a father first before being an emperor.

It was at this time that Melio and Esme meet alone.

Esme and her sister went to the Z Hunter's Association Guild and registered their small squad.

The name of their squad is called League of Maidens.

They accepted an A-rank mission; two were S-rank while the two young ones were B-rank about to reach the A-rank.

They went to clear out a horde of zombies; the report stated that there were at less two A-rank zombies and 15 B-rank; the other 15 were mixed ranks.

After clearing the 30 zombies, the sister was about to fight the two A-rank zombies.

When a roar was heard, causing them to freeze.

An Orc Berserker appeared, an SS-rank orc; it's one of the hardest and dangerous monsters besides the SSS-ranks; these are faster than the other ranks below it.

Esme felt doom was approaching her and her sister.

Without telling them her plans, Esme dashed towards the Orc Berserker and caught his attention.

"You three kill these two A-rank zombies and report back to the guild; for them to send Help. " Esme yelled at her sisters as she engages in a cat and mouse game with the orc.

Esme made sure to have the Orc's full attention before she forced it to chase after her.

Esme, as she rushed towards the Orc, Esme jumped up with her saber in her hand; she slashed towards the Orc's face making the Orc lose an eye.

That's when Esme started to run, making the Orc run after her.

Her sisters were worried, but they quickly calmed down and readied themself for an intense battle against the two zombies before them.

Esme felt the massive killing intent from the Orc Berserker that's chasing her.

'Luckily...' Before Esme can finish her thought, another Orc appeared.

This time it's an Orc Rider.

'Fuck my life.' Esme thought; unfortunately, for Esme, another Berserker appeared and whacked her from right, sending her flying 400 meters.

Cough* Cough* Cough*

Esme has a broken arm, a twisted ankle, and a punctured lung.

Laying down accepting her fate, flashes of her life, her mother, father, and sisters all appeared before her. Esme, although sad, was happy because she finally gets to see her mother again.

That's when she felt two strong-arms pick her up; however, they were small.

She opens her eyes, and a handsome boy appeared.

All of this happened two years ago.

Melio, at the time, was only 18 years old, like her two younger sisters.

However, Melio is known to the world as trash beyond trash.

Although she felt grateful for him coming trying to save her.

What can a weak boy like him do?

"P... Please put me down... You'll die trying to save me." Esme's voice, which used to be strong and full of confidence, disappeared, and a weak voice can be heard coming out of her pink lips.

However, Melio ignored her and dashed towards a tree that seems to have an entrance.

Melio entered the massive black tree.

Esme was shocked by what she sees inside.

An entire room, a king-size bed, a couch, a portable Tv, a laptop, kitchen wear, clothes hanging on the tree's wall.

Melio places her on his bed and seals the entrance of his home.

"My name is Melio pendragon, and this is my home. I have no ill intentions towards you. I want to help." Melio went to a chest and opened it.

Melio took out many medical supplies. He walks over towards Esme.

"I am going to remove your clothing but will leave your underwear and bra on you. I need to clean your cuts, bruises, the branch you wrecked as you are poisonous.

I need to check your body for any blue spots. Also, don't waste your energy to speak." Melio explained what he'll do to her and why.

Esme looks at Melio and nods her head.

Melio takes her torn clothing off; Esme's beautiful body appeared before Melio's eyes.

Melio closed his eyes and took three deep breaths before cleaning her body slowly; he started to check her body for any blue spots non were seen...

He saw blue veins; however, it was on her bosom.

'I think should clean the cuts first before handling this.' Melio thought as he cleans her cuts.

After ten minutes of cleaning the cuts, wrapping her broken arm.

Melio then looked at Esme; He took a deep sigh and removed her bran before shoving his lips on the small cut three fingers above her nipple.

Esme was stunned it all happened too fast and wanted to slap him to death, but she currently felt too weak to move a finger.

Esme let out a slight moan causing her entire face to turn red, making her feel shameful.

'I will beat him up lightly after I recover.' Esme thought; however, her mind soon changed when she saw.

Melio spits out all the poison and coughs up blood.

Seeing Melio cough out blood after suck on her boob made Esme think of the poisonous plant.

Called Posi Posi, a mutated poison of plants bath in zombie blood.

He ran to the chest and took out a herb, and started to eat it.

Melio grabs a few more herbs; he goes to grab some pot and a mashing stick.

He pours a little bit of water and puts it all in a cup.

This was the first encounter; the second encounter happens a few months after this.

