
Weightless - A One Piece FanFic

It is only once a man reaches rock bottom that he can forge a will strong enough to climb to the peak. Carter was one such man. After wasting his chance at life, he died with many regrets, but that was not the end for him. Join him as he strives to become the strongest and reach the peak of One Piece. OC/Bonney. Cover Art by Ikki Lopez

Dysleksik · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Time Skip

~~5 Year Time Skip~~

A 13-year-old boy with long black hair down to just past his shoulder blades and golden eyes could be seen running along a path around a field with nary a drop of sweat on him. Every single step he took shook the ground and rattled the grass around him as he sprinted around and around. His shirtless form moved with perfect control, with hardly a movement wasted and his lungs and heart worked in tandem to ensure that his body maintained maximum efficiency.

It was already well into the afternoon, and Carter found himself still running at the same pace as he was this morning. On earth, massive stamina was not very important as humans had a very set limit. Here however, in this new world, Humans could continue to fight at maximum capacity for more than ten days in a row, without any sleep. After realizing this, Carter decided to dedicate one day of the week to purely training stamina. He started off with running for as long as he could with his normal weight, and when he was about to drop from exhaustion, he would lower the weight.

Now, Carter no longer needed to lower his weight. In fact, Carters normal body weight was only about 65 kilograms, but his current weight was enhanced to 1250kg. He had been running since before the sun came up, stopping only once every 2 or so hours to get a drink from near the waterfall. He has already run over 1000km, or a million meters. He managed to maintain a pace of 10km every 6 minutes for the last 10 hours straight. Running 1000km would have been considered an impossible feat on earth, but here it felt almost easy, even with the added weight.

He had been running on this path for 5 years, which can be easily seen by the fact that all the earth under where he has been running has been compacted down into almost an almost solid material that is half a meter below the rest of the field.

Although Carter had gained a massive amount of strength, due to his varied workouts like his stretches and various bodyweight calisthenics exercises his body has not gained the form of a body builder and is still slim, though covered in heavily corded muscles.

Carter had just finally finished reading the journal of Garlan D. Florian, as he had decided on only reading one entry per day at most. This allowed him to not run out of the story, as it was like rereading one piece for the first time. The story followed what felt like arcs every time their crew arrived at an island, something new would happen. The story spoke of the disgusting attitude of the world nobles, the evilness of the few pirates sailing the seas, and how everywhere they went they had amazing fights with strong people.

The story spoke of how they fought against the world government agents and were overwhelmed by the agents' superior techniques, so they focused on mimicking them with some training manuals written within the journal. Although Carter believed he could figure these out for himself, the help of a predecessor's experiences with training these techniques will speed up his comprehension of the techniques.

The journal went on to speak about the new world, and the dangers of going there, as well as a basic method of how Garlan D. Florian trained haki, as he had to struggle to learn it by himself with no proper teacher, as did the rest of his crew. The journal also mentioned how learning the governments techniques can help increase how well someone is able to learn haki, which Carter already knew some of from the show.

He has continued to shadowbox every day for the last 5 years, slowly learning how to incorporate kicks into his fighting style and focusing on keeping his body constantly flexible and moving so that he can dodge any attack coming at him.

He had continued with his fist strengthening as well, already moving up to stone. He found that his body adapted very quickly to the sand, and it only took a little over a month before it stopped hurting anymore. He then moved up to a soft wood from a dead tree nearby and punched that for 4 months before his fist no longer got any more damage from it. From there he moved to the biggest and thickest tree he could find, punching it non-stop with as much force as he could. This tree managed to damage his fist for years and his fist only became strong enough to handle it within the last 6 months. He then moved onto stone, going to the cliff face underneath the waterfall and punching it to enhance his fists. His fists were now in almost constant agony after every session, but he knew it was worth it as he would someday soon be able to flatten mountains by himself.

Everything he is doing now is just to help him form a strong foundation before his puberty truly hits, as he knows that his greatest chance for growth is throughout the years from when he is 14 to 19, as that will be the time where his body gains the most natural growth.

Tomorrow will be the day he starts training the Rokushiki techniques, incorporating his own training methods with Garlan D. Florian's advice, to create what he believes is a fast method to mastering them. Even if the training is entirely masochistic. For Soru, Geppo, and Rankyaku it is not so bad, as he has already got most of the leg strength that should be required, but for Tekkai, Shigan, and Kami-e he needs to train from scratch.

