
Welcome Home!

*I've decided to try and move on with this story! This will be a prologue (sorry it's so long, still new to this) and I will be working on continuing the story! Thank you for reading 'Welcome Home'.:) A man with a spear and unrivaled grit, fighting for the fate of everything he knows, him falling could mean the death of everything around him...or worse. A woman with a sword she forged herself and terrifying reach. She continues to fight despite falling, failing, and trying so many times, just to move forward, and leave her past behind. A battle of their own rights and wrongs, no evil and no good, a battle of conviction. They stand on opposite sides of a bridge. A particularly long bridge. The perfect place for a duel. They both protect something, they both believe they are in the right, but who will win? Chavez, the spear bearer. A human who grew up In a village to the north, he grew up freezing almost every night, and with little food. He loved the people he grew up with despite his troubles, and cherished every moment like it was his last. While doing chores one day his entire village disappeared, there was no explanation, and no one helped him. He was alone for a long time after that, and had no idea how to continue on living, his town was effectively wiped off the map when he wasn't there, and all it took was a couple hours, when Chavez came homes one night, everything was simply...gone. Eventually he found the way to bring them back, or save them. He must cross this bridge. Selena, the forge master. A human girl from an imperial city to the south, an extremely hot plain. It was melting point for most metals as a temperature year round, and the city she grew up in was popular for its forges. Very rare weapons and armor came from this Imperial city, however, the city and surrounding areas often faced long droughts and could not grow food and keep water without wells drying out. Most people and their family's relied entirely on their ability to forge metals to trade for food and water or other necessaties. When it came time for Selena to forge her first sword however, she made something fierce, something she couldn't understand. A sword that took a part of her own soul to make. The sword itself required sacrifices to be completed, and unknowingly at the time, Selena ended up sacrificing the entire city to create the sword...the product? A weapon of mass destruction. In order to right the wrongs she created, she must attain a spell of time reversal, she was hired by someone who is capable of giving such a thing...the emperor. She must not let anyone cross this bridge.

GamerZ_999 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Her Reaction?

Selena was not ready for something at such a speed. She had expected the man to walk across the bridge and meet her in the middle before they began their fight, after all, she was in no rush. If the emperor could really reverse time, then all she need do is kill the man that was before her, no matter how long it took.

She had braced herself incase something happened by planting her feet into the ground, but something at this speed, if it connected with her, would tear her upper body off with zero resistance. Selena did not have the reflexes necessary to dodge or block this spear, it would kill her if it hit her.

Her sword however, had a soul of its own due to taking in so many souls from others, and everything had a soul. To take somethings soul was to cease its existence. If it was made from anything natural, it was possible to steal its soul. The concrete the bridge is made out of for example, is made from rock that is natural, in other words, it had a soul. Selenas blade could not only eat bits and pieces of soul from things it cut, it could manipulate the soul of something it cut.

Selenas sword lay at her hip, sheathed. The sheathe itself barely held together by magic and dragons bones, that's just how sharp the blade was. It was a special sword, not just because of its abilitys of soul cutting, or its sharpness and edge, but also because of its insane reach. It lay on her hip at approximately 63 inches. One would think that such a sword may be impossible to wield in battle, but Selena could do it.

As if the blade took control of Selenas soul and moved her arms, the blade escaped its sheathe and merely pointed forward. The spear followed immediately after the blade was raised and was cleaved in half several feet before even touching the blade.

Another special attribute of the sword. Through the souls and amount of soul it takes in at once, it can increase its length. The increased length is of course invisible to the naked eye, even Selena couldn't see it, she had to keep track of how much length she was putting on the blade, and to expel the length (or soul) that she did not want. The blades name was Spectre, it was named because of this ability.

The spear was cleaved in half and sent to both sides of Selena, arcing downwards and hitting the concrete.

The halfs of the spear completely vanished under the concrete, a testimate to the power the spear bearer held. Selena was shocked of course, she hadn't reacted to the spear in time, it was the blade that did, Selena hadn't even seen it coming, she could only hear the scream of the spear as it got closer, but it only took a moment for the spear to reach her.

Just a couple seconds later, 'Spectre' readjusted itself to the left of Selena and twitched. Suddenly there were 2 more halves of a spear in the ground next to Selena. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, this spear must have been faster then the 1st, and more powerful as well, because this time she heard the spear halves exit the bottom of the bridge, and that's only half of the spear, if the full thing hit her, what would it do to her?

Selena did have armor on of course, mostly made of bamboo and wood however, she was afraid that if she tried making a suit of armor from metal as she did her blade, the same result would have occurred, that was the last thing she wanted. The armor she wore could probably only take one of those spears, and that's a big maybe.