
Weightless - A One Piece FanFic

It is only once a man reaches rock bottom that he can forge a will strong enough to climb to the peak. Carter was one such man. After wasting his chance at life, he died with many regrets, but that was not the end for him. Join him as he strives to become the strongest and reach the peak of One Piece. OC/Bonney. Cover Art by Ikki Lopez

Dysleksik · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Carter'd Away

I do not own One Piece or any other works that I may have referenced or took inspiration from. They all belong to their respective Authors.

~3 Week Time Skip~

Sabaody Archipelago. Within a restaurant, a black-haired man in white and red and a pink haired woman with a green captain's hat sat at a table, with food piled up in front of them, and waiters rushing back and forth to take away empty plates and replace them with full ones.

They had already been on Sabaody for well over a week and every day they would go to different restaurants, eating all the food they have and then leaving. They had heard rumors of a lot of other pirates with bounties above one hundred million arriving, but they hadn't met any of them yet.

Today was just Bonney and Carter, because Leone and Spencer wanted to go to the theme park. Leone had officially taken Spencer under her wing, forcing him to call her "Onee-Chan" all the time, like a little brother.

Finishing up their food, Carter and Bonney started walking out of the restaurant, to screams of "You haven't paid enough." Just ignoring them, they continued on.

They came out into a main street in the middle of the grove, looking further ahead, Carter immediately disappeared onto a rooftop nearby, to not have to deal with the bullshit going on.

Down on the street below, he could see a World Noble sitting on the back of a slave, being carried along the street. He was surrounded by marines, bodyguards, and other slaves.

Looking up and down the street, Carter immediately recognised multiple on the street. There was his somewhat fan, Scratchman Apoo, Basil Hawkins, Capone Bege, and of course, Roronoa Zoro walking down the middle of the street, drinking some Sake.

Bonney looked around for a second, confused as to where Carter went, before seeing the situation up the street. She knew how much he hated the World Nobles, and how hard he has had to hold himself back from cutting them up where they stand.

As someone with a fully functional moral compass from the modern world, he despises slavery of any kind. In fact, he despises people who harm regular civilians for no reason. The fact that the ones enslaving people are creatures that are so disgusting that it is hard to even look at them means he despises them even more.

As Bonney was watching, she saw some idiotic green haired swordsman walking straight toward the World Noble, as if he didn't know what was happening. When she saw him trying to cut the noble up, she immediately rushed him and tackled him to the ground while in her little girl form, calling out "ONIII-CHAN! Why did you die?"

Carter was just watching from above in amusement. He knew the guy would get beaten up later on by Luffy, but he still kind of wanted to smash the ugly nobles face in anyway. He waited for the noble to leave the street, before jumping down off of the building and landing next to Zoro and Bonney.

Bonney immediately stood up from where she crouched next to Zoro. As she grew to her full adult height, she spun around and threw he strongest Busoshoku enhanced kick at Carter. Although he blocked, his feet left divots in the ground from sliding back.

"Why tha hell didya leave me to deal with that crap?" She asked angrily.

"Should have been paying more attention, Captain." He said with a chuckle as he walked back over.

"And you, What the hell do ya think ya doin? You trying to attract an admiral here?" She said to Zoro.

"Hmmm, Tomato juice?" Zoro mumbled.

"If you are a pirate you should know the unwritten rules of being a pirate, Don't get us caught up in your trouble! Bastard!"

"Trouble? Who are you, wasn't there a kid?" Zoro asked, as clueless as ever.

"Give the guy a break, Bonney. They just arrived here today and probably don't know about the bubble heads yet." Carter said.

"Whatever. Just don't get us in trouble," she said as she and Carter walked away.

Behind them they could here Zoro ask, "Where is the hospital?"

As they were walking away, Carter was talking to Bonney seriously, "With people like him on the island, it is only a matter of time until one of them gets attacked. We should get ready to leave, Captain."

"To the New World?" She asked Curiously.

"No, we are not ready. I am still too weak to protect the whole crew in the New World, so we need to spend some time training everyone. There is an island Due south of here, in the Calm Belt. I scouted it yesterday, and it should be perfect for training on."

"And how are we supposed to get there?" She asked.

"Ginette should be able to move through the Calm Belt now by herself, and she should be ignored by other Sea Kings, because she technically is one herself." Carter said, fairly certain of his hypothesis.

"It will take a day to fully stock up though, Carter. We will leave tomorrow morning." Bonney said with Finality.