Their second encounter was at the Z hunter's HQ.

Melio was going to turn in his herbs-gathering missions.

When Melio heard a commotion between two groups.

The one arguing was Esme and another man with red hair.

"Esme, My dear, your father already agrees to our marriage proposal. Why are you stubborn?" William sighs as if this was the norm between them.

Melio shakes his head towards the desk to turn in his missions.

"Hello Franky, I am here to turn in all the herb-gathering missions that Miss Hera and Amelia posted this morning." Melio puts four bags filled with all the herbs from the two missions. He also collected extra just in case.

"Melio, as always, you are the best at gathering herbs. Sometimes, I wonder if you had a system, how far you would rank up? Seeing how determined you are when accepting an easy gathering mission. I can't only imagine what you could of become if only...

Sorry, bud, I started to talk about your faults." Franky talked to Melio as friends, for he felt sorry for the kid, no family, no friends, and he followed him once to see where he lives only to find out he lives in the forest inside a black tree.

Melio waves his hands and smiles at Franky.

"Bro, you help me every day. I see you as an elder brother, so it's okay." Melio waved it off; he truly sees Franky as a brother from another mother. Franky bought him house supplies such as the bed and kitchen wear.

Hearing someone say his name Esme stopped talking to look at the front desk only to see the back of the boy who saved her a few months back.

Esme came up with the craziest idea ever.

"I am not a virgin anymore; I have someone I love with all my heart, and He made me his woman a few months back during the time I disappeared for a week. He is also the man I would only marry and love in this lifetime." Esme's words shocked not only William but also everyone in the Z Hunter's HQ, dumbfounded by Esme.

Esme's sister all looked at her with confusion. Because when she appeared was at the royal palace front door asleep, covered in clean bandages and a note saying she needs a week rest from her poisoning by Posi Posi.

After that week, Esme gathers her sister again, but this time to look for Melio.

Their father didn't stop them, even said he'll help her find him.

Esme denied his help, for this is her matter.

However, when she returned to the scene where she crashed landed, there were way too many black trees in the area, and she was too dazed at that time to know which tree Melio lives in.

Esme Yelled with her all power.


Melio wasn't home and was at Hera's office accepting a mission of gathering a special herb she didn't want to post at the guild.

Esme recalls the moment Melio sucked on her boob to get the poison out. Her face turned red, and she slowly walks towards Melio.

This is where Melio's life changed.

Then another memory entered his mind.

Esme and Melio's wedding night.

" Look, Melio..." Before Esme could finish, Melio interrupted her.

"Esme, I know that you have been putting up an act that you're in love with me when you're truly not. I know that you are only using me as a shield. Don't worry, unless you are injured, will I touch you." With that, Melio walks towards the window and jumps out, disappearing into the night.

They only appeared together when she called him or texted him.

Melio is now 20 years old, an assassin who poisoned Esme's twin sister.

Esme was rushed to the ER, and all the doctors, even Hera and Amelia the Sage and The Holy Maiden, both couldn't do anything for the Posi Posi is a new mutated poison.

This shocked Esme, but her sister's, Esme, was once poisoned with it but recovered after a month.

Cecily knew the truth behind the marriage, for she and Esme are hardly away from one and the other.

"Melio is the only one who can help." Hera and Amelia both said it at the same time.

"Esme, where is your husband?" Amelia asked her with a voice of concern.

To Esme, however, that concern wasn't that of a friend worried about another friend but a woman worried about her crush.

"He is gathering-Herbs..."Esme said while she pulled out her cellphone.

"But we didn't post anything at the guild HQ, and we are the only ones to give Melio missions. " Hera said, catching Esme on a lie.

" My father asked Melio to look for a special lily for my mother's grave." Esme hurried and called Melio.

"Dear, where are you? I need you to come to the hospital." Esme said on the phone.

"I am cooking some food; I haven't had lunch yet. What's up?" Melio still lives in his black tree.

"Cecily... She was poisoned by an assassin..."Esme told Melio what happened.

"I see..." Melio said.

"Dear, can you please come to the hospital right now?" Esme said.

"...." Melio stayed silent.

Esme is worried, for she knows she has asked everything from him these past two years; never once did he complained, acted up, or asked for anything in return.

His answer was simple... You are my wife; it's my duty as a husband to help you when you ask for it because I am your husband and nothing else.

"I'll be there." Melio hanged up.