For Soru and Geppo he can change his weight to a low weight and learn them both that way, as both require someone to move fast and be capable of kicking the ground or air multiple times in an instant. With a leg that weighs only 100grams in would be super easy to kick that many times, and Carter can then just increase the weight. For Rankyaku he just needs to practice putting intent into his kick and performing an incredibly strong and fast kick at a target in the distance. Because of the power requirement, weight of the leg is important, so Carter needs to use his regular weight for this at the very least.

For Tekkai, Carter decided to make use of the waterfall nearby. He does not have any sparring partners on the island, as all the animals he has come across are far too weak. They are all reminiscent of animals back on Earth. In fact, if carter didn't get his hand on the devil fruit or on Florian's journal, he would have believed himself to be on a regular island on Earth.

Using the waterfall, he can practice tensing his muscles to enhance his defense. He won't be able to use it to gain super strong defense as the power of the waterfall is limited, though each drop of water is similar to a bullet, they are still quite weak in the One-Piece world. They will still be a good way to learn the basics of Tekkai.

Shigan will require Carter to restart his fist strengthening practice with his fingers, however because of his practice strengthening his fists his fingers have all been passively strengthened at the same time.

Finally, Kami-e will be perhaps the hardest and the easiest to learn. It requires one to relax their entire body making it float on the breeze as if it were paper, flowing around enemy attacks. The Kiro kiro no mi can allow Carter to float on the wind without the technique, but he can not currently float around attacks. Without anyone actively attacking him he can not learn the technique properly, though he could probably practice trying to float on the wind at slightly higher weights until he can do it at his normal weight.

Another thing that Carter needs to add into his training is devil fruit mastery, as he knows that they can be awakened.

'Doflamingo's awakening allowed him to turn an entire island into his strings, what would my kiro kiro no mi allow me to do?' Carter asked himself. 'Perhaps it will allow me to change my weight with even greater efficiency, to go below 1kg or about ten thousand. Or perhaps it will allow me to change the weight of everyone around me, making them stronger or weaker at my own discretion.'

He would train it for now by trying to increase or decrease his weight by massive amounts in the shortest amount of time possible. If he can change his weight to ten thousand kg in the middle of a fight for just an instant that he hits someone, then turn his weight back to 1kg to disappear with a super-fast soru, he would be almost invincible.

He has stopped bothering to set up times to go hunting recently, as he is now fast enough to just run in to the forest and find something, then kill it with one punch, and carry it back home to eat it. He has also become exceptionally good at setting fires and can now create one in only a few seconds using friction from the sticks.

Recently, he had found out where the island he is on right now is. At the very end of Garlan D. Florian's journal, he stated that he had found a beautiful, secluded island within the calm belt between the grand line and south blue. The island has obviously not been visited since before Florian died, so how secluded it is was not over exaggerated.

Throughout the last 5 years, he started finding himself going stir crazy with no body to talk to, so he started talking to himself to keep his voice working. After a while of thinking that might not be the healthiest way to go about it, he decided to start singing songs from back on earth while he was training, to ensure that when he leaves this island, he doesn't have a problem like his voice sounding like a dying frog from not being used in 9 years.

~~4 Year Time Skip~~

Standing on the peak of a tall mountain in the early morning was a handsome man with luscious black hair in a single ponytail flowing down behind him to his knees. He wore nothing but a pair of old leather pants, that reached from his waist down to his ankles, with the rest of his body seemingly shining under the sun's rays. His deceptively powerful musculature was impressively defined, with not a shred of fat on his lean body.

Within the last 4 years he had already mastered Soru and Geppo, while receiving some proficiency in Tekkai, Shigan, Rankyaku, and Kami-e. He had managed to increase the weight he increases himself to while running up to ten thousand kilograms and run for ten hours straight.

His devil fruit training had come along fairly well, as he could now instantly change his weight to anything within the range of 1kg to 10'000kg. He could also change the weight of things that he can hold that are not too much larger than his body. For example, he could change the weight of a large backpack, but if were to try it on a whole tree he would be unable to.

He had also read through all the books available to him within the cabin. This gave him a basic knowledge of all things required to sail. He would be able to easily do all the jobs on a crew within one of the blue seas, but he doesn't have anywhere near the knowledge or skill required for the upkeep of a ship in the grand line. For example, he can navigate just fine within a blue sea, but he would likely sink a ship on the first day in paradise. The same can be said for being a ship builder or a chef.