Her goal was to find her father, and if that took an extra two years because she is too weak currently, so be it.

"Sure, I had something I wanted to do this afternoon, anyway." Carter said.

~Line Break~

That Afternoon, in an auction house in Grove 1 of the Sabaody Archipelago, Carter sat in the back right of the Auction House, watching with disgust as people were being sold to the highest bidder.

In the center of the auction house was a private box with 2 bubbleheaded World Nobles, and a Bubble headed dog.

At the back of the auction house, he could see a group of pirates, lead by a man he recognised. Trafalgar D. Water Law, "The Surgeon of Death". A man described as incredibly vicious, to the point where he was even feared by the other members of the Worst Generation.

A little while later, he observed as a group of Straw Hat pirates came barging in with Hatchan and Papagu and took a spot at the top to wait for Luffy to arrive, and to try to buy Camie first.

He watched with annoyance as another World Noble showed up, the same one from earlier to be exact, and walked in like he owned the place. Finally, he saw Camie for the first time, as she was wheeled out in front of the room.

When Luffy crashed through the front door on the Flying fish, Carter knew it was about time to act. His anger and annoyance towards the World Nobles were growing by the day. He couldn't go out and just punch one as that would bring an Admiral down on him, but if there is an Admiral coming anyway, why would he hold back?

Luffy stalked toward Camie to try to free her but was held back by Hatchan. After trying to pull him back for a while with two arms to no avail, he reached out his other four arms to get a better grip, exposing himself as a fishman.

The racism of everyone within the auction house was disgusting to watch, but then, what should he expect from a group of enslavers. In Carters opinion, all of the people here deserved to die. They all came here for the express purpose of buying people.

When Hachan was shot by the bubblehead, Carter clenched his fist while waiting. He knew it was coming soon. His chance to finally beat the shit out of one of the World Nobles. He didn't want to be the one to make the first move, as that would mean the admiral arriving is his fault, but the second is still pretty good.

When Luffy finally punched Charlos, and sent him flying through multiple benches, Carter couldn't help it. While everyone around was screaming in fear of retaliation from the remaining World Nobles, Carter broke out in gleeful laughter. The laughter wasn't heard by most in the hall, only Trafalgar D. Water Law ended up hearing and looking over towards him in curiosity.

Carter waited for everyone to run out, and for the people to leave while he tried to stop chuckling. Once they had, he slowly stood up and walked toward the box in the center, filled with the still irate World Nobles.

"Rei-ya, what do you think you are doing?" Law called out quietly.

A massive grin split Carters face as he chuckled some more, "There is already an Admiral on his way here, why hold back now?"

The Straw-hat Pirates were all fighting against their own opponents, taking down the guards of both the auction house and the World Nobles quite easily, as Law just sat in his seat observing.

Just then, 2 more Flying Fish came crashing through the roof, depositing Devil Child Nico Robin, and Soul King Brook into the middle of the fight.

Arriving in front of the box of the World Nobles, Carter zeroed in on the father of Charlos, Saint Roswald. Although he wasn't against punching women, he still preferred not hit a weak woman until they had done something to truly make him angry. He hadn't seen this woman do anything but be a World Noble, so he decided to aim for Roswald.

He was Charlos's father after all, so he is definitely just as bad, if not worse than him. Carter hopped up onto the front of the box, staring down at the World Noble, before lifting his hand high up in the air and yelling out,

"GRANDDDD LINEEEE, SMMMMMAAAAASSHHHHHHH!!!!!" And hitting him in the face so hard that he crashed through all the benches up to the back of the hall and got embedded in the back wall.

The entire hall went deathly silent, the Straw-hats just as shocked at what just happened. They knew that Luffy would likely punch a World Noble, but they never thought another pirate would come and attack one as well.

"Hahhh." Carter sighed in relief, "That was so cathartic. I can't believe I managed to hold on for so long."

"Th-They attacked Saint Roswell as well, d-damn pirates!" one guard growled out.

The lady noble just stood staring at Carter, completely disbelieving what he had done. She had spent her entire life believing herself and her family to be at the top of the world, yet this plebian cur just attacked her noble father.

"Wh-who is th-that?" Chopper asks, while attending to Hachan's injury.

"Rei D. Carter, worth 108 million" Robin said, while simultaneously using Clutch on multiple guards. "He is one of the 10 pirates on Sabaody right now with a bounty of over 100 million. Though do keep in mind, his Bounty hasn't been updated since he arrived in the Grand Line. And that man there, is Trafalgar D. Water Law, Worth 200 million."