"Esme, what did he say?" Hera asked her.

"He'll be here. " Esme replied.

However, Esme walks towards the window.

She looks down as she then spots a black tree similar to the tree Melio uses to live inside of.

A door framed slowly started to appear on the black tree, and outcomes Melio.

'How does he do it? Is the tree special, or does he have powers?' Esme thought as she sees Melio walking towards the hospital.

Melio then entered the hospital; His father-in-law was talking to the doctors.

"Hey, Paps. Esme called me to come over but didn't tell me which ward Cecily is in." Melio went to talk to his father-in-law.

"Room 11, it's good to see you, my boy." Edwards continues to talk to the doctor, and Melio walks to the ward after talking to his father-in-law.

Melio stands behind the door, takes a deep breath, and enters.

Jill and Emma aren't here; they are the younger twins. Esme was by the window looking out. Cecily is asleep; Hera and Amelia both turned around and spotted Melio at the door.

"Hello, Hera, Amelia." Melio greets these two first with a hug since they are friends.

Melio looks at Cecily, but she asleep on the bed.

Melio walks behind his wife and hugs her from behind.

"It's okay... I can save her." However, Esme elbowed Melio on the stomach.

This didn't escape the eyes of Hera or Amelia, who both looked at each other with a raised eyebrow.

Melio lets go; he then backs off. He lets out a sigh and walks towards Cecily, takes out a small bag.

"Hera, where did the poison be injected?" When Melio started to talk to Hera, that's when Esme knew she fooked up earlier by elbowing Melio in the stomach when he tried to embrace her.

"The poison dart hit her on the neck." Hera showed him where.

"Has the poison been taken out of her system?" Melio asked.

"Yes, I was able to do that and ease her pain. That's why she is currently asleep." Amelia was the one to answer Melio.

"I see." Melio puts a hand behind Cecily's head, and he drinks the antinode.

Melio then force-feeds Cecily by mouth to mouth.

Hera and Amelia looked towards Esme; however, the other has a look of anxiety and distaste.

Little did Esme know this was her current look while looking at Melio.

After two minutes of repeating his actions, Melio whips his lips and Cecily's.

"She'll wake up in an hour; Cecily needs to rest for a week and a day. " Melio told Esme without looking at her.


"You don't have to thank me... Cecily is your sister, and you're my wife." Melio looks at Hera and Amelia.

"I'll see ya'll around." Melio then walked out without looking at Esme.

"I think we should leave too." Amelia and Hera both leave right behind Melio.

'Shit...' Esme thought.

She looks out towards the window and spots Amelia and Hera both catching up to Melio.

Then her father appeared all four of them were talking.

That's when Esme's and Melio life changed.

20 assassins appeared out of thin air; they rushed towards the emperor.

Hera and Amelia both reacted and started to engage the enemy.

Melio, the best he could do is run towards the hospital, for he is weak. Melio knows if he tries to help, he'll cost one or all their lives.

Melio first thought was his wife and Cecily.

He rushed towards the ward only to find out William is in the room.

"I told you sooner or later you and your twin will be mine." William and Esme were exchanging hits before William kicked her on the knee, and she stumbled down.

Right when William was about to make her fall unconscious. Melio threw all his poison darts at William, who had to decide to risk it or dodge.

He dodged.

"Haha, the useless husband has come to save his beautiful wife. How laughable." William dash towards Melio, who took out two blades.

Ding! Slash! Ding! Ding! Slash! Ding! Ding! Ding! Slash! Slash! Ding! Ding! Slash!

Melio was able to block a few exchanges before he was cut four times. However, he dealt a powerful blow to William.

Both Melio's blades had Posi Posi smeared on them. In the final exchange, Melio was able to deal a deep cut on Williams's chest.

Melio falls on his back flat on the ground bleeding out. Esme, witness the entire exchange.

'Why? Why would he protect me? Why is he so kind to me? Why did he put his life on the line?' Esme's head started to run with questions as she witnesses the exchanges between the two.

Cough cough.

Melio coughs out blood.

"Haha, Watch me defile your wife in front of you!" William walks towards Esme.


Melio threw his powerful dart filled with poison and lightning from Franky.

This dart hit William right in the center of his back.

William dropped to his knees in front of Esme.

" Wife, I think this is our goodbye... Take care of yourself; if you ever poisoned again, ask Franky where I live he'll show you the current tree. If you spot anything you need from my home, it's yours no need to hesitate....

