
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Chapter 24: The Special Move Of Great General Doron

Doron could already hear the loud movements of the orc titans coming his way, and he knew he was really low on time.

He looked around his surroundings and did not see any place to hide, as the whole mountain was just barren.


Doron could not help cussing as he thought of what to do, as killing them would just... Killing them?.

No, he only needed to kill Balyur, not injure him.

Doron now realised that he was focusing on the wrong thing, he did not have to care about the human soldiers all dying as he looke at the skills he acquired.

He needed a skill that could make him invincible, a skill that could make his enemies be unable to detect him.

He needed to change professions, now he was a warrior, or a knight, he needs to be an assasin...

A bright assasin.

He looked at the titan ors that were now visible to him, as he formed a ball of light infront of him and fired it at his enemies.

Auric who saw the attack, instantly fired an arrow at the ball of light and destroyed it.

Now they did not have to actively look for their opponent as he had gladly revealed himself to them.

Fur looked at Doron and smiled as he he was about to make their distance shorter, so that he would be in his domain.

As Fur got closer, Doron moved back about ten meters from his original position making Fur frown.

'It seems he has already seen how my powers work' Fur thought, as he looked at Auric, who also had a frown on his face. 'It seems he must have also suspected Auric'

Balyur who did not have to worry about any of this, had already gotten close to Doron and started attacking.

Doron who was now on defense looked at the two truoblesome men on the field as he fought with Balyur, whiles moving back anytime he notices that the other two also moved.

"Damnit!" Auric could not take it anymore so he started firing his arrows at Doron, aiming for the places that he deemed he would move to when he dodges Balyur's attacks.

Fur narrowed his eyes as he took the monocole on his eye that was eaisly about one meter in diameter and flashed what looked like a lighter at the back of it.

"Balyur, move!" Her yelled.

As Balyur instantly disengaged from his battle giving Fur the chance to attack Doron, by firing a literal laser at him.

This caught Doron by surprise as he instantly summoned a light shield infront of him and made sure to also move from behind his shield, as he moved further back.

Auric did not miss this oppurtunity and fired a rain of arrows at Doron.

This time, they were so dense that not a single gap was seen, it was like a wave of water ready to swallow Doron up.

The rain of arrows was stretched almost about twenty meters wide and ten meters in length.

Doron quickly imbude his legs in light magic and sprinted as he was able to succesfully evade the attack, but as he left the area of the wave, he was met with a massive club that made him have to summon another shield to at least protect him from the blow.

The sheild was hit, and cracked as he pushed back into the wave of arrows.

"Shit!" He cursed as he looked at the golden wave behind him.

The trio worked in complete sync as Fur made sure to cover the distance between them and used his power on Doron.

... Nothing happened, his sword and shield were still on him.

Fur was shocked as he looked at Doron who had enclosed himself in a box of light to protect himself from the wave of arrows.

As the arrows landed, Fur caught something at the corner of his vision moving behind Auric and instantly knew what was going to happen next as he pushed Auric out of the way and the light spears pierced under his right arm, making green blood flow out like a fountain, making his arm look like he suddenly grown wings.

Auric was trying to process what happened when they heard a roar of defiance as they looked at Balyur and saw that he was holding his neck as green blood flowed through the gaps of his fingers.

The roar earlier was not from him, but from another titan that had appeared.

This titan had slight yellow skin and was dressed in what looked like a black robe, as he held what looked like a staff with a claw on it's tip.

They knew it was their fourth brother, Avarice, but what made Fur and Auric confused was that their fifth brother Rashi was also there.

With five of them here, and the fact that Balyur was still bleeding from his neck ment one thing.

"No" Auric could not believe it, as Balyur fell to his knees with his hands still clutching his neck with an unwilling look on his face, as he finally fell to the ground.

He was dead.

In Rashi's hand was Doron who had a triumphant look on his face as he stared at the space infront of him.


[ Congratulations]

[You have completed the quest

-- Kill Balyur ]

[Your army is won the battle with 34.56% remaining]

[You have been given a special move from the empire

-- Triple Light Cut


[You have earned the recognition of the living dungeon Diakonos]


As if to mock the four brothers, a ball of light came down from the sky as it flew to a battared Doron who weakly raised his hands and held the ball of light.


-- The Core Of Diakonos

-- "I greet the realm menace,

may you live long"


Rashi, relunctantly kept Doron back on the ground, as his other brothers stared at him with slomen gazes.

