
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 15: Going Back Home

Doron and Patra made their way back to the Temple of Hermes and Doron was able to finally look at Patra without the baggy robes she wore before that made her look like some fat dumpling.

She had Light brown hair, just like Iris, but hers was more smooth and bouncy, like the hair of a teenage girl that made sure to keep hair appearance, she had violet eyes, and pale white skin that looked to have been made of milk, that Doron even wondered what would happen if he squeezed her cheeks, would milk come out?.

She was now wearing normal clothes, just some short skirt, with a panty hose and a red shirt, with a denim jeans jacket.

"So what made you join these mercenary team, I don't think it was voluntarirly" Doron asked looking forward.

"It was not, they needed someone to increase their numbers, as our home planet did not allow one to create a mercenary team of just 13 members, so I was bought." Patra said.

"Don't you think you are too trusting?" Doron asked as he looked at Patra with an amused look.

"HUH?" Patra was not expecting such a statement from Doron as she looked at him confused.

"I mean, we barely know each other and yet you already told me everything about your planet and yourself don't you think that's too trusting?" Doron said with an amused expression. Trusting someone so easily to the point of telling them somethings that would or should be considered private showed that you either trust that person, or you are just too gullible.

Patra hearing this was shocked, she did not really think about it when she was answering his question, she felt as the captured she was supposed to tell him ecerything that happened or was happening to her.

"Also, you are too open, there where times I could have ended your life with ease, but I did not, also, you also had a chance to escape or even kill me when I dazed o a bit but you did not take it, why?"

"... uh" Patra really did not understand the way the brain of Doron worked. How the f, those he think she would be thinking of escaping when she literally pissed her pants, or was it robes? Hmm, anyways, running was not really a good idea for her at that time, talk more of even killing him!.

What was he thinking, if he did not notice, her teammates were not really powerful as they did not have abilities nor powers at all, that's why they used weapons and even used earths guns since they were not really rich enough to get laser guns and plasma guns to fight, and even then, they could only get four guns.

"What?" Doron asked looking at Patra.

"Because you could have killed me?" She just said the obvious.

"Oh, right, you don't really know how my powers work do you?"


"hahaha, The explodong thing was just me increasing the amount of water inside the blood of your teammates rapidly, but it took time, so I had to hold them to increase the rata at which it increased, that was why the girl exploded so late, but I had to admit, the time she exploded was really on time" Doron explained laughinly.

"What of that blue ball then?" Patra could not help asking, as her intrest was peaked, she could not hide the smile on her face, hearing how Doron killed her teammates, no, kidnappers.

Doron saw this and smiled. 'She would be a good surbordinate to me'. Another thing Doron also needed was urbordinates to handle somethings for him. If possible, it would be good if he could infiltrate the influential groups of these races.

"The blue ball did nothing" Doron replied.

This shocked Patra. "I don't understand?"

"You see, the blue ball has life magic inside it, and this affects undead creatures, instantly killing or damaging them to an extent, I just used that as a form of distraction, making one think the attack was deadly, so it was just a bluff."

Patra kept quiet to process what Doron had just told her. If what he said was true, then he really played on their ignorance about their ability to dispose of her former team members.

"Knowledge about your opponent is key, when I saw you guys bring out weapons, I knew that non of you might weild powers, well except your leader who could actually use a bit strengthing magic on his body." Doron said as they could already see the temple ahead.

Patra was not surprised as she knew that even though they did not really have powers, their leader could at least use an ability to fight.

As they finally got to the entarnce of the temple, they saw the spearman outside the temple, but he was not alive, as his body was riddled with cuts and bruises on his body, and the cut on his neck showed that his death was a swift death.

Doron ignored the dead body as Patra looked at the dead body with contempt and scorn as she even had the urge to spit on the corpse.

They got into the temple and Doron just went straight to a frowning Iris and said.

"I want to get stronger"


"Hello? Earth to Iris?"

Iris was not responsive as his words where a shock to her.