Now, he knew it was time to leave this island. He had been here for 9 years, and his body is now 17 or 18 years old. The reason he is leaving is because he has plateaued on the training front for the last year of his stay here. He has been focusing on trying to unlock the various forms of Haki but has not managed even the slightest bit of either. He has no strong opponents here and the words of a man long dead are not enough to teach him even the basics. His training in the styles of the Rokushiki have slowed to a near halt as he has no one to use them against to improve.

The basics of the situation is, he needs to fight to continue improving. There is no way for a blade to continue getting sharper if the whetstones are too weak to sharpen it anymore.

"Thank you, my home, for allowing me to stay here for the last 9 years. In the future, should you stay as my sanctuary I would love to return once more once I have fulfilled both of my dreams." Carter whispered into the wind, with love evidently present in his voice.

He was extremely fond of this place, its beauty still surprising him every time he saw it. Looking down towards the clearing he has lived in for the last 9 years, he could see his small house that he built with his own hands.

After learning Rankyaku, Carter decided to make use of the carpentry skills his father had instilled in him since young to create a new house, to call his own. A beautiful rustic wooden cabin with multiple floors, and a large deck surrounding the entire house. There is a large area he created out the back with stones that he had flattened down surrounding a large fire pit. Gardens coated in beautiful flowers line the outside of the entire deck surrounding the house. Created entirely from natural materials, the house looks like it fits right in amongst the natural beauty of the island.

He worked for the last 4 years on making that house into the home it is today, but now he knew he must leave, yet he wasn't sad. He knew that this island will always be his home, no matter what may happen in his journeys.

Carter walked close to the edge of the cliff before turning around, closing his eyes, and leaning back off the edge of the cliff, entering a freefall towards the ground below him. After 3 seconds he span around so his abs were facing the ground with his hair flying up into the air behind him, before he simultaneously switched his weight to 1kg and kicked the air under his foot 24 times.

Instantly disappearing from his spot, he reappeared less than a second later over a kilometer away, in a due south direction. As he was in the calm belt, to get to south blue he would need to head due south for about 60 kilometers, or for only a minute.

Quickly entering the airspace above south blue, he immediately noticed the difference in weather. While the calm belt had not a single bit of wind or waves, south blue had a constant refreshing breeze blowing against his face, and waves flowing everywhere below him. Deciding to just keep heading south, Carted once more disappeared.

~Line Break~

On a small island near the north of the South Blue called Shrewshall Refuge, a pirate crew was attacking a small village consisting of about 200 civilians. The town has always been peaceful and had never had to deal with pirates as there is a marine base only a ten-minute sail away from it, and no pirate has been bold enough to attack it before.

"Gather their riches! Take their Women! All of it is ours now, and if you try to stop us, The Purplebeard Pirates will wipe you all out!" Screamed a 2-and-a-half-meter tall muscular man with purple hair and a purple beard.

Purplebeard is a pirate who had sailed the grand line for years and was almost ready to go to the new world, but he decided to take his crew back to his home sea of South Blue to train them some more before they head over to the new world, as well as increase their notoriety. Purplebeard not only had a powerful devil fruit called the Roba Roba no mi, or Rob Rob Fruit, but he also has a 300-million-Berry bounty, as well as a minor achievement in Busoshoku Haki.

(Purplebeard by EmperorSigma, I wrote part of this before looking it up to check if Purplebeard was a canon character. I decided to make him one in my story)

~Line Break~

Carter arrived above this small town to the smell of smoke and blood, and the sounds of screams and begs for mercy.

'What are the chances the first town I come upon will be being ransacked,' he thought, as he Soru'd behind one of the pirates he could see about to bring a sword down on an unarmed man.

With a casual wave of his hand, he hit the pirate in the temple knocking him out before he once more disappeared.

A similar scene was visible throughout the entire battlefield, as he considered these pirates too weak to even bother with training against. After knocking out the thirty-second pirate in the same way, he came across someone that seemed to be a lot stronger than the rest of the riffraff.

At only 6 foot 3 inches tall, Carter was far shorter than Purplebeard who towered almost half a meter above him.

'This guy looks like he might be more of a challenge' Thought Carter as he actively decided to hold back. 'I will only use my fighting technique and hold back my strength and speed, as well as not using and Rokushiki.' However, Carter may soon regret such a decision.