Robin was the one who would keep track of information that could be important for the crew to know. Other pirates who have high bounties is definitely part of that.

Carter had been using his Kenbunshoku the whole time he was here, to keep an eye on everything, and could suddenly sense an attack coming at him while everyone was staring dumbly at him. Lifting up his hand, he caught a bullet that was coming for his head from the side.

He looked down at the one who shot the bullet, the female World Noble.

"How dare a dumb peasant like you lay a hand on my fathers' noble body!" She yelled with anger.

Carter was about to speak back, but paused, sensing something from above. Looking up, he could see a long nosed, curly haired, mechanic coming falling straight towards the area in front of him, where the World Noble is standing.


"Ha, that didn't hurt that much." Usopp said, before looking down and seeing he was sitting on the back of the woman. "Sorry, ma'am, I didn't mean that."

"Hahaha! That was hilarious, long-nose guy!" Carter chuckled. He obviously knew who all the people here were but decided not to let them know that. "Thank you, Long-nose guy, you saved my life by taking out the evil World Noble!"

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-what!" Usopps face paled dramatically, as if Carter had just signed his death sentence.

"He Hurt Saint Shalulia! Get him!" A guard yelled, and a group of them immediately started chasing the long-nosed sniper around the room.

Carter then jumped down and walked through the battlefield toward Law and his companions, casually knocking out anyone who got in his way. When he got close, he walked down the aisle that Law was sitting in, and immediately took a seat next to him.

"Nice to meet you, Law. I am a big fan of how you cut people up." Carter said, with a joking tone. And it was true, Carter had been a fan of Law in his past life, when he watched One Piece. He was someone who dedicated his entire life to taking down the evil criminal empire of Donquixote Doflamingo. He was also the greatest surgeon seen in the story of One-Piece, almost unrivalled in that regard.

There were few characters throughout the show who were never shown to have a true rival. Nami is shown to already be an incredible navigator pre-timeskip with an instinctual understanding of weather and the ocean and was even better after studying for an extra two years. Sanji was never shown to have an equal when it came to cooking, and it seemed that the only one who he could call his rival was Old Man Zeff.

Then there was Law. There were many incredible doctors throughout the One-Piece world. Dr. Kureha and her student Chopper, Marco the Phoenix, and Crocus of the Roger Pirates were all seen as incredibly knowledgeable doctors, and yet it is unlikely that any of them would be capable of healing White Lead Disease, which Law managed to cure himself of when he was still young.

Although he was relying heavily on the overpowered nature of his devil fruit, the Ope Ope no Mi, he was still required to have intimate knowledge of the human body to achieve his ability. Carter didn't want to be an enemy of his, as he is one of the few in the Worst Generation that he respects.

"What do you want, Rei-ya?" Law asked boredly.

"Just coming to inspect the competition. I've had a look at the other members of the so-called Worst Generation, and none of them are prepared for what the New World has to offer."

"And you are?"

"Yep, but my crews not, so we won't be entering for a while. I think you should see about doing the same. Too many arrogant pirates get slaughtered their first day there, after all." Carter finished the conversation there, and just watched alongside Law and his crew as the fight continued on.

The female bubblehead had actually managed to wake up by now, from Usopps falling attack, and had decided to try to punish the lowly creatures who had attacked her family by killing the fish girl they had come to save. When the auction house manager tried to stop her, she shot him instead, gaining the attention of everyone in the auction house.

She levelled her gun straight at Camie, but Carter wasn't worried. He could already feel an old man and a giant making their way here from the back room, and still remembered the outcome of this scene, even though it has been almost 13 years since he saw it.

Suddenly, right as she was about to pull the trigger, an invisible wave of Conquerors Haki flowed through her, knocking her unconscious.

"Here it comes," Carter thought, "The introduction of the Dark King."

An old man came slowly walking through a hole in the wall, as a hole was being torn in the wall above him.

"The merchandise have escaped, a-a-and their collars! They're gone!" one guard yelled in panic.

"Look at that, Giant guy, the hall is a complete mess!" He laughed as he said.

"R-R-Rayleigh!" Hachi said through the pain from the bullet wound.

Rayleigh saw Hachi on the ground, and said, "Ooh, Isn't it Hachi? What are you doing here? Where did you get that wound? You don't have to speak."

He looked around the entire hall, taking in everything. He saw Camie in the cut fishbowl, he saw the straw-hat pirates, the knocked-out World Nobles, and the guards everywhere before saying, "So this means… I get it… I've figured out what happened here."