"You want to get stronger?" She was really surprised, as most times, the sacrifices don't really seek for strength as they would be mostly guarding the world tree from attacks from races that want to increase the rate of it's death, so as to not only conquer earth, but whole galaxy that was a treasure trove for them.

The vampires wanted the delicious blood of the humans, the werewolves needed more members and breeding mares to increase their numbers, the elves needed slaves and the undeads needed more vessels.

Everything needed the humans, as the milky was galaxy was the only galaxy with humans, that for some reason were able to not only give birth to other races aside themselves, but where also able to be turned to other races, either from bites, or blood.

"Yes, I need your help for that" Doron said with determination blazing in his eyes.

"My help?"


Iris now was even more shocked and confused.

"You only have to go to the sacrifice academy and learn how to be a world tree guardian, and that's it, why do you still need power for?... Is it because of Styx?" Iris did not know why, but remembering her, made her palms itch, for not slaping that shamelss bitch.

"Yes and no" Doron replied. "The whole galaxy is in danger if the world tree of earth dies, but it doesn't need a guardian but a cure".

Hermes who was sipping wine at the side raised and eyebrow when he heard this, as he was suddenly interested in what Doron was saying.

"A cure?" Iris was also interested in what he had to say, as she looked at Patra who was listening in their conversation with interest and forgot that a discussion like this was not supposed to be heard by her.

As if sensing a gaze on her, Patra looked and saw that Iris was looking at her with the "what are you still doing here gaze".

"I will go outside" Patra said and reluctantly made her way outside the temple hall, that also served as a living room, a very wide living room.

"Are you not scared of her running away?" Doron asked Iris with interest.

"She won't be able to, the whole forrest is my personal territory, I decide who goes and who stays" Hermes answered, still sipping his wine and had that approachable smile on his face. "So what cure is this?".

"Another world trees core"



"ARE YOU CRAZY!!??" Iris snapped hearing what Doron said. "Do you think we couold just find a core compatible with that of earths and then just walts into that planet and go, 'give us your world trees core, we wnat to use it' " Hermes also nodded to what Iris said.

This idea was not actually new, the problem was that, earth and the milky way galaxy was not really a powerful galaxy in the universe, but was a really important galaxy and planet.

That means that, the inhabitants of both the planets amd the galaxies were not really strong, and other planets could wipe earth clean, the thing protecting earth and the galay at this moment was the world tree of the earth.

"I know, that's why I said I need to get stronger" Doron said unphased.

"Why must it be you?" Iris calmed down and asked."Why can't it be another person, if you did not know, you are the first sacrifice that has been found with such high level of life connection in you"

"Why did you think we went to such lenghts to even make you immune to physical weapons and also be able to escape death three times"

Iris was not really understanding what was happening to Doron at this point, but she still had to protect him.

"And besides, you only have five months till the sacrifice academy opens it's doors so you won't be able to even get powerful enough to take the core of another planets world tree"

Iris was instructed to give Doron powers to control the elements and also protect him from the other races and gods that want to use him as a stepping stone to get powerful and increase their ranks.

During this time, Doron would live a normal life like before and would visit the other underworlds of earth and get the same free death pass by their lords, because sacrifices when they die, don't get to be sent to the underworld they believed in like other mortals, but would be sent to an underworld that matches their power they died with and soul.

"That's why I said I need your help" Doron said. "You can help me get powerful"

Iris looked at Doron and said. "No".

"Why?" Doron asked frwoning his face. Of course he could get stronger on earth, but earth was not really a strong planet. Because of the fear of the inhabitants gaining powers that could not only harm the planet, but also affect the planet in a VERY dangerous way, so there was no way for mortals to get stronger aside getting blessed by gods, drinking the blood of a god; that would get you killed, or training in one weapon till you get to the grandmaster level.

All of those ways were not only slow, but was also not really a feasible choice for him.

"Because I said so." Iris said. "We are also leaving, your going back home and continue your life normally and that's final." Iris said.