With Purplebeard still calling out his name, it was easy for Carter to figure out who he was, so he walked straight towards Purplebeard and called out acting as a savior "Purplebeard, how dare you attack these innocent civilians, I will stop you right here and now!"

Turning towards Carter, a vicious gleam appeared in Purplebeard's Eyes as he laughed derisively. "Gurarahahaha! A little twerp like you wants to try to stop me, the great Purplebeard? Gurarahahah!"

Carter immediately ran at Purplebeard at a rather slow pace, throwing a weak punch straight at Purplebeard's face, which was parried easily. Purplebeard returned with one of his strongest attacks right at Carters face.

Carter, from that one punch, realized the extent of Purplebeards current strength, and adjusted his own to be just underneath his. Carter then moved in with a flurry of boxing moves towards Purplebeards chest, as well as kicks aiming to knock him off balance, but all his attacks were blocked or parried.

Carter didn't even realize he was getting slower, and weaker, as he was acting so much weaker than he normally is, but he did notice when was caught of guard by Purplebeard suddenly moving much faster than he was before. Purplebeards savage punch clocked Carter right in his face, knocking him back a few steps, as he was confused as to what was going on. Readjusting, and trying to stop holding back as much so he could match Purplebeard once more he was caught off guard as Purplebeard suddenly got stronger and faster once more.

"Gurarahahaha! Twerp, you will never be able to beat me, I ate the Roba Roba no mi, I am a Robbery Human and can steal anything, including your strength and speed! The more we fight, the stronger I get and the weaker you get! Gurarahahaha!"

Carter, realizing on his first day off his island that he had already underestimated an opponent in his first bout, immediately lowered his weight to 1kg and disappeared in a soru, only to reappear where Purplebeard once was.

Purplebeard on the other hand also disappeared, only to find himself unconscious 50 meters down the street. Carter immediately felt his strength increase back to what it was before he had some strength stolen and breathed an inward sigh of relief.

'I already knew that devil fruits were a thing but underestimated them still. I thought I was invincible and would never be beaten, but even a random weak pirate in one of the blues was able to almost catch me off guard, so I must be more careful from now on.' He thought, unaware that Purplebeard could almost be considered a New World pirate already.

Although Carter has good strength, speed, and technique, he does not yet have Haki so he can not fight against some of the more obscure devil fruits. He could have one of the strongest punches in the world, but it would be useless if he was turned into a toy in a single touch.

Not to mention logia fruits. His strength would be completely useless against a person that he was unable to touch.

Carter had held back, and only hit him with a slow soru and 500kg combo, and yet he was still knocked out instantly, as he was caught completely off guard.

He had already cleared out all the pirates in the area and decided to go around helping people. He had already decided to be a bounty hunter, or maybe a pirate later down the line, but that didn't mean he was so heartless that he wasn't going to help people in need of help.

He soru'd around looking for people who needed help, and providing whatever assistance he could, like putting out fires, carrying injured to the doctors, or carrying the pirates down to the dock. He had already talked to the town mayor and a battleship of marines was called to come pick up the pirates.

After 20 minutes, a marine warship finally sailed into the docks of the town. Pulling up in front of the pile of pirates, they moored to the deck before dropping the gang plank and charging off with guns in their hands. As Carter was the one standing in the center, between where he had placed the pile of weak pirates and their captain, all the marines pointed their guns, and a more official looking man yelled out "Put your hands up, Pirate Scum!" at Carter.

Confused for a second, Carter stood there staring blankly at the man before he reiterated "HANDS UP NOW!"

Already fed up with this cliché situation before it started, Carter just said "Really, you come after the pirates are dealt with, and then you attempt to attack the bounty hunter that stopped this? Is that really how you want to play this situation, Captain?"

Before hostilities could escalate, the town mayor rushed out from the side and jumped between the marines and Carter, and said "Wait, this is the one who helped the town, don't point your weapons at him."

"Honestly," Carter said, "I don't really care for all of this, I just want the bounties on these pirates, and then I will be on my way." He then proceeded to stand to the side and ignore the marines as he talked to some of the townspeople, making sure they were alright.

"Fine!" The captain yelled after some deliberation with his subordinates, "I'll write you an order to show that you have handed over this pirate, but we don't have the cash for such a bounty, so you will need to head to the base on the Martial Archipelago." The captain pulled out a sheet to fill out with details so that Carter could take to a different marine base.

