
Welcome to the game

Thine_tin · Fantasy
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1 Chs


It's my first day at school, so when I went in early while I was walking, I saw an old man who had a lot of food or something That's why I immediately approached him and helped him..

"Hello, can I help you?" I said and immediately took his purchases

"Thank you for your kindness " he said to me while we were walking, I noticed that we were quite far from the school

"Grandpa, how far is your house?" I asked him

"I'm sorry to bother you but this is my house" he said as he faced the big house in front of us

"Alright, Goodbye, by the way Take care "

I looked at the time and it was 7:30! I'm already late!!!!

I quickly ran to school but no matter how fast I go, I'm still late..

Now i was in front of our classroom when my classmates and my teacher looked at me, it's embarrassing to be late It was my first day!

"why are you late?" my teacher asked me

"because while I was on my way here, I met an old man who was struggling with his purchase so I decided to take him to their house"I explained to my teacher

"so it's my fault that you're late??"she suddenly said but I don't blame her..

"did i blame you?"i said

she was obviously annoyed by my answer

"Do you know where you belong?"she said to me while smiling but there was still annoyance in her voice




I'm in the back of the classroom right now listening to music with earphones on suddenly someone pulled my earphone in the middle of listening to my favorite song

"what's wrong with you!!"I said annoyed when I saw my teacher's face

"what do you think you are doing?huh?"

"listening to music?is there any problem?

"we have a quiz and all you do is listen to music??"she looked at me with irritated

"I'm done"I said and put the earphones in my ears again

she pulled my earphone again and shouted "DETENSION!!

"whatt!!!" why am I not doing anything?

he pointed to the classroom door and indicated that I had to leave I quickly grabbed my bag and left the classroom..tss i hate school ..

sorry this is the first story I'm doing and I'm sorry for the wrong sentences because I'm not that good at English but I'm doing my best just to make you like it I hope you support my work, thank you!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thine_tincreators' thoughts