
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 31: Negligent Father

The trio and marble all looked at the woman sitting on the throne with shock written on their faces as they gazed the woman who had tear stains on her face as she got up from her throne and neared the portal.

As she got closer they could now see her appearence more clearly.

She had long dark violet hair that reached her backside, violet eyes and a very voluptuos body that could make any man look more than they should if they passed her on the street, her face was also a sight to behold as even Patra could not take her eyes of her, with her smooth pale white skin, that gave the impression that a single squezze was enough to draw blood, shined under the light, making her look like an angel that descended on the mortal plane

She wore a japanese styled violet kemono that had flowers printed on it, and the slit in the middle of her breast was showing alot of skin due to her voluptuos body, this contrasted with her heavenly face.

"Darling, is that really you?" The woman said as she stared at Doron with a lovestruck and wronged expression.

Iris and Patra looked at Doron with the "Brah, I thought you had a wife already?" look, which made Doron cough in emberrasement as he made hisway to the portal, but someone was faster.

"Ma!" Marble jumped through the portal and as soon as she crossed to the other side, there was a flash of light and in that womans hand was a girl of about seven years old hugging the woman tightly.

"Mummy, Marble found papa!" The girl said looking happy and excited as she looked at her mother lovingly. " So now mummy would stop crying!"

The little girl had blue hair and blue eyes and also wore a very cute blue kimono, that had drawings of doves on them, her excited eyes looked at Doron with familial love that Doron did not know how to respond to being labeled as someones papa, he was just twenty, he still had alot to do, though he did not mind the idea of having a family, he was not ready for that kind of responsibility yet.

"Yes, and mummy is happy that Marble found papa" The woman said as she poked the girll cheek, mking her giggle. "Can Marble go with those aunties for a second"

The woman pointed at Iris and Patra making the duo looking at her with deadly gazes.

Your the one that's the aunty, your whole families ar all aunties!, They said in their minds but seeing the cute and innocent look of Marble they just kept quiet, and gave strained smiles.

"Come here Marble, show us around your..." That was when Iris looked around and felt what she was about to say hang in her throat.

Normally, in dungeons, the boss rooms are usually throne rooms, with the boss sitting on the throne looking at the challengers with scorn and a disdained expression and then it would have it's ass handed to it by the challengers... Well after a really tough battle.

But... The room she was looking at right now was just a normal room that you would see in a house.

There was fireplace with two chairs right infront of it and beside these chairs were small stools where those sitting on the chairs can place their feet.

The decoration of the house gave of that homely feel. This made Iris wonder if what they saw at the other side of the portal was just an illusion.

"Un, Marble can show you!" Marble said as she held Iris and Patra's hands and led them to the only door in the room, that led the outside to a another well decorated corridor.

"We will be back mama!" Marble said as she waved to her mama, and went out with the others.

As they were the only ones in the room now, alone, Doron now focused on the description of the woman infront of him.


- Mimic Queen Slime Lydia

- "Do you like this form? Or this one?... Wuwuwu

You're just like my husband, nothing pleases you! DiE!"


Doron could only give a strained smile as he looked at the dungeon boss whose name is Lydia.

"Won't you at least have a seat so that we can talk?" Lydia said gesturing to the chairs that were facing the fire place, of course there was no fire there, and he also ignored the fact that her legs were rubbing together like she was trying to hold something between her legs.

"Thank you" Doron said as he made his way to one of the chairs.

"Cookies?" Lydia then handed him a plate of cookies that only she knew where it came form.

"... Thanks" Doron was skeptical about those cookies as he took the plate and was about to set it aside, but the expectant look of Lydia made him rethink and just took a cookie as he slowly brought it close to his mouth for a small nibble.

Doron did not want to start a fight or get killed, her description alone was enought to tell him that this lady was a bit crazy in the head, but what could he do, he was not strong enough to actually fight her, and he knew it, and emotion he was seeing was scary.

