
the world - introduction

There was a time when there was no industry. There was no polution nor were there any bad people. Greenery and mud houses of people all around. People used to cook on earthen chulas.There were palaces of kings at some distance. The soul and God took birth on this land, which is still named in history. But after the year when Lord Krishna left the world, Kali Yuga started. People started getting greedy and started committing violence. The owner started working with the servant by whipping loudly.Most people have forgotten the teachings given by the saint god. Many thousands of years later, the British began to rule over half the countries.He started enslaving people and started working forcefully. He did a lot of injustice to the public. Call Jaliwale Garden Punjab here and sleep them to death. The loud voice of the ripples . They killed the people. All the newspapers in the country mocked the sentiments of people praising the murder case. On one side people started crying and on the other side the British started laughing That's why the anger of the revolutionaries increased . And because of some revolutionaries today we are free from slavery of Britist . But after Britist's departure, many industries became. Did not know that man would be so bad. People polluted the environment . In the year 2020, a new virus came out named Corona virus. It is believed that it is a zoolotic virus, which spreads from animals to humans. This virus was worsening the condition of many countries. People were therefore very tempted.

To know the next story, see the next chapter,

The purpose of my story is not to hurt anyone's feelings. I have created this story to convince people about the importance of nature.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

rutukhocreators' thoughts