Thank you for being the only family I ever had. Thank you for granting me my biggest wish." Melio, word by word, his voice was getting weaker. His eyes were already closing; his heartbeat was slowing down.

"Haha, the useless fool is dying." William then felt a saber go through his chest.

"That Useless fool is my Husband!" Esme yelled as she killed William.

Esme rushed towards Melio's body.

"Melio! Please, don't die! Please! I promise to give us a try a real try! Melio, please, I was the useless fool Melio, please don't die!" Esme hasn't cried since her mother passing finally shed tears.

However, Melio wasn't her only lost that day...

******** End Of FlashBack********

'The fook!' The new Melio thought as all of The original Melio's lifetime finished flashing before his eyes.

"You are finally awake!" Esme hugs Melio tightly; tears slowly come out.

"You have been in a coma for over a year now. Hera and Amelia both tried everything they can do to save your life. They said now it was all up to you.

If you wanted to wake up or not... Thank you for that day, although I lost my father. My dear husband is alive, so are all my sisters." Esme, when she mentioned her father, her hug gotten tighter as if afraid that this was one of her daydreams.

The past two years with Melio, little did she know she got used to his voice, presence, warmth when he held her hand in public, held her, and the kisses they shared during events.

Melio is frozen; His kind father-in-law is dead.

"It's okay; I am here now. " Melio says weakly as he wraps his arms around Esme.

The door slowly opens; Jill, Emma, Cecily, Hera, and Amelia all appeared inside when they heard Esme's words.

Melio looked at them with a warm smile before he fainted.


It was the last thing he heard.


In Melio's Dreamscape, He appeared before a dark shadow and a white light.

{Melio Pendragon, it's time for you to awaken your Monarch X bloodline.}

Melio felt intense pain.

Melio's bones hurt all over as if termites eating at his bones; he felt his blood boiling to extreme heat.

Melio felt an electric shock in his brain non-stop.

While all of this was happening in his dreamscape, his body is shaking uncontrollably in the bedroom.

This scene was freaking out Esme, and the girls, for Melio, seem to be going through something mentally.

Then black blood started to pour out of Melio's mouth, nose, ear, and eyes.

Hera and Amelia both held Melio's body down while Jill and Emma went to the hallway to grab towels.

Cecily went to get two buckets of water.

Esme stood there frozen.

'Why? Why is this happening again? Why am I going to lose the second best man in my life.' Esme thought to herself as more tears come down.

"Hera, what's going on?" Amelia asked Hera.

"I don't know; I never witnessed this before. However, I feel that the black blood is the impurities in his blood as if his body is going through a change." Hera said to Amelia.

Amelia and Hera use their power to help Melio the best way they can, for they are both the world's greatest healers.

Hera prefers to use alchemy mix with her light powers, making them as powerful as Amelia, a pure healer.

Cecily came back with two buckets, one with water the other without; Jill and Emma bring tons of towels.

All six girls start to clean Melio after his body stopped shaking; Amelia checked his condition.

Esme, Cecily, Amelia, Hera, Jill, and Emma all now part of the League of Maidens Guild.

Of course, Esme, Cecily, Jill, and Emma invited their closest friends. At the same time, Amelia and Hera are waiting for Melio to awaken before deciding to stay for good or leave.

Jill and Emma both cleaned the room while Cecily went to cook food with Hera's help.

Back in the Dreamscape.

'I see... Then thank you for everything, Kami.' Melio told the gray shadow above the black and white one.

All three shadows disappear, leaving Melio all in his dreamscape, processing everything that Kami just told him.

Moonlight orb...

Spidey Abilities...

'What does this even mean?' Melio thought.

Sword of Kami... A pure black Katana with a deep blue name "Kami."

Then Melio's right arm starts to burn.

Black ink slowly appears, drawing a black scale dragon wrapping its body around Melio's right arm, wrapping it around his shoulder blade onto his chest where the dragon head is resting.

The dragon has emerald eyes and a calm look to it.

In the bedroom...

A powerful aura invades the room, making Amelia and Esme stand up and jump back from Melio.

A dragon body slowly appears on his right arm, then the head on Melio's chest appears with emerald eyes.

The two girls look at Melio then at each other.

"Nani?" They both said at the same time.

In the comment, if it lets me, I'll be posting pictures.

Ima post this chapter for now.

I want to read feedback on my grammar, storytelling, characters, weak points, strong points, etc...

MelioPendragoncreators' thoughts