
The team

"You better hope not" came Golden Eyes response, "these kids they are special. Don't you remember them?"

Ace glanced back at the group of teens who were clearly not having a problem with the training exercises. "Those are the kids I brought here 16 years ago?" Ace turned back at the teens and now began to recognize them.

There was Rip, a black haired boy who wore a simple light combat suit that clothed his whole body. While it fit snugly, he was able to comfortably move around to his hearts content which was perfect considering how acrobatic he was. His weapons were a sword and a pistol but Ace noticed a utility belt with several tools filling the pockets and compartments.

"Rip is a stealth expert, he focuses short, very precise, sometimes brutal strikes to neutralize his opponents. Every weapon and tool is handcrafted or augmented by him. He has also studied anatomy of almost every race in Corpon, giving him the knowledge and the skills to neutralize nearly any opponent. Beyond all that, he is quite the dualist." Golden Eye informed Ace, "and than there's Asander, Rips twin brother."

Asander was a similar build to Rip but while his brother was pale, Asander was quite tan with white hair that he kept medium length at his ears.

Unlike his brother Asander seemed to be wearing regular cloths except for two gauntlets which Ace recognized as weapons Close quarter combat masters use. These particular gauntlets seemed to let out electrical bursts with every strike. Capable of neutralizing an opponent, rather they be mechanical or biological.

Ace saw why Asander felt he only needed those gauntlets when the boy disposed of more than a dozen trainer androids in what must have been no more than three seconds. Shocked, he turned to Golden Eye.

"Asander has flinting abilities?" he asked and Golden Eye gave him a sly smile.

"Oh his speed puts most flinters to shame. So far we know of no creature that can outpace him. However, he can only move at his full speed for a short burst, the rest of the time he has to move slower speeds. Otherwise he will exhaust himself to the point of passing out."

Ace could barely believe these kids were the same runts he brought to Tiberia. He wanted to rub his eyes but was afraid he might miss something. He cleared his throat before talking, "What did he excel at?"

"Asander excels at fighting large groups all at once. He is excellent for taking out multiple guards at once."

Ace let his eyes wander to another course to a girl with honey brown skin and black hair with blue highlights practically dancing around a training program to teach evasion techniques.

His jaw fell, this program would make even seasoned warriors sweat but here she was giggling as she casually pirouetted around the area dodging all manner of attacks.

"Ah, Mia our resident witch, her skills with foresight and magic make her a dangerous opponent indeed. Combine that with her incredible senses and you have an almost unbeatable combo." Golden Eye commented.

"Has she gotten any training from a mystic master yet?" Ace asked scrolling through her near unblemished record in the ring, "who has she lost to?" he added.

"The one they all lose to" Golden Eye responded and pointed to a tall, rather slim boy who had auburn hair. His eyes were hidden behind his bangs but Ace knew they'd be an extraordinary blue color that put sapphire to shame.

The same eyes his kind always had.

Those electric blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through you. He stood there casually reading a book while combat droids hammered on his shield. Than it suddenly dropped and they closed in. He held up his hand as if to confirm to Ace that he was in fact responsible for what happened next. He slowly clenched his fist causing the droids to fold into themselves until they were balls of sparking parts.

"underwhelming." the boy muttered.

"That is Darec. He has perfect scores in every discipline but magic. However as you can see he's an incredibly powerful telepath. little arrogant though..." Golden Eye explained than pointed toward two girls with their backs to another standing on wooden logs blocking balls that were being launched at them at high speeds.

These particular balls were designed for non lethal crowd control. They emit a numbing sensation upon impact that spreads to a persons whole body rendering most immobile. Any contact with the skin could cause this effect.

So the two girls had to be careful, one did this by telepathically reaching out and simply making a wall of the balls ensnared in her ability. Her hair and eyes matched Darec but unlike her sibling her face was full of passion and her eyes seemed like two sapphire stars.

The other, shorter girl had long blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail and magenta eyes. Both girls seemed to wear a similar outfit, both wore light battlesuits fitted tightly and sported utility belts much like Rip.

The blonde was using a sword Ace recognized as the legendary sword, The Akye.(?) The Akye had once belonged to a man named Dracul, a hero known across Corpon. It was obvious this blonde was Draculs daughter.

"Neira is Draculs daughter and that is Devika, sister of Darec and daughter of Skullrange. I'm sure you've guessed." Golden Eye inserted.

Ace chuckled, "Rip looks like his dad but less brooding than Grim. Asander looks like his mom." memories flooded Aces mind as he stared at these kids, "I'm sure Ragnarok panicked when he discovered he was having a daughter."

"How much you wanna bet Skullrange and Aine always knew they were having twins?" Golden Eye mused.

Ace laughed, "They knew. where's Marcus's boy and Al's treasure?"

"Malreki and Alessa are in the dueling ring trying to improve Alessas fighting capabilities."

Golden Eye directed Aces attention to two figures standing opposite of each other encircled by a glowing ring.

On one side of the ring stood a blonde haired boy with emerald, focused eyes. He seemed to be staring holes into his opponent as he adjusted his grip and stance preparing for the impending duel. Definitely the son of Marcus, Ace thought to himself. At the opposite side there stood a petite, pale girl with pitch black hair and slightly hid her yellow. In each hand she held three knives in her hand that seemed to be glowing.

The Duel started suddenly and Alessa moved first, throwing two blades at once with flick of her wrist and a third with another flick.

Malreki reacted as soon as Alessa began to move because he knew that's all the time he had.

By the time he had brought his sword up to protect his head, another came rushing toward his stomach which he was barely able to block with his hilt. He than rushed forward and Alessa backed away rapidly until she fell out of bounds.

Ace was ready to meet his team and he became aware these kids, these teens already outclassed many soldiers but they were trash as a unit.

The quit bell rang and Ace met the team in the common room of the locker rooms.

"Hello, I am your commander, Ace." he introduced himself before getting to his point, "Golden Eye has assigned you to me and me to you as subordinate and commanding officer but in order for this to work I need to construct a chain of command"

"Ooh ooh, can I be the leader" Mia raised her hand and bounced up and down rapidly.

"No, Neira is the leader until I say otherwise." Ace responded dryly.

"Hmph, misogynist!" Mia spat and pouted

"How am I a misogynist if I made Neira the leader?" Ace asked furrowing his brows, "besides I'm a bubbliphob."

Mia tilted her head in confusion than tilted the opposite way.

"What's a bubbliphob?"

"It means I'm prejudice against bubbly people"

Mia gasped and crossed her arms, "Hmph"

"Darec is second in command" Ace informed them which solicited a scoff from Darec.

"excuse me while I leap for joy" Darec quipped.

"leap on your own time" Ace retorted.

Rip chuckled a bit, "I'm assuming we have a mission."

Ace glanced at each team member, each a valuable part could they complete it?

"we do"