
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 8: Hermes, the messenger of the gods at your service~

The silver river camping park was what it's name said, a camping park where those who feel like being closer to nature and maybe escaping the hustle and bustle of city life come to relax with either friends and family or just themselves alone.

But of course, not the whole forest was under the parks management, as the forest had about 48% of the forest that was still unexplored, so the park usually placed markers and signs telling the campers that decided to go on hikes that they are leaving the protection of the camp.

This had of course been a very strange thing for the park to say, when they say 'leaving the protection of the park', what did they mean by that?.

Well Doron found about it pretty quickly.

"Can't it go any faster!?" Doron was screaming his lungs out at this point, as he looked at the pack of what looked like forest wolves that where relentlessly chasing after them, they were not even intimidated by the sze of the hell hound at all, like the thing was just a big harmless panda to them.

"This is the fastest it can go okay, and stop yelling, you'll attract more of them!" Iris retorted as she focused on keeping the control that she had on the hell hound strong and stable.In actuallity, she did not just start controlling the hell hound when she jumped on it, but when it started running, so the connection she had with it was still unstable, and it could break free at any moment, of course she was confident in killing it if it attacked them.

As they were running on the hell hound, some of the wolves were already trying to throw the beast of balance by attacking it's legs, and with the sturdy and har skin of the hell hounds, it was just like light taps on it's legs.

Doron was almost bitten twice by the wolves, if not for Iris's timely control, he would have lost a leg and maybe an arm, by now.


As he was still tied to the hell hound's back like baby being backed by it's mother, Doron could not really see behind him, so he was really scared right now.

He did not know how long they had been riding for, but aside the stiffness he was feelling, and the orange light he was seeing in the sky, it seemed they have been chased by this pack of wolves for an entire night, without rest.

The howls of the wolves were like calls of the wild as Doron noticed that the number of the wolves had increased somewhat.

He was getting anxious, scared, and nervous, his back was already drenched in cold sweat and he could not think straight without the image of a wolf biting down on his body did not appear in his imagination. 'Will I die like this?'. He thought as he looked into the menacing eyes of the wolves around him and felt like they were giving him looks of scorn and ridicule.

"Hold on tight!" Iris later yelled to which Doron just looked at her with a dry look. 'What the f*ck do you think am doing!?'.

Maybe sensing his gaze, Iris just turned to face him and smiled, if not for the situation around them right now and how she did not untie him all this time, Doron would have loved to see that smile, but now, the smile looked like that of the devil. Ptui, I spit on you, is this what they called black hearted loli? was he the only sacrifice that was unlucky enough to be paired with this sadist? I want to speak with the manager of this operation.

Doron just kept hurling profanities that even the sharpest of tongues will feel emberassed for him.

Iris just ignored him and looke ahead, there was a strange sight that would have made archeologists scratch their heads in confusion.

The reason? Well, there was a f*cking temple looking structure in the forest and it looked like those greek temples where they worship their gods, the temple of course was covered in leaves and vegetation showing that it had not been taken care of for a very long time.

The wolves that where chasing them before with so much zeal suddenly backed away from them, when they got closer to the temple, like they were acknowledging an alpha.

Doron noticed this and looked ahead, even though Iris blocked his view somewhat, he was able to see the structure covered in vegetation and was shocked. 'How is something like this here?'

He felt the hell hound they were riding on shiver like it had suddenly got a cold and wanted to back away like the wolves, but Iris kept it place.

"You know I really abhor these savage beasts, all they do is kill and kill, and sometimes, livestock also face their barbaric nature, tsk, tsk, I really hate them" A voice was heard coming from the temple and Doron suddenly had this urge to kneel down, but could not due, to his current state.

Iris then spoke. "We have come to seek passage".

"... I just complained about hating these savage beasts and yet you are still sitting on it like my words are mere echoes in a forest." The voice sounded irritated at this point.