He activated his Conquerors haki once more and sent a wave of his powerful willpower around him, managing to ignore the Straw-hat pirates and their allies, but pressing down with full force on Carter, Law, and his crew. The only ones among them who reacted were some of the weaker members of Law's crew, however, and the only thing that happened was their knee wobbled a little. This showed the willpower that all of Law's crew possess.

Rayleigh then stared straight at Luffy, and said in a knowing tone, "That straw hat really suits dauntless men well, I have been looking forward to meeting you, Monkey D. Luffy."

Carter was having a wonderful time viewing this. He had missed a few of his favorite scenes of the anime, but he didn't mind because he was having his own adventure, but because he was on Sabaody at the same time, he really wanted to see this whole scene. This is the scene where the Straw Hats are truly introduced to Haki for the first time and realize how much farther they have to go.

Up until now, they have managed to handle everything that the world could throw at that, and they grew along with the experiences, but they had never come up against a true powerhouse. They had fought Aokiji before Water 7, but he barely tried, and Enel was an overconfident braggart. Had either of them taken the crew seriously, they would have been wiped out. And yet, here they were, halfway through their journey.

Carter closed his eyes and focused all of his Kenbunshoku on Rayleigh's actions. Rayleigh is about to use the advanced form of Haki, Internal Destruction, to destroy the collar on Camie. This is one of the few chances that he will have to view advanced Busoshoku before going to the New World. In fact, the ability is so rare even in the New World, that the only two pirates who were shown using it by the time Carter had Passed away on earth, were Rayleigh and Luffy.

He observed as close as he could and saw how Rayleigh's Busoshoku didn't just harden on his arms, but instead seemed to flow through them like water, and was launched into the collar. He simultaneously pulled the Collar off and threw it in the air, in such a quick time that Carter was the only one in the building able to follow his movements.

Franky soon came, and Rayleigh handed Camie over to him, while he walked to Hachan, to pick him up. On the way, he looked up at where Law and Carter sat, and said "Sorry about that, fellows. I didn't realize other pirates were watching. You must be quite strong to have withstood that with no problem at all."

Carter immediately took the chance to talk to the legendary pirate, and said, "No worries at all, Ossan. You seem to have retired for a while now, so your willpower is a little out of practice."

Rayleigh just laughed before focusing back on the Straw hatted man in front of him. Rayleigh and Luffy started talking, before a message came over a loudspeaker from outside.

"Alright, you criminals! Release the Roswald family at once! An admiral will be arriving shortly! I recommend immediate surrender! Don't blame us for whatever happens, you rookies!"

"We're not only caught up in this, we're being treated as accomplices now." Law stated blandly.

"That is why I took the chance to actually be an accomplice, Law. If they are going to pin a crime on me anyway, I may as well have fun doing it." He chuckled, before he stood up and said, "I think it is time for me to head out, everyone. I am not quite prepared to fight an admiral yet, after all."

Rayleigh then chimed in with, "Oh, I'd prefer not to use that power of mine anymore, so I leave this to you! It'll be hard for me to stay settled down if the navy discovers who I am."

Carter chuckled, as he walked out and called over his shoulder, "It is the duty of the young to look after the old, don't worry old man, I will clear up all of them outside of here, so none of you have to!"

Carter knew he was stealing the position of Eustass Kid here, but since he had already killed him, he decided it was his duty to. Carter was actually quite a fan of the future Kid, during the Wano Arc, but he could not reconcile with the slaughter that followed him and his crew wherever they went, so decided it best to just get rid of him. If Luffy needs help in the future, he can always step in and lend a hand.

Walking out the main hallway of the auction house, Carter was flanked by Luffy and Law. Both of the pirates beside him had bounties far higher than his, and subconsciously looked down on his strength because of it. His bounty was only 108 million, whereas Laws was 200 million, and Luffys was 300 million. The strength of a pirate is often gauged by how high their bounty is. Like on Jawa, when Bellamy looked down on Luffy for his low bounty but was slightly scared when he saw that his bounty was higher than his own later.

Law and Luffy were fighting with each other about who would deal with the marines outside, while somewhat ignoring Carter between them.

As they walked out into the open, they were met with hundreds of marines surrounding them, and many hundreds more rushing to join them as reinforcements.

"Alright! I'm gonna handle this!" Luffy said cracking his knuckles.

"You two should go back inside to your crews, I got this." Carter said calmly, though he was really enjoying this.