""""We pay homage to the realm menace""""

The four brothers echoed at the same time as they all bowed to Doron.

Doron just nodded his head as he stared at the four brothers, even though he had a calm expression on his face, his legs right now were shaking due to fear.

'I thought I was going to die' He thought as he looked at the pale looking orc titan that looked like someone that had not seen the sun before, talk more about going out.

The orc had ash colored skin and wore what looked like pjamas, yes pj's for sleeping.

Maybe seeing Doron's questioning gaze, Rashi spoke.

"I just woke up"

His brothers just looked at him and shook their heads in disappointment.

Doron just gave a sound of acknowlegdement and looked at Balyur.

"Hey, wake up you oaf!" Auric who was angry about losing to Doron walked towards Balyur and delivered a kick to his backside.

"Hey!, It hurts you know!" Balyur yelled as he retunctantly got up and bowed to Doron, who just looked at him and looked at Fur.

"There should be seven of you right?"

"Yes, but the others were investigating a certain rumor concerning the Divine Temple in the holy continent" Fur replied.

Doron frowned as he looked at them and asked.

"I thought you guys can't leave the orc village, or rather, since you are inside Diakonos, you should be trapped here too right?"

Fur looked at his brothers and looked back at Doron and spoke.

"It's only our mother that can't leave the orc village, we on the other hand are not restricted to such thing" Avarice was the one that spoke this time as he looked at Doron who was now trembling.

"It seems that he used too much power" Rashi said as he looked at Doron who had now collapsed on the ground. "I wonder what attack was that, that could not only summon us, but still kill balyur"

"Hey! Am not dead!" Balyur who was at the side yelled at Rashi.

"Forget it, the realm menace is here, things would get very interesting soon" Fur smiled as Doron's body vanished in a flash of light.

Back in the mud house of the orc cheiftan.

"Give me all your gold coins, mwuahahaha" Patra laughed gleefullly as she gatherd all the gold coins she had won in her embrace.

At first they were just playing normal cards, with no bets attached.

That was until one of the orc elders proposed adding bets to make the game more lively.

Iris of course backed out, but Patra went all in, and this made the other elders cheer her on as they felt that she was going to be easy pickings for them... Oh how they were wrong.

Not only did Patra not win every round, but she always went all in her bets.

"You are cheating!" A female orc elder flipped the table and held the clothes of Patra with a look of unwillingness.

She was one of the elders that had lost the most money, and she could not stomach it to losing this amount of money.

There were monsters, so they don't really have the lee-way to make more, yet they had already lost that amount so easily.

"What is going on here?"

When the orc elders fist was already poised to hit Patra, the voice of their Cheiftan was heard, and from her tone, she was not really happy.

"Ah, cheiftan, you are back" The elder said as she helped Patra smoothen her clothes. "We were just playing, isn't that right guys?"

The other elders looked at the female elder with disdain. Who and who are playing, don't drag us into this.

Doron who was beside the Chieftan felt that he had seen something like this before as he looked at a pale Patra and an indifferent Iris.

"Are you done?" Iris asked as she walked towards Doron, but then she suddenly frowned, and asked. "How long were you inside the dungeon?"


"Look at your system page" Iris said.


Name: Doron

Power: Charming rose,???

Power Duration: 2 days(Charming Rose),???days(???)

Rank: 2


Skills: Charm, Bidding, Affection, Emotion Read, ???(New),???(New),???(New),???(New)


Charming Rose: Let's you charm and partially control any sentinent being to do your bidding. As long as this being shows a slight form of emotion towards you.

???: Power cannot be identified(Host, what did you swallow?!)


Emotions and their percentage of successful control:

Lust: 100%






Puppy Love:100%

(Note; Emotion percentages can vary)


Charm(Active): Release a colorless, odourless, gas that helps you easily charm others. The opposite gender feels the effects by 20%.

Bidding(Active): (Only works when charm has taken effect), Control the minds of those under your charm to do anything you want them to do, even commiting suicide is possible.

Affection(Passive): Makes those around you think of you favourably. The opposite gender feels this by 20%.

Emotion Read(Active): Read the emotions of the person you are looking at.

???(Active)(NEW): Power cannot be read.

???(Active)(NEW): Power cannot be read.

???(Active)(NEW): Power cannot be read.

???(Passive)(NEW): Power cannot be read.


(Note: Can only affect those of lower ranks, or people with lower resistance to charm effects)