[Emotion: love, anger, saddness, hate, lust, @#$%$ (Error, target's emotional state is Unstable cannot read emotion percentage to charm)]

'She is a nut job,she would be perfect if I was not that weak' Doron thought.

What, he liked those crazy girls, think about it, they would do anything for you, they won't cheat on you, they won't demand an arm or a leg form you, and will support you at all times...

Sure you would have to constantly have 911 on speed dial, and you might have to purchase a gun or knife... also your phone and your search history have to be refreshed every day.

As Doron tested the cookie, his mind went blank, all he did was toss in the rest into his mouth and wolfed down the rest.

"... Ahem, so what do you want to talk about?" Doron said as he slowly wiped the crumbs around his mouth with his sleeve and placed the plate on the footstool.

"Do you want more?" Lydia asked as she held another plate in her hand.

Doron looked at the plate with a scared expression.

'Something is wrong with those cookies, they are not normal at all, I need to resist it... let me just take one more and let the system dige- I mean check it' Doron thought as he took the plate from her.


"Ugh, my tummy" Doron was now slumped on the chair with a bulging belly that one might think he was pregnant.

"Am so sorry, you just kept taking them that I did not know that you would eat so much" Lydia now was franticly waving her arms as she tried to massage Doron's shoulders to try and help him digest the food... That was a good excuse right?... Forget it.

After about half a minute, Doron was now in the right mind to talk with Lydia.

'I guess when they said food, scratch that, cookies are the kies to a mans heart.'

"So what do you need, I mean how am I your darling?" Doron did not really know how to phrase his question so that it won't trigger Lydia.

Lydia who heard his question just looked at him for sometime, the staring competition lasted for what seemed like ages for Doron before Lydia spoke.

"You have a memory fragment right?" She said looking at Doron's hand, specifically at his finger that had Diakonos as a ring.

Doron did not notice this as he was rather shocked that she knew about one of the rewards that he got from killing that spear guy.


"Did you?"

Lydia cut him of with the same question.

"... Yes, but wh-"

"Did you think of how you got it, that rage, that sudden surge in strength, have you not thought of it?"

Doron just looked at her and had just opened his mouth-

"Am so sorry, I did not mean it like that, it's just that I was just curious... F*ck me?"

Doron now felt that this woman was not really stable at all, he looked at her and did not know what to do or say.

"Um, did I scare you?"

"... No I am ju-"

"That's good, for somebody like the likes of you, how does it feel to be scared?" She cut him off again.

Doron was really getting pisse of right now, as he looked at Lydia who now had a look of disdain on her face.

'It's like talking to multiple people at the same time, I can't get a word in without her interupting me' Doron thought as he gazed at her facial expression. 'Maybe I can know who or what personality of hers am talking to with her expressions.'

He looked at her expression and felt like crying, it had been about five minutes, but she had changed expressions at least eight times in that span of time.

'This is going to be a long day' He thought as he looked at Lydia who now wore an expression of disgust.

As Doron was battling his own fight.

Iris and Patra were fighting another battle.

"Where is papa!"

"Papa is with mummy so you cannot go!"

"But Orb wants to see papa!"

"And Marble said papa is with mama!"

"Gumumumu! But... but... waaaann!"

Yes, they were now pampering two girls, or rather twins.

The new girl was called Orb and was actually the second floor dungeon boss.

She had red fiery hair and red eyes, she also wore a kimono like her sister, but hers was in a deep orange and had paintings of sunflowers on them.

The twins were currently arguing about Orb wanting to see her papa, who was Doron.

The two did not really understand how they mistakened Doron as their papa, they did think it was because he was a realm menace, but what happened when they asked the twins whether they knew their papa, was what shocked them the most.

Orb actually brought out a picture that showed Doron, well not the current Doron with the rose colored hair, but with a different Doron with obsidian black hair and shinning red eyes hugging a young Lydia in his arms and it was clear to see that she was pregnant, as they looked like a loving couple.