"You tell me what to do again, Rei-ya, and I will get rid of you."

"Haha, you are so funny, Law." He chuckled.

"Mortars, Fire!" the Marine Leader screamed.

"Gomu Gomu no, Balloon!" Luffy yelled, breathing in a bunch of air to puff his body up like a large, human balloon.

"Room!" Law said he would set up his room so that he could chop off a marine's head and replace it with the mortar shell.

Finally, Carter just reached out, and said "Kung fu style: Inner peace!" His body started moving, almost instinctually, to take all the shock out of the cannon ball. Because everyone around him seemed to love naming their attacks, he decided to get in on the trend for now, calling out names he remembered from things he had watched in the past.

The cannon ball seemed to flow in his hands as he turned with it and slowed it down to a stop, before bringing the explosive in front of him and holding it. This was a technique he had stolen from Kung Fu Panda. It was an ultimate technique about finding inner peace and allowing your body to flow freely, to not disturb nature. This was obviously something extremely easy for someone who had mastered most martial arts in this world.

"What are you trying to do with this little thing, captain?" Carter asked the marine captain opposite him while chucking it up and down. Suddenly, Carter threw the mortar shell out at a speed about 3 times what it came at him with, and it crashed through the mortar, destroying it, before flying to the backlines of the marines and hitting a pile of other mortar shells, creating a truly massive explosion.

"Th-that's Monkey D. Luffy, Worth 300 million. A-And Trafalgar D. Law, 200 million. And the one in the center is Rei D. Carter, worth 108 million. 3 pirates worth more than 100million are leading the attack!" yelled a marine in fear.

"I told you I could handle, it, you guys just worry about your crews." Said Carter, as he walked slowly toward the marines in front of him.

Before the two pirate captains could interfere, he used soru to get in amongst their lines and started destroying all of the remaining Mortars with his fists and feet. He knew that most of the pirates will have no trouble against such things, but if any of the slaves are hit by a stray mortar shell, they would likely meet a fiery death.

Carter could hear calls of "Gear, third!" and "Room!" in the distance, as he moved amongst the marines easily knocking them all down. He was holding himself back a lot, as he didn't feel the need to murder a bunch of marines just trying to do their jobs.

But no matter how many marines he knocked down, they just continued coming. He was only staying until he ensured the others had all evacuated, as he didn't want to change cannon too much, and without Kid here, some things could have changed. Once the Straw Hats, Heart Pirates, and the slave group had all evacuated the auction house and had gotten far enough away, he called out to them while pointing at the auction house. "Hey Guys, Watch out! I'm going to destroy this thing!"

He confirmed it was empty, before he changed his weight down to 10 grams and jumped high above the Auction house. As everyone watched on, he grinned massively and yelled out "GIGA, DRILL, BREAKER!"

For this attack he started high in the air and covered as much of his body as he could with Busoshoku Haki. Next, he started spinning on the spot, as fast as he could. He used two miniature soru like movements with his hands to cause his body to start spinning at insanely fast speeds. Finally, He kicked off the air with a Soru, straight toward the auction house below him, changing his weight up to 500kg on his way down. His weight was nothing compared to what it could be, but it would be more than enough to obliterate this auction house and the area directly around it.

A tornado was created in the air he moved, with winds strong enough to directly rip the building apart, and when he crashed into the ground, the entire grove they were on completely Cracked into thousands of pieces. Luckily, he waited for the Straw-hats, Heart Pirates, and the former slaves to make it to the various bridges to other islands before he attacked, or else they would not have escaped its aftermath.

As it was, the entire group of marines numbering in the thousands were all caught on the crumbling grove. Cracks from the attack spread underneath them all, and marines started falling into them. The cracks ran all along the grove, and up the tree branch the grove was built on, sending pieces of it everywhere.

Carter felt his body sinking directly into the ground, as if it wasn't there. He could sense himself getting closer and closer to the water underneath the grove, where a very watery death awaited him. He immediately lowered his weight once more, and Soru'd on the ground still remaining under him, straight up in the air. He moved so fast that no one except Rayleigh noticed him move out of the hole where the auction house, and Grove 1 once stood.

"S-Such Power." Whispered Usopp.

"Amazing!" Shouted Luffy, with his eyes shining like stars.

"Is he dead?" asked the ever-morbid minded Robin with a small smile, "He is probably trapped under all of that, suffocating to death, slowly, painfully."

"Nah, he already left." Said Rayleigh, still carrying Hachan toward the flying fish riders.