"What is your name kid, I need it to put it on this receipt so that you can get the money from them."

'What should I say? My regular name would be backwards, and Reid Carter sounds weird, so maybe…'

"Rei D. Carter." He replied.

"D. Huh, whatever, take it." The marine captain said before shoving the receipt in Carters hand and stomping off.

'Hmm, He must be one of those – If they're not a marine, they're a pirate – people. Must just hate all bounty hunters' Carter thought.

Holding the bounty receipt, he asked the mayor to show him a map of south blue, so he could find out where he needed to go to receive the money from this bounty. He had previously read the "World Geography" book within the cabin, but that didn't mean he had memorized the exact location of every island in the seas. He wanted the money to buy some proper clothes as he had spent the last 9 years wearing clothing that belonged to man who had died a long time ago.

Thinking of that, Carter realized he also needed to find out the date, so he asked the mayor if he had a newspaper from this week, so he could get an accurate read on the current date.

'Year 1519. Seemingly close to the main storyline' thought Carter, though I'm not sure of the exact dates of the series, this means I should at least have some Idea what is happening.

Carter then said goodbye to the towns people as he prepared to head off.

"Thank you, young man, you are the savior of our town!" exclaimed the mayor.

"If you are ever in the area, swing by my bar, you can drink on the house." Said a pretty red-haired lady.

"Same with my restaurant." Said a fat man in a food-stained white shirt.

"Thank you all for your thoughts, but I will have to decline, If I ever return, I will be paying for anything I buy. I am not a pirate after all." Carter said, before disappearing in a weightless soru combo.

~Line Break~

Appearing high in the air above the Martial Archipelago 15 minutes later, Carter disappeared in one more Soru landing on the street down in front of a large Marine Base. Walking into the bounty area near the front of the base, Carter smiled at the young officer sitting at the desk and handed him the sheet before saying "Hey there, I have a bounty from the J-12 base to cash in."

The officer smiled back, before looking down at the pirate's name on the bounty receipt and paling instantly. He then shot up from his desk and said as he rushed out the door "S-sorry, I need to double check this with the base."

Carter stood there dumbfounded for about 15 minutes before, finally, an older officer walked back in the door, with a large bag on his shoulder.

"Young man, I have the payment here" he said, patting the bag, "But before that I need some ID, your face doesn't match any in our system"

"I'm a new bounty hunter," Carter replied, "Is there a problem?"

"No problem at all, I just need to create a new bounty hunter ID for you. We need to ensure we aren't paying money out to criminals, after all. This will be entered into all our systems so that you can go to any base and use your card to confirm your identity." He stated, as he quickly put in all of Carters details. "I can give you half of the payment now, but I will have to hold onto the other half until your ID is finished being created, so If you could come back in two days, you can pick them both up."

Carter thought about it for a moment, before nodding his head and saying, "Okay, I will be back in two days then." Before he walked out the door and headed back out to the street with the bag on his shoulder.

'Now to find some new clothing, and a place to stay for the next few days' Though Carter. With his speed he could easily return to his island in a couple hours, but he decided he wouldn't go back until his dreams were fulfilled.

"Dreams" is now plural, as he had spent the last 9 years thinking about what he wants with his life. Firstly, he still wants to complete his original dream, but it is now so much bigger than before. Carter wants his name to be synonymous with strength. To take over the position as the strongest man in the world. Before he only wanted the

His second dream is more inspired by his loneliness. In his first life, he had spent 5 years with no-one but his mother as company. He held himself up in his room for 3 years straight, ordering anything he could need online. For the following 2 years, he had done nothing but train his body to the limits every day, so he had no time for a social life.

He wants companionship. He wants a group of people that he could truly call friends. But most of all, his second dream is to find a woman who he can give his whole heart to, and who he will be able to receive endless affection from. This dream will be either the easiest, or the hardest. It would be simple for him to find a random woman to dedicate himself to, but to do that would be incredibly pathetic.

If he is to become the strongest man in the world, he will create a lot of enemies, so the woman he ends up with will have to be able to handle the heat of the worlds anger. He doesn't want a repeat of Portgas D. Rouge after all and have the woman he loves end up killing herself in trying to protect his child. She will need strength, but also personality. This means he can't just find a random powerful woman to marry, as he wants to be able to experience true love, not just animal lust.