"Echo is actually a good girl, I miss talking with her" Iris continued. "We seek passage"


What is wrong with this girl, is she deaf?.

"And I say you should remove that beast from my prescence!" The voice got louder, the anger in it's voice was not hidden as even the temple shook form the voice alone.

Doron who was seeiing all this was sweating buckets at this point. He did not want to know who Iris was desperately trying to offend, as he could feel that he was nearing deaths door at this moment, and Iris was bringing him to it.

You said, we were going to the greek underworld, yiu should have told me, we would have gone like this, I would have at least told my foster parents that I would be dying and they can share my inheritance.

"And I said we seek passage!" Iris yelled back, as a sight that Doron would never forget happened.

The cute black hearted and black bellied loli was covered in a flash of light and was replaced by a tall and stunning beauty, that made his jaw drop. Even though she was sitting, it was obvious that she had grown taller. She still looked that same, with a longer hair that still loked to reach her backside and her white beautiful skin that gav one the impression that if squeezed to hard would bring out blood.

He also noticed her disposition had changed as if before she acted innocent and a know it all, well no he felt that she was really aloof and cold to the world.

The voice in the temple quitened down as soon as Iris chaged her form.

"... It seems that I made a mistake, how can such a majetic creature be a beast? hahaha, please come in"


The hell hound. "..."

"What did you say?"

"... I said I was coming outside, while you come inside and rest"


The hell hound. "..."

The next instance, the temple that looked to have been covered by vegetation started changing at a pace that was visible to the naked eye.

The vines around the temple receeded and it's white marble like pillars were put on full display, the soil around it also gave way for the stairs leading to the temple to be shown.

At the entrance of the temple, there stood a man so handsome that Doron for a moment questioned his sexual orientation.

He had blonde curly hair that was kept short and simple, his attire was of that of the acient greeks with his leather sandals, and the white robes that were long enough to reach the ground if not for him holding part of it in his left hand, he had blue eyes that resembled that of a snake, ready to strike nd was wary of everything around him.

"Welcome to my humble abode, I would not mind you staying here" He said bowing down a good 90 degrees.

"Cut the crap Hermes, I already told you what am here for" Iris said coldly as her piercing gaze looked at Hermes who had a very approachable smile on his face, but Iris knew, that just like his scepter he carried around, he was a true snake.

"Yes, yes, how could I forget, hahaha, of course, there is a..." he said rubbing his fingers together, as his eyes flashed.

Iris looked at him and snorted, as she waved her hands and roots appeared and held his neck.

Hermes did not seem flustered by this as he still kept that smile on his face.

"My how unlady like"

"Do you want to see unlady like?" Iris said as her eyes flashed with killing intent in them.

"Of course not, hahaha, I just wanted to joke around a little." He said calmly like the root around his neck ready to strangle him were just decorations.

"Good, we seek passage"

"Your request has been granted"

Hermes then gestured as a scepter appeared in his hands. It was made out of gold as the top had what looked like wings and by the sides of the scepter, were two snakes coiled arround it, of course, everyone has seen this scepter before when they go to the hospitals, or on an ambulance.

He held the scepter in his right hand as a portal appeared beside him.

Doron who had been as quite as a mouse, looked at this portal and saw a que of people heading in one direction, like they were on a pilgrimage, the aura of death was lingering in the air around the portal and Doron had the urge to run away when he saw this.

Iris just snorted as she headed to the portal.

"W-wait, can I at least take a dump, no,no, can I go to the little mens room?" Doron suddenly spoke as he struggled to break free. He did not want to see those cute Neko's anymore.

"Shut up, and you, follow me." Iris commanded at this point, as the smile on hermes face twitched a little as he opened his mouth to saysomething.

"The apple is still not ripe yet" Was all Iris said.

"Hermes, the messenger of the gods at your service~" He again bowed a 90 degrees as he looked at Doron with the "Be a man", look.

Doron seeing this had tears on his face.