~Line Break~

Carter Soru'd back to Ginette and his crew. They should already be packed up, so it will be capable for them to set off immediately. Ginette had taken well to her new body, and while the crew were off ship, and training, she would swim around near the islands, taking full advantage of her now massive form.

Arriving on her deck an instant later, Carter said, "Everyone, we have to leave, right now."

"What did you do?" Bonney asked, staring at him suspiciously.


"Really?" she asked, staring at him through slitted eyes.

"Well, Straw Hat punched a celestial dragon, so an admiral is coming."

"And what did you do? That is not enough for you to have that guilty look on your face."

"Well, since an Admiral was coming anyway, I thought, why not? And gave a celestial dragon a punch." Carter said looking away from Bonney. She had constantly told him not to do anything like this, and yet he didn't listen to her.

"Are You Crazy! What if they decide to target us specifically?"

"They won't." Carter said, "there are so many pirates on this island and only one Admiral, what is the chances they would target us?"

Bonney, Leone, and Spencer all immediately face palmed, knowing that he had just likely jinxed them.

"Unmoor Ginette, we have to go!" Said Bonney, now far more frantic than before. "We can't afford to be attacked by an Admiral now!"

Contrary to most of their beliefs, they managed to freely sail throughout the groves without being attacked at all. They made it all the way to the end without seeing hide nor hair of any marines.

"See, guys, we are completely fine, I don't know why you were so worried." Carter said calmly, before rapidly paling.


As Ice started spreading out throughout the entire river that the Bonney Pirates were trying to sail out of, Carter's eyes shot to the side, to see a curly black haired, 9 foot 9 inch tall Man with a purple dress shirt, under a Marine Admiral Coat, and a sleep mask sitting on his forehead.

It is practically impossible for anyone who has watched One Piece to not recognize this man, as he is one of the most famous characters amongst the marines, at least pre-time skip. Marine Admiral Aokiji is one of the current top members of the marines, holding one of the three positions right behind the Fleet Admiral.

'What the hell is he doing here', Thought carter, his thoughts moving faster than they had in a long time, 'The only Admiral that should be here is Kizaru, and he should be too busy dealing with the swathes of pirates in the center of Sabaody!'

Even while those thoughts were going through his mind, his body was already moving. He jumped above the rapidly freezing body of water and sent a large Rankyaku down to split the water between his crew and the ice. Spinning with the kick, he sent a second Rankyaku at Aokiji.

The first Rankyaku was sent to make the distance that Aokiji would need to freeze be longer, so that he had more time to act, and the second to hit Aokiji in the arm he had in the water. Although it would be unable to harm him, it should be able to interrupt the attack and allow the Bonney Pirates some extra time to escape.

Carter continued to think it over in the following few hundred milliseconds and realized one basic fact. It is impossible to escape from Aokiji on the ocean. No matter how fast they may run, he will just follow them and continue freezing the water beneath them. He could then create ice spears, ice animals, or any number of other ice-based attacks to attack the crew while Carter was trying to deal with the Ice surrounding Ginette.

What this thought process leads to, is the only thing he can do now to ensure his crew escapes, stay behind, and engage Aokiji to keep him busy. Immediately acting on this, he said "Bonney, I will stay here and distract him. Get to the island I told you about, I will meet you there soon!"

"What? No, we'll take him on together!" Bonney said, angry at the thought of leaving Carter behind. Although he was the one who brought this danger to them, he was a member of her crew, and any enemy of his was an enemy of the whole crew.

"No, you guys are all too weak!" Carter declared with finality, "You will just get in my way, Ginette, Hybrid Mode, Go!"

Ginette's hybrid mode made her Half Caravel, Half Bakunawa. This allows her to turn into a hybrid version, where she grows a tail and her figurehead turns into a snake like head, allowing her to swim along the top of the water at high speeds.

He immediately used a Soru to appear in front of Aokiji. Instead of kicking him at high speed, he exited the soru and then attacked. He didn't want to show off the full extent of his abilities yet, because he may need them to escape. If Aokiji's Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki are superior to his, it is likely that even using his full ability he will not be able to do anything to the Marine Admiral.

Carters' current stamina was insane compared to most pirates, and yet he was not confident in his stamina when compared to the man in front of him. Aokiji had fought non-stop for 10 days straight against someone whose strength was roughly equal to him. Although he lost in the end, his ability to stop any opponent from being able to flee on a ship causes him to be the most dangerous admiral to almost any paradise pirate fleet.