Carter continued to head down the street, looking at lots of different shops. The town this Marine Base is set in is very prosperous, as it is one of the largest bases in the entire South Blue. The Martial Archipelago consists of a series of 8 different Islands. The one he is on now is Karate Island, the largest of the Archipelago.

These islands are each known for their different fighting styles, and their many different fighting dojos. People travel from all over the world to the Martial Archipelago to compete with their martial arts, to try to prove that theirs is the best.

The other islands are Jiu-Jitsu Island, Kung Fu Island, Judo Island, Taekwondo Island, Muay Thai Island, Boxing Island, and Capoeira Island.

Contests are often held between the islands, to prove whose martial prowess is superior, which is used as a tourist attraction bringing rich merchants and nobles from around south blue to spectate.

Due to this, the Martial Archipelago is a hub of merchants, with products from all over the world available. The clothing stores alone are varied, with styles from every country from the blues, and even most of the grand line.

Finding a higher end clothing store, Carter went in to try to find a nice outfit to wear. He decided to stick to the logic of this world and pick one outfit to wear for a long time, so that he would be easily recognizable.

An hour later, Carter walked back out of the store more exhausted than he had been in years and with only two thirds of the money he entered with. There were three tailors working in the store, helping ensure the clothes fit anyone who wants to buy. All of their eyes lit up when Carter came into the store, as he looked like a gem covered in mud, who could easily be polished into something beautiful with just a small clothing change.

He now wore a pair of baggy white pants, and an open white vest, with a golden lining. He wore a pair of red skintight silk gloves that covered up to just below his elbow, connected to only his thumb and middle finger by golden rings will all of his fingers left uncovered.

His feet were covered in the same material, up to where his pants started, connected to his second toe by a golden toe ring. A martial artist belt of the same crimson as his gloves was wrapped around his waist, holding up his pants and holding his whole outfit together. His arms also had golden bands tightly around both biceps, and golden bangles loosely around each wrist, as well as large golden earrings. The last thing he had on was a broad golden wesekh inlaid with beautiful rubies that match the color of gloves. A wesekh is a type of broad collar that was popular in ancient Egypt, and is what pharaohs wore.

(A.N: Reference for his image, google search "Black Survival Zahir")

He had multiple sets of the exact same clothing within his bag, so that he could change out and wash them as needed, but only a single set of the golden jewelry. He had spent an exorbitant amount of money on it, probably far more than it was worth, but he really did like the way he looked now. The golden jewelry matches perfectly with his eyes, and the red and white clothing gives him a heroic look reminiscent of the marine's famous white jackets.

Although he was proud of his current martial technique, with punches and kicks that could easily break the sound barrier, he didn't believe it would be enough to face off against stronger pirates on the grand line. He decided it would be a good idea to spend the next two years here in the south blue, continuing his training. Now, instead of just training by himself, he would be challenging every dojo on the ocean, to learn as much martial arts as possible. If he develops enough technique, he will be prepared for any situation in the future.

He also needs to continue training his 6 powers techniques. Although he has mastered Soru and Geppo and has some decent accomplishment in the other 4 powers, there are some aspects he is only able to train with other people's help. He will need to participate in many fights to train Kami-e and Tekkai, so that he can improve his blocking and dodging skills, and his Rankyaku and Shigan practice needs to continue so that he can use other body parts to perform them. If he could use his arms to perform a Rankyaku, any random swing of his arms could become an attack similar to a swordsman, while mastering Shigan will allow him to add it to any of his weighted Soru attacks, creating an unstoppable spear attack that could pierce anything.

Carter was of the belief that if you need to rely on outside help to be the strongest, you are not really the strongest. For example, he would never use a Raid suit create by Germa, as if they are taken away, he would be left weak. In the same vein, he plans to turn his whole body into a weapon comparable to the 12 supreme grade weapons, so that he will never lose. It is already shown in the One-Piece series that a devil fruit is not required to be strong. Some of the very strongest characters had no devil fruit and they showed immense strength. For example, Garp could crush entire islands with a single punch in his prime, and shanks master of haki allowed him to stand against just about anyone.

He decided to set up Karate Island as his main base for now, as it was the center of the south blue, and he could travel anywhere within south blue in a couple of hours from here. He decided to spend the rest of his money, after he picks it up, on securing a mansion to use as a home base. He would be here for quite a while, so he wants to be comfortable and have a secluded space where he can continue his training.

Either way, with money so easy to gather from bounties, why should he hold back on spending his money.