Kizaru's speed is dangerous, but with Kenbunshoku, it is possible to predict his position. Carter would have an easier time against him because it would be a matter of speed vs speed. But in a fight against Aokiji, Carter has to protect what is behind him and stop Aokiji from attacking his crew.

Carter got into a regular boxing stance first off and sent a strong jab straight for Aokiji's face with no Busoshoku in it. Aokiji's face immediately shattered, and then reformed as he stood up. In the meantime, Carter reached into his pocket for something that he had purchased a long time ago but had never used. The Kairoseki Knuckle Dusters.

This would allow him to continue to hide the fact he has Haki from the admiral but put up a strong fight against him. If Aokiji finds out how powerful Carter is he will not be so relaxed in the fight and will likely aim for the crew before they can escape. The use of the Knuckle Dusters make Carters kicks useless, but he has more than enough martial arts that use his arms.

"Ah, can't you just give up and hand yourself in, pirate? I can't be bothered to fight you." Aokiji murmured.

"If you can't be bothered fighting, can't you just tell your superiors that I escaped?"

"And let a danger like you escape, how about no."

"Then I guess we will have to fight here." Carter finished, right before he took another step forward close into Aokiji's range and started hitting him with any number of punch combinations he had practiced throughout his many years of shadowboxing. Carter wasn't using Busoshoku or his devil fruit, and Aokiji was just using hand to hand combat as well, for now.

Carter was ducking and weaving any attempts to grab him from Aokiji, while Aokiji was quite easily leaning out of the way, dodging, parrying, and blocking all of Carters attacks. Since Carter left his island, he had always been far superior to all of his opponents. Here, he was a fair bit weaker and slower than Aokiji and could show off his superior hand to hand combat skills for the first time.

The two combatants fought back and forth for about 3 minutes, with neither gaining any true advantage, as they were both holding back a fair bit. Aokiji suddenly moved far faster than he had before and reached his hand straight for Carters face.

Carter ducked the punch, stepping into Aokiji's guard as he did a strong right uppercut, catching Aokiji right in the jaw. Aokiji flew about 5 meters in the air, shocked that he was caught off guard in such a manner, before he recovered and crossed his hands to send some ice-based attacks at the offender.

"Ice Spear"

Immediately, 4 spears of Ice shot straight at Carter, he easily flowed through them, just by tilting his body slightly and approached closer to Aokiji, but by the time he had reached him, Aokiji had formed a sword out of ice in one hand.

Now they were both fighting in different ways. Aokiji was attacking with his sword, and Carter was almost completely on the defensive. Aokiji always had the advantage of range, but now with an ice sword in his hands, he became far more dangerous. Closing in would normally be the best decision against a swordsman, so they can't use the advantage of reach, but against Aokiji that would be a horrible decision.

His blade was made out of the element he has absolute control over, so his fighting style with the bladed weapon does not require him to cut his opponent. As long as the ice touches the opponent's body, he can freeze them in a very painful and agonizingly slow death. Normally, he would be able to do this to opponents as they punch or kick them, and leave their skin burned with the cold of his ice, yet Carter's Knuckle Dusters cause his power to stop working for the moment that he is hit with them.

They continued fighting for another few minutes, with Carter going all out without using Busoshoku, his devil fruit, or his legs, and Aokiji casually treating Carter like a child. He was barely trying at all, seemingly too lazy to really get serious.

Unknown to Carter, the reason he wasn't trying hard to kill him was because of an order that came along with the order to attack him, "Alive Only". This was because of one little thing about him that the marines and the World Government were curious about. How did he learn Rokushiki?

Even when Carter was a bounty hunter in the South Blue, he had been observed using the Rokushiki with mastery far surpassing most marines. If the World Government had a leak, they needed to know who it was so they could put a stop to it. They originally were trying to recruit him and just ask him, but the moment he became a pirate they changed their plans. They would capture him and torture him for the information. After attacking the Marine Base at the entrance to the Reverse Mountain from South Blue, they never saw him again. There was no marine presence on Glacialus, or the Sanctuary of Bakunawa, and everywhere else they went he was far too stealthy.

That is to say, Aokiji was not trying to kill him, and was instead doing the exact same thing that Carter was. They were both just trying to stall each other. Carter was trying to stall Aokiji long enough for the Bonney Pirates to be far enough away to not be in danger, and Aokiji was trying to stall Carter long enough for his back up to arrive.

After a total of ten minutes, Carter had decided that he had stalled long enough, and said with a slight bow, "Thank you for enlightening me, Admiral Aokiji. I now see I have a long way to go."

Carter then tried to Soru away but found that his leg stopped moving. Throughout the fight, he had focused all of his Kenbunshoku on the opponent in front of him as he was the only one here and disregarded any other possible enemies. This is how someone else managed to sneak up on him. Looking down at his leg that refused to move, Carter noticed that it was wrapped all the way up in a bunch of thin strings. In fact, his whole body was.

'Doflamingo!' Carter thought, with rapidly widening eyes, 'I need to get out of here, now! I am not prepared to take on two monsters today.'

Carter began to break the strings off of his body, but he wasn't fast enough.


From Aokiji's outstretched hand, a beam of ice flowed straight toward Carter. It was slow enough that in normal circumstances he would be able to dodge it, but he was a bit tied up at the moment. Doflamingo's strings are hard enough to break normally, but he had even enhanced these ones with is Busoshoku, so Carter had no way of getting out of it.

The Beam hit Carter in the Legs, and slowly started coating his whole body in Ice. He tried to move his arms to hit the Ice away but found that his arms were suddenly yanked behind his back, in the regular position for handcuffs, by more strings tightly wrapped all over his arms.

'Dammit, why the hell are these two monsters working together!' Carter felt like cursing the heavens and hells for this. Never in the Anime did he see Doflamingo and Aokiji work together, so he wasn't even prepared for it. In fact, he wasn't prepared for someone else to interfere with the fight between an Admiral and a Rookie pirate at all.

As his body slowly froze over, Carter tried anything he could to get free. His Devil fruit was completely useless as the hold was too tight and didn't seem to care about his weight at all. His Busoshoku was far too weak to go against Doflamingo's Haoshoku enhanced Busoshoku so that was also a dud. The Ice had already covered his legs, arms, and entire torso, and was slowly making its way up his neck to his head.

'I need to at least ensure this doesn't kill me.' His thoughts moved rapidly, jumping from idea to idea, until he came upon the only option left in his repertoire, 'If I use Seimei Kikan to warm up my most vital organs, I should be able to survive, even if it greatly damages my body'

He immediately implemented his idea, protecting his heart, lungs, and his brain by forcefully heating them up to his normal body temperature as the rest froze. Normally, this would ensure his death as his heart would not be able to pump blood through his frozen arteries, however, Carter was able to control his heart so well that he was able to divert all of the blood flow to his lungs and his brain and unfreezing only the most needed arteries and veins.

He needed his brain to continue thinking while his body is frozen, so that he can come up with some way to survive this. He needs his heart to pump oxygen rich blood to his brain, to ensure that he doesn't pass out from the process, and he needs his lungs to continue taking in oxygen to add to the blood.

This process was secretive enough that neither Aokiji, who was standing in front of his frozen body, nor Doflamingo, who was currently floating down from above being held up by strings, could sense what he had done. Both of them just took it at face value that he was completely frozen.

"Why did those bastards want us to capture this weakling?" Doflamingo inquired, annoyed that he had been sent to take down a weak rookie.

"He has knowledge they want. Let's just get this over with so I can go to sleep."

"Are you taking this statue straight to them?"

"No, they said we need to take him to Impel Down, for now. The War is too important to bother with this, and he will still be there after The War."

Carter couldn't hear at all, but he could still see around him with his Kenbunshoku, so he knew what was going on. Aokiji had some marines pick him up, and carry him to a nearby warship, where he was placed within, with Aokiji standing guard the whole time, and watching over him.

Carter could not escape with Aokiji right there, so he waited. He waited for almost 3 days, before he finally sensed them approaching something. A large stone building in the middle of the sea, with tens of thousands of presences held within it. They pulled up to the dock, and Carter was carried by two Marines through the large metal gate, and into the building.

They carried him straight through the building, and into the elevator, before taking him straight down past the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th levels, straight down into the deepest depths of the prison. Opening the door, they entered into a large, dark, and cold area, the Eternal Hell.

They could have left him in Level 5, and left him frozen for good, but they wanted information from him, and that level had people and animals running around, that would have been able to kill him while he is frozen.

The marines placed him in a cell, before some Jailers put cuffs on his hands, left, and closed the cell door behind them, locking him into a small cell in the bottom of an inescapable prison. Up until this point in the original story, the only person to ever escape was the Golden Lion Shiki, but he had to cut both of his legs off to do it. Carter wasn't worried though, as he knew his chance to escape would be soon.